public void RemoveNeighbor(ManifoldPoint adj)
     if (this.neighbors != null)
 public void AddNeighbor(ManifoldPoint adj)
     if (this.neighbors == null)
         this.neighbors = new List <ManifoldPoint>();
     if (!this.neighbors.Contains(adj))
        public int CompareTo(PriorityQueueElement other)
            ManifoldPoint rec = other as ManifoldPoint;

            if (this.distance < rec.distance)
            if (this.distance > rec.distance)
        private void InitAppearanceManifold()
            int w = this.labImage.Width, h = this.labImage.Height;

            this.manifoldPoints       = new ManifoldPoint[w, h];
            this.leastWeatheredPoints = new List <ManifoldPoint>();
            this.mostWeatheredPoints  = new List <ManifoldPoint>();
            this.nonWeatheredPoints   = new List <ManifoldPoint>();

            this.kdTree = new KDTree <ManifoldPoint>(3);

            // create manifold points
            for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < h; ++j)
                    Lab           lab = this.labImage[j, i];
                    ManifoldPoint mp  = new ManifoldPoint(i * h + j,
                                                          new Vector3d(lab.X, lab.Y, lab.Z)

                    this.manifoldPoints[i, j] = mp;

                    switch (this.userMask[i, j])
                    case 1:                                     // least weathered -- left mouse button

                    case 2:                                     // least weathered -- left mouse button

                    case 3:                                     // unused pointes (e.g., shadows, etc)

                    // fill tree
                    kdTree.Add(mp, mp.Pos.x, mp.Pos.y, mp.Pos.z);
        private double[] ComputeDistanceFrom(ManifoldPoint rec)
            int           w = this.labImage.Width, h = this.labImage.Height;
            int           n     = w * h;
            PriorityQueue queue = new PriorityQueue(n);

            rec.Distance = 0;                   // initialize seed
            foreach (ManifoldPoint p in this.manifoldPoints)

            while (queue.IsEmpty() == false)
                ManifoldPoint u = queue.DeleteMin() as ManifoldPoint;
                foreach (ManifoldPoint v in u.Neighbors)
                    double dis = (u.Pos - v.Pos).Length();
                    if (dis < v.Distance)
                        v.Parent   = u;
                        v.Distance = dis;
                        if (!queue.IsEmpty())

            double[] distance = new double[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                distance[i] = this.manifoldPoints[i / h, i % h].Distance;
        private void ComputeShadingComponent()
            // find the least- and most- bright pixel in Ic channels
            // to determine the window radious r(x,y) = p*e(-q*Il(x,y)), so that
            // r(brightiest pixel) = 1, r(darkest pixel) = 20;
            double brightiest_Il = double.MinValue;
            double darkest_Il    = double.MaxValue;

            foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in this.manifoldPoints)
                if (mp.Il > brightiest_Il)
                    brightiest_Il = mp.Il;
                if (mp.Il < darkest_Il)
                    darkest_Il = mp.Il;
            double q = Math.Log(20.0) / (brightiest_Il - darkest_Il);
            double p = Math.Exp(q * brightiest_Il);

            // now compute the hist_xy for each pixel
            // first fill the pixels into buckets w.r.t. ab channels
            List <ManifoldPoint>[,] ab_buckets = new List <ManifoldPoint> [255, 255];
            for (int i = 0; i < 255; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < 255; ++j)
                    ab_buckets[i, j] = new List <ManifoldPoint>();
            foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in this.manifoldPoints)
                int I = (int)mp.Pos.y + 128;
                int J = (int)mp.Pos.z + 128;
                ab_buckets[I, J].Add(mp);

            int w = this.labImage.Width, h = this.labImage.Height;

            double[, ][] pixel_pdfs     = new double[w, h][];                           // for each pixel, initialize a pdf
            double[, ][] new_pixel_pdfs = new double[w, h][];                           // for each pixel, initialize a new pdf
            Random       rand           = new Random();
            int          K              = 500;
            int          numbins        = 100;

            double[] x_val = new double[numbins];
            for (int i = 0; i < numbins; ++i)                                                           // the x values for pdfs
                x_val[i] = (double)(i + 0.5) / numbins;

            // copy weathering degree
            foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in this.manifoldPoints)
                mp.OldWeatheringDegree = mp.WeatheringDegree;

            // iteration
            int itr = 0, maxitr = 5;

                foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in this.manifoldPoints)
                    int r = (int)(p * Math.Exp(-q * mp.Il));

