Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AccountsVoicemail" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="notify">notify.</param>
 public AccountsVoicemail(AccountsVoicemailNotify notify = default(AccountsVoicemailNotify))
     this.Notify = notify;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Vmboxes" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="checkIfOwner">Determines if when the user calls their own voicemail they should be prompted to sign in (default to true).</param>
 /// <param name="deleteAfterNotify">Move the voicemail to delete folder after the notification has been sent (default to false).</param>
 /// <param name="flags">Flags set by external applications.</param>
 /// <param name="isSetup">Determines if the user has completed the initial configuration (default to false).</param>
 /// <param name="isVoicemailFfRwEnabled">callflow allow fastforward and rewind during voicemail message playback (default to false).</param>
 /// <param name="mailbox">The voicemail box number (required).</param>
 /// <param name="media">media.</param>
 /// <param name="mediaExtension">Voicemail audio format (default to MediaExtensionEnum.Mp3).</param>
 /// <param name="name">A friendly name for the voicemail box (required).</param>
 /// <param name="notConfigurable">Determines if the user can configure this voicemail. (default to false).</param>
 /// <param name="notify">notify.</param>
 /// <param name="notifyEmailAddresses">List of email addresses to send notifications to (in addition to owner&#39;s email, if any).</param>
 /// <param name="oldestMessageFirst">Play older voicemail messages before new ones (default to false).</param>
 /// <param name="ownerId">The ID of the user object that &#39;owns&#39; the voicemail box.</param>
 /// <param name="pin">The pin number for the voicemail box.</param>
 /// <param name="requirePin">Determines if a pin is required to check the voicemail from the users devices (default to false).</param>
 /// <param name="saveAfterNotify">Move the voicemail to save folder after the notification has been sent (This setting will override delete_after_notify) (default to false).</param>
 /// <param name="seekDurationMs">callflow fastforward and rewind seek duration.</param>
 /// <param name="skipEnvelope">Determines if the envelope should be skipped (default to false).</param>
 /// <param name="skipGreeting">Determines if the greeting should be skipped (default to false).</param>
 /// <param name="skipInstructions">Determines if the instructions after the greeting and prior to composing a message should be played (default to false).</param>
 /// <param name="timezone">The default timezone.</param>
 public Vmboxes(bool?checkIfOwner = true, bool?deleteAfterNotify = false, List <string> flags = default(List <string>), bool?isSetup = false, bool?isVoicemailFfRwEnabled = false, string mailbox = default(string), VmboxesMedia media = default(VmboxesMedia), MediaExtensionEnum?mediaExtension = MediaExtensionEnum.Mp3, string name = default(string), bool?notConfigurable = false, AccountsVoicemailNotify notify = default(AccountsVoicemailNotify), List <string> notifyEmailAddresses = default(List <string>), bool?oldestMessageFirst = false, string ownerId = default(string), string pin = default(string), bool?requirePin = false, bool?saveAfterNotify = false, int?seekDurationMs = default(int?), bool?skipEnvelope = false, bool?skipGreeting = false, bool?skipInstructions = false, string timezone = default(string))
     // to ensure "mailbox" is required (not null)
     if (mailbox == null)
         throw new InvalidDataException("mailbox is a required property for Vmboxes and cannot be null");
         this.Mailbox = mailbox;
     // to ensure "name" is required (not null)
     if (name == null)
         throw new InvalidDataException("name is a required property for Vmboxes and cannot be null");
         this.Name = name;
     // use default value if no "checkIfOwner" provided
     if (checkIfOwner == null)
         this.CheckIfOwner = true;
         this.CheckIfOwner = checkIfOwner;
     // use default value if no "deleteAfterNotify" provided
     if (deleteAfterNotify == null)
         this.DeleteAfterNotify = false;
         this.DeleteAfterNotify = deleteAfterNotify;
     this.Flags = flags;
     // use default value if no "isSetup" provided
     if (isSetup == null)
         this.IsSetup = false;
         this.IsSetup = isSetup;
     // use default value if no "isVoicemailFfRwEnabled" provided
     if (isVoicemailFfRwEnabled == null)
         this.IsVoicemailFfRwEnabled = false;
         this.IsVoicemailFfRwEnabled = isVoicemailFfRwEnabled;
     this.Media = media;
     // use default value if no "mediaExtension" provided
     if (mediaExtension == null)
         this.MediaExtension = MediaExtensionEnum.Mp3;
         this.MediaExtension = mediaExtension;
     // use default value if no "notConfigurable" provided
     if (notConfigurable == null)
         this.NotConfigurable = false;
         this.NotConfigurable = notConfigurable;
     this.Notify = notify;
     this.NotifyEmailAddresses = notifyEmailAddresses;
     // use default value if no "oldestMessageFirst" provided
     if (oldestMessageFirst == null)
         this.OldestMessageFirst = false;
         this.OldestMessageFirst = oldestMessageFirst;
     this.OwnerId = ownerId;
     this.Pin     = pin;
     // use default value if no "requirePin" provided
     if (requirePin == null)
         this.RequirePin = false;
         this.RequirePin = requirePin;
     // use default value if no "saveAfterNotify" provided
     if (saveAfterNotify == null)
         this.SaveAfterNotify = false;
         this.SaveAfterNotify = saveAfterNotify;
     this.SeekDurationMs = seekDurationMs;
     // use default value if no "skipEnvelope" provided
     if (skipEnvelope == null)
         this.SkipEnvelope = false;
         this.SkipEnvelope = skipEnvelope;
     // use default value if no "skipGreeting" provided
     if (skipGreeting == null)
         this.SkipGreeting = false;
         this.SkipGreeting = skipGreeting;
     // use default value if no "skipInstructions" provided
     if (skipInstructions == null)
         this.SkipInstructions = false;
         this.SkipInstructions = skipInstructions;
     this.Timezone = timezone;