Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult _EditProfile(FormCollection fc)
            Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            ErrorCodes errorCode = ErrorCodes.UnknownError;
            string errorMessage = MyUtility.getErrorMessage(ErrorCodes.UnknownError);
            collection = MyUtility.setError(errorCode, errorMessage);
            DateTime registDt = DateTime.Now;
            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                if (MyUtility.isUserLoggedIn())
                        string CountryCode = fc["CountryCode"];
                        string State = String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["State"]) ? fc["StateDD"] : fc["State"];

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["FirstName"]) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["LastName"]) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["CountryCode"]))
                            collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsMissingRequiredFields);
                            return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");

                        string FirstName = fc["FirstName"];
                        string LastName = fc["LastName"];
                        string City = fc["City"];

                        if (FirstName.Length > 32)
                            collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.LimitReached, "First Name cannot exceed 32 characters.");
                            return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");
                        if (LastName.Length > 32)
                            collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.LimitReached, "Last Name cannot exceed 32 characters.");
                            return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(State))
                            if (State.Length > 30)
                                collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.LimitReached, "State cannot exceed 30 characters.");
                                return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(City))
                            if (City.Length > 50)
                                collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.LimitReached, "City cannot exceed 50 characters.");
                                return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");

                        var context = new IPTV2Entities();

                        /***** CHECK FOR COUNTRY CODE ****/
                        if (context.Countries.Count(c => String.Compare(c.Code, CountryCode, true) == 0) <= 0)
                            collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsMissingRequiredFields, "Country Code is invalid.");
                            return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");
                        else if (GlobalConfig.ExcludedCountriesFromRegistrationDropDown.Split(',').Contains(CountryCode))
                            collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsMissingRequiredFields, "Country Code is invalid.");
                            return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(State))
                            collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsMissingRequiredFields, "State is required.");
                            return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");
                            if (context.States.Count(c => c.CountryCode == CountryCode.ToUpper()) > 0)
                                if (context.States.Count(s => s.CountryCode == CountryCode.ToUpper() && (s.StateCode == State || s.Name == State)) == 0)
                                    collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsMissingRequiredFields, "State is invalid.");
                                    return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");

                        //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(State))
                        //    collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsMissingRequiredFields, "State is required.");
                        //    return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");
                        //    if (context.Countries.Count(c => c.Code == CountryCode.ToUpper()) > 0)
                        //    {
                        //        if (context.States.Count(s => s.CountryCode == CountryCode.ToUpper() && (s.StateCode == State || s.Name == State)) == 0)
                        //        {
                        //            collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsMissingRequiredFields, "State is invalid.");
                        //            return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");
                        //        }
                        //    }

                        User user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == new System.Guid(User.Identity.Name));
                        if (user != null)
                            string CurrencyCode = GlobalConfig.DefaultCurrency;
                            string OldCountryCode = GlobalConfig.DefaultCountry;
                            Country country = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Code == user.CountryCode);
                            if (country != null)
                                CurrencyCode = country.Currency.Code; country = null;
                                OldCountryCode = user.Country.Code;

                            UserWallet currentWallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Currency == CurrencyCode);
                            if (currentWallet == null) //If no wallet, get default USD wallet.
                                currentWallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Currency == GlobalConfig.DefaultCurrency);

                            string newCountryCode = fc["CountryCode"];
                            user.FirstName = fc["FirstName"];
                            user.LastName = fc["LastName"];
                            user.City = fc["City"];
                            user.State = String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["State"]) || fc["State"] == "" ? (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["StateDD"]) ? user.State : fc["StateDD"]) : fc["State"];

                            country = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Code == newCountryCode);
                            if (country != null)
                                Currency currency = country.Currency;
                                CurrencyCode = (currency == null) ? GlobalConfig.DefaultCurrency : currency.Code;

