Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestRemoval()
            Model model = new Model("Test Model", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            Mixture         mixture = new Mixture(model, "Contents of vat 1", Guid.NewGuid());
            MaterialCatalog cat     = brs.MyMaterialCatalog;

            mixture.AddMaterial(cat["Acetone"].CreateMass(100, 20));
            mixture.AddMaterial(cat["Potassium Sulfate"].CreateMass(100, 20));
            mixture.AddMaterial(cat["Ammonia"].CreateMass(100, 20));
            Debug.WriteLine("Mixture has the following stuff...");
            Assert.IsTrue(mixture.Mass.Equals(300D), "Mixture is not 300 kg");

            Debug.WriteLine("Removing 100 kg of Acetone.");
            IMaterial matl = mixture.RemoveMaterial(cat["Acetone"], 100);

            Assert.IsTrue(mixture.Mass.Equals(200D), "Mixture is not 200 kg");
            Debug.WriteLine("Remaining is the following mixture:");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestVolumetricsOfDissolvedGases()
            Model model = new Model("Test Model", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();

            brs.MyMaterialCatalog.Add(new MaterialType(model, "Nitrous Oxide", Guid.NewGuid(), .001, 5, MaterialState.Gas));
            brs.MyMaterialCatalog.Add(new MaterialType(model, "Pixie Breath", Guid.NewGuid(), .001, 5, MaterialState.Gas));

            Mixture mixture = new Mixture(model, "Contents of vat 1", Guid.NewGuid());

            MaterialCatalog cat = brs.MyMaterialCatalog;

            AddSubstance(ref mixture, cat["Nitrous Oxide"], 100, 20);

            Assert.IsTrue(mixture.Volume.Equals(100000D), "Mass is not 10000 liters");

            AddSubstance(ref mixture, cat["Water"], 100, 50);
            Assert.IsTrue(mixture.Volume.Equals(100D), "Mass is not 100 liters");

            RemoveSubstance(ref mixture, cat["Water"], 100);
            Assert.IsTrue(mixture.Volume.Equals(100000D), "Mass is not 10000 liters");

            AddSubstance(ref mixture, cat["Pixie Breath"], 100, 20);
            Assert.IsTrue(mixture.Volume.Equals(200000D), "Mass is not 100 liters");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestCombinatorics()
            Model model = new Model("Test Model", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            Mixture mixture = new Mixture(model, "Contents of vat 1", Guid.NewGuid());

            MaterialCatalog cat = brs.MyMaterialCatalog;

            AddSubstance(ref mixture, cat["Nitrous Acid"], 100, 20);
            AddSubstance(ref mixture, cat["Potassium Hydroxide"], 150, 41);
            AddSubstance(ref mixture, cat["Water"], 100, 100);
            Assert.IsTrue(mixture.Mass.Equals(350D), "Mass is not 350 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(mixture.Temperature - (18150D / 350D)) < 0.00001, "Temperature is not 51.86724 C.");

            IMaterial matl = mixture.RemoveMaterial(cat["Nitrous Acid"]);

            Debug.WriteLine("Removing all avaliable " + matl.MaterialType.Name);
            Assert.IsTrue(mixture.Mass.Equals(250D), "Mass is not 250 kg");

            Debug.WriteLine("Adding " + matl.MaterialType.Name + " back in.");
            Assert.IsTrue(mixture.Mass.Equals(350D), "Mass is not 350 kg");

            Debug.WriteLine("Removing 50 kg of the " + matl.MaterialType.Name);
            matl = mixture.RemoveMaterial(matl.MaterialType, 50.0);
            Assert.IsTrue(mixture.Mass.Equals(300D), "Mass is not 300 kg");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the reaction processor in the model with sample reactions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="brs">The instance of ISupportsReactions that we will load..</param>
        private static void LoadSampleReactions(BasicReactionSupporter brs)
            Reaction r1 = new Reaction(null, "Reaction 1", Guid.NewGuid());

            r1.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Caustic Soda"], 0.5231);
            r1.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"], 0.4769);
            r1.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 0.2356);
            r1.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Sodium Chloride"], 0.7644);

            Reaction r2 = new Reaction(null, "Reaction 2", Guid.NewGuid());

            r2.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Sulfuric Acid"], 0.533622);
            r2.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Potassium Hydroxide"], 0.466378);
            r2.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 0.171333);
            r2.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Potassium Sulfate"], 0.828667);

            Reaction r3 = new Reaction(null, "Reaction 3", Guid.NewGuid());

            r3.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Caustic Soda"], 0.459681368);
            r3.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Nitrous Acid"], 0.540318632);
            r3.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 0.207047552);
            r3.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Sodium Nitrite"], 0.792952448);

