Ejemplo n.º 1
            public static Universe Build(string pdbpath, string toppath, ITextLogger logger)
                Pdb pdb = Pdb.FromFile(pdbpath);
                Top top = Top.FromFile(toppath);

                return(Build(pdb, top, logger));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static bool GetModesSelftest()
            if (GetModesSelftest_DoTest == false)
            GetModesSelftest_DoTest = false;

            string pdbpath = @"C:\Users\htna\htnasvn_htna\VisualStudioSolutions\Library2\HTLib2.Bioinfo\Bioinfo.Data\pdb\1MJC.pdb";

            if (HFile.Exists(pdbpath) == false)

            Pdb pdb = Pdb.FromFile(pdbpath);

            for (int i = 0; i < pdb.atoms.Length; i++)
                HDebug.Assert(pdb.atoms[0].altLoc == pdb.atoms[i].altLoc);
                HDebug.Assert(pdb.atoms[0].chainID == pdb.atoms[i].chainID);
            List <Vector> coords = pdb.atoms.ListCoord();
            double        cutoff = 13;
            Matrix        hess   = Hess.GetHessAnm(coords.ToArray(), cutoff).ToArray();

            Matrix modes;
            Vector freqs;

            GetModes(hess, out modes, out freqs);

Ejemplo n.º 3
            public static void Align(string pdbpath1, string pdbpath2, string alignedpath2)
                Pdb pdb1 = Pdb.FromFile(pdbpath1); List <Pdb.Atom> atoms1 = pdb1.atoms.SelectByChainID().SelectByAltLoc();
                Pdb pdb2 = Pdb.FromFile(pdbpath2); List <Pdb.Atom> atoms2 = pdb2.atoms.SelectByChainID().SelectByAltLoc();

                Align(atoms1, ref atoms2);

                Pdb.ToFile(alignedpath2, atoms2);
Ejemplo n.º 4
            public static AlignData FromFiles(string path_pdb, string path_hess, IList <double> masses, string cachebase = null)
                AlignData data = new AlignData();

                data.pdb       = Pdb.FromFile(path_pdb);
                data.coords    = data.pdb.atoms.ListCoord();
                data.cachebase = cachebase;
                int n = data.coords.Count;

                {   // data.hess
                    List <string> lines = HFile.ReadLines(path_hess).ToList();
                    int           row, col;
                        string[] tokens = lines[1].Split(new char[] { ' ', ',', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        HDebug.Assert(tokens.Length == 2);
                        row = int.Parse(tokens[0]);
                        col = int.Parse(tokens[1]);
                        HDebug.Assert(row == col);
                    HDebug.Assert(row == n * 3, col == n * 3);
                    MatrixByArr[,] hess = new MatrixByArr[n, n];
                    for (int c = 0; c < n; c++)
                        for (int r = 0; r < n; r++)
                            hess[c, r] = new double[3, 3];
                    for (int c = 0; c < col; c++)
                        string   line   = lines[c + 2];
                        string[] tokens = line.Split(new char[] { ' ', ',', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        HDebug.Assert(tokens.Length == row);
                        for (int r = 0; r < row; r++)
                            double val = double.Parse(tokens[r]);
                            hess[c / 3, r / 3][c % 3, r % 3] += val;
                            hess[r / 3, c / 3][r % 3, c % 3] += val;
                    for (int c = 0; c < n; c++)
                        for (int r = 0; r < n; r++)
                            hess[c, r] /= 2;
                    data.hess = hess;

                data.masses = masses.ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static void SelfTest(string rootpath, string[] args)
         Pdb           pdb    = Pdb.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\alanin.pdb");
         List <Vector> coords = pdb.atoms.ListCoord();
         coords[0] = new Vector(0, 1, 2);
         pdb.ToFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\alanin.updated.pdb", coords);
         Pdb pdb = Pdb.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\1a6g.pdb");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static Pdb FromPdbid
            (string pdbid
            , string cachebase  // null or @"K:\PdbUnzippeds\$PDBID$.pdb"
            , bool?download     // null or false
            if (cachebase == null)
                cachebase = @"K:\PdbUnzippeds\$PDBID$.pdb";
            if (download == null)
                download = false;

            string pdbpath = cachebase.Replace("$PDBID$", pdbid);

            if (HFile.Exists(pdbpath))
                var pdb  = Pdb.FromFile(pdbpath);
                var last = pdb.elements.Last();
                if (last is Pdb.End)
                if (last.line.Length == 80)

                if (download.Value)
                {   // redownload
                    pdb = Pdb.FromPdbid(pdbid);
            else if (download.Value)
                Pdb pdb = Pdb.FromPdbid(pdbid);
                if (pdb != null)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static bool GetBFactorSelfTest(string pdbpath, double cutoff, double corr, int round, InfoPack extra)
            if (HFile.Exists(pdbpath) == false)

            Pdb pdb = Pdb.FromFile(pdbpath);

            for (int i = 0; i < pdb.atoms.Length; i++)
                HDebug.Assert(pdb.atoms[0].altLoc == pdb.atoms[i].altLoc);
                HDebug.Assert(pdb.atoms[0].chainID == pdb.atoms[i].chainID);
            List <Pdb.Atom> atoms = new List <Pdb.Atom>();

            for (int i = 0; i < pdb.atoms.Length; i++)
                Pdb.Atom atom = pdb.atoms[i];
                if (atom.name.Trim().ToUpper() == "CA")
            List <Vector> coords  = atoms.ListCoord();
            Matrix        hess    = Hess.GetHessAnm(coords, cutoff);
            InfoPack      lextra  = new InfoPack();
            Vector        bfactor = GetBFactor(hess, 0.00000001, null, lextra);

            if (extra != null)
                extra["num_zero_eigvals"] = lextra["num_zero_eigvals"];
                extra["eigenvalues"]      = lextra["eigenvalues"];

            double corr_comp = pdb.CorrBFactor(atoms.ListName(), atoms.ListResSeq(), bfactor.ToArray());

            corr_comp = Math.Round(corr_comp, round);
            HDebug.Assert(corr == corr_comp);
            return(corr == corr_comp);
Ejemplo n.º 8
            public static Top FromPdb(string pdbpath
                                      , string ff    = "charmm27"
                                      , string water = "none"
                                      , HPack <Pdb> optout_confout = null
                Top top;

