Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Algorithm specific implementation of the path planning
        protected override void DoPathPlanning()
            bool blnClean = false;                              // Is there still probability left?
            int CurT = 0;                                       // Time used for current run (lawnmowing pattern)
            int RealT = 0;                                      // How much time left after current run
            int PatternStepCount = 0;                           // Used to remember last flight pattern inside box
            Point CurStart = new Point(curRequest.pStart.column, curRequest.pStart.row);    // Start point in each run
            Point End = new Point(curRequest.pEnd.column, curRequest.pEnd.row);             // End point for entire request
            List<Point> CurPathSegment = new List<Point>();     // Path planned for current run
            CurPathSegment.Add(CurStart);                       // Only do this once. Don't add Start again in future runs.

            int dist;
            Point CurPoint = new Point(CurStart.X, CurStart.Y);

            // Plan to do complete coverage multiple times if partial detection is used
            // Before distribution map is wiped clean
            while (!blnClean && RealT < curRequest.T)
                // If no more time left, go straight to end point
                dist = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(CurStart.X, CurStart.Y, End.X, End.Y);
                if (dist + 2 >= curRequest.T - RealT)
                    goto BreakoutCC;

                // First find bounding box that contains all the non-zero probability nodes
                bool EvenColumns = false;
                int Top, Bottom, Left, Right;
                Top = -1;
                Bottom = -1;
                Left = -1;
                Right = -1;

                RtwMatrix boundingbox = GetBox(ref EvenColumns, ref Top, ref Bottom, ref Left, ref Right);

                // If nothing left on map, exit while loop
                if (Top == -1 && Bottom == -1 && Left == -1 && Right == -1)
                    blnClean = true;

                #region Move inside the box if not in

                // Reset pattern step count
                PatternStepCount = 0;
                // Move inside
                Point Start = CurStart;
                CurPoint = new Point(Start.X, Start.Y);
                if (boundingbox[Start.Y, Start.X] == 0)
                    // Outside of the box, so plan shortest path to bounding box
                    Point Parent;
                    if (Path.Count == 0)
                        Parent = Start;
                    else if (Path.Count == 1)
                        Parent = Path[Path.Count - 1];
                        Parent = Path[Path.Count - 2];
                    if (Start.X < Left)
                        // Should go right
                        // Make sure it's a valid flight pattern for given UAV
                        Point Child = new Point(CurPoint.X + 1, CurPoint.Y);
                        if (!ValidMove(Parent, CurPoint, Child, End, curRequest.T - RealT))
                            if (CurPoint.Y < Top || CurPoint.Y == 0)
                            else if (CurPoint.Y > Bottom || CurPoint.Y == mDist.Rows - 1)
                                // Just go down (choices are up or down)
                            AddNodeToPath(CurPathSegment, ref CurT, ref RealT, ref CurPoint);

                            // If no more time left, go straight to end point
                            dist = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y, End.X, End.Y);
                            if (dist + 2 >= curRequest.T - RealT)
                                goto BreakoutCC;
                        // Move right horizentally
                        while (CurPoint.X < Left)
                            AddNodeToPath(CurPathSegment, ref CurT, ref RealT, ref CurPoint);

                            // If no more time left, go straight to end point
                            dist = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y, End.X, End.Y);
                            if (dist + 2 >= curRequest.T - RealT)
                                goto BreakoutCC;
                    else if (Start.X > Right)
                        // Should go left
                        // Make sure it's a valid flight pattern for given UAV
                        Point Child = new Point(CurPoint.X - 1, CurPoint.Y);
                        if (!ValidMove(Parent, CurPoint, Child, End, curRequest.T - RealT))
                            if (CurPoint.Y < Top || CurPoint.Y == 0)
                            else if (CurPoint.Y > Bottom || CurPoint.Y == mDist.Rows - 1)
                                // Just go down (choices are up or down)
                            AddNodeToPath(CurPathSegment, ref CurT, ref RealT, ref CurPoint);

                            // If no more time left, go straight to end point
                            dist = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y, End.X, End.Y);
                            if (dist + 2 >= curRequest.T - RealT)
                                goto BreakoutCC;
                        // Move left horizentally
                        while (CurPoint.X > Right)
                            AddNodeToPath(CurPathSegment, ref CurT, ref RealT, ref CurPoint);

                            // If no more time left, go straight to end point
                            dist = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y, End.X, End.Y);
                            if (dist + 2 >= curRequest.T - RealT)
                                goto BreakoutCC;
                        // No need to move horizentally
                    if (CurPoint.Y < Top)
                        // Should go down
                        // Make sure it's a valid flight pattern for given UAV
                        Point Child = new Point(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y + 1);
                        if (!ValidMove(Parent, CurPoint, Child, End, curRequest.T - RealT))
                            if (CurPoint.X < Left || CurPoint.X == 0)
                            else if (CurPoint.X > Right || CurPoint.X == mDist.Columns - 1)
                                // Just go right (choices are left or right)
                            AddNodeToPath(CurPathSegment, ref CurT, ref RealT, ref CurPoint);