            Reaction r4 = new Reaction(null, "Reaction 4", Guid.NewGuid());

            r4.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Potassium Hydroxide"], 0.544102);
            r4.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Nitrous Acid"], 0.455898);
            r4.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 0.174698);
            r4.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Potassium Nitrite"], 0.825302);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TestRemovalByMassFromSubstance()
            Model model = new Model("Hello, world.", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            // Now try to remove by mass from a substance.
            Debug.WriteLine("\r\nWe now work on a substance.");
            MaterialType mt = brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"];
            Substance    s  = (Substance)mt.CreateMass(100, 20);

            Debug.WriteLine("We have " + s);

            MaterialTransferSpecByMass tsbm = new MaterialTransferSpecByMass(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"], 10, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

            Debug.WriteLine("Want to remove " + tsbm);
            IMaterial removee = tsbm.GetExtract(s);

            Debug.WriteLine("Successful in removing " + removee + ".\r\nWhat remains is ");

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(s.Mass - 90.00) < 0.01, "The Water part is not 90 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(tsbm.Duration.Equals(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5, 0, 0)), "Removing 10 kg Water part did not take 5 Min");
Ejemplo n.º 6
            public TSTestJig(double mH2O, double mNANO2)
                m_brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();
                m_mixture = new Mixture(null, "Test Mixture");

                m_mixture.AddMaterial(m_brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"].CreateMass(mH2O, 20));            // Add 250 kg.
                m_mixture.AddMaterial(m_brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Sodium Nitrite"].CreateMass(mNANO2, 20)); // Add 100 kg NaNO2.
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void TestReactions()
            Model model = new Model("Test Model", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            // Define reaction
            Reaction r = new Reaction(null, "Reaction", Guid.NewGuid());

            r.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Potassium Hydroxide"], 0.544102);
            r.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Nitrous Acid"], 0.455898);
            r.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 0.174698);
            r.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Potassium Nitrite"], 0.825302);

            Mixture mixture = new Mixture(model, "Contents of vat 1", Guid.NewGuid());


            Debug.WriteLine("Adding two reactants to the mixture.");
            AddSubstance(ref mixture, brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Potassium Hydroxide"], 150, 41);
            AddSubstance(ref mixture, brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Nitrous Acid"], 100, 20);

            /* Calculation:
             * 0.544102 + 0.455898 = 0.174698 + 0.825302
             * 100 % Ractions = min(150kg / 0.544102, 100 kg / 0.455898) = about 219.35
             * --> Left over Pot Hyd = 150 kg - (219.35 * 0.544102)	= about  30.65 kg
             *     Water = 219.35 * 0.174698						= about  38.32 kg
             *     Pot Nit = 219.35 * 0.825302						= about 181.03 kg
             *														=		250.00 kg
            Substance water      = null;
            Substance potassiumH = null;
            Substance potassiumN = null;

            foreach (Substance s in mixture.Constituents)
                switch (s.Name)
                case "Water": water = s; break;

                case "Potassium Hydroxide": potassiumH = s; break;

                case "Potassium Nitrite": potassiumN = s; break;

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(potassiumH.Mass - 30.65) < 0.01, "The Potassium Hidroxide part is not 30.65 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(water.Mass - 38.32) < 0.01, "The Water part is not 38.32 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(potassiumN.Mass - 181.03) < 0.01, "The Potassium Nitrite part is not 181.03 kg");

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TestMaterialSpecifications()
            Model model = new Model("Test Model", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            Guid         city      = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid         dist      = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid         perr      = Guid.NewGuid();
            MaterialType waterType = (MaterialType)brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"];

            Substance w1 = (Substance)waterType.CreateMass(100, 37);

            w1.SetMaterialSpec(city, 100);
            Debug.WriteLine("\r\nCreating 100 kg of City Water (" + city + ").");

            Substance w2 = (Substance)waterType.CreateMass(40, 37);

            w2.SetMaterialSpec(dist, 40);
            Debug.WriteLine("\r\nCreating 40 kg of Distilled Water (" + dist + ").");

            Debug.WriteLine("\r\nAdding city water to distilled water.");

            Debug.WriteLine("\r\nRemoving 60 kg of the blended water.");
            Substance w3 = w1.Remove(60);


            Debug.WriteLine("\r\nCloning the blended water.");
            Substance w4 = (Substance)w3.Clone();


