Ejemplo n.º 1
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        // boilerplate
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>
        /// Compares two rule sets for equality.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="that">The other rule set</param>
        /// <returns>true if the two rule sets are functionally equivalent.</returns>
        public override bool Equals(Object that)
            // if different classes, they're not equal
            if (!(that  is  NFRuleSet))
                // otherwise, compare the members one by one...
                NFRuleSet that2 = (NFRuleSet)that;

                if (!name.Equals(that2.name) ||
                                                       that2.negativeNumberRule) ||
                                                       that2.fractionRules[0]) ||
                                                       that2.fractionRules[1]) ||
                                                       that2.fractionRules[2]) ||
                    rules.Length != that2.rules.Length ||
                    isFractionRuleSet != that2.isFractionRuleSet)

                // ...then compare the rule lists...
                for (int i = 0; i < rules.Length; i++)
                    if (!rules[i].Equals(that2.rules[i]))

                // ...and if we make it here, tney're equal
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Work routine. Post process the output, which was generated by the ruleset
        /// with the given name.
        /// </summary>
        public void Process(StringBuilder buf, NFRuleSet ruleSet)
            // markers depend on what rule set we are using

            if (ruleSet != lastRuleSet)
                String name = ruleSet.GetName();
                for (int i = 0; i < rulesetNames.Length; ++i)
                    if (rulesetNames[i].Equals(name))
                        format   = i;
                        longForm = i == 1 || i == 3;

            if (longForm)
                for (int i_0 = IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility.IndexOf(buf, "*"); i_0 != -1; i_0 = IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility
                                                                                        .IndexOf(buf, "*", i_0))
                    buf.Remove(i_0, i_0 + 1 - (i_0));

            String DIAN = "\u9ede";     // decimal point

            String[][] markers = { new String[] { "\u842c", "\u5104", "\u5146", "\u3007" },
                                   new String[] { "\u4e07", "\u4ebf", "\u5146", "\u3007" },
                                   new String[] { "\u842c", "\u5104", "\u5146", "\u96f6" } };

            // remove unwanted lings
            // a '0' (ling) with * might be removed
            // mark off 10,000 'chunks', markers are Z, Y, W (zhao, yii, and wan)
            // already, we avoid two lings in the same chunk -- ling without * wins
            // now, just need to avoid optional lings in adjacent chunks
            // process right to left

            // decision matrix:
            // state, situation
            // state none opt. req.
            // ----- ---- ---- ----
            // none to right none opt. req.
            // opt. to right none clear, none clear right, req.
            // req. to right none clear, none req.

            // mark chunks with '|' for convenience
                String[] m = markers[format];
                for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < m.Length - 1; ++i_1)
                    int n = IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility.IndexOf(buf, m[i_1]);
                    if (n != -1)
                        buf.Insert(n + m[i_1].Length, '|');

            int x = IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility.IndexOf(buf, DIAN);

            if (x == -1)
                x = buf.Length;
            int    s    = 0;  // 0 = none to right, 1 = opt. to right, 2 = req. to right
            int    n_2  = -1; // previous optional ling
            String ling = markers[format][3];

            while (x >= 0)
                int m_3 = IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility.LastIndexOf(buf, "|", x);
                int nn  = IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility.LastIndexOf(buf, ling, x);
                int ns  = 0;
                if (nn > m_3)
                    ns = (nn > 0 && buf[nn - 1] != '*') ? 2 : 1;
                x = m_3 - 1;

                // actually much simpler, but leave this verbose for now so it's
                // easier to follow
                switch (s * 3 + ns)
                case 0:       /* none, none */
                    s   = ns; // redundant
                    n_2 = -1;

                case 1:       /* none, opt. */
                    s   = ns;
                    n_2 = nn; // remember optional ling to right

                case 2:     /* none, req. */
                    s   = ns;
                    n_2 = -1;

                case 3:     /* opt., none */
                    s   = ns;
                    n_2 = -1;

                case 4:                                              /* opt., opt. */
                    buf.Remove(nn - 1, nn + ling.Length - (nn - 1)); // delete current
                    // optional ling
                    s   = 0;
                    n_2 = -1;

                case 5:                                                 /* opt., req. */
                    buf.Remove(n_2 - 1, n_2 + ling.Length - (n_2 - 1)); // delete previous
                    // optional ling
                    s   = ns;
                    n_2 = -1;

                case 6:     /* req., none */
                    s   = ns;
                    n_2 = -1;

                case 7:                                              /* req., opt. */
                    buf.Remove(nn - 1, nn + ling.Length - (nn - 1)); // delete current
                    // optional ling
                    s   = 0;
                    n_2 = -1;

                case 8:     /* req., req. */
                    s   = ns;
                    n_2 = -1;

                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

            for (int i_4 = buf.Length; --i_4 >= 0;)
                char c = buf[i_4];
                if (c == '*' || c == '|')
                    buf.Remove(i_4, i_4 + 1 - (i_4));