Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the web cam texture to mat helper initialized event.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperInitialized()

            Mat   rawSizeMat    = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat();
            float rawSizeWidth  = rawSizeMat.width();
            float rawSizeHeight = rawSizeMat.height();

            Mat webCamTextureMat = imageOptimizationHelper.GetDownScaleMat(rawSizeMat);

            Debug.Log("Screen.width " + Screen.width + " Screen.height " + Screen.height + " Screen.orientation " + Screen.orientation);

            float width  = webCamTextureMat.width();
            float height = webCamTextureMat.height();

            texture = new Texture2D((int)width, (int)height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);

            previewQuad.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.mainTexture = texture;
            previewQuad.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, height / width, 1);

            // set camera parameters.
            double fx;
            double fy;
            double cx;
            double cy;

            string loadDirectoryPath               = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "HoloLensArUcoCameraCalibrationExample");
            string calibratonDirectoryName         = "camera_parameters" + rawSizeWidth + "x" + rawSizeHeight;
            string loadCalibratonFileDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(loadDirectoryPath, calibratonDirectoryName);
            string loadPath = Path.Combine(loadCalibratonFileDirectoryPath, calibratonDirectoryName + ".xml");

            if (useStoredCameraParameters && File.Exists(loadPath))
                CameraParameters param;
                XmlSerializer    serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CameraParameters));
                using (var stream = new FileStream(loadPath, FileMode.Open)) {
                    param = (CameraParameters)serializer.Deserialize(stream);

                fx = param.camera_matrix[0];
                fy = param.camera_matrix[4];
                cx = param.camera_matrix[2] / imageOptimizationHelper.downscaleRatio;
                cy = param.camera_matrix[5] / imageOptimizationHelper.downscaleRatio;

                camMatrix = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_64FC1);
                camMatrix.put(0, 0, fx);
                camMatrix.put(0, 1, 0);
                camMatrix.put(0, 2, cx);
                camMatrix.put(1, 0, 0);
                camMatrix.put(1, 1, fy);
                camMatrix.put(1, 2, cy);
                camMatrix.put(2, 0, 0);
                camMatrix.put(2, 1, 0);
                camMatrix.put(2, 2, 1.0f);

                distCoeffs = new MatOfDouble(param.GetDistortionCoefficients());

                Debug.Log("Loaded CameraParameters from a stored XML file.");
                Debug.Log("loadPath: " + loadPath);
                fx = this.fx;
                fy = this.fy;
                cx = this.cx / imageOptimizationHelper.downscaleRatio;
                cy = this.cy / imageOptimizationHelper.downscaleRatio;

                camMatrix = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_64FC1);
                camMatrix.put(0, 0, fx);
                camMatrix.put(0, 1, 0);
                camMatrix.put(0, 2, cx);
                camMatrix.put(1, 0, 0);
                camMatrix.put(1, 1, fy);
                camMatrix.put(1, 2, cy);
                camMatrix.put(2, 0, 0);
                camMatrix.put(2, 1, 0);
                camMatrix.put(2, 2, 1.0f);

                distCoeffs = new MatOfDouble(this.distCoeffs1, this.distCoeffs2, this.distCoeffs3, this.distCoeffs4, this.distCoeffs5);

                Debug.Log("Created a dummy CameraParameters.");

            Debug.Log("camMatrix " + camMatrix.dump());
            Debug.Log("distCoeffs " + distCoeffs.dump());

            //Calibration camera
            Size   imageSize      = new Size(width, height);
            double apertureWidth  = 0;
            double apertureHeight = 0;

            double[] fovx           = new double[1];
            double[] fovy           = new double[1];
            double[] focalLength    = new double[1];
            Point    principalPoint = new Point(0, 0);

            double[] aspectratio = new double[1];

            Calib3d.calibrationMatrixValues(camMatrix, imageSize, apertureWidth, apertureHeight, fovx, fovy, focalLength, principalPoint, aspectratio);

