Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static string TestMissions(object os_obj)
            OS     os           = (OS)os_obj;
            string str1         = "";
            string retAdditions = "";

            MissionFunctions.ReportErrorInCommand += (Action <string>)(report =>
                // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
                TestSuite.\u003C\u003Ec__DisplayClass1 cDisplayClass1 = this;
                // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
                string str2 = cDisplayClass1.retAdditions + TestSuite.ActiveObjectID + " : " + report + "\r\n";
                // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
                cDisplayClass1.retAdditions = str2;
                string str2 = TestSuite.TestMission("Content/Missions/BitMissionIntro.xml", (object)os);
                str1 += str2;
                string str3 = TestSuite.TestMission("Content/Missions/BitMission0.xml", (object)os);
                str1 += str3;
                string path1 = "Content/Missions/Entropy/StartingSet/";
                foreach (FileSystemInfo file in new DirectoryInfo(path1).GetFiles("*.xml"))
                    string str4 = TestSuite.TestMission(path1 + file.Name, (object)os);
                    str1 += str4;
                string str5 = TestSuite.TestMission("Content/Missions/Entropy/ThemeHackTransitionMission.xml", (object)os);
                str1 += str5;
                string str6 = TestSuite.TestMission("Content/Missions/MainHub/Intro/Intro01.xml", (object)os);
                str1 += str6;
                string path2 = "Content/Missions/MainHub/FirstSet/";
                foreach (FileSystemInfo file in new DirectoryInfo(path2).GetFiles("*.xml"))
                    string str4 = TestSuite.TestMission(path2 + file.Name, (object)os);
                    str1 += str4;
                string str7 = TestSuite.TestMission("Content/Missions/lelzSec/IntroTestMission.xml", (object)os);
                str1 += str7;
                string str8 = TestSuite.TestMission("Content/Missions/MainHub/BitSet/Missions/BitHubSet01.xml", (object)os);
                str1 += str8;
                string str9 = TestSuite.TestMission("Content/Missions/BitPath/BitAdv_Intro.xml", (object)os);
                str1 += str9;
                string str10 = TestSuite.TestMissionEndFucntion("Content/Missions/MainHub/FirstSet/01HubSet02.xml", "changeSong", (object)os);
                str1 += str10;
                string str11 = TestSuite.TestMissionEndFucntion("Content/Missions/MainHub/FirstSet/02HubSet05.xml", "addFlags:decypher", (object)os);
                str1 += str11;
                string str12 = TestSuite.TestMissionEndFucntion("Content/Missions/MainHub/DecypherSet/DECHeadMission02.xml", "addFlags:dechead", (object)os);
                str1 += str12;
                MissionFunctions.ReportErrorInCommand = (Action <string>)null;
                MissionFunctions.ReportErrorInCommand = (Action <string>)null;
            return(str1 + retAdditions);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static string TestExtensionMissionLoading(ScreenManager screenMan, out int errorsAdded)
            int    num  = 0;
            string str1 = "";
            OS     os   = (OS)ExtensionTests.SetupOSForTests("Content/Tests/TestExtension", screenMan);
            string str2 = TestSuite.TestMission(ExtensionLoader.ActiveExtensionInfo.FolderPath + "/" + ExtensionLoader.ActiveExtensionInfo.StartingMissionPath, (object)os);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str2))
                str1 = str1 + "\n\nMISSION READ ERRORS:\n" + str2;
            errorsAdded = num;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static string TestExtensionForRuntime(ScreenManager screenMan, string path, out int errorsAdded)
            int    num1 = 0;
            string str1 = "";
            OS     os   = (OS)null;

            ExtensionTests.RuntimeLoadAdditionalErrors = "";
            int num2;

                os = (OS)ExtensionTests.SetupOSForTests(path, screenMan);
                string str2 = TestSuite.TestMission(ExtensionLoader.ActiveExtensionInfo.FolderPath + "/" + ExtensionLoader.ActiveExtensionInfo.StartingMissionPath, (object)os);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str2))
                    str1 = str1 + "\n\nSTART MISSION READ ERRORS:\r\n" + str2;
                int    errorsAdded1 = 0;
                string str3         = ExtensionTests.TestAllExtensionMissions(os, out errorsAdded1);
                str1 += str3;
                num1 += errorsAdded1;
                int    errorsAdded2 = 0;
                string str4         = ExtensionTests.TestAllExtensionNodesRuntime(os, out errorsAdded2);
                str1 += str4;
                num2  = num1 + errorsAdded2;
            catch (Exception ex)
                str1 = str1 + "\nLoad Error:\n" + Utils.GenerateReportFromException(ex).Trim();
                num2 = num1 + 1;
            if (os != null)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ExtensionTests.RuntimeLoadAdditionalErrors))
                str1 = str1 + "\r\n" + ExtensionTests.RuntimeLoadAdditionalErrors;
            errorsAdded = num2;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static string TestExtensionMission(object mission, string filepath, object os)
            string        str1          = "";
            ActiveMission activeMission = (ActiveMission)mission;
            string        str2          = File.ReadAllText(filepath);
            string        str3          = str1 + ExtensionTests.TestTagisClosed("missionEnd", str2) + ExtensionTests.TestTagisClosed("missionStart", str2) + ExtensionTests.TestTagisClosed("nextMission", str2) + ExtensionTests.TestTagisClosed("goals", str2) + ExtensionTests.TestTagisClosed("email", str2) + ExtensionTests.TestTagisClosed("sender", str2) + ExtensionTests.TestTagisClosed("subject", str2) + ExtensionTests.TestTagisClosed("body", str2) + ExtensionTests.TestTagisClosed("attachments", str2);

            if (!str2.Contains("</attachments>"))
                str3 = str3 + "File does not contain attachments tag at the end of the email! It needs to be there!" + "\r\n";
            int count = Regex.Matches(str2, "<goal ").Count;