                FileInfo      pdbinfo  = new FileInfo(pdbpath);
                string        currdir  = HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory;
                DirectoryInfo temproot = HDirectory.CreateTempDirectory();

                HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = temproot.FullName;
                    HFile.Copy(pdbinfo.FullName, "protein.pdb");

                    RunPdb2gmx(f: "protein.pdb"
                               , o: "confout.pdb"
                               , p: "topol.top"
                               , q: "clean.pdb"
                               , ff: ff
                               , water: water
                               , merge: "all"
                               , lineStderr: null
                               , lineStdout: null

                    top = Top.FromFile("topol.top");
                    if (optout_confout != null)
                        optout_confout.value = Pdb.FromFile("confout.pdb");
                HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = currdir;
                try{ temproot.Delete(true); } catch (Exception) {}

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public bool LoadCoordsFromPdb(string path)
            Pdb pdb = Pdb.FromFile(path);

            HDebug.Assert(this.pdb.atoms.Length == pdb.atoms.Length);
            HDebug.Assert(this.size == pdb.atoms.Length);
            Vector[] coords = new Vector[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                if (this.pdb.atoms[i].name != pdb.atoms[i].name)
                if (this.pdb.atoms[i].resName != pdb.atoms[i].resName)
                coords[i] = pdb.atoms[i].coord;
Ejemplo n.º 10
            public static Universe Build(string xyzpath, bool loadxyzLatest, string prmpath, string pdbpath)
                Tinker.Xyz xyz  = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile(xyzpath, false);
                Tinker.Xyz xyz1 = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile(xyzpath, loadxyzLatest);
                Tinker.Prm prm  = Tinker.Prm.FromFile(prmpath);
                Pdb        pdb  = Pdb.FromFile(pdbpath);
                Universe   univ = Build(xyz, prm, pdb, 0.002);

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    HDebug.Assert(xyz.atoms.Length == univ.size);
                    Vector[] xyzcoords = xyz.atoms.HListCoords();
                    Vector[] unvcoords = univ.GetCoords();
                    for (int i = 0; i < univ.size; i++)
                        Vector dcoord = xyzcoords[i] - unvcoords[i];
                        HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, dcoord);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static void GetPotential_SelfTest(string rootpath, string[] args)
            if (GetPotential_SelfTest_do == false)

            GetPotential_SelfTest_do = false;
            Namd.Psf psf = Namd.Psf.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\alanin.psf");
            Pdb      pdb = Pdb.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\alanin.pdb");

            Namd.Prm prm = Namd.Prm.FromFileXPlor(rootpath + @"\Sample\alanin.params", new TextLogger());

            Universe univ = Universe.Build(psf, prm, pdb, false);

            List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds = ForceField.GetMindyForceFields();

            Vector[]    forces  = univ.GetVectorsZero();
            MatrixByArr hessian = null;
            Dictionary <string, object> cache = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            double energy = univ.GetPotential(frcflds, ref forces, ref hessian, cache);
            double toler  = 0.000005;

            HDebug.AssertTolerance(toler, SelfTest_alanin_energy - energy);
            HDebug.AssertTolerance(toler, SelfTest_alanin_energy_bonds - (double)cache["energy_bonds     "]);
            HDebug.AssertTolerance(toler, SelfTest_alanin_energy_angles - (double)cache["energy_angles    "]);
            HDebug.AssertTolerance(toler, SelfTest_alanin_energy_dihedrals - (double)cache["energy_dihedrals "]);
            HDebug.AssertTolerance(toler, SelfTest_alanin_energy_impropers - (double)cache["energy_impropers "]);
            HDebug.AssertTolerance(toler, SelfTest_alanin_energy_nonbondeds - (double)cache["energy_nonbondeds"]);
            HDebug.AssertTolerance(toler, SelfTest_alanin_energy_unknowns - (double)cache["energy_customs   "]);
            HDebug.AssertTolerance(toler, SelfTest_alanin_forces.GetLength(0) - forces.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < forces.Length; i++)
                HDebug.Assert(forces[i].Size == 3);
                HDebug.AssertTolerance(toler, SelfTest_alanin_forces[i, 0] - forces[i][0]);
                HDebug.AssertTolerance(toler, SelfTest_alanin_forces[i, 1] - forces[i][1]);
                HDebug.AssertTolerance(toler, SelfTest_alanin_forces[i, 2] - forces[i][2]);
Ejemplo n.º 12
            public static List <string> Convert_PdbWaterBox_To_XyzWaterBox
                (string path_solvbox_pdb  //= @"K:\Temp\solvate\solvbox100.pdb";
                Pdb pdb   = Pdb.FromFile(path_solvbox_pdb);
                var atoms = pdb.atoms;

                HDebug.Assert(atoms.Length == 783_198);
                string format_id    = " {0,6}";
                string format_coord = " {0,11:0.000000}";

                List <string> lines = new List <string>();

                lines.Add(string.Format(format_id, atoms.Length));
                for (int i = 0; i < atoms.Length; i++)
                    var atom = atoms[i];
                    int id   = i + 1;

                    string sId       = string.Format(format_id, id);
                    string sAtomType = null;
                    string sCoord    = string.Format(format_coord, atom.x)
                                       + string.Format(format_coord, atom.y)
                                       + string.Format(format_coord, atom.z);
                    string sAtomId   = null;
                    string sBondedId = null;

                    switch (i % 3)
                    case 0:
                        HDebug.Assert(atom.name == " OH2");
                        sAtomType = "  OT ";
                        sAtomId   = "   101";
                        sBondedId = string.Format(format_id, id + 1)
                                    + string.Format(format_id, id + 2);
                        //ATOM      1  OH2 TIP3W   1     -39.757 -43.987 -44.549  1.00  0.00      WT1  O
                        //ATOM      2  H1  TIP3W   1     -38.939 -43.594 -44.737  1.00  0.00      WT1  H
                        //ATOM      3  H2  TIP3W   1     -39.487 -44.929 -44.474  1.00  0.00      WT1  H
                        // 36944  OT    26.427752   -2.676966  -11.003556   101 36945 36946
                        // 36945  HT    25.722690   -1.988586  -10.960428    88 36944
                        // 36946  HT    25.928766   -3.441458  -11.365251    88 36944

                    case 1:
                        HDebug.Assert(atom.name == " H1 ");
                        sAtomType = "  HT ";
                        sAtomId   = "    88";
                        sBondedId = string.Format(format_id, id - 1);

                    case 2:
                        HDebug.Assert(atom.name == " H2 ");
                        sAtomType = "  HT ";
                        sAtomId   = "    88";
                        sBondedId = string.Format(format_id, id - 2);