            Debug.Log("imageSize " + imageSize.ToString());
            Debug.Log("apertureWidth " + apertureWidth);
            Debug.Log("apertureHeight " + apertureHeight);
            Debug.Log("fovx " + fovx [0]);
            Debug.Log("fovy " + fovy [0]);
            Debug.Log("focalLength " + focalLength [0]);
            Debug.Log("principalPoint " + principalPoint.ToString());
            Debug.Log("aspectratio " + aspectratio [0]);

            // Display objects near the camera.
            arCamera.nearClipPlane = 0.01f;

            grayMat         = new Mat();
            ids             = new Mat();
            corners         = new List <Mat> ();
            rejectedCorners = new List <Mat> ();
            rvecs           = new Mat();
            tvecs           = new Mat();
            rotMat          = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_64FC1);

            transformationM = new Matrix4x4();

            invertYM = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(1, -1, 1));
            Debug.Log("invertYM " + invertYM.ToString());

            invertZM = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(1, 1, -1));
            Debug.Log("invertZM " + invertZM.ToString());

            detectorParams = DetectorParameters.create();
            dictionary     = Aruco.getPredefinedDictionary(Aruco.DICT_6X6_250);

            //If WebCamera is frontFaceing,flip Mat.
            if (webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetWebCamDevice().isFrontFacing)
                webCamTextureToMatHelper.flipHorizontal = true;

            downScaleFrameMat = new Mat((int)height, (int)width, CvType.CV_8UC4);
            rgbMat4preview    = new Mat();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the web cam texture to mat helper initialized event.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperInitialized()

            Mat grayMat = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat();

            float rawFrameWidth  = grayMat.width();
            float rawFrameHeight = grayMat.height();

            if (enableDownScale)
                downScaleMat    = imageOptimizationHelper.GetDownScaleMat(grayMat);
                DOWNSCALE_RATIO = imageOptimizationHelper.downscaleRatio;
                downScaleMat    = grayMat;
                DOWNSCALE_RATIO = 1.0f;

            float width  = downScaleMat.width();
            float height = downScaleMat.height();

            texture = new Texture2D((int)width, (int)height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
            previewQuad.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.mainTexture = texture;
            previewQuad.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f * width / height, 0.2f, 1);

            //Debug.Log("Screen.width " + Screen.width + " Screen.height " + Screen.height + " Screen.orientation " + Screen.orientation);

            DebugUtils.AddDebugStr(webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetWidth() + " x " + webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetHeight() + " : " + webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetFPS());
            if (enableDownScale)
                DebugUtils.AddDebugStr("enableDownScale = true: " + DOWNSCALE_RATIO + " / " + width + " x " + height);

            // create camera matrix and dist coeffs.
            string loadDirectoryPath               = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "HoloLensArUcoCameraCalibrationExample");
            string calibratonDirectoryName         = "camera_parameters" + rawFrameWidth + "x" + rawFrameWidth;
            string loadCalibratonFileDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(loadDirectoryPath, calibratonDirectoryName);
            string loadPath = Path.Combine(loadCalibratonFileDirectoryPath, calibratonDirectoryName + ".xml");

            if (useStoredCameraParameters && File.Exists(loadPath))
                // If there is a camera parameters stored by HoloLensArUcoCameraCalibrationExample, use it

                CameraParameters param;
                XmlSerializer    serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CameraParameters));
                using (var stream = new FileStream(loadPath, FileMode.Open))
                    param = (CameraParameters)serializer.Deserialize(stream);

                double fx = param.camera_matrix[0];
                double fy = param.camera_matrix[4];
                double cx = param.camera_matrix[2];
                double cy = param.camera_matrix[5];

                camMatrix  = CreateCameraMatrix(fx, fy, cx / DOWNSCALE_RATIO, cy / DOWNSCALE_RATIO);
                distCoeffs = new MatOfDouble(param.GetDistortionCoefficients());

                Debug.Log("Loaded CameraParameters from a stored XML file.");
                Debug.Log("loadPath: " + loadPath);

                DebugUtils.AddDebugStr("Loaded CameraParameters from a stored XML file.");
                DebugUtils.AddDebugStr("loadPath: " + loadPath);
                if (useStoredCameraParameters && !File.Exists(loadPath))
                    DebugUtils.AddDebugStr("The CameraParameters XML file (" + loadPath + ") does not exist.");

