Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Append string representation of this <see cref="SetCookieHeaderValue"/> to given
        /// <paramref name="builder"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="builder">
        /// The <see cref="StringBuilder"/> to receive the string representation of this
        /// <see cref="SetCookieHeaderValue"/>.
        /// </param>
        public void AppendToStringBuilder(StringBuilder builder)

            if (Expires.HasValue)
                AppendSegment(builder, ExpiresToken, HeaderUtilities.FormatDate(Expires.GetValueOrDefault()));

            if (MaxAge.HasValue)
                AppendSegment(builder, MaxAgeToken, HeaderUtilities.FormatNonNegativeInt64((long)MaxAge.GetValueOrDefault().TotalSeconds));

            if (Domain != null)
                AppendSegment(builder, DomainToken, Domain);

            if (Path != null)
                AppendSegment(builder, PathToken, Path);

            if (Secure)
                AppendSegment(builder, SecureToken, null);

            // Allow for Unspecified (-1) to skip SameSite
            if (SameSite == SameSiteMode.None && !SuppressSameSiteNone)
                AppendSegment(builder, SameSiteToken, SameSiteNoneToken);
            else if (SameSite == SameSiteMode.Lax)
                AppendSegment(builder, SameSiteToken, SameSiteLaxToken);
            else if (SameSite == SameSiteMode.Strict)
                AppendSegment(builder, SameSiteToken, SameSiteStrictToken);

            if (HttpOnly)
                AppendSegment(builder, HttpOnlyToken, null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // name="value"; expires=Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT; max-age=86400; domain=domain1; path=path1; secure; samesite={strict|lax|none}; httponly
        public override string ToString()
            var length = _name.Length + EqualsToken.Length + _value.Length;

            string maxAge   = null;
            string sameSite = null;

            if (Expires.HasValue)
                length += SeparatorToken.Length + ExpiresToken.Length + EqualsToken.Length + ExpiresDateLength;

            if (MaxAge.HasValue)
                maxAge  = HeaderUtilities.FormatNonNegativeInt64((long)MaxAge.GetValueOrDefault().TotalSeconds);
                length += SeparatorToken.Length + MaxAgeToken.Length + EqualsToken.Length + maxAge.Length;

            if (Domain != null)
                length += SeparatorToken.Length + DomainToken.Length + EqualsToken.Length + Domain.Length;

            if (Path != null)
                length += SeparatorToken.Length + PathToken.Length + EqualsToken.Length + Path.Length;

            if (Secure)
                length += SeparatorToken.Length + SecureToken.Length;

            // Allow for Unspecified (-1) to skip SameSite
            if (SameSite == SameSiteMode.None && !SuppressSameSiteNone)
                sameSite = SameSiteNoneToken;
                length  += SeparatorToken.Length + SameSiteToken.Length + EqualsToken.Length + sameSite.Length;
            else if (SameSite == SameSiteMode.Lax)
                sameSite = SameSiteLaxToken;
                length  += SeparatorToken.Length + SameSiteToken.Length + EqualsToken.Length + sameSite.Length;
            else if (SameSite == SameSiteMode.Strict)
                sameSite = SameSiteStrictToken;
                length  += SeparatorToken.Length + SameSiteToken.Length + EqualsToken.Length + sameSite.Length;

            if (HttpOnly)
                length += SeparatorToken.Length + HttpOnlyToken.Length;

            return(string.Create(length, (this, maxAge, sameSite), (span, tuple) =>
                var(headerValue, maxAgeValue, sameSite) = tuple;

                Append(ref span, headerValue._name);
                Append(ref span, EqualsToken);
                Append(ref span, headerValue._value);

                if (headerValue.Expires is DateTimeOffset expiresValue)
                    Append(ref span, SeparatorToken);
                    Append(ref span, ExpiresToken);
                    Append(ref span, EqualsToken);

                    var formatted = expiresValue.TryFormat(span, out var charsWritten, ExpiresDateFormat);
                    span = span.Slice(charsWritten);


                if (maxAgeValue != null)
                    AppendSegment(ref span, MaxAgeToken, maxAgeValue);

                if (headerValue.Domain != null)
                    AppendSegment(ref span, DomainToken, headerValue.Domain);

                if (headerValue.Path != null)
                    AppendSegment(ref span, PathToken, headerValue.Path);

                if (headerValue.Secure)
                    AppendSegment(ref span, SecureToken, null);

                if (sameSite != null)
                    AppendSegment(ref span, SameSiteToken, sameSite);

                if (headerValue.HttpOnly)
                    AppendSegment(ref span, HttpOnlyToken, null);