                    HDebug.Assert(sId != null);
                    HDebug.Assert(sAtomType != null);
                    HDebug.Assert(sCoord != null);
                    HDebug.Assert(sAtomId != null);
                    HDebug.Assert(sBondedId != null);
                    string line = sId + sAtomType + sCoord + sAtomId + sBondedId;

                //HFile.WriteAllLines(path_solvbox_pdb.Replace(".pdb",".xyz"), lines);
                public static void Main
                    (string[] args
                    , string[] hesstypes
                    , double[] threszeroblks
                    string cachebase = @"K:\cache\CoarseGraining-20150111\proteins-177\";
                    string lockbase  = cachebase + @"lock\"; if (HDirectory.Exists(lockbase) == false)

                    Dictionary <string, List <Tuple <double, double, double[]> > > data = new Dictionary <string, List <Tuple <double, double, double[]> > >();

                    foreach (string pdbid in pdbids)
                        if (locks.ContainsKey(pdbid) == false)
                            var filelock = HFile.LockFile(lockbase + pdbid);
                            if (filelock == null)
                                System.Console.WriteLine("{0} is locked", pdbid);
                            locks.Add(pdbid, filelock);

                        string pathbase = cachebase + pdbid + @"\";
                        // load univ
                        var pdb0 = Pdb.FromFile(pathbase + "xry-struc.pdb");
                        var xyz0 = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile(pathbase + "xry-struc.xyz", false);
                        var xyz1 = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile(pathbase + "min-struc-charmm22.xyz", false);
                        var prm  = Tinker.Prm.FromFile(cachebase + "charmm22.prm");
                        if (HFile.Exists(pathbase + "min-struc-charmm22-screened.xyz") == false)
                            var newton = Tinker.Run.Newton
                                             (xyz1, prm, tempbase
                                             , null       // copytemp
                                             , "A 0.0001" // param
                                             , null       // atomsToFix
                                             , false
                                             , "CUTOFF 9", "TAPER"
                            newton.minxyz.ToFile(pathbase + "min-struc-charmm22-screened.xyz", false);
                        var      xyz2      = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile(pathbase + "min-struc-charmm22-screened.xyz", false);
                        Universe univ      = Universe.BuilderTinker.Build(xyz1, prm, pdb0, xyz0, 0.001);
                        Universe univ_scrn = Universe.BuilderTinker.Build(xyz2, prm, pdb0, xyz0, 0.001);

                        if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                            var grad  = Tinker.Run.Testgrad(xyz1, prm, tempbase);
                            var forc  = grad.anlyts.GetForces(xyz1.atoms);
                            var mforc = forc.Dist().Max();
                            HDebug.Assert(mforc < 0.1);

                            grad = Tinker.Run.Testgrad(xyz2, prm, tempbase, new string[] { "CUTOFF 9", "TAPER" }
                                                       , optOutSource: null
                            forc  = grad.anlyts.GetForces(xyz1.atoms);
                            mforc = forc.Dist().Max();
                            HDebug.Assert(mforc < 0.1);

                        System.Console.Write(pdbid + " : ");
                        foreach (string hesstype in hesstypes)
                            foreach (double threszeroblk in threszeroblks)
                                double GetHessCoarseResiIter_thres_zeroblk        = threszeroblk;
                                Tuple <double, double, double[]> corr_wovlp_ovlps = GetQuality(pathbase, univ, univ_scrn, hesstype, GetHessCoarseResiIter_thres_zeroblk);
                                if (corr_wovlp_ovlps == null)
                                    System.Console.Write(hesstype + "(Unknown exception                                                            ),    ");
                                System.Console.Write(hesstype + "(");
                                System.Console.Write("thod " + threszeroblk + " : ");
                                System.Console.Write("corr {0,6:0.0000}, ", corr_wovlp_ovlps.Item1);
                                System.Console.Write("wovlp {0,6:0.0000} : ", corr_wovlp_ovlps.Item2);
                                System.Console.Write("{0}),    ", corr_wovlp_ovlps.Item3.HToStringSeparated("{0,4:0.00}", ","));

                                string datakey = hesstype + "-" + threszeroblk;
                                if (data.ContainsKey(datakey) == false)
                                    data.Add(datakey, new List <Tuple <double, double, double[]> >());

                    System.Console.Write("avg  : ");
                    foreach (string hesstype in hesstypes)
                        foreach (double threszeroblk in threszeroblks)
                            string datakey = hesstype + "-" + threszeroblk;
                            List <Tuple <double, double, double[]> > datai = data[datakey];

                            double[]   lst_corr  = datai.HListItem1().ToArray();
                            double[]   lst_wovlp = datai.HListItem2().ToArray();
                            double[][] lst_ovlps = datai.HListItem3().ToArray();

                            double   corr  = lst_corr.HRemoveAll(double.NaN).Average();
                            double   wovlp = lst_wovlp.HRemoveAll(double.NaN).Average();
                            double[] ovlps = new double[10];
                            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                double[] lst_ovlpsi = new double[lst_ovlps.Length];
                                for (int j = 0; j < lst_ovlps.Length; j++)
                                    lst_ovlpsi[j] = lst_ovlps[j][i];
                                ovlps[i] = lst_ovlpsi.HRemoveAll(double.NaN).Average();

                            System.Console.Write(hesstype + "(");
                            System.Console.Write("thod " + threszeroblk + " : ");
                            System.Console.Write("corr {0,6:0.0000}, ", corr);
                            System.Console.Write("wovlp {0,6:0.0000} : ", wovlp);
                            System.Console.Write("{0}),    ", ovlps.HToStringSeparated("{0,4:0.00}", ","));
                    System.Console.Write("min  : ");
                    foreach (string hesstype in hesstypes)
                        foreach (double threszeroblk in threszeroblks)
                            string datakey = hesstype + "-" + threszeroblk;
                            List <Tuple <double, double, double[]> > datai = data[datakey];

                            double[]   lst_corr  = datai.HListItem1().ToArray();
                            double[]   lst_wovlp = datai.HListItem2().ToArray();
                            double[][] lst_ovlps = datai.HListItem3().ToArray();