            if (activeMission.goals.Count != count && activeMission.goals.Count < count)
                string str4 = str3 + "File defines some goals that are not being correctly parsed in! (" + (object)activeMission.goals.Count + " loaded vs " + (object)count + " in file)" + "\r\nCheck your syntax and tags! Valid Goals:\r\n";
                for (int index = 0; index < activeMission.goals.Count; ++index)
                    str4 = str4 + "\r\n" + activeMission.goals[index].ToString().Replace("Hacknet.Mission.", "");
                str3 = str4 + "\r\n";
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activeMission.startFunctionName) && str2.Contains("<missionStart"))
                str3 = str3 + "File contains missionStart, but it's not being correctly parsed in. It might be out of order in the file." + "\r\n";
            if (activeMission.startFunctionName != null)
                    if (!activeMission.startFunctionName.Contains("addRank"))
                        MissionFunctions.runCommand(activeMission.startFunctionValue, activeMission.startFunctionName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    str3 = str3 + "Error running start function " + activeMission.startFunctionName + "\r\n" + Utils.GenerateReportFromException(ex);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activeMission.endFunctionName) && str2.Contains("<missionEnd"))
                str3 = str3 + "File contains missionEnd, but it's not being correctly parsed in. It might be out of order in the file." + "\r\n";
            if (activeMission.endFunctionName != null)
                    if (!activeMission.endFunctionName.Contains("addRank"))
                        MissionFunctions.runCommand(activeMission.endFunctionValue, activeMission.endFunctionName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    str3 = str3 + "Error running end function " + activeMission.endFunctionName + "\r\n" + Utils.GenerateReportFromException(ex);
            string str5 = TestSuite.TestMission(ExtensionLoader.ActiveExtensionInfo.FolderPath + "/" + ExtensionLoader.ActiveExtensionInfo.StartingMissionPath, os);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str5))
                str3 += str5;
            if (str3.Length > 1)
                return("Mission Errors for " + filepath.Replace("\\", "/") + ":\r\n" + str3);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static string TestMission(string missionName, object os_obj)
            string str1 = "";
            OS     os   = (OS)os_obj;

            if (TestSuite.TestedMissionNames.Contains(missionName))
                if (!File.Exists(missionName))
                    str1 = str1 + "Invalid Mission Path! : " + missionName + "\r\n";
                ActiveMission activeMission = (ActiveMission)ComputerLoader.readMission(missionName);
                TestSuite.ActiveObjectID = missionName;
                string str2 = "";
                for (int index = 0; index < activeMission.goals.Count; ++index)
                    string str3 = activeMission.goals[index].TestCompletable();
                    if (str3 != null && str3.Length > 0)
                        str2 = str2 + missionName + " Goal[" + (object)index + "] " + activeMission.goals[index].ToString() + " :: " + str3 + "\r\n";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activeMission.startFunctionName))
                        if (!Utils.CheckStringIsRenderable(activeMission.startFunctionName))
                            str1 = str1 + "Mission " + missionName + " has unrenderable start function " + Utils.CleanStringToRenderable(activeMission.startFunctionName);
                        MissionFunctions.runCommand(activeMission.startFunctionValue, activeMission.startFunctionName);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activeMission.endFunctionName))
                        if (!Utils.CheckStringIsRenderable(activeMission.endFunctionName))
                            str1 = str1 + "Mission " + missionName + " has unrenderable end function " + Utils.CleanStringToRenderable(activeMission.endFunctionName);
                        MissionFunctions.runCommand(activeMission.endFunctionValue, activeMission.endFunctionName);
                    string str3           = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/";
                    string fileLoadPrefix = Utils.GetFileLoadPrefix();
                    if (fileLoadPrefix == "Content/")
                        fileLoadPrefix += "Missions/";
                    else if (!fileLoadPrefix.StartsWith("Extensions"))
                        str3 = "";
                    string path = str3 + LocalizedFileLoader.GetLocalizedFilepath(fileLoadPrefix + activeMission.nextMission);
                    if (!(activeMission.nextMission == "NONE") && !File.Exists(path))
                        str1 = str1 + "\r\nNextMission Tag for mission \"" + missionName + "\" has nonexistent next mission path: " + activeMission.nextMission + "\r\n";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    str1 = str1 + "Error running start or end mission function of mission: " + missionName + "\r\nStart Func: " + activeMission.startFunctionName + "\r\nEnd Func: " + activeMission.endFunctionName;
                    str1 = str1 + "\r\n" + Utils.GenerateReportFromException(ex) + "\r\n";
                if (str2.Length > 0)
                    str1 = str1 + str2 + "--------------\r\n";
                string str4 = "Content/Missions/";
                if (Settings.IsInExtensionMode)
                    str4 = ExtensionLoader.ActiveExtensionInfo.FolderPath + "/";
                List <ActiveMission> activeMissionList = new List <ActiveMission>();
                for (int index = 0; index < os.branchMissions.Count; ++index)
                if (activeMission.nextMission != null && activeMission.nextMission.ToLower() != "none")
                    str1 += TestSuite.TestMission(str4 + activeMission.nextMission, (object)os);
                for (int index = 0; index < activeMissionList.Count; ++index)
                    string localizedFilepath = LocalizedFileLoader.GetLocalizedFilepath(activeMissionList[index].reloadGoalsSourceFile);
                    if (!TestSuite.TestedMissionNames.Contains(localizedFilepath))
                        Console.WriteLine("testing Branch Mission " + localizedFilepath);
                        str1 += TestSuite.TestMission(localizedFilepath, (object)os);
            catch (Exception ex)
                str1 = str1 + "Error Loading " + missionName + "\r\n" + ex.ToString();