Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to conver the TCv4 excel files to SP client formats.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ConvertTCv4ExcelToSP()
            // init file manager and load excel files
            FileManager fileManager = new FileManager(Config.HglDir);
            FileManager fileManagerTCv4 = new FileManager(Config.HglDir, FileManager.ClientVersions.TestCenter);


            if (fileManager.DataFiles.Count == 0)
                Debug.WriteLine("Error: No Excel files loaded!");
            if (fileManagerTCv4.DataFiles.Count == 0)
                Debug.WriteLine("Error: No TCv4 Excel files loaded!");

            // convert tables
            //int converted = -1;
            Dictionary<String, ObjectDelegator> objectDelegators = new Dictionary<String, ObjectDelegator>();
            foreach (ExcelFile excelFile in fileManager.DataFiles.Values.Where(dataFile => dataFile.IsExcelFile))
                //if (++converted >= 5) break;

                Debug.WriteLine("Converting Excel table " + excelFile.StringId + "...");

                // obviously don't want to convert this one
                if (excelFile.StringId == "EXCELTABLES") continue;

                // we can't convert stats as some index entries are hard-coded...
                if (excelFile.StringId == "STATS") continue;

                // game crashes with this converted...
                if (excelFile.StringId == "UNITMODES") continue;

                // don't bother with these two as there's no TCv4 equivalent (they don't matter anyways)
                if (excelFile.StringId == "LANGUAGE" || excelFile.StringId == "REGION") continue;

                // ensure we have a TCv4 version loaded
                String stringIdTCv4 = "_TCv4_" + excelFile.StringId;
                ExcelFile excelFileTCv4 = (ExcelFile)fileManagerTCv4.GetDataFile(stringIdTCv4);
                if (excelFileTCv4 == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Error: TCv4 Excel file not found: " + stringIdTCv4);

                // table specialisation stuffs
                bool isAchievements = false;
                bool isAffixes = false;
                bool isCharacterClass = false;
                //bool isCharDisplay = false;
                //bool isInventory = false;
                switch (excelFile.StringId)
                    case "ACHIEVEMENTS":
                        isAchievements = true;

                    case "AFFIXES":
                        isAffixes = true;

                    case "CHARACTER_CLASS":
                        isCharacterClass = true;

                    //case "CHARDISPLAY":
                    //    isCharDisplay = true;
                    //    break;

                    //case "INVENTORY":
                    //    isInventory = true;
                    //    break;

                // genereal type-init stuffs; get our object delegators
                ObjectDelegator excelDelegator;
                ObjectDelegator excelDelegatorTCv41;
                ObjectDelegator excelDelegatorTCv42 = null;
                Type rowType = excelFile.Attributes.RowType;
                Type rowTypeTCv41 = excelFileTCv4.Attributes.RowType;
                Type rowTypeTCv42 = null;
                FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = rowType.GetFields();
                FieldInfo[] fieldInfosTCv41 = rowTypeTCv41.GetFields();
                FieldInfo[] fieldInfosTCv42 = null;

                // need to copy row headers (private field) as well
                FieldInfo rowHeaderField = rowType.GetField("header", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                FieldInfo rowHeaderFieldTCv4 = rowTypeTCv41.GetField("header", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                Array.Resize(ref fieldInfos, fieldInfos.Length + 1);
                Array.Resize(ref fieldInfosTCv41, fieldInfosTCv41.Length + 1);
                fieldInfos[fieldInfos.Length - 1] = rowHeaderField;
                fieldInfosTCv41[fieldInfosTCv41.Length - 1] = rowHeaderFieldTCv4;

                // create delegates
                if (!objectDelegators.TryGetValue(excelFile.StringId, out excelDelegator))
                    excelDelegator = new ObjectDelegator(fieldInfos);
                    objectDelegators.Add(excelFile.StringId, excelDelegator);
                if (!objectDelegators.TryGetValue(stringIdTCv4, out excelDelegatorTCv41))
                    excelDelegatorTCv41 = new ObjectDelegator(fieldInfosTCv41);
                    objectDelegators.Add(stringIdTCv4, excelDelegatorTCv41);

                // table specialisation inititialisation
                //// achievements
                Dictionary<int, int> unitTypeOverflow = null;
                if (isAchievements)
                    unitTypeOverflow = new Dictionary<int, int>();

                //// affixes
                ExcelFile affixGroupsTable = null;
                List<String> affixGroupsList = null;
                List<Int32> affixGroupWeightScripts = null;
                if (isAffixes)
                    affixGroupsTable = fileManagerTCv4.GetDataFile("_TCv4_AFFIX_GROUPS") as ExcelFile;
                    affixGroupsList = new List<String>();
                    affixGroupWeightScripts = new List<Int32>();
                    Debug.Assert(affixGroupsTable != null);

                    rowTypeTCv42 = affixGroupsTable.Attributes.RowType;
                    fieldInfosTCv42 = rowTypeTCv42.GetFields();