                            double   corr  = lst_corr.HRemoveAll(double.NaN).Min();
                            double   wovlp = lst_wovlp.HRemoveAll(double.NaN).Min();
                            double[] ovlps = new double[10];
                            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                double[] lst_ovlpsi = new double[lst_ovlps.Length];
                                for (int j = 0; j < lst_ovlps.Length; j++)
                                    lst_ovlpsi[j] = lst_ovlps[j][i];
                                ovlps[i] = lst_ovlpsi.HRemoveAll(double.NaN).Min();

                            System.Console.Write(hesstype + "(");
                            System.Console.Write("thod " + threszeroblk + " : ");
                            System.Console.Write("corr {0,6:0.0000}, ", corr);
                            System.Console.Write("wovlp {0,6:0.0000} : ", wovlp);
                            System.Console.Write("{0}),    ", ovlps.HToStringSeparated("{0,4:0.00}", ","));
                    System.Console.Write("#miss: ");
                    foreach (string hesstype in hesstypes)
                        foreach (double threszeroblk in threszeroblks)
                            string datakey = hesstype + "-" + threszeroblk;
                            List <Tuple <double, double, double[]> > datai = data[datakey];

                            double[]   lst_corr  = datai.HListItem1().ToArray();
                            double[]   lst_wovlp = datai.HListItem2().ToArray();
                            double[][] lst_ovlps = datai.HListItem3().ToArray();

                            int   cnt_corr  = lst_corr.Length - lst_corr.HRemoveAll(double.NaN).Length;
                            int   cnt_wovlp = lst_wovlp.Length - lst_wovlp.HRemoveAll(double.NaN).Length;
                            int[] cnt_ovlps = new int[10];
                            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                double[] lst_ovlpsi = new double[lst_ovlps.Length];
                                for (int j = 0; j < lst_ovlps.Length; j++)
                                    lst_ovlpsi[j] = lst_ovlps[j][i];
                                cnt_ovlps[i] = lst_ovlpsi.Length - lst_ovlpsi.HRemoveAll(double.NaN).Length;

                            System.Console.Write(hesstype + "(");
                            System.Console.Write("thod " + threszeroblk + " : ");
                            System.Console.Write("corr {0,6}, ", cnt_corr);
                            System.Console.Write("wovlp {0,6} : ", cnt_wovlp);
                            System.Console.Write("{0}),    ", cnt_ovlps.HToStringSeparated("{0,4}", ","));
Ejemplo n.º 14
            public static void SelfTest(string pdbname, string psfname, string prmname, string xyzname)
                using (var temp = new HTempDirectory(@"C:\temp\", null))
                        string resbase = "HTLib2.Bioinfo.HTLib2.Bioinfo.External.Tinker.Resources.selftest.";
                        HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(resbase + pdbname, pdbname);
                        HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(resbase + psfname, psfname);
                        HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(resbase + "par_all27_prot_lipid.inp", prmname);
                        if (xyzname != null)
                            HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(resbase + xyzname, xyzname);
                        HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(resbase + "charmm22.prm", "charmm22.prm");

                            var pdb = Pdb.FromFile(pdbname);
                            var psf = Namd.Psf.FromFile(psfname);
                            var prm = Namd.Prm.FromFile(prmname);

                            var xyz_prm = BuildFromNamd(pdb, psf, prm);
                            xyz_prm.Item1.ToFile("TinkFromNamd.xyz", false);

                        if (xyzname != null)
                            var xyz0  = Xyz.FromFile("TinkFromNamd.xyz", false);
                            var prm0  = Prm.FromFile("TinkFromNamd.prm");
                            var grad0 = Run.Testgrad(xyz0, prm0, @"C:\temp\"
                                                     //, "VDWTERM     NONE"
                                                     //, "CHARGETERM  NONE"
                                                     //, "BONDTERM    NONE"
                                                     //, "ANGLETERM   NONE"
                                                     //, "UREYTERM    NONE"
                                                     //, "IMPROPTERM  NONE"
                                                     //, "TORSIONTERM NONE"
                            var forc0 = grad0.anlyts.GetForces(xyz0.atoms);

                            var xyz1  = Xyz.FromFile(xyzname, false);
                            var prm1  = Prm.FromFile("charmm22.prm");
                            var grad1 = Run.Testgrad(xyz1, prm1, @"C:\temp\"
                                                     //, "VDWTERM     NONE"
                                                     //, "CHARGETERM  NONE"
                                                     //, "BONDTERM    NONE"
                                                     //, "ANGLETERM   NONE"
                                                     //, "UREYTERM    NONE"
                                                     //, "IMPROPTERM  NONE"
                                                     //, "TORSIONTERM NONE"
                            var forc1 = grad1.anlyts.GetForces(xyz1.atoms);
                                KDTree.KDTree <object> kdtree = new KDTree.KDTree <object>(3);
                                var atoms0 = xyz0.atoms;
                                for (int i = 0; i < atoms0.Length; i++)
                                    kdtree.insert(atoms0[i].Coord, i);
                                var   atoms1  = xyz1.atoms;
                                int[] idx1to0 = new int[atoms1.Length];
                                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < atoms1.Length; i1++)
                                    Vector coord1 = atoms1[i1].Coord;
                                    int    i0     = (int)kdtree.nearest(coord1);
                                    Vector coord0 = atoms0[i0].Coord;
                                    idx1to0[i0] = i1;
                                atoms1 = atoms1.HSelectByIndex(idx1to0);
                                forc1  = forc1.HSelectByIndex(idx1to0);

                            Vector[] dforc     = VectorBlock.PwSub(forc0, forc1).ToArray();
                            double[] dforcl    = dforc.Dist();
                            double   max_dforc = dforc.Dist().Max();
                            HDebug.Exception(max_dforc < 1);       // 0.72682794387667848

