Ejemplo n.º 1
        void recursiveLinkDA(NodeBase source, NodeBase target, NodeFC fc)
            NodeBase linkedDa = target.LinkChildNodeByName(source);

            // Set FC
            if (linkedDa is NodeData && !(linkedDa is NodeDO))
                (linkedDa as NodeData).SCL_FCDesc = fc.Name;
            // Check DO / DA types
            if (linkedDa != source)
                // We are in a DA once again
                // That means this is a DO and not a DA
                // We have to create DO and add it to the iec model (target)
                // and replace linkedDa with this object
                NodeDO ido = new NodeDO(source.Name);
                ido.IsIecModel = true;
                linkedDa = target.AddChildNode(ido);
            foreach (NodeBase newSource in source.GetChildNodes())
                recursiveLinkDA(newSource, linkedDa, fc);