                CameraIntrinsics cameraIntrinsics = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetCameraIntrinsics();

                camMatrix  = CreateCameraMatrix(cameraIntrinsics.FocalLengthX, cameraIntrinsics.FocalLengthY, cameraIntrinsics.PrincipalPointX / DOWNSCALE_RATIO, cameraIntrinsics.PrincipalPointY / DOWNSCALE_RATIO);
                distCoeffs = new MatOfDouble(cameraIntrinsics.RadialDistK1, cameraIntrinsics.RadialDistK2, cameraIntrinsics.RadialDistK3, cameraIntrinsics.TangentialDistP1, cameraIntrinsics.TangentialDistP2);

                Debug.Log("Created CameraParameters from VideoMediaFrame.CameraIntrinsics on device.");

                DebugUtils.AddDebugStr("Created CameraParameters from VideoMediaFrame.CameraIntrinsics on device.");
                // The camera matrix value of Hololens camera 896x504 size.
                // For details on the camera matrix, please refer to this page. (http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/calib3d/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.html)
                // These values ​​are unique to my device, obtained from the "Windows.Media.Devices.Core.CameraIntrinsics" class. (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.media.devices.core.cameraintrinsics)
                // Can get these values by using this helper script. (https://github.com/EnoxSoftware/HoloLensWithOpenCVForUnityExample/tree/master/Assets/HololensCameraIntrinsicsChecker/CameraIntrinsicsCheckerHelper)
                double fx          = 1035.149;   //focal length x.
                double fy          = 1034.633;   //focal length y.
                double cx          = 404.9134;   //principal point x.
                double cy          = 236.2834;   //principal point y.
                double distCoeffs1 = 0.2036923;  //radial distortion coefficient k1.
                double distCoeffs2 = -0.2035773; //radial distortion coefficient k2.
                double distCoeffs3 = 0.0;        //tangential distortion coefficient p1.
                double distCoeffs4 = 0.0;        //tangential distortion coefficient p2.
                double distCoeffs5 = -0.2388065; //radial distortion coefficient k3.

                camMatrix  = CreateCameraMatrix(fx, fy, cx / DOWNSCALE_RATIO, cy / DOWNSCALE_RATIO);
                distCoeffs = new MatOfDouble(distCoeffs1, distCoeffs2, distCoeffs3, distCoeffs4, distCoeffs5);

                Debug.Log("Created a dummy CameraParameters (896x504).");

                DebugUtils.AddDebugStr("Created a dummy CameraParameters (896x504).");

            Debug.Log("camMatrix " + camMatrix.dump());
            Debug.Log("distCoeffs " + distCoeffs.dump());

            //DebugUtils.AddDebugStr("camMatrix " + camMatrix.dump());
            //DebugUtils.AddDebugStr("distCoeffs " + distCoeffs.dump());

            //Calibration camera
            Size     imageSize      = new Size(width, height);
            double   apertureWidth  = 0;
            double   apertureHeight = 0;
            double[] fovx           = new double[1];
            double[] fovy           = new double[1];
            double[] focalLength    = new double[1];
            Point    principalPoint = new Point(0, 0);
            double[] aspectratio    = new double[1];

            Calib3d.calibrationMatrixValues(camMatrix, imageSize, apertureWidth, apertureHeight, fovx, fovy, focalLength, principalPoint, aspectratio);

            Debug.Log("imageSize " + imageSize.ToString());
            Debug.Log("apertureWidth " + apertureWidth);
            Debug.Log("apertureHeight " + apertureHeight);
            Debug.Log("fovx " + fovx[0]);
            Debug.Log("fovy " + fovy[0]);
            Debug.Log("focalLength " + focalLength[0]);
            Debug.Log("principalPoint " + principalPoint.ToString());
            Debug.Log("aspectratio " + aspectratio[0]);

            // Display objects near the camera.
            arCamera.nearClipPlane = 0.01f;

            ids             = new Mat();
            corners         = new List <Mat>();
            rejectedCorners = new List <Mat>();
            rvecs           = new Mat();
            tvecs           = new Mat();
            rotMat          = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_64FC1);

            transformationM = new Matrix4x4();

            invertYM = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(1, -1, 1));
            Debug.Log("invertYM " + invertYM.ToString());

            invertZM = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(1, 1, -1));
            Debug.Log("invertZM " + invertZM.ToString());

            detectorParams = DetectorParameters.create();
            dictionary     = Aruco.getPredefinedDictionary(Aruco.DICT_6X6_250);