            Debug.WriteLine("\r\nPurifying the cloned blended water.");
            w4.ConvertMaterialSpec(dist, city);
            Debug.WriteLine("Purified clone:");
            Debug.WriteLine("...and original water:");

            double amtDistilled = w1.GetMaterialSpec(dist);

            Debug.WriteLine("\r\nThere are " + amtDistilled + " kg of distilled water.");

            w1.ConvertMaterialSpec(dist, city);
            Debug.WriteLine("\r\nConverting distilled water to city water.");
Ejemplo n.º 9
            private void Initialize(BasicReactionSupporter brs)
                MaterialCatalog   mcat = brs.MyMaterialCatalog;
                ReactionProcessor rp   = brs.MyReactionProcessor;

                //                        Model  Name    Guid           SpecGrav SpecHeat
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Water", Guid.NewGuid(), 1.0000, 4.1800, MaterialState.Liquid));
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Hydrochloric Acid", Guid.NewGuid(), 1.1890, 2.5500, MaterialState.Liquid));
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Caustic Soda", Guid.NewGuid(), 2.0000, 4.1800, MaterialState.Liquid));
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Sodium Chloride", Guid.NewGuid(), 2.1650, 4.1800, MaterialState.Liquid));
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Sulfuric Acid 98%", Guid.NewGuid(), 1.8420, 4.1800, MaterialState.Liquid));
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Potassium Hydroxide", Guid.NewGuid(), 1.3000, 4.1800, MaterialState.Liquid));
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Potassium Sulfate", Guid.NewGuid(), 1.0000, 4.1800, MaterialState.Liquid));
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Nitrous Acid", Guid.NewGuid(), 1.0000, 4.1800, MaterialState.Liquid));
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Sodium Nitrite", Guid.NewGuid(), 2.3800, 4.1800, MaterialState.Liquid));
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Potassium Nitrite", Guid.NewGuid(), 1.9150, 4.1800, MaterialState.Liquid));
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Aluminum Hydroxide", Guid.NewGuid(), 1.0000, 4.1800, MaterialState.Liquid));
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Ammonia", Guid.NewGuid(), 1.0000, 4.1800, MaterialState.Liquid));
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Ammonium Hydroxide", Guid.NewGuid(), 1.0000, 4.1800, MaterialState.Liquid));
                mcat.Add(new MaterialType(null, "Bromine", Guid.NewGuid(), 3.1200, 4.1800, MaterialState.Liquid));

                Reaction r1 = new Reaction(null, "Reaction 1", Guid.NewGuid());

                r1.AddReactant(mcat["Caustic Soda"], 0.5231);
                r1.AddReactant(mcat["Hydrochloric Acid"], 0.4769);
                r1.AddProduct(mcat["Water"], 0.2356);
                r1.AddProduct(mcat["Sodium Chloride"], 0.7644);

                Reaction r2 = new Reaction(null, "Reaction 2", Guid.NewGuid());

                r2.AddReactant(mcat["Sulfuric Acid 98%"], 0.533622);
                r2.AddReactant(mcat["Potassium Hydroxide"], 0.466378);
                r2.AddProduct(mcat["Water"], 0.171333);
                r2.AddProduct(mcat["Potassium Sulfate"], 0.828667);

                Reaction r3 = new Reaction(null, "Reaction 3", Guid.NewGuid());

                r3.AddReactant(mcat["Caustic Soda"], 0.459681368);
                r3.AddReactant(mcat["Nitrous Acid"], 0.540318632);
                r3.AddProduct(mcat["Water"], 0.207047552);
                r3.AddProduct(mcat["Sodium Nitrite"], 0.792952448);

                Reaction r4 = new Reaction(null, "Reaction 4", Guid.NewGuid());

                r4.AddReactant(mcat["Potassium Hydroxide"], 0.544102);
                r4.AddReactant(mcat["Nitrous Acid"], 0.455898);
                r4.AddProduct(mcat["Water"], 0.174698);
                r4.AddProduct(mcat["Potassium Nitrite"], 0.825302);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void TestBadReactionDefinition1()
            Model model = new Model("Test Model", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            MaterialType waterType = (MaterialType)brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"];

            Reaction r1 = new Reaction(model, "Reaction 1", Guid.NewGuid());

            r1.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 2.0);
            r1.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 2.0);
            r1.HeatOfReaction = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void TestReactions3()
            Model model = new Model("Test Model", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            MaterialType potassiumSulfateType = (MaterialType)brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Potassium Sulfate"];
            MaterialType acetoneType          = (MaterialType)brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Acetone"];
            MaterialType hexaneType           = (MaterialType)brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hexane"];

