// --------------------------- process steps ---------------------------------------
        // matches data asset names to table names
        void IdentifyDatabaseTableMatchesForAssets(string[,] mutuallyExclusive, string[,] associations, float[] associationStrengths)
            // for each data asset
            //    load and prepare the names
            var assets = from a in this.dataContext.TeamDataAssets
                         select a;
            Console.WriteLine("Data Assets:");
            foreach (var asset in assets)
                TeamDataAssetSupplement semanticAsset = new TeamDataAssetSupplement("TeamDataAsset", asset.ID, asset.DataAssetName, mutuallyExclusive, associations, associationStrengths);

                // temp
                //SemanticString semanticName = semanticAsset.GetSemanticName();
                Console.WriteLine("   " + semanticAsset.GetSemanticName().GetText());

            // for each database table
            //    load and prepare the name (database + table)
            var servers = from a in this.dataContext.Servers
                          select a;
            foreach (var server in servers)
                foreach (var database in server.Databases)
                    foreach (var table in database.Tables)
                        TableSupplement semanticTable = new TableSupplement("Table", table.ID, database.Name + " " + table.Name, table);

            // compare each data asset to every table, keeping the best matches
            TeamDataAssetSupplement curAsset;
            TableSupplement curTable;
            SemanticString curAssetName;
            SemanticString curTableName;
            foreach (var asset in assets)
                curAsset = (TeamDataAssetSupplement)internalData.Get("TeamDataAsset", asset.ID);
                curAssetName = curAsset.GetSemanticName();

                bool allTablesChecked = false;
                int curID = 0;
                while (!allTablesChecked)
                    curTable = (TableSupplement)internalData.Get("Table", curID);
                    if (curTable == null)
                        allTablesChecked = true;
                        curTableName = curTable.GetSemanticName();
                        float matchScore = curAssetName.Match(curTableName);
                        curAsset.KeepIfWorthy(matchScore, curTable);

                // output to console
        void exerciseHashStore()
            SupplementSet internalData = new SupplementSet();

            TableSupplement obj = new TableSupplement("Table", 1);
            TableSupplement table = (TableSupplement)internalData.Get("Table", 1);
            if (table != null)
                Console.WriteLine("retrieved " + table.GetEntityType() + " " + table.GetID());

            TableSupplement table2 = (TableSupplement)internalData.Get("Table", 2);
            if (table2 == null)
                Console.WriteLine("second retrieval correctly fails");
        // maintains the top k scores for distinct simplified strings
        public void KeepIfWorthy(float score, TableSupplement table)
            if (score <= bestMatchScores[MATCH_QUEUE_SIZE - 1])

            bool inserted = false;
            for (int i=0; !inserted && i < MATCH_QUEUE_SIZE; i++)
                // insert in the queue if the score is good enough and the simplified string is different
                if (score > bestMatchScores[i] && IsNewTableName(table.GetSemanticName().GetText()))
                    for (int j=0; j < MATCH_QUEUE_SIZE - i - 1; j++)
                        bestMatchScores[MATCH_QUEUE_SIZE - 1 - j] = bestMatchScores[MATCH_QUEUE_SIZE - 2 - j];
                        bestMatches[MATCH_QUEUE_SIZE - 1 - j] = bestMatches[MATCH_QUEUE_SIZE - 2 - j];
                        bestMatchDatabases[MATCH_QUEUE_SIZE - 1 - j] = bestMatchDatabases[MATCH_QUEUE_SIZE - 2 - j];
                    bestMatchScores[i] = score;
                    bestMatches[i] = table;
                    bestMatchDatabases[i] = table.GetTableEntity().Database;
                    inserted = true;