                            UserWallet wallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Currency == CurrencyCode);
                            decimal balance = 0;
                            decimal oldWalletBalance = currentWallet.Balance;
                            string oldCurrency = currentWallet.Currency;
                            var oldGomsWalletId = currentWallet.GomsWalletId;
                            if (wallet == null) // Wallet does not exist. Create new wallet for User.
                                if (currentWallet != null)
                                    balance = currentWallet.Currency != CurrencyCode ? Forex.Convert(context, currentWallet.Currency, CurrencyCode, currentWallet.Balance) : currentWallet.Balance;
                                    //balance = currentWallet.Balance;
                                    currentWallet.Balance = 0;
                                    currentWallet.IsActive = false;
                                    //currentWallet.GomsWalletId = null; // Reset Goms WalletId
                                    currentWallet.LastUpdated = registDt;
                                wallet = ContextHelper.CreateWallet(balance, CurrencyCode, registDt);
                            else // Wallet already exists. Update the balance only.
                                if (currentWallet.Currency != wallet.Currency)
                                    balance = currentWallet.Currency != wallet.Currency ? Forex.Convert(context, currentWallet.Currency, wallet.Currency, currentWallet.Balance) : currentWallet.Balance;
                                    wallet.Balance = balance;
                                    //wallet.Balance += (currentWallet.Balance * 1);
                                    wallet.IsActive = true;
                                    wallet.LastUpdated = registDt;
                                    wallet.GomsWalletId = null; // Reset Goms WalletId
                                    currentWallet.Balance = 0; // Deactivate old wallet
                                    currentWallet.IsActive = false; //Deactivate
                                    //currentWallet.GomsWalletId = null; // Reset Goms WalletId
                                    currentWallet.LastUpdated = registDt;

                            user.CountryCode = newCountryCode; // Update user country
                            user.LastUpdated = registDt; // lastUpdate

                            // update the user's recurring billing
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["rb_list"]))
                                UpdateRecurringBillingViaEditProfile(context, user, fc["rb_list"]);

                            if (OldCountryCode != newCountryCode)
                                var offering = context.Offerings.Find(GlobalConfig.offeringId);

                                //Get User Transactions
                                if (user.HasOtherPendingGomsTransaction(offering))
                                    errorMessage = "We are still processing your transactions. Please try again after a few minutes.";
                                    collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.HasPendingChangeCountryTransaction, errorMessage);
                                    return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");
                                if (user.HasPendingGomsChangeCountryTransaction(offering))
                                    errorMessage = "We are processing your recent change in location. Please try again after a few minutes.";
                                    collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.HasPendingChangeCountryTransaction, errorMessage);
                                    return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");

                                if (user.HasTVEverywhereEntitlement(MyUtility.StringToIntList(GlobalConfig.TVEverywherePackageIds), offering))
                                    errorMessage = "You are not allowed to change country being a TV Everywhere user.";
                                    collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.HasPendingChangeCountryTransaction, errorMessage);
                                    return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");

                                ChangeCountryTransaction transaction = new ChangeCountryTransaction()
                                    OldCountryCode = OldCountryCode,
                                    NewCountryCode = newCountryCode,
                                    Date = registDt,
                                    OfferingId = GlobalConfig.offeringId,
                                    Reference = "Change Country",
                                    UserId = user.UserId,
                                    Amount = 0,
                                    NewWalletBalance = balance,
                                    OldWalletBalance = oldWalletBalance,
                                    OldGomsCustomerId = user.GomsCustomerId,
                                    OldGomsWalletId = oldGomsWalletId,
                                    Currency = oldCurrency,
                                    StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible


                            if (context.SaveChanges() > 0)
                                //string ProfilePageShare = fc["ProfilePageShare"];
                                //string EveryoneActivityFeedShare = fc["EveryoneActivityFeedShare"];
                                //string SocialNetworkShare = fc["SocialNetworkShare"];

                                string IsInternalSharingEnabled = fc["IsInternalSharingEnabled"];
                                string IsExternalSharingEnabled = fc["IsExternalSharingEnabled"];
                                string IsProfilePrivate = fc["IsProfilePrivate"];

                                UserData userData = new UserData()
                                    IsInternalSharingEnabled = IsInternalSharingEnabled,
                                    IsExternalSharingEnabled = IsExternalSharingEnabled,
                                    IsProfilePrivate = IsProfilePrivate
                                    //ProfilePageShare = ProfilePageShare,
                                    //EveryoneActivityFeedShare = EveryoneActivityFeedShare,
                                    //SocialNetworkShare = SocialNetworkShare
                                var res = GigyaMethods.SetUserData(user.UserId, userData);
                                setUserData(user.UserId.ToString(), user);

                                errorMessage = "Your information has been updated successfully.";
                                collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.Success, errorMessage);
                                errorMessage = "Error in updating your profile.";
                                collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.EntityUpdateError, errorMessage);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.UnknownError, e.Message);

            return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult EditProfile(FormCollection fc)
            Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            ErrorCodes errorCode = ErrorCodes.UnknownError;
            string errorMessage = MyUtility.getErrorMessage(ErrorCodes.UnknownError);
            collection = MyUtility.setError(errorCode, errorMessage);
            DateTime registDt = DateTime.Now;

            if (MyUtility.isUserLoggedIn())
                    var context = new IPTV2Entities();
                    User user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == new System.Guid(User.Identity.Name));
                    if (user != null)
                        string CurrencyCode = GlobalConfig.DefaultCurrency;
                        string OldCountryCode = GlobalConfig.DefaultCountry;
                        Country country = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => String.Compare(c.Code, user.CountryCode, true) == 0);
                        if (country != null)
                            CurrencyCode = country.Currency.Code; country = null;
                            OldCountryCode = user.Country.Code;