            Reaction r1 = new Reaction(model, "Reaction 1", Guid.NewGuid());

            r1.AddReactant(potassiumSulfateType, 1.0);
            r1.AddReactant(acetoneType, 2.5);
            r1.AddProduct(hexaneType, 3.0);
            r1.AddProduct(acetoneType, 0.5);
            r1.HeatOfReaction = 0;


            Mixture m       = new Mixture(model, "Mixture");
            string  results = "";

            r1.ReactionGoingToHappenEvent += new ReactionGoingToHappenEvent(delegate(Reaction reaction, Mixture mixture) {
                results += ("\r\nBefore = " + m.ToString("F2", "F4"));
            r1.ReactionHappenedEvent += new ReactionHappenedEvent(delegate(ReactionInstance reactionInstance) {
                results += ("\r\nAfter = " + m.ToString("F2", "F4") + "\r\n");



            m.AddMaterial(potassiumSulfateType.CreateMass(100, 37));
            m.AddMaterial(acetoneType.CreateMass(100, 37));

            Assert.AreEqual(results, EXPECTED_3);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void TestVaporSpaceMixtureHandling()
            Model model = new Model("Hello, world.", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            Mixture mixture = new Mixture(model, "VaporTester", Guid.NewGuid());

            mixture.AddMaterial(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Methanol"].CreateMass(200, 37));
            mixture.AddMaterial(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Methylene Chloride"].CreateMass(200, 37));
            mixture.AddMaterial(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"].CreateMass(200, 37));

            double T = 315;
            double V = 2.0;

            Console.WriteLine("Starting with " + mixture + " and estimating vapor at " + T + " degrees C in a " + V + " cubic meter space.");
            Mixture vs = mixture.GetVaporFor(V, T);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void TestReactions2()
            Model model = new Model("Test Model", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            MaterialType waterType   = (MaterialType)brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"];
            MaterialType ethanolType = (MaterialType)brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Ethanol"];

            Reaction r1 = new Reaction(model, "Reaction 1", Guid.NewGuid());

            r1.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 2.0);
            r1.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Ethanol"], 2.0);
            r1.HeatOfReaction = 0;

            string  actualResults = "";
            Mixture m             = new Mixture(model, "Mixture");

            r1.ReactionGoingToHappenEvent += new ReactionGoingToHappenEvent(delegate(Reaction reaction, Mixture mixture) {
                actualResults += ("\r\nBefore = " + m.ToString("F2", "F4"));
            r1.ReactionHappenedEvent += new ReactionHappenedEvent(delegate(ReactionInstance reactionInstance) {
                actualResults += ("\r\nAfter = " + m.ToString("F2", "F4") + "\r\n");


            m.AddMaterial(waterType.CreateMass(100, 37));

            m.AddMaterial(waterType.CreateMass(10, 37));

            string expected =
                "\r\nBefore = Mixture (37.00 deg C) of 100.0000 kg of Water\r\nAfter = Mixture (37.00 deg C) of 100.0000 kg of Ethanol\r\n\r\nBefore = Mixture (37.00 deg C) of 100.0000 kg of Ethanol and 10.0000 kg of Water\r\nAfter = Mixture (37.00 deg C) of 110.0000 kg of Ethanol\r\n";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actualResults);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void TestCompositeConstruction()
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();

            MaterialCatalog cat = brs.MyMaterialCatalog;

            Mixture mixture = Mixture.Create(cat["Acetone"].CreateMass(100, 20),
                                             cat["Potassium Sulfate"].CreateMass(100, 20),
                                             cat["Ammonia"].CreateMass(100, 20));

            Debug.WriteLine("Mixture has the following stuff...");
            Assert.IsTrue(mixture.Mass.Equals(300D), "Mixture is not 300 kg");

            Debug.WriteLine("Removing 100 kg of Acetone.");
            IMaterial matl = mixture.RemoveMaterial(cat["Acetone"], 100);

            Assert.IsTrue(mixture.Mass.Equals(200D), "Mixture is not 200 kg");
            Debug.WriteLine("Remaining is the following mixture:");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void TestRemovalByPercentageFromSubstance()
            Model model = new Model("Hello, world.", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            Debug.WriteLine("\r\nWe now work on a substance.");
            MaterialType mt = brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"];
            Substance    s  = (Substance)mt.CreateMass(100, 20);

            Debug.WriteLine("We have " + s);

            MaterialTransferSpecByPercentage tsbp = new MaterialTransferSpecByPercentage(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"], .75, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

            IMaterial removee = tsbp.GetExtract(s);

            Debug.WriteLine("Want to remove " + tsbp);
            Debug.WriteLine("Successful in removing " + removee + ".\r\nWhat remains is ");

