Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void DetectPupilBlob(Image <Gray, Byte> inputimg, int fullSizeImageW, int fullSizeImageH)
            pupilBlobCenter = new AForge.Point(0, 0);

            //Blob_Aforge PupilBlob;
            //PupilBlob = new Blob_Aforge(inputimg.Bitmap,
            //   (int)(METState.Current.MinPupilDiameter),
            //   (int)(METState.Current.MaxPupilDiameter),
            //   (int)(METState.Current.MinPupilDiameter),
            //    (int)(METState.Current.MaxPupilDiameter),
            //    0.55, 2);//should be defined in each frame
            PupilBlob = new Blob_Aforge(inputimg.Bitmap,
                                        (int)(METState.Current.MinPupilScale * METState.Current.IrisDiameter),
                                        (int)(METState.Current.MaxPupilScale * METState.Current.IrisDiameter),
                                        (int)(METState.Current.MinPupilScale * METState.Current.IrisDiameter),
                                        (int)(METState.Current.MaxPupilScale * METState.Current.IrisDiameter),
                                        0.55, 4);//????????????????????????????????????????????????    ,2)

            if (PupilBlob.blobs_Filtered.Count == 0)//Pupil not found
                eyeData[0].pupilFound = false;
            else// Pupil found
                METState.Current.eye.PupilBlob.SelectedBlob = PupilBlob.blobs_Filtered[0];

                #region distance from borders
                //if (PupilBlob.blobs_Filtered.Count == 1)
                //    double dist = Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(PupilBlob.blobs_Filtered[0].CenterOfGravity.X - METState.Current.EyeImageOrginal.Width / 2, 2)) + (Math.Pow(PupilBlob.blobs_Filtered[0].CenterOfGravity.Y - METState.Current.EyeImageOrginal.Height / 2, 2)));
                //    if (dist > 0.850 * (METState.Current.EyeImageOrginal.Height / 2))
                //    {

                //        // PupilBlob.blobs_Filtered.Clear();
                //        // PupilBlob.SelectedBlob = null;
                //        _PupilBlobCenter.X = 0;
                //        _PupilBlobCenter.Y = 0;

                //    }

                #endregion filter by location

                #region distance from center
                if (PupilBlob.blobs_Filtered.Count > 1)//??????????????? mage nagofti faghat yedoone blob peida kon ... 0.55, 1);
                    double minDis = 10000;

                    foreach (AForge.Imaging.Blob blob in PupilBlob.blobs_Filtered)
                        double dist = Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(blob.CenterOfGravity.X - METState.Current.EyeImageOrginal.Width / 2, 2)) + (Math.Pow(blob.CenterOfGravity.Y - METState.Current.EyeImageOrginal.Height / 2, 2)));

                        if (dist < minDis)
                            PupilBlob.SelectedBlob = blob;
                            // border = PupilBlob.hulls[i];
                            minDis = dist;

                #endregion distance from center

                //get SelectedBlob
                pupilBlobCenter.X = (float)METState.Current.eye.PupilBlob.SelectedBlob.CenterOfGravity.X;
                pupilBlobCenter.Y = (float)METState.Current.eye.PupilBlob.SelectedBlob.CenterOfGravity.Y;

                //  pupildata[0].pupilFound = true;//.............2

                bool blobOnROIBorder;

                AForge.Point[] border = PupilBlob.GetBlobBorder(PupilBlob.SelectedBlob, pupilROI, new Size(fullSizeImageW, fullSizeImageH), out blobOnROIBorder);

                // pupildata[0].pupilEllipse = EmgImgProcssing.EllipseLeastSquareFitting(border);//.................2

                //............................remove 2

                if (blobOnROIBorder)//
                    eyeData[0].pupilFound = false;
                    eyeData[0].pupilEllipse = EmgImgProcssing.EllipseLeastSquareFitting(border);
                    eyeData[0].pupilFound   = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void FindGlint(Image <Bgr, Byte> inputimg, int threshold)
            glintPyrLevel = 0;
            Image <Gray, Byte> GrayImg = new Image <Gray, byte>(inputimg.Bitmap);