                    FieldInfo rowHeaderFieldTCv42 = rowTypeTCv42.GetField("header", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                    Array.Resize(ref fieldInfosTCv42, fieldInfosTCv42.Length + 1);
                    fieldInfosTCv42[fieldInfosTCv42.Length - 1] = rowHeaderFieldTCv42;

                    excelDelegatorTCv42 = new ObjectDelegator(fieldInfosTCv42);

                // debug: ensure we have same columns
                if (!isAchievements && !isCharacterClass && !isAffixes)
                    bool hasSameFields = true;
                    foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fieldInfos)
                        FieldInfo fieldInfoTCv4 = (from fi in fieldInfosTCv41
                                                   where fi.Name == fieldInfo.Name
                                                   select fi).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (fieldInfoTCv4 == null)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Field not found in TCv4 table: " + fieldInfo.Name);
                            hasSameFields = false;

                        if (fieldInfo.FieldType == fieldInfoTCv4.FieldType || fieldInfo.FieldType.BaseType == typeof(Enum)) continue;
                        Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("FieldInfo '{0}' of type '{1}' does not match TCv4 of type '{2}'", fieldInfo.Name, fieldInfo.FieldType, fieldInfoTCv4.FieldType));
                        hasSameFields = false;

                    if (!hasSameFields)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Error: The Excel types do not have the same fields!");

                // begin conversion process
                Object[] rows = new Object[excelFileTCv4.Rows.Count];
                bool failed = false;
                int col = -1;
                byte[] scriptBuffer = new byte[1024];
                int scriptBufferOffset = 1; // first byte is null
                foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fieldInfos) // loop by column

                    ObjectDelegator.FieldGetValueDelegate getTCv4Value1 = null;
                    ObjectDelegator.FieldGetValueDelegate getTCv4Value2 = null;
                    ObjectDelegator.FieldGetValueDelegate getTCv4Value3 = null;
                    ObjectDelegator.FieldSetValueDelegate setValue1 = excelDelegator.GetFieldSetDelegate(fieldInfo.Name);
                    ObjectDelegator.FieldSetValueDelegate setValue2 = null;
                    ObjectDelegator.FieldGetValueDelegate getValue = excelDelegator.GetFieldGetDelegate(fieldInfo.Name);
                    ExcelFile.OutputAttribute outputAttribute = ExcelFile.GetExcelAttribute(fieldInfo);

                    // table specialisation stuffs
                    bool isUnitTypeField = false;                       // achievements
                    bool isItemField = false;                           // achievements
                    bool isUnitVersionToGetSkillRespec = false;         // character class
                    bool isGroup = false;                               // affixes
                    if (isAchievements && (fieldInfo.Name.StartsWith("unitType") || fieldInfo.Name == "item"))
                        if (fieldInfo.Name.StartsWith("unitType"))
                            String monsterFieldName = "monsterUnitType" + fieldInfo.Name.Last();
                            String itemFieldName = "itemUnitType" + fieldInfo.Name.Last();

                            getTCv4Value1 = excelDelegatorTCv41.GetFieldGetDelegate(monsterFieldName);
                            getTCv4Value2 = excelDelegatorTCv41.GetFieldGetDelegate(itemFieldName);
                            isUnitTypeField = true;
                        else if (fieldInfo.Name == "item")
                            isItemField = true;
                    else if (isCharacterClass && fieldInfo.Name == "unitVersionToGetSkillRespec")
                        isUnitVersionToGetSkillRespec = true;
                    else if (isAffixes && (fieldInfo.Name == "group" || fieldInfo.Name == "groupWeight"))
                        if (fieldInfo.Name == "groupWeight") continue; // we can skip it as we're setting it during group column

                        getTCv4Value1 = excelDelegatorTCv41.GetFieldGetDelegate(fieldInfo.Name);    // to get group affix index
                        getTCv4Value2 = excelDelegatorTCv42.GetFieldGetDelegate("name");            // to get group affix name
                        getTCv4Value3 = excelDelegatorTCv42.GetFieldGetDelegate("weight");          // to get group affix weight
                        setValue2 = excelDelegator.GetFieldSetDelegate("groupWeight");              // to set group weight
                        isGroup = true;
                        getTCv4Value1 = excelDelegatorTCv41.GetFieldGetDelegate(fieldInfo.Name);

                    // copy/convert field data
                    int row = -1;
                    foreach (Object rowTCv4 in excelFileTCv4.Rows) // loop by row
                        if (rows[++row] == null) rows[row] = Activator.CreateInstance(excelFile.Attributes.RowType);

                        Object value;

                        // achievements special stuffs
                        if (isAchievements && (isUnitTypeField || isItemField))
                            if (isUnitTypeField)
                                int monsterValue = (int)getTCv4Value1(rowTCv4);
                                int itemValue = (int)getTCv4Value2(rowTCv4);

                                if (monsterValue != 0 && itemValue != 0)

                                    unitTypeOverflow.Add(row, itemValue);
                                    itemValue = 0;
                                else if (monsterValue == 0 && itemValue == 0 && unitTypeOverflow.ContainsKey(row))
                                    itemValue = unitTypeOverflow[row];