            //If WebCamera is frontFaceing, flip Mat.
            webCamTextureToMatHelper.flipHorizontal = webCamTextureToMatHelper.IsFrontFacing();

            rgbMat4preview = new Mat();
        public void OnFrameMatAcquired(Mat bgraMat, Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix, Matrix4x4 cameraToWorldMatrix)
            Mat   downScaleMat = null;
            float DOWNSCALE_RATIO;

            if (enableDownScale)
                downScaleMat    = imageOptimizationHelper.GetDownScaleMat(bgraMat);
                DOWNSCALE_RATIO = imageOptimizationHelper.downscaleRatio;
                downScaleMat    = bgraMat;
                DOWNSCALE_RATIO = 1.0f;

            Imgproc.cvtColor(downScaleMat, grayMat, CVTCOLOR_CODE);
            Imgproc.equalizeHist(grayMat, grayMat);

            if (enableDetection && !isDetecting)
                isDetecting = true;


                System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() =>
                    isThreadRunning = true;

                    DetectObject(grayMat4Thread, out detectionResult, cascade4Thread);

                    isThreadRunning = false;

            Rect[] rects;
            if (!useSeparateDetection)
                if (hasUpdatedDetectionResult)
                    hasUpdatedDetectionResult = false;

                    lock (rectangleTracker)

                lock (rectangleTracker)
                    rectangleTracker.GetObjects(resultObjects, true);
                rects = resultObjects.ToArray();
                Rect[] rectsWhereRegions;

                if (hasUpdatedDetectionResult)
                    hasUpdatedDetectionResult = false;

                    //UnityEngine.WSA.Application.InvokeOnAppThread (() => {
                    //    Debug.Log("process: get rectsWhereRegions were got from detectionResult");
                    //}, true);

                    lock (rectangleTracker)
                        rectsWhereRegions = detectionResult.ToArray();
                    //UnityEngine.WSA.Application.InvokeOnAppThread (() => {
                    //    Debug.Log("process: get rectsWhereRegions from previous positions");
                    //}, true);

                    lock (rectangleTracker)
                        rectsWhereRegions = rectangleTracker.CreateCorrectionBySpeedOfRects();

                int len = rectsWhereRegions.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    DetectInRegion(grayMat, rectsWhereRegions[i], detectedObjectsInRegions, cascade);

                lock (rectangleTracker)
                    rectangleTracker.GetObjects(resultObjects, true);

                rects = resultObjects.ToArray();

            if (enableDownScale)
                int len = rects.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    Rect rect = rects[i];

                    // restore to original size rect
                    rect.x      = (int)(rect.x * DOWNSCALE_RATIO);
                    rect.y      = (int)(rect.y * DOWNSCALE_RATIO);
                    rect.width  = (int)(rect.width * DOWNSCALE_RATIO);
                    rect.height = (int)(rect.height * DOWNSCALE_RATIO);

            Enqueue(() =>
                if (!webCamTextureToMatHelper.IsPlaying())

                DrawRects(rects, bgraMat.width(), bgraMat.height());

                Vector3 ccCameraSpacePos = UnProjectVector(projectionMatrix, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, overlayDistance));
                Vector3 tlCameraSpacePos = UnProjectVector(projectionMatrix, new Vector3(-overlayDistance, overlayDistance, overlayDistance));

                Vector3 position = cameraToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(ccCameraSpacePos);
                gameObject.transform.position = position;

                Vector3 scale = new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(tlCameraSpacePos.x - ccCameraSpacePos.x) * 2, Mathf.Abs(tlCameraSpacePos.y - ccCameraSpacePos.y) * 2, 1);
                gameObject.transform.localScale = scale;