                        UserWallet currentWallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => String.Compare(w.Currency, CurrencyCode, true) == 0);
                        if (currentWallet == null) //If no wallet, get default USD wallet.
                            currentWallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => String.Compare(w.Currency, GlobalConfig.DefaultCurrency, true) == 0);

                        string newCountryCode = fc["CountryCode"];
                        user.FirstName = fc["FirstName"];
                        user.LastName = fc["LastName"];
                        user.City = fc["City"];
                        user.State = String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["State"]) || fc["State"] == "" ? (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["StateDD"]) ? user.State : fc["StateDD"]) : fc["State"];

                        country = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => String.Compare(c.Code, newCountryCode, true) == 0);
                        if (country != null)
                            Currency currency = country.Currency;
                            CurrencyCode = (currency == null) ? GlobalConfig.DefaultCurrency : currency.Code;

                        UserWallet wallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => String.Compare(w.Currency, CurrencyCode, true) == 0);
                        decimal balance = 0;
                        decimal oldWalletBalance = currentWallet.Balance;
                        string oldCurrency = currentWallet.Currency;
                        if (wallet == null) // Wallet does not exist. Create new wallet for User.
                            if (currentWallet != null)
                                balance = currentWallet.Currency != CurrencyCode ? Forex.Convert(context, currentWallet.Currency, CurrencyCode, currentWallet.Balance) : currentWallet.Balance;
                                //balance = currentWallet.Balance;
                                currentWallet.Balance = 0;
                                currentWallet.IsActive = false;
                                currentWallet.GomsWalletId = null; // Reset Goms WalletId
                                currentWallet.LastUpdated = registDt;
                            wallet = ContextHelper.CreateWallet(balance, CurrencyCode, registDt);
                        else // Wallet already exists. Update the balance only.
                            if (currentWallet.Currency != wallet.Currency)
                                balance = currentWallet.Currency != wallet.Currency ? Forex.Convert(context, currentWallet.Currency, wallet.Currency, currentWallet.Balance) : currentWallet.Balance;
                                wallet.Balance = balance;
                                //wallet.Balance += (currentWallet.Balance * 1);
                                wallet.IsActive = true;
                                wallet.LastUpdated = registDt;
                                wallet.GomsWalletId = null; // Reset Goms WalletId
                                currentWallet.Balance = 0; // Deactivate old wallet
                                currentWallet.IsActive = false; //Deactivate
                                currentWallet.GomsWalletId = null; // Reset Goms WalletId
                                currentWallet.LastUpdated = registDt;

                        user.CountryCode = newCountryCode; // Update user country
                        user.LastUpdated = registDt; // lastUpdate

                        if (OldCountryCode != newCountryCode)
                            ChangeCountryTransaction transaction = new ChangeCountryTransaction()
                                OldCountryCode = OldCountryCode,
                                NewCountryCode = newCountryCode,
                                Date = registDt,
                                OfferingId = GlobalConfig.offeringId,
                                Reference = "Change Country",
                                UserId = user.UserId,
                                Amount = 0,
                                NewWalletBalance = balance,
                                OldWalletBalance = oldWalletBalance,
                                Currency = oldCurrency,
                                StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible


                        if (context.SaveChanges() > 0)
                            setUserData(user.UserId.ToString(), user);

                            errorMessage = "Your information has been updated successfully.";
                            collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.Success, errorMessage);
                            errorMessage = "Error in updating your profile.";
                            collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.EntityUpdateError, errorMessage);
                catch (Exception e)
                    collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.UnknownError, e.Message);

            return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult _EditUserProfile(FormCollection fc)
            var ReturnCode = new TransactionReturnType()
                StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.UnknownError,
                StatusMessage = String.Empty

            string url = Url.Action("EditYourProfile", "User").ToString();
            var field_names = new string[] { "recurring_status", "disabled_list", "enabled_list", "internal_share", "external_share", "private_profile" };
                if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                    return RedirectToAction("EditYourProfile", "User");

