Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static double ConvRAToHA(double fRA, DateTime dUT, double fLong)
            //Convert Right Ascension to Hour Angle at specified time and longitude
            double fLST;
            double fHA;

            fLST = ConvTimeToDec(CalcLSTFromUT(dUT, fLong));

            fHA = fLST - fRA;
            fHA = Trig.PutIn24Hour(fHA);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void ConvEquToHor(double fLatitude, double fHA, double fDecl, ref double fAlt, ref double fAzim)
            double fSinAlt;
            double fCosAzim;

            fHA       = Trig.DegToRad(fHA * 15);
            fDecl     = Trig.DegToRad(fDecl);
            fLatitude = Trig.DegToRad(fLatitude);
            fSinAlt   = (Math.Sin(fDecl) * Math.Sin(fLatitude)) + (Math.Cos(fDecl) * Math.Cos(fLatitude) * Math.Cos(fHA));
            fAlt      = Math.Asin(fSinAlt);
            fCosAzim  = ((Math.Sin(fDecl) - (Math.Sin(fLatitude) * Math.Sin(fAlt))) / (Math.Cos(fLatitude) * Math.Cos(fAlt)));
            fAzim     = Trig.RadToDeg(Math.Acos(fCosAzim));
            if (Math.Sin(fHA) > 0)
                fAzim = 360 - fAzim;
            fAlt = Trig.RadToDeg(fAlt);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void ConvHorToEqu(double fLatitude, double fAlt, double fAzim, ref double fHA, ref double fDecl)
            double fSinDecl;
            double fCosH;

            fAlt      = Trig.DegToRad(fAlt);
            fAzim     = Trig.DegToRad(fAzim);
            fLatitude = Trig.DegToRad(fLatitude);
            fSinDecl  = (Math.Sin(fAlt) * Math.Sin(fLatitude)) + (Math.Cos(fAlt) * Math.Cos(fLatitude) * Math.Cos(fAzim));
            fDecl     = Math.Asin(fSinDecl);
            fCosH     = ((Math.Sin(fAlt) - (Math.Sin(fLatitude) * Math.Sin(fDecl))) / (Math.Cos(fLatitude) * Math.Cos(fDecl)));
            fHA       = Trig.RadToDeg(Math.Acos(fCosH));
            if (Math.Sin(fAzim) > 0)
                fHA = 360 - fHA;

            fDecl = Trig.RadToDeg(fDecl);
            fHA   = fHA / 15.0;