                            // If no more time left, go straight to end point
                            dist = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y, End.X, End.Y);
                            if (dist + 2 >= curRequest.T - RealT)
                                goto BreakoutCC;
                        // Move down vertically
                        while (CurPoint.Y < Top)
                            AddNodeToPath(CurPathSegment, ref CurT, ref RealT, ref CurPoint);

                            // If no more time left, go straight to end point
                            dist = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y, End.X, End.Y);
                            if (dist + 2 >= curRequest.T - RealT)
                                goto BreakoutCC;
                    else if (CurPoint.Y > Bottom)
                        // Should go up
                        // Make sure it's a valid flight pattern for given UAV
                        Point Child = new Point(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y - 1);
                        if (!ValidMove(Parent, CurPoint, Child, End, curRequest.T - RealT))
                            if (CurPoint.X < Left || CurPoint.X == 0)
                            else if (CurPoint.X > Right || CurPoint.X == mDist.Columns - 1)
                                // Just go right (choices are left or right)
                            AddNodeToPath(CurPathSegment, ref CurT, ref RealT, ref CurPoint);

                            // If no more time left, go straight to end point
                            dist = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y, End.X, End.Y);
                            if (dist + 2 >= curRequest.T - RealT)
                                goto BreakoutCC;
                        // Move up vertically
                        while (CurPoint.Y > Bottom)
                            AddNodeToPath(CurPathSegment, ref CurT, ref RealT, ref CurPoint);

                            // If no more time left, go straight to end point
                            dist = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y, End.X, End.Y);
                            if (dist + 2 >= curRequest.T - RealT)
                                goto BreakoutCC;
                        // No need to move vertically
                    // Inside the box. Let's add Current Node first
                    // Point already in path segment

                #region Complete Coverage

                // Remember starting position inside bounding box
                Point boxstart = new Point(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y);
                // boxstart node counts as part of the pattern, increase counter
                // tempt is current timestep, used to identify first step in while loop
                bool AtBoxStart = true;

                // Once inside bounding box fly the pattern until mxn-1 steps (complete coverage)
                if (EvenColumns)
                    // Depending on the current position, decide which direction to go
                    // Do the following as long as there's still time or if I return back to boxstart
                    while (((CurPoint.X != boxstart.X || CurPoint.Y != boxstart.Y) && RealT <= curRequest.T) || AtBoxStart)
                        // Don't add boxstart, but add future nodes
                        if (!AtBoxStart)
                            // Add node to path
                            AddNodeToPath(CurPathSegment, ref CurT, ref RealT, ref CurPoint);
                            // Increase time counter
                            // If no more time left, go straight to end point
                            dist = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y, End.X, End.Y);
                            if (dist + 2 >= curRequest.T - RealT)
                                goto BreakoutCC;

                        // Move intelligently
                        if (CurPoint.X >= Left && CurPoint.X < Right && CurPoint.Y == Top)
                            // Top left corner. Go right
                        else if (CurPoint.X == Right && CurPoint.Y >= Top && CurPoint.Y < Bottom)
                            // Top right corner. Go down
                        else if (CurPoint.Y == Bottom && (CurPoint.X - Left) % 2 == 1)
                            // Bottom right corners. Go left
                        else if (CurPoint.Y <= Bottom && CurPoint.Y > Top + 1 && (CurPoint.X - Left) % 2 == 0)
                            // Bottom left corners. Go up
                        else if (CurPoint.Y == Top + 1 && CurPoint.X > Left && (CurPoint.X - Left) % 2 == 0)
                            // Second row right corners. Go left
                        else if (CurPoint.Y >= Top + 1 && CurPoint.Y < Bottom && (CurPoint.X - Left) % 2 == 1)
                            // Second row left corners. Go down
                        else if (CurPoint.X == Left && CurPoint.Y == Top + 1)
                            // Point left of top right corner. Go Right

                        AtBoxStart = false;
                    // Turn the pattern 90 degrees clockwise
                    while (((CurPoint.X != boxstart.X || CurPoint.Y != boxstart.Y) && RealT < curRequest.T) || AtBoxStart)
                        // Don't add boxstart, but add future nodes
                        if (!AtBoxStart)
                            // Add node to path
                            AddNodeToPath(CurPathSegment, ref CurT, ref RealT, ref CurPoint);
                            // Increase pattern step counter
                            // If no more time left, go straight to end point
                            dist = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y, End.X, End.Y);
                            if (dist + 2 >= curRequest.T - RealT)
                                goto BreakoutCC;