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(s.Mass - 25.00) < 0.01, "The Water part is not 25 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(tsbp.Duration.Hours == 6 && tsbp.Duration.Minutes == 15, "Removing 75% Water part did not take 5 Min");
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void TestRemovalByMassFromMixture()
            Model model = new Model("Hello, world.", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            // Define reactions
            Reaction r = new Reaction(null, "Reaction", Guid.NewGuid());

            r.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Caustic Soda"], 0.5231);
            r.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"], 0.4769);
            r.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 0.2356);
            r.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Sodium Chloride"], 0.7644);

            Mixture mixture = new Mixture(model, "Test mixture 1", Guid.NewGuid());


            // Add substances
            AddSubstance(ref mixture, brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Caustic Soda"], 40, 20.0);
            AddSubstance(ref mixture, brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"], 40, 20.0);
            mixture.Temperature = 100.0;

            // Definitions to retrive substances from mixture
            Substance water            = null;
            Substance hydrochloricAcid = null;
            Substance sodiumCloride    = null;

            foreach (Substance su in mixture.Constituents)
                switch (su.Name)
                case "Water": water = su; break;

                case "Hydrochloric Acid": hydrochloricAcid = su; break;

                case "Sodium Chloride": sodiumCloride = su; break;

            _Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(hydrochloricAcid.Mass - 3.53) < 0.01, "The Hydrochloric Acid part is not 3.53 kg");
            _Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(water.Mass - 18.01) < 0.01, "The Water part is not 18.01 kg");
            _Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(sodiumCloride.Mass - 58.45) < 0.01, "The Sodium Cloride part is not 58.45 kg");

            // Remove 10 kg of water
            MaterialTransferSpecByMass tsbm = new MaterialTransferSpecByMass(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 10, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

            _Debug.WriteLine("Want to remove " + tsbm);
            IMaterial removee = tsbm.GetExtract(mixture);

            _Debug.WriteLine("Successful in removing " + removee + ".\r\nWhat remains is ");

            foreach (Substance su in mixture.Constituents)
                switch (su.Name)
                case "Water": water = su; break;

                case "Hydrochloric Acid": hydrochloricAcid = su; break;

                case "Sodium Chloride": sodiumCloride = su; break;

            _Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(hydrochloricAcid.Mass - 3.53) < 0.01, "The Hydrochloric Acid part is not 3.53 kg");
            _Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(water.Mass - 8.01) < 0.01, "The Water part is not 8.01 kg");
            _Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(sodiumCloride.Mass - 58.45) < 0.01, "The Sodium Chloride part is not 58.45 kg");
            _Debug.Assert(tsbm.Duration.Equals(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5, 0, 0)), "Removing 10 kg Water part did not take 5 Min");
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void TestReactionBasics()
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            Mixture mixture = new Mixture(null, "test mixture");

            mixture.OnReactionHappened += new ReactionHappenedEvent(mixture_OnReactionHappened);

            mixture.AddMaterial(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"].CreateMass(10, 20));
            mixture.AddMaterial(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Caustic Soda"].CreateMass(12, 44));

            foreach (IMaterial constituent in mixture.Constituents)

            /* Calculation mass:
             * 0.5231 + 0.4769 = 0.2356 + 0.7644
             * 100 % Ractions = min(10 kg / 0.4769, 12 kg / 0.5231)	= about  20.97
             * --> Left over Caustic Soda = 12 kg - (20.97 * 0.5231)= about   1.03 kg
             *     Water = 20.97 * 0.2356							= about   4.94 kg
             *     Sodium Cloride = 20.97 * 0.7644					= about  16.03 kg
             *														=		 22.00 kg
             * Calculation temperature:
             * Hydrochloric Acid specific heat = 4.18
             * Caustic Soda specific heat = 2.55
             * Heat of Hydrochloric Acid is 10 kg * 2.55 * 20 dC	= about  510.00 dC
             * Heat of Caustic Soda is 12 kg * 4.18 * 44 dC			= about 2207.04 dC
             * Subtotal												= about 2717.04 dC
             * Divide by 10 * 2.55 + 12 * 4.18						= 75.66
             * Mixture temperature is 2717.04 / 75.66				= about   35.91 dC

            Substance water  = null;
            Substance sodium = null;
            Substance soda   = null;

            foreach (Substance s in mixture.Constituents)
                switch (s.Name)
                case "Water":
                    water = s;

                case "Sodium Chloride":
                    sodium = s;

                case "Caustic Soda":
                    soda = s;