                                double EB   = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EB - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EB);    HDebug.Exception(EB < 0.1);
                                double EA   = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EA - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EA);    HDebug.Exception(EA < 0.1);
                                double EBA  = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EBA - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EBA);    HDebug.Exception(EBA < 0.1);
                                double EUB  = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EUB - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EUB);    HDebug.Exception(EUB < 0.1);
                                double EAA  = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EAA - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EAA);    HDebug.Exception(EAA < 0.1);
                                double EOPB = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EOPB - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EOPB);    HDebug.Exception(EOPB < 0.1);
                                double EOPD = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EOPD - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EOPD);    HDebug.Exception(EOPD < 0.1);
                                double EID  = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EID - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EID);    HDebug.Exception(EID < 0.1);          // 0.0019000000000000128 : N-terminus (and C-terminus) information is/are inconsistent betweeen namd-charmm and tink-charmm22
                                double EIT  = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EIT - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EIT);    HDebug.Exception(EIT < 0.1);
                                double ET   = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ET - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ET);    HDebug.Exception(ET < 0.5);             // 0.33029999999999404   : N-terminus (and C-terminus) information is/are inconsistent betweeen namd-charmm and tink-charmm22
                                double EPT  = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EPT - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EPT);    HDebug.Exception(EPT < 0.1);
                                double EBT  = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EBT - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EBT);    HDebug.Exception(EBT < 0.1);
                                double ETT  = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ETT - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ETT);    HDebug.Exception(ETT < 0.1);
                                double EV   = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EV - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EV);    HDebug.Exception(EV < 0.1);
                                double EC   = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EC - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EC);    HDebug.Exception(EC < 0.5);             // 0.37830000000002428
                                double ECD  = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ECD - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ECD);    HDebug.Exception(ECD < 0.1);
                                double ED   = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ED - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ED);    HDebug.Exception(ED < 0.1);
                                double EM   = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EM - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EM);    HDebug.Exception(EM < 0.1);
                                double EP   = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EP - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EP);    HDebug.Exception(EP < 0.1);
                                double ER   = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ER - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ER);    HDebug.Exception(ER < 0.1);
                                double ES   = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ES - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ES);    HDebug.Exception(ES < 0.1);
                                double ELF  = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.ELF - grad1.enrgCmpnt.ELF);    HDebug.Exception(ELF < 0.1);
                                double EG   = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EG - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EG);    HDebug.Exception(EG < 0.1);
                                double EX   = Math.Abs(grad0.enrgCmpnt.EX - grad1.enrgCmpnt.EX);    HDebug.Exception(EX < 0.1);

                //    //string pathbase = @"C:\Users\htna.IASTATE\svn\htnasvn_htna\Research.bioinfo.prog.NAMD\1A6G\New folder\";
                //    string pathbase = @"C:\Users\htna.IASTATE\svn\htnasvn_htna\Research.bioinfo.prog.NAMD\1A6G\";
                //    string toplbase = @"C:\Users\htna.IASTATE\svn\htnasvn_htna\Research.bioinfo.prog.NAMD\top_all27_prot_lipid\";
                //    var pdb = Pdb     .FromFile(pathbase+"1A6G.psfgen.pdb");
                //    var psf = Namd.Psf.FromFile(pathbase+"1A6G.psfgen.psf");
                //    var prm = Namd.Prm.FromFile(toplbase+"par_all27_prot_na.prm");
                //        pdb = Pdb     .FromFile(@"K:\Tim-8TIM,1TPH,1M6J\Tim-1M6J\1M6J.psfgen.pdb");
                //        psf = Namd.Psf.FromFile(@"K:\Tim-8TIM,1TPH,1M6J\Tim-1M6J\1M6J.psfgen.psf");
                //        prm = Namd.Prm.FromFile(@"K:\Tim-8TIM,1TPH,1M6J\Tim-1M6J\par_all27_prot_lipid.inp");
                //    var xyz_prm = BuildFromNamd(pdb, psf, prm);
                //    xyz_prm.Item1.ToFile(@"C:\temp\TinkFromNamd.xyz", false);
                //    xyz_prm.Item2.ToFile(@"C:\temp\TinkFromNamd.prm");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static void SelfTest(string rootpath, string[] args)
            //    Pdb pdb = Pdb.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\1a6g.pdb");
            //    HTLib2.Bioinfo.Universe.Build(pdb);
            GetPotential_SelfTest(rootpath, args);

            Universe univ = null;

            string sample = null;

            //sample = "1a6g_autopsf.unfolded";
            //sample = "1a6g_autopsf";
            switch (sample)
            case "alanin":
                List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds = ForceField.GetMindyForceFields();
                double k         = 0.0001;
                double threshold = 0.001;
                //int iter = univ.Minimize_ConjugateGradient_v0(frcflds, k, threshold);
                int    randomPurturb = 0;      // no random purturbation
                bool[] atomsMovable  = null;   // update all atoms
                int    iter_conjgrad;
                    Namd.Psf psf = Namd.Psf.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\alanin.psf");
                    Pdb      pdb = Pdb.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\alanin.pdb");
                    Namd.Prm prm = Namd.Prm.FromFileXPlor(rootpath + @"\Sample\alanin.params", new TextLogger());
                    univ = Universe.Build(psf, prm, pdb, false);

                    //frcflds = new List<ForceField.IForceField>();
                    //frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyBond());
                    //frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyAngle());
                    //frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyDihedral());
                    //frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyImproper());
                    //frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyNonbondedLennardJones());
                    //frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyNonbondedElectrostatic());

                    //iter_conjgrad = univ.Minimize_ConjugateGradient_v1(0, frcflds, k, 0.1, null, threshold, randomPurturb, atomsMovable, new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag(), null, null);

                    //frcflds = new List<ForceField.IForceField>();
                    //frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyBond());
                    //frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyAngle());
                    //frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyImproper());
                    //frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyNonbondedLennardJones());
                    //frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyNonbondedElectrostatic());

                    //iter_conjgrad = univ.Minimize_ConjugateGradient_v1(0, frcflds, k*0.1, 0.1, null, threshold, randomPurturb, atomsMovable, new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag(), null, null);

                    frcflds = new List <ForceField.IForceField>();
                    if (HDebug.False)
                        frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyBond());
                        frcflds.Add(new ForceField.PwBond());
                    if (HDebug.False)
                        frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyAngle());
                        frcflds.Add(new ForceField.PwAngle());
                    frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyDihedral());
                    if (HDebug.False)
                        frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyImproper());
                        frcflds.Add(new ForceField.PwImproper());
                    if (HDebug.False)
                        frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyNonbondedElectrostatic());
                        frcflds.Add(new ForceField.PwElec());
                    if (HDebug.False)
                        frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyNonbondedLennardJones());
                        frcflds.Add(new ForceField.PwVdw());

                    iter_conjgrad = univ.Minimize_ConjugateGradient_v1(0, frcflds, k, 0.01, null, threshold, randomPurturb, atomsMovable, new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag(), null, null);
                    //Psf psf = Psf.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\alanin.psf");
                    //Pdb pdb = Pdb.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\alanin.pdb");
                    //Prm prm = Prm.FromFileXPlor(rootpath + @"\Sample\alanin.params", new TextLogger());
                    //univ = Universe.Build(psf, prm, pdb);