                        if (CurPoint.X == Right && CurPoint.Y >= Top && CurPoint.Y < Bottom)
                            // Top right corner. Go down
                        else if (CurPoint.X <= Right && CurPoint.X > Left && CurPoint.Y == Bottom)
                            // Bottom right corner. Go left
                        else if (CurPoint.X == Left && (CurPoint.Y - Top) % 2 == 1)
                            // Left bottom corners. Go up
                        else if (CurPoint.X >= Left && CurPoint.X < Right - 1 && (CurPoint.Y - Top) % 2 == 0)
                            // Left top corners. Go right
                        else if (CurPoint.X == Right - 1 && CurPoint.Y > Top && (CurPoint.Y - Top) % 2 == 0)
                            // Second column from right bottom corners. Go up
                        else if (CurPoint.X <= Right - 1 && CurPoint.X > Left && (CurPoint.Y - Top) % 2 == 1)
                            // Second column from right top corners. Go left
                        else if (CurPoint.X == Right - 1 && CurPoint.Y == Top)
                            // Point left of top right corner. Go Right

                        AtBoxStart = false;


                // Add current segment of path to total path

                // Clear current segment of path

                // Reset timer for current run
                CurT = 0;

                // Remember new start point
                CurStart = new Point(Path[Path.Count - 1].X, Path[Path.Count - 1].Y);

            // If all time used, we are done.
            if (RealT == curRequest.T)

            // After distribution map is wiped clean and still time left
            int FixedPatternStartAt = Path.Count - PatternStepCount;
            while (RealT < curRequest.T)
                CurPoint = new Point(Path[FixedPatternStartAt].X, Path[FixedPatternStartAt].Y);
                // If no more time left, go straight to end point
                dist = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(CurPoint.X, CurPoint.Y, End.X, End.Y);
                if (dist + 2 >= curRequest.T - RealT)
                    goto BreakoutCC;


            // Just enough time to go straight to end point now
            // Add current segment of path to total path
            if (CurPathSegment.Count > 0)
                // Clear current segment of path
                CurPathSegment = null;

            PathPlanningRequest newRequest = curRequest.Clone();
            newRequest.pStart.column = CurPoint.X;
            newRequest.pStart.row = CurPoint.Y;
            newRequest.T = curRequest.T - RealT;
            CDF -= lastCDF;
            mCurDist[CurPoint.Y, CurPoint.X] += (float)lastCDF;
            AlgLHCGWCONV myAlg = new AlgLHCGWCONV(newRequest, mCurDist, mDiff, Efficiency_UB, 3);
            if (Path.Count > 1)
                myAlg.SetBeforeStart(Path[Path.Count - 2]);

            // Record all related paths stuff
            CDF += myAlg.GetCDF();
            myAlg = null;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Join path segments together into one path
        private void JoinPathSegments(List<List<Point>> MidSegments, List<Point> allCentroids)
            //TODO Deal with flying backwards

            // First join
            List<Point> SegFirstPath = SegFirst.GetPath();
            Point p1 = SegFirstPath[SegFirstPath.Count - 1];
            Point p2 = MidSegments[0][0];
            if (p1.X == p2.X && p1.Y == p2.Y)
                Path.RemoveAt(Path.Count - 1);
                // Something is wrong!
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Seg1 and Seg2 don't connect.");
            // Find out path index order in MidSegments
            List<int> FinalRealOrder = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < FinalPerm.Count; i++)
                bool swap = false;
                if (FinalPerm2 != null)
                    for (int j = 0; j < FinalPerm2.Count; j++)
                        if (FinalPerm[i] == FinalPerm2[j])
                            swap = true;
                if (swap)
                    FinalRealOrder.Add(FinalPerm[i] * 2 + 3);
                    FinalRealOrder.Add(FinalPerm[i] * 2 + 2);
                    FinalRealOrder.Add(FinalPerm[i] * 2 + 2);
                    FinalRealOrder.Add(FinalPerm[i] * 2 + 3);
            // 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 ...
            FinalRealOrder.Insert(0, 0);