                // Rotate the canvas object so that it faces the user.
                Quaternion rotation           = Quaternion.LookRotation(-cameraToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(2), cameraToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(1));
                gameObject.transform.rotation = rotation;

        public void OnFrameMatAcquired(Mat bgraMat, Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix, Matrix4x4 cameraToWorldMatrix)
            Mat   downScaleMat = null;
            float DOWNSCALE_RATIO;

            if (enableDownScale)
                downScaleMat    = imageOptimizationHelper.GetDownScaleMat(bgraMat);
                DOWNSCALE_RATIO = imageOptimizationHelper.downscaleRatio;
                downScaleMat    = bgraMat;
                DOWNSCALE_RATIO = 1.0f;

            Imgproc.cvtColor(downScaleMat, grayMat, CVTCOLOR_CODE);
            Imgproc.equalizeHist(grayMat, grayMat);

            if (enableDetection && !isDetecting)
                isDetecting = true;


                System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() =>
                    isThreadRunning = true;

                    DetectObject(grayMat4Thread, out detectionResult, cascade4Thread);

                    isThreadRunning = false;

            if (!displayCameraImage)
                // fill all black.
                Imgproc.rectangle(bgraMat, new Point(0, 0), new Point(bgraMat.width(), bgraMat.height()), new Scalar(0, 0, 0, 0), -1);

            if (!useSeparateDetection)
                if (hasUpdatedDetectionResult)
                    hasUpdatedDetectionResult = false;

                    lock (rectangleTracker)

                lock (rectangleTracker)
                    rectangleTracker.GetObjects(resultObjects, true);

                int len = resultObjects.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    Rect rect = resultObjects[i];

                    if (enableDownScale)
                        // restore to original size rect
                        rect.x      = (int)(rect.x * DOWNSCALE_RATIO);
                        rect.y      = (int)(rect.y * DOWNSCALE_RATIO);
                        rect.width  = (int)(rect.width * DOWNSCALE_RATIO);
                        rect.height = (int)(rect.height * DOWNSCALE_RATIO);

                    // draw face rect
                    Imgproc.rectangle(bgraMat, new Point(rect.x, rect.y), new Point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height), COLOR_RED, 2);
                Rect[] rectsWhereRegions;

                if (hasUpdatedDetectionResult)
                    hasUpdatedDetectionResult = false;

                    //UnityEngine.WSA.Application.InvokeOnAppThread (() => {
                    //    Debug.Log("process: get rectsWhereRegions were got from detectionResult");
                    //}, true);

                    lock (rectangleTracker)
                        rectsWhereRegions = detectionResult.ToArray();

                    DrawDownScaleFaceRects(bgraMat, rectsWhereRegions, DOWNSCALE_RATIO, COLOR_BLUE, 1);
                    //UnityEngine.WSA.Application.InvokeOnAppThread (() => {
                    //    Debug.Log("process: get rectsWhereRegions from previous positions");
                    //}, true);

                    lock (rectangleTracker)
                        rectsWhereRegions = rectangleTracker.CreateCorrectionBySpeedOfRects();

                    DrawDownScaleFaceRects(bgraMat, rectsWhereRegions, DOWNSCALE_RATIO, COLOR_GREEN, 1);

                int len = rectsWhereRegions.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    DetectInRegion(grayMat, rectsWhereRegions[i], detectedObjectsInRegions, cascade);

                lock (rectangleTracker)
                    rectangleTracker.GetObjects(resultObjects, true);

                len = resultObjects.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    Rect rect = resultObjects[i];

                    if (enableDownScale)
                        // restore to original size rect
                        rect.x      = (int)(rect.x * DOWNSCALE_RATIO);
                        rect.y      = (int)(rect.y * DOWNSCALE_RATIO);
                        rect.width  = (int)(rect.width * DOWNSCALE_RATIO);
                        rect.height = (int)(rect.height * DOWNSCALE_RATIO);

                    // draw face rect
                    Imgproc.rectangle(bgraMat, new Point(rect.x, rect.y), new Point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height), COLOR_RED, 2);

            Enqueue(() =>
                if (!webCamTextureToMatHelper.IsPlaying())

                Utils.fastMatToTexture2D(bgraMat, texture);

                Matrix4x4 worldToCameraMatrix = cameraToWorldMatrix.inverse;

                quad_renderer.sharedMaterial.SetMatrix("_WorldToCameraMatrix", worldToCameraMatrix);