                    //frcflds = new List<ForceField.IForceField>();
                    //if(true) frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyBond()); else frcflds.Add(new ForceField.PwBond());
                    //if(true) frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyAngle()); else frcflds.Add(new ForceField.PwAngle());
                    //frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyDihedral());
                    //if(true) frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyImproper()); else frcflds.Add(new ForceField.PwImproper());
                    //if(true) frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyNonbondedElectrostatic()); else frcflds.Add(new ForceField.PwElec());
                    //if(true) frcflds.Add(new ForceField.MindyNonbondedLennardJones()); else frcflds.Add(new ForceField.PwVdw());
                    univ.atoms[0].Coord += new Vector(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
                    //iter_conjgrad = univ.Minimize_ConjugateGradient_v1(0, frcflds, k, 0.001, null, threshold, randomPurturb, atomsMovable, new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag(), null, null);
                    iter_conjgrad = univ.Minimize_ConjugateGradient_AtomwiseUpdate(frcflds,
                                                                                   threshold: threshold,
                                                                                   k: k,
                                                                                   max_atom_movement: 0.001,
                                                                                   max_iteration: null,
                                                                                   atomsMovable: atomsMovable,
                                                                                   logger: new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag()
                k = 0.0005;
                //int iter_stepdsnt = univ.Minimize_SteepestDescent(frcflds, k, threshold, System.Console.Error);

            case "1a6g_autopsf":
                Namd.Psf psf = Namd.Psf.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\1a6g_autopsf.psf");
                Pdb      pdb = Pdb.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\1a6g_autopsf.pdb");
                Namd.Prm prm = Namd.Prm.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\1a6g_autopsf.prm", new TextLogger());

                univ = Universe.Build(psf, prm, pdb, false);

                List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds = ForceField.GetMindyForceFields();
                double threshold    = 0.001;
                string minimize_ver = "v1";
                switch (minimize_ver)
                //case "v2":
                //    {
                //        double atom_max_move = 0.03;
                //        int iter_conjgrad = univ.Minimize_ConjugateGradient_v2(frcflds, atom_max_move, threshold, System.Console.Error);
                //        break;
                //    }
                case "v1":
                    double k             = 0.0001;
                    int    randomPurturb = 0;              // no random purturbation
                    bool[] atomsMovable  = null;           // update all atoms
                    int    iter_conjgrad = univ.Minimize_ConjugateGradient_v1(0, frcflds, k, 0.1, null, threshold, randomPurturb, atomsMovable, new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag(), null, null);

                    goto case "v1";
                //atom_max_move = 0.03;
                //int iter_stepdsnt = univ.Minimize_SteepestDescent(frcflds, atom_max_move, threshold, System.Console.Error);

            case "1a6g_autopsf.unfolded":
                Namd.Psf psf = Namd.Psf.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\1a6g_autopsf.psf");
                Pdb      pdb = Pdb.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\1a6g_autopsf.pdb");
                    Random        rand   = new Random(1);
                    List <Vector> coords = pdb.atoms.ListCoord();

                    for (int i = 0; i < coords.Count; i++)
                        double x = i * 0.1 + rand.NextDouble() * 0.01;
                        double y = i * 0.1 + rand.NextDouble() * 0.01;
                        double z = i * 0.1 + rand.NextDouble() * 0.01;
                        coords[i] = new Vector(x, y, z);
                    pdb.ToFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\1a6g_autopsf.unfolded.pdb", coords);
                    pdb = Pdb.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\1a6g_autopsf.unfolded.pdb");
                Namd.Prm prm = Namd.Prm.FromFile(rootpath + @"\Sample\1a6g_autopsf.prm", new TextLogger());

                univ = Universe.Build(psf, prm, pdb, false);

                List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds = ForceField.GetMindyForceFields();
                double threshold    = 0.01;
                string minimize_ver = "v1";
                switch (minimize_ver)
                //case "v2":
                //    {
                //        double atom_max_move = 0.1;
                //        int iter_conjgrad = univ.Minimize_ConjugateGradient_v2(frcflds, atom_max_move, threshold, System.Console.Error);
                //        break;
                //    }
                case "v1":
                    double k             = 0.0001;
                    int    randomPurturb = 100;
                    bool[] atomsMovable  = null;                // updates all atoms
                    int    iter_conjgrad = univ.Minimize_ConjugateGradient_v1(0, frcflds, k, 0.1, null, threshold, randomPurturb, atomsMovable, new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag(), null, null);

                    goto case "v1";
                //atom_max_move = 0.03;
                //int iter_stepdsnt = univ.Minimize_SteepestDescent(frcflds, atom_max_move, threshold, System.Console.Error);

                goto case "alanin";
Ejemplo n.º 16
                public static bool Main(string[] args, ILinAlg la)
                    string cachebase = @"K:\cache\CoarseGraining-20150111\proteins-177\";

                    foreach (var pdbid_corr_ovlps in lst_pdbid_corr_ovlps)
                        string pdbid = pdbid_corr_ovlps.Item1;

                        string pathbase = cachebase + pdbid + @"\";
                        // load univ
                        var pdb0 = Pdb.FromFile(pathbase + "xry-struc.pdb");
                        var xyz0 = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile(pathbase + "xry-struc.xyz", false);
                        var xyz1 = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile(pathbase + "min-struc-charmm22.xyz", false);
                        var prm  = Tinker.Prm.FromFile(cachebase + "charmm22.prm");
                        var xyz2 = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile(pathbase + "min-struc-charmm22-screened.xyz", false);
                        #region generating "min-struc-charmm22-screened.xyz"
                        //if(HFile.Exists(pathbase + "min-struc-charmm22-screened.xyz") == false)
                        //    var newton = Tinker.Run.Newton
                        //        ( xyz1, prm, tempbase
                        //        , null // copytemp
                        //        , "A 0.0001" // param
                        //        , null // atomsToFix
                        //        , false
                        //        , "CUTOFF 9", "TAPER"
                        //        );
                        //    newton.minxyz.ToFile(pathbase + "min-struc-charmm22-screened.xyz", false);