            _Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(soda.Mass - 1.03) < 0.01, "The Caustic Soda part is not 2.88 kg");
            _Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(water.Mass - 4.94) < 0.01, "The Water part is not 4.5 kg");
            _Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(sodium.Mass - 16.03) < 0.01, "The Sodium Cloride part is not 14.61 kg");
            _Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(mixture.Temperature - 35.91) < 0.01, "The temperature is not 33.09 degrees C");
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void TestCatalyticReactionBasics()
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            int     nReactions = 0;
            Mixture mixture    = new Mixture(null, "test mixture");

            mixture.OnReactionHappened += new ReactionHappenedEvent(mixture_OnReactionHappened);
            mixture.OnReactionHappened += new ReactionHappenedEvent(delegate(ReactionInstance r) { nReactions++; });

            mixture.AddMaterial(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrogen"].CreateMass(10, 20));
            mixture.AddMaterial(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Oil"].CreateMass(12, 44));

            foreach (IMaterial constituent in mixture.Constituents)

            mixture.AddMaterial(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Palladium"].CreateMass(1, 44));

            foreach (IMaterial constituent in mixture.Constituents)

            _Debug.Assert(nReactions == 1, String.Format("Reaction occurred {0} times, but should have happened once.", nReactions));
            if (nReactions != 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Test failed. Catalytic reaction happened {0} times, but should only have happened once.", nReactions);
                if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)

            // Now check that a reaction without the catalyst does not happen.
            nReactions = 0;
            mixture    = new Mixture(null, "test mixture");
            mixture.OnReactionHappened += new ReactionHappenedEvent(mixture_OnReactionHappened);
            mixture.OnReactionHappened += new ReactionHappenedEvent(delegate(ReactionInstance r) { nReactions++; });

            mixture.AddMaterial(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrogen"].CreateMass(10, 20));
            mixture.AddMaterial(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Oil"].CreateMass(12, 44));

            foreach (IMaterial constituent in mixture.Constituents)

            foreach (IMaterial constituent in mixture.Constituents)

            _Debug.Assert(nReactions == 0, String.Format("Reaction occurred {0} times, but should not have happened.", nReactions));
            if (nReactions != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Test failed. Catalytic reaction happened {0} times, but should not have happened.", nReactions);
                if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the specified model by populating the material catalog and reaction
 /// processor with sample material types and reactions.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="brs">The instance of ISupportsReactions that we will load..</param>
 public static void InitializeForTesting(BasicReactionSupporter brs)
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void TestSecondaryReactions()
            Model model = new Model("Hello, world.", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            // Add more substances to catalog
            brs.MyMaterialCatalog.Add(new MaterialType(model, "Tuberus Magnificus", Guid.NewGuid(), 1.02, 4.9, MaterialState.Solid, 22.5));
            brs.MyMaterialCatalog.Add(new MaterialType(model, "French Fried Potatoes", Guid.NewGuid(), 1.02, 5.1, MaterialState.Liquid, 22.8));

            // Define reactions
            Reaction r1 = new Reaction(null, "Reaction 1", Guid.NewGuid());

            r1.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Caustic Soda"], 0.5231);
            r1.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"], 0.4769);
            r1.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 0.2356);
            r1.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Sodium Chloride"], 0.7644);

            Reaction r2 = new Reaction(null, "Make French Fries", Guid.NewGuid());

            r2.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Sodium Chloride"], 0.1035);
            r2.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Tuberus Magnificus"], 0.8965);
            r2.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["French Fried Potatoes"], 1.000);

            Mixture mixture = new Mixture(model, "Contents of vat 1", Guid.NewGuid());


            AddSubstance(ref mixture, brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Caustic Soda"], 40, 20.0);
            AddSubstance(ref mixture, brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"], 40, 20.0);
            AddSubstance(ref mixture, brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Tuberus Magnificus"], 40, 20.0);
            mixture.Temperature = 100.0;

            Substance water            = null;
            Substance hydrochloricAcid = null;
            Substance sodiumCloride    = null;
            Substance ff = null;

            foreach (Substance s in mixture.Constituents)
                switch (s.Name)
                case "Water": water = s; break;

                case "Hydrochloric Acid": hydrochloricAcid = s; break;

                case "Sodium Chloride": sodiumCloride = s; break;

                case "French Fried Potatoes": ff = s; break;

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(hydrochloricAcid.Mass - 3.53) < 0.01, "The Hydrochloric Acid part is not 3.53 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(water.Mass - 18.01) < 0.01, "The Water part is not 18.01 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(sodiumCloride.Mass - 53.83) < 0.01, "The Sodium Cloride part is not 53.83 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(ff.Mass - 44.62) < 0.01, "The French Fries part is not 44.62 kg");

Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void TestMaterialTransferrer()
            #region Create and initialize the model
            Model model = new Model("Test Model", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();
            #endregion Create and initialize the model

            #region Create handles to material types
            MaterialType potassiumSulfateType = (MaterialType)brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Potassium Sulfate"];
            MaterialType acetoneType          = (MaterialType)brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Acetone"];
            MaterialType hexaneType           = (MaterialType)brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hexane"];
            MaterialType waterType            = (MaterialType)brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"];
            #endregion Create handles to material types

            #region Create the source mixture
            Mixture from = new Mixture("From");
            from.AddMaterial(potassiumSulfateType.CreateMass(100, 37));
            from.AddMaterial(acetoneType.CreateMass(100, 37));
            from.AddMaterial(hexaneType.CreateMass(100, 37));
            #endregion Create the source mixture

            #region Create the destination mixture
            Mixture to = new Mixture("To");
            to.AddMaterial(waterType.CreateMass(55, 50));
            #endregion Create the destination mixture

            #region Create the mixture that will act as the exemplar
            Mixture what = new Mixture("What");
            what.AddMaterial(potassiumSulfateType.CreateMass(25, 37));
            what.AddMaterial(acetoneType.CreateMass(35, 37));
            what.AddMaterial(hexaneType.CreateMass(45, 37));
            #endregion Create the mixture that will act as the exemplar

            TimeSpan            duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(2.0);
            MaterialTransferrer mxfr     = new MaterialTransferrer(model, ref from, ref to, what, duration);

            // Create the start event for the transfer.
            DateTime startAt = new DateTime(2009, 2, 23, 3, 0, 0);
            model.Executive.RequestEvent(delegate(IExecutive exec, object userData) { mxfr.Start(); }, startAt, 0.0, null);

            // Create a pause-til-start event.
            model.Executive.RequestEvent(delegate(IExecutive exec, object userData) {
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for start.");
                Console.WriteLine("Start has occurred!");
            }, startAt - TimeSpan.FromHours(2.0), 0.0, null, ExecEventType.Detachable);

            // Create a pause-til-done event.
            model.Executive.RequestEvent(delegate(IExecutive exec, object userData) {
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for finish.");
                Console.WriteLine("Finish has occurred!");
            }, startAt - TimeSpan.FromHours(2.0), 0.0, null, ExecEventType.Detachable);

            // Create a series of (unrelated) events that will force updates during the transfer.
            DateTime update = startAt;
            while (update <= (startAt + duration))
                model.Executive.RequestEvent(delegate(IExecutive exec, object userData) { Console.WriteLine("{2} : From = {0}\r\nTo = {1}", from, to, exec.Now); }, update, 0.0, null);
                update += TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20.0);

Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void TestChangeNotifications()
            Model model = new Model("Test Model", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            MaterialType waterType = (MaterialType)brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"];

            string    results = string.Empty;
            Substance w1      = (Substance)waterType.CreateMass(100, 37);

            w1.MaterialChanged += new MaterialChangeListener(delegate(IMaterial material, MaterialChangeType type) {
                results += string.Format("{0} changed in {1}\r\n", material, type);

            w1.Temperature = 85.0;
            w1.Add((Substance)waterType.CreateMass(100, 37));

            results = string.Empty;
            w1.Temperature = 95.0;
            w1.Add((Substance)waterType.CreateMass(100, 37));

            results = string.Empty;
            w1.Temperature = 95.0;
            w1.Add((Substance)waterType.CreateMass(100, 37));

            MaterialType acetoneType = (MaterialType)brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Acetone"];

            Mixture m1 = new Mixture("My Goo");

            m1.MaterialChanged += new MaterialChangeListener(delegate(IMaterial material, MaterialChangeType type) {
                results += string.Format("{0} changed in {1}\r\n", material, type);

            results = string.Empty;
            m1.AddMaterial((Substance)waterType.CreateMass(100, 37));
            m1.AddMaterial((Substance)acetoneType.CreateMass(100, 45));

            results = string.Empty;
            m1.AddMaterial((Substance)waterType.CreateMass(100, 99));
            m1.AddMaterial((Substance)acetoneType.CreateMass(100, 99));

            results = string.Empty;
            m1.AddMaterial((Substance)waterType.CreateMass(100, 99));
            m1.AddMaterial((Substance)acetoneType.CreateMass(100, 99));
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void TestRP_CombineAPI()
            // AEL: I am not sure if we should test more here or if it is sufficient to check if reactions happened or not?
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            IMaterial m1 = brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"].CreateMass(10, 20);
            IMaterial m2 = brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Caustic Soda"].CreateMass(12, 44);
            IMaterial m3 = brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Nitrous Acid"].CreateMass(2, 60);