                    // get all manifold points within the radius r
                    List <ManifoldPoint> ab_points = new List <ManifoldPoint>();
                    for (int i = -r; i < r; ++i)
                        for (int j = -r; j < r; ++j)
                            int I = (int)mp.Pos.y + 128 + i;
                            int J = (int)mp.Pos.z + 128 + j;
                            if (I >= 0 && I < 255 && J >= 0 && J < 255)
                                ab_points.AddRange(ab_buckets[I, J]);

                    // now radom sample K points -- might be repeated
                    double[] pdf    = new double[numbins];
                    int      ncount = ab_points.Count;
                    if (ncount > 0)
                        List <ManifoldPoint> hist_points = new List <ManifoldPoint>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i)
                        // build the histogram -- pdf
                        // divid the weathering degree into 100 uniform bins
                        double step = 1.0 / numbins;
                        foreach (ManifoldPoint pp in hist_points)
                            int bin_index = (int)(pp.WeatheringDegree / step) % numbins;
                            pdf[bin_index] += 1.0 / (hist_points.Count);                             // normalization
                    pixel_pdfs[mp.Index / h, mp.Index % h] = pdf;

                // convolve the pixel weathering degrees
                int windowsize = 2;
                for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < h; ++j)
                        double[] pdf1 = pixel_pdfs[i, j];
                        double[] res  = pdf1.Clone() as double[];
                        for (int k = -windowsize; k < windowsize; ++k)
                            int I = i + k, J = j + k;
                            if (I >= 0 && I < w && J >= 0 && J < h)
                                double[] pdf2 = pixel_pdfs[I, J];
                                for (int l = 0; l < pdf1.Length; ++l)
                                    res[l] *= pdf2[l];
                        new_pixel_pdfs[i, j] = res;
                // assign back the weathering degree
                for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < h; ++j)
                        double[] pdf1 = pixel_pdfs[i, j];
                        double[] pdf2 = new_pixel_pdfs[i, j];
                        double   mean1, var1, mean2, var2;
                        this.ComputeMeanAndVariance(pdf1, x_val, out mean1, out var1);
                        this.ComputeMeanAndVariance(pdf2, x_val, out mean2, out var2);
                        if (var1 < var2)                         // confidence increase
                            this.manifoldPoints[i, j].WeatheringDegree = mean2;
            }while (itr++ < maxitr);

            // now update the weathering (reflectance) component & compute the shading component
            List <ManifoldPoint>[] w_buckets = this.PackPointsIntoBins(1000);

            double[,] wl = new double[w, h];            // compute the new weathering component
            for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < h; ++j)
                    ManifoldPoint        curr_point = this.manifoldPoints[i, j];
                    double               wd         = curr_point.WeatheringDegree;
                    int                  btk_idx    = (int)(wd / 1e-3);
                    List <ManifoldPoint> mp_list    = new List <ManifoldPoint>();
                    foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in w_buckets[btk_idx])                                    // get all points with weather defree = wd
                        if (Math.Abs(mp.OldWeatheringDegree - wd) < 1e-5)
                    double mincrama = double.MaxValue;                          // get the one point with cloest ab value
                    foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in mp_list)
                        double dy = (curr_point.Pos.y - mp.Pos.y);
                        double dz = (curr_point.Pos.z - mp.Pos.z);
                        double dd = dy * dy + dz * dz;
                        if (dd < mincrama)
                            mincrama = dd;
                            wl[i, j] = mp.Wl;                                                   // assign the weathering component
            // compute the shading component
            for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < h; ++j)
                    ManifoldPoint curr_point = this.manifoldPoints[i, j];
                    double        _wl        = wl[i, j];
                    if (_wl > 0)
                        curr_point.Sl = curr_point.Il / wl[i, j];
                        curr_point.Sl = curr_point.Il / curr_point.Wl;
        private void ConvexilizePoints()
            // dilate and make convex the least- and most- weathered points
            // compute distances from src/tar points to all other points
            double[][] src_dist = new double[this.leastWeatheredPoints.Count][];
            double[][] tar_dist = new double[this.mostWeatheredPoints.Count][];
            int        I        = 0;

            this.leastWeatheredPoints.ForEach(p => src_dist[I++] = this.ComputeDistanceFrom(p));
            I = 0;
            this.mostWeatheredPoints.ForEach(p => tar_dist[I++] = this.ComputeDistanceFrom(p));

            // find the minmum distance between points in source and targets
            double geoV02V1 = double.MaxValue;

            foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in this.leastWeatheredPoints)
                foreach (double[] dist in tar_dist)
                    double d = dist[mp.Index];
                    if (d < geoV02V1)
                        geoV02V1 = d;
            geoV02V1 *= 0.9;