                        Universe univ = Universe.BuilderTinker.Build(xyz1, prm, pdb0, xyz0, 0.001);

                        System.Console.Write("{0}: ", pdbid);

                        HessInfo NMA_hessinfo = GetHessNMA(xyz1, prm, tempbase);
                        Mode[]   NMA_modes    = NMA_hessinfo.GetModesMassReduced();
                        Mode[]   NMA_nzmodes  = NMA_modes.HSelectFrom(6);
                        Vector   NMA_bfactor  = NMA_nzmodes.GetBFactor().ToArray();

                        HessInfo sbNMA_hessinfo = GetHessSbNMA(univ, xyz1.atoms.HListCoords(), 12, null, true, true, true, true, true, true, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
                        Mode[]   sbNMA_modes    = sbNMA_hessinfo.GetModesMassReduced();
                        Mode[]   sbNMA_nzmodes  = sbNMA_modes.HSelectFrom(6);
                        Vector   sbNMA_bfactor  = sbNMA_nzmodes.GetBFactor().ToArray();

                        double corr  = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(NMA_bfactor, sbNMA_bfactor);
                        double ovlp0 = Math.Abs(LinAlg.VtV(NMA_nzmodes[0].eigvec.UnitVector(), sbNMA_nzmodes[0].eigvec.UnitVector()));
                        double ovlp1 = Math.Abs(LinAlg.VtV(NMA_nzmodes[1].eigvec.UnitVector(), sbNMA_nzmodes[1].eigvec.UnitVector()));
                        double ovlp2 = Math.Abs(LinAlg.VtV(NMA_nzmodes[2].eigvec.UnitVector(), sbNMA_nzmodes[2].eigvec.UnitVector()));
                        double ovlp3 = Math.Abs(LinAlg.VtV(NMA_nzmodes[3].eigvec.UnitVector(), sbNMA_nzmodes[3].eigvec.UnitVector()));
                        double ovlp4 = Math.Abs(LinAlg.VtV(NMA_nzmodes[4].eigvec.UnitVector(), sbNMA_nzmodes[4].eigvec.UnitVector()));
                        double ovlp5 = Math.Abs(LinAlg.VtV(NMA_nzmodes[5].eigvec.UnitVector(), sbNMA_nzmodes[5].eigvec.UnitVector()));
                        double ovlp6 = Math.Abs(LinAlg.VtV(NMA_nzmodes[6].eigvec.UnitVector(), sbNMA_nzmodes[6].eigvec.UnitVector()));
                        double ovlp7 = Math.Abs(LinAlg.VtV(NMA_nzmodes[7].eigvec.UnitVector(), sbNMA_nzmodes[7].eigvec.UnitVector()));
                        double ovlp8 = Math.Abs(LinAlg.VtV(NMA_nzmodes[8].eigvec.UnitVector(), sbNMA_nzmodes[8].eigvec.UnitVector()));
                        double ovlp9 = Math.Abs(LinAlg.VtV(NMA_nzmodes[9].eigvec.UnitVector(), sbNMA_nzmodes[9].eigvec.UnitVector()));

                        System.Console.Write("corr {0:0.0000}, ", corr);
                        System.Console.Write("ovlp0 {0:0.0000}, ", ovlp0);
                        System.Console.Write("ovlp1 {0:0.0000}, ", ovlp1);
                        System.Console.Write("ovlp2 {0:0.0000}, ", ovlp2);
                        System.Console.Write("ovlp3 {0:0.0000}, ", ovlp3);
                        System.Console.Write("ovlp4 {0:0.0000}, ", ovlp4);
                        System.Console.Write("ovlp5 {0:0.0000}, ", ovlp5);
                        System.Console.Write("ovlp6 {0:0.0000}, ", ovlp6);
                        System.Console.Write("ovlp7 {0:0.0000}, ", ovlp7);
                        System.Console.Write("ovlp8 {0:0.0000}, ", ovlp8);
                        System.Console.Write("ovlp9 {0:0.0000}, ", ovlp9);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static bool GetHessAnmSelfTest()
            if (HDebug.Selftest() == false)

            string pdbpath = @"C:\Users\htna\svn\htnasvn_htna\VisualStudioSolutions\Library2\HTLib2.Bioinfo\Bioinfo.Data\pdb\1MJC.pdb";

            if (HFile.Exists(pdbpath) == false)

            Pdb pdb = Pdb.FromFile(pdbpath);

            for (int i = 0; i < pdb.atoms.Length; i++)
                HDebug.Assert(pdb.atoms[0].altLoc == pdb.atoms[i].altLoc);
                HDebug.Assert(pdb.atoms[0].chainID == pdb.atoms[i].chainID);
            List <Vector> coords = pdb.atoms.ListCoord();
            double        cutoff = 13;

            Matlab.PutMatrix("x", Matrix.FromRowVectorList(coords).ToArray());
            Matlab.PutValue("cutoffR", cutoff);
            Matlab.Execute(@"%  function cx = contactsNew(x, cutoffR)
                                % Contact matrix within cutoff distance.
                                % Author: Guang Song
                                % New: 10/25/2006

                                %n = size(x,1); 
                                % Method 1: slow
                                %for i=1:n
                                %  center = x(i,:);
                                %  distSqr(:,i) = sum((x-center(ones(n,1),:)).^2,2);
                                %cx = sparse(distSqr<=cutoffR^2);

                                % Method 2: fast! about 28 times faster when array size is 659x3
                                %tot = zeros(n,n);
                                %for i=1:3
                                %  xi = x(:,ones(n,1)*i);
                                %  %tmp = (xi - xi.').^2;
                                %  %tot = tot + tmp;
                                %  tot = tot +  (xi - xi.').^2;
                                %cx = sparse(tot<=cutoffR^2);