                // Position the canvas object slightly in front
                // of the real world web camera.
                Vector3 position = cameraToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(3) - cameraToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(2) * 2.2f;

                // Rotate the canvas object so that it faces the user.
                Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(-cameraToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(2), cameraToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(1));

                gameObject.transform.position = position;
                gameObject.transform.rotation = rotation;
        public void OnFrameMatAcquired(Mat grayMat, Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix, Matrix4x4 cameraToWorldMatrix, CameraIntrinsics cameraIntrinsics)
            isDetectingInFrameArrivedThread = true;


            Mat   downScaleMat = null;
            float DOWNSCALE_RATIO;

            if (enableDownScale)
                downScaleMat    = imageOptimizationHelper.GetDownScaleMat(grayMat);
                DOWNSCALE_RATIO = imageOptimizationHelper.downscaleRatio;
                downScaleMat    = grayMat;
                DOWNSCALE_RATIO = 1.0f;

            Imgproc.equalizeHist(downScaleMat, downScaleMat);

            if (enableDetection && !isDetecting)
                isDetecting = true;


                System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() =>
                    isThreadRunning = true;

                    DetectObject(grayMat4Thread, out detectionResult, cascade4Thread);

                    isThreadRunning = false;

            if (!useSeparateDetection)
                if (hasUpdatedDetectionResult)
                    hasUpdatedDetectionResult = false;

                    lock (rectangleTracker)

                lock (rectangleTracker)
                    rectangleTracker.GetObjects(resultObjects, true);

                if (!displayCameraImage)
                    // fill all black.
                    Imgproc.rectangle(grayMat, new Point(0, 0), new Point(grayMat.width(), grayMat.height()), new Scalar(0, 0, 0, 0), -1);

                // draw face rect.
                DrawDownScaleFaceRects(grayMat, resultObjects.ToArray(), DOWNSCALE_RATIO, COLOR_WHITE, 6);
                Rect[] rectsWhereRegions;

                if (hasUpdatedDetectionResult)
                    hasUpdatedDetectionResult = false;

                    //Enqueue(() =>
                    //    Debug.Log("process: get rectsWhereRegions were got from detectionResult");

                    lock (rectangleTracker)
                        rectsWhereRegions = detectionResult.ToArray();
                    //Enqueue(() =>
                    //    Debug.Log("process: get rectsWhereRegions from previous positions");

                    lock (rectangleTracker)
                        rectsWhereRegions = rectangleTracker.CreateCorrectionBySpeedOfRects();

                int len = rectsWhereRegions.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    DetectInRegion(downScaleMat, rectsWhereRegions[i], detectedObjectsInRegions, cascade);

                lock (rectangleTracker)
                    rectangleTracker.GetObjects(resultObjects, true);

                if (!displayCameraImage)
                    // fill all black.
                    Imgproc.rectangle(grayMat, new Point(0, 0), new Point(grayMat.width(), grayMat.height()), new Scalar(0, 0, 0, 0), -1);

                // draw previous rect.
                DrawDownScaleFaceRects(grayMat, rectsWhereRegions, DOWNSCALE_RATIO, COLOR_GRAY, 1);

                // draw face rect.
                DrawDownScaleFaceRects(grayMat, resultObjects.ToArray(), DOWNSCALE_RATIO, COLOR_WHITE, 6);


            Enqueue(() =>
                if (!webCamTextureToMatHelper.IsPlaying())

                Utils.fastMatToTexture2D(grayMat, texture);

                Matrix4x4 worldToCameraMatrix = cameraToWorldMatrix.inverse;

                quad_renderer.sharedMaterial.SetMatrix("_WorldToCameraMatrix", worldToCameraMatrix);

                // Position the canvas object slightly in front
                // of the real world web camera.
                Vector3 position = cameraToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(3) - cameraToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(2) * 2.2f;

                // Rotate the canvas object so that it faces the user.
                Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(-cameraToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(2), cameraToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(1));

                gameObject.transform.position = position;
                gameObject.transform.rotation = rotation;

            isDetectingInFrameArrivedThread = false;