                DateTime registDt = DateTime.Now;
                Dictionary<string, string> tmpCollection = fc.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, v => fc[v]);
                bool isMissingRequiredFields = false;

                foreach (var x in tmpCollection)
                    if (!field_names.Contains(x.Key))
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value))
                            isMissingRequiredFields = true;

                if (!isMissingRequiredFields) // process form
                    string FirstName = tmpCollection["first_name"];
                    string LastName = tmpCollection["last_name"];
                    string CountryCode = tmpCollection["country"];
                    string City = tmpCollection["city"];
                    string State = tmpCollection["state"];
                    string browser = Request.UserAgent;

                    if (FirstName.Length > 32)
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "First Name cannot exceed 32 characters.";
                    if (LastName.Length > 32)
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Last Name cannot exceed 32 characters.";
                    if (State.Length > 30)
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "State cannot exceed 30 characters.";
                    if (City.Length > 50)
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "City cannot exceed 50 characters.";

                    var context = new IPTV2Entities();
                    var userId = new Guid(User.Identity.Name);
                    User user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == userId);
                    if (user == null)
                        return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

                    if (GlobalConfig.ExcludedCountriesFromRegistrationDropDown.Split(',').Contains(CountryCode)) // check if country is part of the exclusion list first
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Country does not exist.";
                    else if (context.Countries.Count(c => String.Compare(c.Code, CountryCode, true) == 0) <= 0) // then check if country is part of the list                    
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Country does not exist.";
                    if (context.States.Count(s => String.Compare(s.CountryCode, CountryCode, true) == 0) > 0)
                        if (context.States.Count(s => String.Compare(s.CountryCode, CountryCode, true) == 0 && (String.Compare(s.StateCode, State, true) == 0 || String.Compare(s.Name, State, true) == 0)) <= 0)
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "State is invalid for this country.";

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ReturnCode.StatusMessage))
                        TempData["ErrorMessage"] = ReturnCode;
                        return RedirectToAction("EditYourProfile", "User");

                    string currentCountryCode = user.CountryCode;
                    string newCountryCode = CountryCode;
                    string currentCurrencyCode = user.Country.CurrencyCode;
                    string newCurrencyCode = GlobalConfig.DefaultCurrency;

                    //Update information that is not affected by country change                    
                    user.FirstName = FirstName;
                    user.LastName = LastName;
                    user.LastUpdated = registDt;

                    //Update privacy policy
                    string IsInternalSharingEnabled = fc["internal_share"];
                    string IsExternalSharingEnabled = fc["external_share"];
                    string IsProfilePrivate = fc["private_profile"];

                        UserData userData = new UserData()
                            IsInternalSharingEnabled = IsInternalSharingEnabled,
                            IsExternalSharingEnabled = IsExternalSharingEnabled,
                            IsProfilePrivate = IsProfilePrivate
                        GigyaMethods.SetUserData(user.UserId, userData);
                    catch (Exception) { }

                    // Update recurring billing
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["disabled_list"]))
                        UpdateRecurringBillingViaEditProfile2(context, user, fc["disabled_list"], false);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["enabled_list"]))
                        UpdateRecurringBillingViaEditProfile2(context, user, fc["enabled_list"], true);

                    //Check if country of user changed
                    if (String.Compare(user.CountryCode, CountryCode, true) != 0)
                        var offering = context.Offerings.Find(GlobalConfig.offeringId);
                        //Get User Transactions
                        if (user.HasOtherPendingGomsTransaction(offering))
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "We are still processing your transactions. Please try again after a few minutes.";
                        else if (user.HasPendingGomsChangeCountryTransaction(offering))
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "We are processing your recent change in location. Please try again after a few minutes.";
                        else if (user.HasTVEverywhereEntitlement(MyUtility.StringToIntList(GlobalConfig.TVEverywherePackageIds), offering))
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "You are not allowed to change country being a TV Everywhere user.";
                            var newCountry = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => String.Compare(c.Code, newCountryCode, true) == 0);
                            if (newCountry != null)
                                newCurrencyCode = newCountry.CurrencyCode;

                            var currentWallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => String.Compare(w.Currency, currentCurrencyCode, true) == 0);
                            if (currentWallet == null) //If no wallet, get default USD wallet.
                                currentWallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => String.Compare(w.Currency, GlobalConfig.DefaultCurrency, true) == 0);
                            var newWallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => String.Compare(w.Currency, newCurrencyCode, true) == 0);