                                % Method 3: this implementation is the shortest! but sligtly slower than 
                                % method 2
                                %xn = x(:,:,ones(n,1)); % create n copy x
                                %xnp = permute(xn,[3,2,1]);
                                %tot = sum((xn-xnp).^2,2); % sum along x, y, z
                                %cx = sparse(permute(tot,[1,3,2])<=cutoffR^2);
                                % put it into one line like below actually slows it down. Don't do that.
                                %cx =  sparse(permute(sum((xn-permute(xn,[3,2,1])).^2,2),[1,3,2])<=cutoffR^2);

                                %Method 4: using function pdist, which I just know
                                % this one line implementation is even faster. 2 times than method 2.
                                cx = sparse(squareform(pdist(x)<=cutoffR));
            Matlab.Execute(@"%  function [anm,xij,normxij] = baseHess(x,cx)
                                % Basic Hessian Matrix
                                % Author: Guang Song
                                % Created: Feb 23, 2005
                                % Rev: 11/09/06
                                % cx is the contact map. Also with gama info (new! 02/23/05)
                                dim = size(x,1);
                                nx = x(:,:,ones(1,dim));
                                xij = permute(nx,[3,1,2]) - permute(nx,[1,3,2]); % xj - xi for any i j
                                normxij = squareform(pdist(x)) + diag(ones(1,dim)); % + diag part added to avoid divided by zero.
                                anm = zeros(3*dim,3*dim);
                                for i=1:3
                                  for j=1:3
                                     tmp = xij(:,:,i).*xij(:,:,j).*cx./normxij.^2;
                                     tmp = diag(sum(tmp)) - tmp;
                                     anm(i:3:3*dim,j:3:3*dim) = tmp;

                                % if dR is scalar, then dR = 1, back to GNM.
                                %if abs(i-j) == 1 % virtual bonds. should stay around 3.81 A
                                %   K33 = K33*100;
                                anm = (anm+anm')/2; % make sure return matrix is symmetric (fix numeric error)
            Matrix anm_gsong = Matlab.GetMatrix("anm");


            Matrix anm = GetHessAnm(coords.ToArray(), cutoff);

            if (anm_gsong.RowSize != anm.RowSize)
                HDebug.Assert(false); return(false);
            if (anm_gsong.ColSize != anm.ColSize)
                HDebug.Assert(false); return(false);

            for (int c = 0; c < anm.ColSize; c++)
                for (int r = 0; r < anm.RowSize; r++)
                    if (Math.Abs(anm_gsong[c, r] - anm[c, r]) >= 0.00000001)
                        HDebug.Assert(false); return(false);

Ejemplo n.º 18
            public static Vector[] MinimizeLBfgs(IList <Pdb.Atom> atoms
                                                 , IList <Vector> coords = null
                                                 , string ff             = null // -ff          string select  Force field, interactive by default. Use -h for information.
                                                                                //              "charmm27", ...
                                                 , string water      = null     // -water       enum   select  Water model to use: select, none, spc, spce, tip3p, tip4p or tip5p
                                                 , double mdp_emtol  = 0.001    // the minimization is converged when the maximum force is smaller than this value
                                                 , double mdp_emstep = 0.001    // initial step-size
                Vector[] confout;
                    string currdir = HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory;
                    System.IO.DirectoryInfo temproot = HDirectory.CreateTempDirectory();
                    HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = temproot.FullName;
                        if (coords != null)
                            HDebug.Assert(atoms.Count == coords.Count);
                        Pdb.ToFile("conf.pdb", atoms, coords: coords
                                   , headers: new string[] { "CRYST1                                                                          " }
                                            , new string[] { "; Parameters describing what to do, when to stop and what to save                                                                    "
                                                             , "integrator      = l-bfgs                                                                                                             "
                                                             , "emtol           = 0.001                                                                                                              "
                                                             , "emstep          = 0.001      ; Energy step size                                                                                      "
                                                             , "nsteps          = 5000000000 ; Maximum number of (minimization) steps to perform                                                              "
                                                             , "                             ; Parameters describing how to find the neighbors of each atom and how to calculate the interactions    "
                                                             , "nstlist         = 1          ; Frequency to update the neighbor list and long range forces                                           "
                                                             , "ns_type         = grid       ; Method to determine neighbor list (simple, grid)                                                      "
                                                             , "rlist           = 1.0        ; Cut-off for making neighbor list (short range forces) ; htna 1.0-1.2                                  "
                                                             , "coulombtype     = Shift                                                                                                              "
                                                             , "rcoulomb        = 1.0                                                                                                                "
                                                             , "rcoulomb_switch = 0.7                                                                                                                "
                                                             , "vdwtype         = Shift                                                                                                              "
                                                             , "rvdw            = 1.0                                                                                                                "
                                                             , "rvdw_switch     = 0.7                                                                                                                "
                                                             //,"                                                                                                                                     "
                                                             //,"                                                                                                                                     "
                                                             //,"nstxout         = 1; (100) [steps]  frequency to write coordinates to output trajectory file, the last coordinates are always written"
                                                             //,"nstvout         = 1; (100) [steps]  frequency to write velocities to output trajectory, the last velocities are always written       "
                                                             //,"nstfout         = 1; (  0) [steps]  frequency to write forces to output trajectory.                                                  "

                        RunPdb2gmx(f: "conf.pdb"
                                   , o: "confout.pdb"
                                   , p: "topol.top"
                                   , i: "posre.itp"
                                   , n: "clean.ndx"
                                   , q: "clean.pdb"
                                   , ff: "charmm27"
                                   , water: "none"
                                   , merge: "all"
                                   , lineStderr: null
                                   , lineStdout: null

                        RunGrompp(f: "grompp-nm.mdp"
                                  , p: "topol.top"
                                  , o: "topol-nm.tpr"
                                  , c: "confout.pdb"
                                  , lineStderr: null
                                  , lineStdout: null

                        RunMdrun(s: "topol-nm.tpr"
                                 , c: "confout.pdb"
                                 , o: "traj.trr"
                                 , g: "md.log"
                                 //, mtx:"hessian.mtx"
                                 //, pf:"pullf.xvg"
                                 //, px:"pullx.xvg"
                                 //, nt:"3"
                                 , lineStderr: null
                                 , lineStdout: null

                        Pdb pdbout = Pdb.FromFile("confout.pdb");
                        confout = pdbout.atoms.ListCoord().ToArray();
                    HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = currdir;
                    try{ temproot.Delete(true); } catch (Exception) {}

                HDebug.Assert(confout.Length == atoms.Count);