            // dilate the source (least weathered points)
            foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in this.manifoldPoints)
                if (this.leastWeatheredPoints.Contains(mp))
                double geovvo = double.MaxValue;
                foreach (double[] dist in tar_dist)
                    double d = dist[mp.Index];
                    if (d < geovvo)
                        geovvo = d;
                if (geovvo > geoV02V1)

            // dilate the target (most weathered points)
            foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in this.manifoldPoints)
                if (this.mostWeatheredPoints.Contains(mp))
                double geovvo = double.MaxValue;
                foreach (double[] dist in src_dist)
                    double d = dist[mp.Index];
                    if (d < geovvo)
                        geovvo = d;
                if (geovvo > geoV02V1)

            // convexilize
            List <ManifoldPoint> res_points = new List <ManifoldPoint>();

            foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in this.leastWeatheredPoints)
                foreach (ManifoldPoint mp2 in this.leastWeatheredPoints)
                    ManifoldPoint tmp = mp2;
                    while (tmp.Parent != null)
                        tmp = tmp.Parent;
            foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in res_points)
                if (!this.leastWeatheredPoints.Contains(mp))

            // the most-weathered points part
            foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in this.mostWeatheredPoints)
                foreach (ManifoldPoint mp2 in this.mostWeatheredPoints)
                    ManifoldPoint tmp = mp2;
                    while (tmp.Parent != null)
                        tmp = tmp.Parent;
            foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in res_points)
                if (!this.mostWeatheredPoints.Contains(mp))
        public void Weathering(double t)         // t -> time
            // divid into bins by weathering degrees -- for fast query
            List <ManifoldPoint>[] w_buckets = this.PackPointsIntoBins(1000);
            double intv = 1.0 / 1000;

            // by editing t, we edit the weathering degree (0,1) is deweathering, (1,infinity) is weathering
            int w = this.labImage.Width, h = this.labImage.Height;

            double[,] new_wl = new double[w, h];
            for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < h; ++j)
                    ManifoldPoint pt = this.manifoldPoints[i, j];

                    // compute the new weathering degree d'
                    double ds = pt.WeatheringDegree;
                    double dt = 1 - Math.Exp(-pt.Kw * t);
                    List <ManifoldPoint> srcpoints = this.FindPointsWithDegree(w_buckets[(int)(ds / intv)], ds);
                    List <ManifoldPoint> tarpoints = this.FindPointsWithDegree(w_buckets[(int)(dt / intv)], dt);

                    // compute src and tar geometric center
                    Vector3d srcvc = new Vector3d();
                    foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in srcpoints)
                        srcvc += mp.Pos;
                    srcvc *= (1.0 / srcpoints.Count);
                    Vector3d tarvc = new Vector3d();
                    foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in tarpoints)
                        tarvc += mp.Pos;
                    tarvc *= (1.0 / tarpoints.Count);

                    // find points closest to geometric centers
                    ManifoldPoint svc = null, tvc = null;
                    double        mindist = double.MaxValue;
                    foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in srcpoints)
                        double d = (mp.Pos - srcvc).Length();
                        if (d < mindist)
                            mindist = d;
                            svc     = mp;
                    mindist = double.MaxValue;
                    foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in tarpoints)
                        double d = (mp.Pos - tarvc).Length();
                        if (d < mindist)
                            mindist = d;
                            tvc     = mp;

                    int    I = svc.Index / h, J = svc.Index % h;
                    double RadSv1 = double.MinValue;
                    foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in srcpoints)
                        double d = this.manifoldGeodesic[I, J][mp.Index];
                        if (d > RadSv1)
                            RadSv1 = d;
                    double RbrVs1 = this.manifoldGeodesic[I, J][pt.Index] / RadSv1;                             // see paper - the distance between svc and the src point

                    // find the target point with degree d and assign the weathering component
                    I = tvc.Index / h; J = tvc.Index % h;
                    double   RadTa1 = double.MinValue;
                    double[] geo    = this.manifoldGeodesic[I, J];
                    foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in tarpoints)
                        double d = geo[mp.Index];
                        if (d > RadTa1)
                            RadTa1 = d;

                    // find the target point with degree d and assign the weathering component
                    mindist = double.MaxValue;
                    ManifoldPoint target = null;
                    foreach (ManifoldPoint mp in tarpoints)
                        double Rbrv  = geo[mp.Index] / RadTa1;
                        double geosv = this.manifoldGeodesic[i, j][mp.Index];
                        double d     = geosv * (Rbrv - RbrVs1);
                        if (d < mindist)
                            mindist = d;
                            target  = mp;

                    // apply the effect (combine with shading component)
                    this.labImage[i, j] = new Lab(target.Wl * pt.Sl, target.Pos.y, target.Pos.z);