            //rough determination of ROI (size of ROI may exceeds the size of the image no problem for cvSetImageROI)
            int d = (int)(METState.Current.IrisDiameter);

            if (METState.Current.detectPupil & eyeData[1].pupilFound)
                glintROI = new Rectangle(
                    Math.Max(Convert.ToInt32(eyeData[1].pupilCenter.X) - d / 2, 0),
                    Math.Max(Convert.ToInt32(eyeData[1].pupilCenter.Y) - d / 2, 0),
                    Math.Min(d, GrayImg.Width),
                    Math.Min(d, GrayImg.Height)

                d        = 1 * d;//a little bit larger
                glintROI = new Rectangle(inputimg.Width / 2 - d / 2, inputimg.Height / 2 - d / 2, d, d);

            //Modify ROI, it's needed when ROI is not inside the image area

            CvInvoke.cvSetImageROI(GrayImg, glintROI);

            //ROI will be used later for drawing
            glintROI = new Rectangle(glintROI.X, glintROI.Y, GrayImg.Width, GrayImg.Height);

            for (int i = 0; i < glintPyrLevel; i++)
                GrayImg = GrayImg.PyrDown();

            if (METState.Current.GAdaptive)
                GrayImg = EmgImgProcssing.Filter_GlintAdaptiveThreshold(GrayImg, 255, false).Erode(1).Dilate(1);
                GrayImg = EmgImgProcssing.Filter_Threshold(GrayImg, threshold, false); //.Erode(2).Dilate(2);//;
            // METState.Current.EyeImageTest = GrayImg;

            // GrayImg = GrayImg.Erode(1).Dilate(1);

            // GrayImg = GrayImg.Dilate(1).Erode(1);

            AForge.Point tempGlintCenter = new AForge.Point(0, 0);

            METState.Current.ProcessTimeEyeBranch.Timer("GlintBlob", "Start");
            glintBlob = new Blob_Aforge(GrayImg.Bitmap, 5, 30, 5, 30, 0.4, 10);
            METState.Current.ProcessTimeEyeBranch.Timer("GlintBlob", "Stop");

            #region filter blob
            if (glintBlob.blobs_Filtered.Count > 0)
                glintBlob.SelectedBlob = glintBlob.blobs_Filtered[0];
                tempGlintCenter        = CorrectGlintPoint(glintBlob.SelectedBlob.CenterOfGravity);

                if (glintBlob.blobs_Filtered.Count >= 2)
                    List <Blob> temp = glintBlob.blobs_Filtered;

                    List <double> dists = new List <double>();

                    foreach (AForge.Imaging.Blob blob in temp)
                        tempGlintCenter = CorrectGlintPoint(blob.CenterOfGravity);

                        double dist = Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(tempGlintCenter.X - eyeData[1].pupilCenter.X, 2)) + (Math.Pow(tempGlintCenter.Y - eyeData[1].pupilCenter.Y, 2)));
                    int i = dists.IndexOf(dists.Min());
                    ////----------------------------------------------------This filter takes the one which is closer to the pupil
                    glintBlob.SelectedBlob = temp[i];
                    tempGlintCenter        = CorrectGlintPoint(glintBlob.SelectedBlob.CenterOfGravity);

                    ////----------------------------------------------------This filter takes the average of the two closest glint to the pupil
                    //i = dists.IndexOf(dists.Min());//this will select the second closest glint
                    //AForge.Point tempGlintCenter2 = CorrectGlintPoint(temp[i].CenterOfGravity);
                    //tempGlintCenter = new AForge.Point((tempGlintCenter.X + tempGlintCenter2.X) / 2, (tempGlintCenter.Y + tempGlintCenter2.Y) / 2);

                #endregion filter blob

            eyeData[0].glintCenter = tempGlintCenter;//(0,0) if there is no glint