            IMaterial resultA;
            ArrayList observedReactions, observedReactionInstances;

            _Debug.WriteLine("Part A : Reaction should happen...");
            bool reactionAHappened = brs.MyReactionProcessor.CombineMaterials(new IMaterial[] { m1.Clone(), m2.Clone(), m3.Clone() }, out resultA, out observedReactions, out observedReactionInstances);

            //bool reactionHappened = brs.MyReactionProcessor.CombineMaterials(new IMaterial[]{m1,m2,m3},out result, out observedReactions, out observedReactionInstances);

            _Debug.WriteLine("Engine says that reactions " + (reactionAHappened?"happened.":"didn't happen."));

            _Debug.WriteLine("\r\nObserved Reactions");
            foreach (Reaction r in observedReactions)

            _Debug.WriteLine("\r\nObserved Reaction Instances");
            foreach (ReactionInstance ri in observedReactionInstances)


            IMaterial resultB;

            _Debug.WriteLine("Part B : Reaction should not happen...");
            bool reactionBHappened = brs.MyReactionProcessor.CombineMaterials(new IMaterial[] { m1.Clone(), m3.Clone() }, out resultB, out observedReactions, out observedReactionInstances);

            _Debug.WriteLine("Engine says that reactions " + (reactionBHappened?"happened.":"didn't happen."));

            _Debug.WriteLine("\r\nObserved Reactions");
            foreach (Reaction r in observedReactions)

            _Debug.WriteLine("\r\nObserved Reaction Instances");
            foreach (ReactionInstance ri in observedReactionInstances)


            _Debug.Assert(!reactionBHappened, "Reaction B should not have happened");
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void TestRemovalByPercentageFromMixture()
            Model model = new Model("Hello, world.", Guid.NewGuid());
            BasicReactionSupporter brs = new BasicReactionSupporter();


            // Define reactions
            Reaction r = new Reaction(null, "Reaction", Guid.NewGuid());

            r.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Caustic Soda"], 0.5231);
            r.AddReactant(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"], 0.4769);
            r.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], 0.2356);
            r.AddProduct(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Sodium Chloride"], 0.7644);

            Mixture mixture = new Mixture(model, "Test mixture 1", Guid.NewGuid());


            // Add substances
            AddSubstance(ref mixture, brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Caustic Soda"], 40, 20.0);
            AddSubstance(ref mixture, brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Hydrochloric Acid"], 40, 20.0);
            mixture.Temperature = 100.0;

            // Definitions to retrive substances from mixture
            Substance water            = null;
            Substance hydrochloricAcid = null;
            Substance sodiumCloride    = null;

            foreach (Substance su in mixture.Constituents)
                switch (su.Name)
                case "Water": water = su; break;

                case "Hydrochloric Acid": hydrochloricAcid = su; break;

                case "Sodium Chloride": sodiumCloride = su; break;

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(hydrochloricAcid.Mass - 3.53) < 0.01, "The Hydrochloric Acid part is not 3.53 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(water.Mass - 18.01) < 0.01, "The Water part is not 18.01 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(sodiumCloride.Mass - 58.45) < 0.01, "The Sodium Cloride part is not 58.45 kg");

            // Duration for removing mass given is per 1 kg
            MaterialTransferSpecByPercentage tsbp = new MaterialTransferSpecByPercentage(brs.MyMaterialCatalog["Water"], .5, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

            IMaterial removee = tsbp.GetExtract(mixture);

            Debug.WriteLine("Want to remove " + tsbp);
            Debug.WriteLine("Successful in removing " + removee + ".\r\nWhat remains is ");

            // Now try to remove by mass from a substance.
            foreach (Substance su in mixture.Constituents)
                switch (su.Name)
                case "Water": water = su; break;

                case "Hydrochloric Acid": hydrochloricAcid = su; break;

                case "Sodium Chloride": sodiumCloride = su; break;

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(hydrochloricAcid.Mass - 3.53) < 0.01, "The Hydrochloric Acid part is not 3.53 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(water.Mass - 9.00) < 0.01, "The Water part is not 9.00 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(sodiumCloride.Mass - 58.45) < 0.01, "The Sodium Cloride part is not 58.45 kg");
            Assert.IsTrue(tsbp.Duration.Minutes == 45, "Removing 50% Water part did not take 5 Min"); // there are also a few seconds and miliseconds