public void PlayerIsCreatedWithCorrectFirstName()
     var player = new Player("Pesho", 0);
     string actual = player.PlayerName;
     string expected = "Pesho";
     Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
 public void PlayerIsCreatedWithCorrectScore()
     var player = new Player("Gosho", 7);
     var actual = player.Score;
     uint expected = 7;
     Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new player to TopFiveRecords
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">The Player instance to be added</param>
        public void AddNewRecord(Player player)

                                delegate(Player p1, Player p2)
                                 return p1.Score.CompareTo(p2.Score);

            this.topFiveRecords = this.topFiveRecords.Take(5).ToList();

            this.memory.ScoreboardMemento = this.SaveTopFive();
 public void PlayerInvalidNameTest(string name)
     var player = new Player(name, 7);