                            decimal balance = 0;
                            decimal currentWalletBalance = currentWallet.Balance;
                            var currentGomsWalletId = currentWallet.GomsWalletId;
                            if (newWallet == null) // new wallet currency does not exist. create new wallet for user
                                if (currentWallet != null)
                                    balance = Forex.Convert(context, currentWallet.Currency, newCurrencyCode, currentWallet.Balance);
                                    currentWallet.Balance = 0;
                                    currentWallet.IsActive = false;
                                    currentWallet.LastUpdated = registDt;
                                    var wallet = ContextHelper.CreateWallet(balance, newCurrencyCode, registDt);
                            else  // new wallet currency exists, update the balance onl
                                if (String.Compare(newCurrencyCode, currentCurrencyCode, true) != 0)
                                    balance = Forex.Convert(context, currentWallet.Currency, newWallet.Currency, currentWallet.Balance);
                                    newWallet.Balance = balance;
                                    newWallet.IsActive = true;
                                    newWallet.LastUpdated = registDt;
                                    newWallet.GomsWalletId = null; // Reset Goms WalletId

                                    currentWallet.Balance = 0; // Deactivate old wallet
                                    currentWallet.IsActive = false; //Deactivate                                
                                    currentWallet.LastUpdated = registDt;
                                    newWallet.GomsWalletId = null;
                                    newWallet.LastUpdated = registDt;

                            ChangeCountryTransaction transaction = new ChangeCountryTransaction()
                                OldCountryCode = currentCountryCode,
                                NewCountryCode = newCountryCode,
                                Date = registDt,
                                OfferingId = GlobalConfig.offeringId,
                                Reference = "Change Country",
                                UserId = user.UserId,
                                Amount = 0,
                                NewWalletBalance = balance,
                                OldWalletBalance = currentWalletBalance,
                                OldGomsCustomerId = user.GomsCustomerId,
                                OldGomsWalletId = currentGomsWalletId,
                                Currency = currentCurrencyCode,
                                StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible
                            user.CountryCode = CountryCode;

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ReturnCode.StatusMessage))
                            TempData["ErrorMessage"] = ReturnCode;
                            return RedirectToAction("EditYourProfile", "User");

                        user.State = State;
                        user.City = City;

                        if (context.SaveChanges() > 0)
                            setUserData(user.UserId.ToString(), user);
                            ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;
                            ReturnCode.StatusHeader = "Profile update complete!";
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "You should see the changes on your profile automatically.";
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage2 = String.Empty;
                            TempData["ErrorMessage"] = ReturnCode;
                            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Profile");
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Ooops! We encountered a problem updating your profile. Please try again later.";
                        user.City = City;
                        user.State = State;
                        if (context.SaveChanges() > 0)
                            setUserData(user.UserId.ToString(), user);
                            ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;
                            ReturnCode.StatusHeader = "Profile update complete!";
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "You should see the changes on your profile automatically.";
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage2 = String.Empty;
                            TempData["ErrorMessage"] = ReturnCode;
                            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Profile");
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "The system encountered an unspecified error while updating your profile. Please contact support.";
                    ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Please fill in all required fields.";

                TempData["ErrorMessage"] = ReturnCode;
                url = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath;
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException en)
                MyUtility.LogException((Exception)en, string.Join(",", en.EntityValidationErrors).ToString());
            catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e); }
            return Redirect(url);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ProcessChangeCountryTransactionInGoms(IPTV2Entities context, ChangeCountryTransaction t)

            try // added try catch to save GomsRemarks
                if (t.GomsTransactionId != null)
                    throw new Exception("Transaction already processed in GOMS.");

                if (!IsUserVerifiedInTv(context, t.UserId))
                    throw new Exception("User is not verified in TFC.tv");
                // validate user
                GomsException validationResult = UserValidation(context, t.UserId);
                if (!(validationResult is GomsSuccess))
                    throw validationResult;

                if (t.OldGomsCustomerId != null)
                    var result = UpdateSubscriber(context, t.UserId);
                    if (result.IsSuccess)
                        t.GomsTransactionId = result.WalletId;
                        t.GomsTransactionDate = DateTime.Now;
                        t.GomsRemarks = null;
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Successfully processed transaction id: {0}", t.TransactionId));
                        throw new Exception(result.StatusMessage);

                    t.GomsTransactionId = -1; //Not applicable
                    t.GomsTransactionDate = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is GomsUserNotRegisteredException)
                    //var result = RegisterUser(context, t.UserId);
                    var result = RegisterUser2(context, t.UserId);
                    t.GomsTransactionId = result.WalletId;
                    t.GomsTransactionDate = DateTime.Now;
                    //    t.GomsRemarks = e.Message;
                    //    context.SaveChanges();
                    //catch (Exception ex)
                    //    Console.WriteLine("Error in saving GomsRemarks:" + ex.Message);
                    throw e;