                                value = (itemValue == 0) ? monsterValue : itemValue;
                                value = 0;
                        else if (isCharacterClass && isUnitVersionToGetSkillRespec)
                            value = getValue(excelFile.Rows[row]);
                        else if (isAffixes && isGroup)
                            Debug.Assert(getTCv4Value1 != null && getTCv4Value2 != null && getTCv4Value3 != null);

                            int affixGroupRowIndex = (int)getTCv4Value1(rowTCv4);

                            if (affixGroupRowIndex == -1)
                                setValue2(rows[row], 0);
                                value = -1;
                                int affixGroupStringOffset = (int)getTCv4Value2(affixGroupsTable.Rows[affixGroupRowIndex]);
                                int affixGroupWeight = (int)getTCv4Value3(affixGroupsTable.Rows[affixGroupRowIndex]);

                                setValue2(rows[row], scriptBufferOffset);
                                FileTools.WriteToBuffer(ref scriptBuffer, ref scriptBufferOffset, new[] { (Int32)ExcelScript.ScriptOpCodes.Push, affixGroupWeight, 0 }.ToByteArray());

                                String affixGroupString = affixGroupsTable.ReadStringTable(affixGroupStringOffset);
                                int affixGroupStringIndex = affixGroupsList.IndexOf(affixGroupString);
                                if (affixGroupStringIndex == -1)
                                    affixGroupStringIndex = affixGroupsList.Count;

                                value = affixGroupStringIndex;
                            Debug.Assert(getTCv4Value1 != null);

                            value = getTCv4Value1(rowTCv4);

                        if (outputAttribute == null)
                            setValue1(rows[row], value);

                        if (outputAttribute.IsBitmask)
                            if (value.GetType().BaseType != typeof(Enum))
                                Debug.WriteLine("Error: IsBitmask is not of type Enum: " + fieldInfo.Name);
                                failed = true;

                            Type spBitMask = fieldInfo.FieldType;
                            Type tcBitMask = value.GetType();
                            uint currentMask = (uint)value;
                            uint convertedMask = 0;

                            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                                uint testBit = (uint)1 << i;
                                if ((currentMask & testBit) == 0) continue;

                                String bitString = Enum.GetName(tcBitMask, testBit);
                                if (bitString == null) continue;

                                if (Enum.IsDefined(spBitMask, bitString))
                                    convertedMask += (uint)Enum.Parse(spBitMask, bitString);

                            value = convertedMask;
                        else if (outputAttribute.IsScript)
                            //int scriptOffset = (int)value;
                            //if (scriptOffset != 0)
                            //    ExcelScript excelScriptTCv4 = new ExcelScript(fileManagerTCv4);

                            //    try
                            //    {
                            //        excelScriptTCv4.Decompile(excelFileTCv4.ScriptBuffer, scriptOffset, null, excelFileTCv4.StringId, row, col, fieldInfo.Name);
                            //    }
                            //    catch (Exception e)
                            //    {
                            //        Debug.WriteLine("TCv4 Decompile Error:\n" + e);
                            //        continue;
                            //    }

                            //    ExcelScript excelScriptCompiler = new ExcelScript(fileManagerTCv4, true, true);

                            //    try
                            //    {
                            //        excelScriptCompiler.Compile(excelScriptTCv4.ScriptString, null, excelFileTCv4.StringId, row, col, fieldInfo.Name);
                            //        value = scriptBufferOffset;
                            //    }
                            //    catch (Exceptions.ScriptUnknownFunctionException e)
                            //    {
                            //        if (isCharDisplay || isInventory)
                            //        {
                            //            value = 0;
                            //        }
                            //        else
                            //        {
                            //            Debug.WriteLine("SP Recompile Error: \n" + excelScriptTCv4.ScriptString + "\n" + e);
                            //            value = 0;
                            //            //continue;
                            //        }
                            //    }
                            //    catch (Exception e)
                            //    {
                            //        Debug.WriteLine("SP Recompile Error: \n" + excelScriptTCv4.ScriptString + "\n" + e);
                            //        value = 0;
                            //        //continue;
                            //    }

                            //    if ((int)value != 0)
                            //    {
                            //        FileTools.WriteToBuffer(ref scriptBuffer, ref scriptBufferOffset, excelScriptCompiler.ScriptCode.ToByteArray());
                            //    }

                        setValue1(rows[row], value);

                    if (failed) break;
                if (failed)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Error: Excel conversion failed: " + excelFile.StringId);

                // finish conversion process by "changing" the TCv4 type
                excelFileTCv4.ConvertType(excelFile, rows);
                if (scriptBufferOffset != 1)

                if (isAffixes)

                byte[] convertedBytes = excelFileTCv4.ToByteArray();
                String writePath = Path.Combine(Config.HglDir, excelFile.FilePath);
                String backupPath = writePath + ".bak";

                if (File.Exists(backupPath)) File.Delete(backupPath);
                File.Move(writePath, backupPath);
                File.WriteAllBytes(writePath, convertedBytes);

                //int bp2 = 0;

            //int bp1 = 0;