            //// Sanity Check:
            //int testDist = 0;
            //int d = 0;
            //d = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(
            //    MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[0]][MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[0]].Count - 1],
            //    MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[1]][MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[1]].Count - 1]);
            //Console.Write(" 0-3: " + (d - 1));
            //if (d > 0)
            //    testDist = testDist + d + 1 - 2;
            //d = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(
            //    MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[2]][MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[2]].Count - 1],
            //    MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[3]][MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[3]].Count - 1]);
            //Console.Write(" 2-7: " + (d - 1));
            //if (d > 0)
            //    testDist = testDist + d + 1 - 2;
            //d = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(
            //    MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[4]][MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[4]].Count - 1],
            //    MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[5]][MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[5]].Count - 1]);
            //Console.Write(" 6-4: " + (d - 1));
            //if (d > 0)
            //    testDist = testDist + d + 1 - 2;
            //d = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(
            //    MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[6]][MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[6]].Count - 1],
            //    MidSegments[1][MidSegments[1].Count - 1]);
            //Console.Write(" 5-1: " + (d - 1));
            //if (d > 0)
            //    testDist = testDist + d + 1 - 2;

            // Mid Joins
            for (int i = 0; i < FinalRealOrder.Count - 1; i = i + 2)
                p1 = MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[i]][MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[i]].Count - 1];
                p2 = MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[i + 1]][MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[i + 1]].Count - 1];
                if ((p1.X == p2.X && p1.Y == p2.Y) ||
                    (p1.X == p2.X && Math.Abs(p1.Y - p2.Y) == 1) ||
                    (Math.Abs(p1.X - p2.X) == 1 && p1.Y == p2.Y))
                    // The two paths are already connected.
                    // No need to plan path to connect to points.
                    // Need to connect two segments
                    PathPlanningRequest newRequest = curRequest.Clone();
                    newRequest.UseEndPoint = true;
                    newRequest.pStart = new DistPoint(p1.Y, p1.X);
                    newRequest.pEnd = new DistPoint(p2.Y, p2.X);
                    newRequest.T = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(p1, p2);
                    newRequest.AlgToUse = AlgType.LHCGWCONV;
                    AlgLHCGWCONV curSeg = new AlgLHCGWCONV(newRequest, mCurDist, mDiff, Efficiency_UB, 3);
                    mCurDist = curSeg.GetmCurDist();
                    Path.RemoveAt(Path.Count - 1);
                    Path.RemoveAt(Path.Count - 1);
                    curSeg = null;
                List<Point> reversePath = MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[i + 1]];
                Path.AddRange(MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[i + 2]]);
            // Last join
            if (curRequest.UseEndPoint)
                p1 = MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[FinalRealOrder.Count - 1]][MidSegments[FinalRealOrder[FinalRealOrder.Count - 1]].Count - 1];
                p2 = MidSegments[1][MidSegments[1].Count - 1];
                List<Point> reversePath = MidSegments[1];
                if ((p1.X == p2.X && p1.Y == p2.Y) ||
                    (p1.X == p2.X && Math.Abs(p1.Y - p2.Y) == 1) ||
                    (Math.Abs(p1.X - p2.X) == 1 && p1.Y == p2.Y))
                    // Two paths are already connected
                    // No need to reverse
                    // Need to connect two segments
                    PathPlanningRequest newRequest = curRequest.Clone();
                    newRequest.UseEndPoint = true;
                    newRequest.pStart = new DistPoint(p1.Y, p1.X);
                    newRequest.pEnd = new DistPoint(p2.Y, p2.X);
                    newRequest.T = MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(p1, p2);
                    newRequest.AlgToUse = AlgType.LHCGWCONV;
                    AlgLHCGWCONV curSeg = new AlgLHCGWCONV(newRequest, mCurDist, mDiff, Efficiency_UB, 3);
                    mCurDist = curSeg.GetmCurDist();
                    Path.RemoveAt(Path.Count - 1);
                    Path.RemoveAt(Path.Count - 1);
                    curSeg = null;
                Path.RemoveAt(Path.Count - 1);

                List<Point> SegLastPath = SegLast.GetPath();
                p1 = MidSegments[1][MidSegments[1].Count - 1];      // Already reversed from previous step
                p2 = SegLastPath[0];
                if (p1.X == p2.X && p1.Y == p2.Y)
                    // Something is wrong!
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("SegLast and the one before it don't connect.");

            // In case distance from start to end is odd but T is even (or vise versa) for copter
            if (curRequest.VehicleType == UAVType.Copter)
                if (Path.Count == curRequest.T)
                    // Just hover at end point
                    Path.Add(Path[Path.Count - 1]);

            //// Debug code
            //// Sanity Check
            //for (int i = 0; i < 900; i++)
            //    if (MISCLib.ManhattanDistance(Path[i], Path[i + 1]) > 1)
            //    {
            //        Console.Write("Path is disconnected!");
            //        System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Path is disconnected!");
            //    }

            //if (Path.Count != 901)
            //    Console.Write("Something is wrong with path length!\n");
            //    ComputeMinDist(allCentroids, MidSegments);
            //    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Something is wrong with path length!");