Ejemplo n.º 1
        public HashSet <VoronoiCell3> UnNormalize(HashSet <VoronoiCell3> data)
            HashSet <VoronoiCell3> unNormalizedData = new HashSet <VoronoiCell3>();

            foreach (VoronoiCell3 cell in data)
                MyVector3 sitePosUnNormalized = UnNormalize(cell.sitePos);

                VoronoiCell3 cellUnNormalized = new VoronoiCell3(sitePosUnNormalized);

                foreach (VoronoiEdge3 e in cell.edges)
                    MyVector3 p1UnNormalized = UnNormalize(e.p1);
                    MyVector3 p2UnNormalized = UnNormalize(e.p2);

                    VoronoiEdge3 eUnNormalized = new VoronoiEdge3(p1UnNormalized, p2UnNormalized, sitePosUnNormalized);



Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Generate a Voronoi diagram in 3d space given a Delaunay triangulation in 3d space
        public static HashSet <VoronoiCell3> GenerateVoronoiDiagram(HalfEdgeData3 delaunayTriangulation)
            //If we dont need the voronoi sitePos, which is the center of the voronoi cell, we can use the half-edge data structure
            //If not we have the create a child class for voronoi
            HashSet <VoronoiCell3> voronoiDiagram = new HashSet <VoronoiCell3>();

            //Step 1. Generate a center of circle for each triangle because this process is slow in 3d space
            Dictionary <HalfEdgeFace3, Vector3> circleCenterLookup = new Dictionary <HalfEdgeFace3, Vector3>();

            HashSet <HalfEdgeFace3> delaunayTriangles = delaunayTriangulation.faces;

            foreach (HalfEdgeFace3 triangle in delaunayTriangles)
                Vector3 p1 = triangle.edge.v.position;
                Vector3 p2 = triangle.edge.nextEdge.v.position;
                Vector3 p3 = triangle.edge.nextEdge.nextEdge.v.position;

                Vector3 circleCenter = _Geometry.CalculateCircleCenter(p1, p2, p3);

                //https://www.redblobgames.com/x/1842-delaunay-voronoi-sphere/ suggested circleCenter should be moved to get a better surface
                //But it generates a bad result
                //float d = Mathf.Sqrt(circleCenter.x * circleCenter.x + circleCenter.y * circleCenter.y + circleCenter.z * circleCenter.z);

                //MyVector3 circleCenterMove = new MyVector3(circleCenter.x / d, circleCenter.y / d, circleCenter.z / d);

                //circleCenter = circleCenterMove;

                circleCenterLookup.Add(triangle, circleCenter);

            //Step 2. Generate the voronoi cells
            HashSet <HalfEdgeVertex3> delaunayVertices = delaunayTriangulation.verts;

            //In the half-edge data structure we have multiple vertices at the same position,
            //so we have to track which vertex positions have been added
            HashSet <Vector3> addedSites = new HashSet <Vector3>();

            foreach (HalfEdgeVertex3 v in delaunayVertices)
                //Has this site already been added?
                if (addedSites.Contains(v.position))


                //This vertex is a cite pos in the voronoi diagram
                VoronoiCell3 cell = new VoronoiCell3(v.position);


                //All triangles are fully connected so no null opposite edges should exist
                //So to generate the voronoi cell, we just rotate clock-wise around each vertex in the delaunay triangulation

                HalfEdge3 currentEdge = v.edge;

                int safety = 0;

                while (true)
                    //Build an edge going from the opposite face to this face
                    //Each vertex has an edge going FROM it
                    HalfEdgeFace3 oppositeTriangle = currentEdge.oppositeEdge.face;

                    HalfEdgeFace3 thisTriangle = currentEdge.face;

                    Vector3 oppositeCircleCenter = circleCenterLookup[oppositeTriangle];

                    Vector3 thisCircleCenter = circleCenterLookup[thisTriangle];

                    VoronoiEdge3 edge = new VoronoiEdge3(oppositeCircleCenter, thisCircleCenter, v.position);


                    //Jump to the next triangle
                    //Each vertex has an edge going FROM it
                    //And we want to rotate around a vertex clockwise
                    //So the edge we should jump over is:
                    HalfEdge3 jumpEdge = currentEdge.nextEdge.nextEdge;

                    HalfEdge3 oppositeEdge = jumpEdge.oppositeEdge;

                    //Are we back where we started?
                    if (oppositeEdge == v.edge)

                    currentEdge = oppositeEdge;

                    safety += 1;

                    if (safety > 10000)
                        Debug.Log("Stuck in infinite loop when generating voronoi cells");

