public ActionResult HandleRegisterMember([Bind(Prefix = "registerModel")] RegisterFormViewModel model)
                // Save Plan Id for the view
                ViewData["PlanId"] = model.PlanId;

                var enrollAfterLogin = Convert.ToInt32(model.PlanId != null).ToString();

                // Check the Member Id (Y number)
                if (model.PlanId == null) // Enrolled user

                    var errorMessage = ValidateMemberIdCore(model.MemberId, model.DateOfBirth, true);

                    if (errorMessage != null)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("registerModel.MemberId", errorMessage);

                    // check if yNumber is already registered in umbraco
                    var registeredUsername = GetMemberRegisteredUsernameWithYNumber(model.MemberId);
                    if (registeredUsername != null)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("registerModel.MemberId", "The Member ID you have entered is registered with existing user name: " + registeredUsername);

                    // if there's no error, try to get plan ID from api
                    var planId = MakeInternalApiCall<string>("GetHealthPlanIdByMemberId",
                        new Dictionary<string, string> { { "memberId", model.MemberId } });
                    if (planId != null)
                        ViewData["PlanId"] = model.PlanId;
                        model.PlanId = planId;
                    // is new user
                    // Validate ZipCode
                    if (!ComparePlansSurfaceController.IsValidZipCodeInternal(model.Zipcode))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("registerModel.Zipcode", "Invalid Zip Code");

                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    return CurrentUmbracoPage();

                // Create registration model and bind it with view model
                var registerModel = RegisterModel.CreateModel();
                registerModel.Name = model.Username.Trim();
                registerModel.UsernameIsEmail = false;
                registerModel.Email = model.Email.Trim();
                registerModel.Username = model.Username.Trim();
                registerModel.Password = model.Password.Trim();
                registerModel.RedirectUrl = "for-members/verify-account/";
                registerModel.MemberProperties.Add(new UmbracoProperty { Alias = "firstName", Value = model.FirstName.Trim() });
                registerModel.MemberProperties.Add(new UmbracoProperty { Alias = "lastName", Value = model.LastName.Trim() });
                registerModel.MemberProperties.Add(new UmbracoProperty { Alias = "ssn", Value = model.Ssn.TrimNullable() });
                registerModel.MemberProperties.Add(new UmbracoProperty { Alias = "zipCode", Value = model.Zipcode.TrimNullable() });
                registerModel.MemberProperties.Add(new UmbracoProperty { Alias = "phoneNumber", Value = model.Phone.TrimNullable() });
                registerModel.MemberProperties.Add(new UmbracoProperty { Alias = "yNumber", Value = model.MemberId.TrimNullable() });
                registerModel.MemberProperties.Add(new UmbracoProperty { Alias = "healthplanid", Value = model.PlanId.TrimNullable() });
                registerModel.MemberProperties.Add(new UmbracoProperty { Alias = "enrollmentpageafterlogin", Value = enrollAfterLogin });

                MembershipCreateStatus status;
                Members.RegisterMember(registerModel, out status, false);

                switch (status)
                    case MembershipCreateStatus.Success:
                        // Sign the user out (Umbraco wont stop auto logging in - this is a hack to fix)
                        // Set the user to be not approved
                        var memb = Membership.GetUser(model.Username);
                        memb.IsApproved = false;
                        // Send the user a verification link to activate their account
                        var sendVerificationLinkModel = new SendVerificationLinkModel();
                        sendVerificationLinkModel.UserName = model.Username;
                        sendVerificationLinkModel.RedirectUrl = "/for-members/verify-account/";
                        return RedirectToAction("SendVerificationLink_GET", "EmailSurface", sendVerificationLinkModel);

                    case MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidUserName:
                        ModelState.AddModelError("registerModel.Username", "Username is not valid");
                    case MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidPassword:
                        ModelState.AddModelError("registerModel.Password", PasswordNotStrongEnough);
                    case MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidQuestion:
                    case MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidAnswer:
                        //TODO: Support q/a
                        throw new NotImplementedException(status.ToString());
                    case MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidEmail:
                        ModelState.AddModelError("registerModel.Email", "Email is invalid");
                    case MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateUserName:
                        ModelState.AddModelError("registerModel.Username", "A member with this username already exists");
                    case MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateEmail:
                        ModelState.AddModelError("registerModel.Email", "A member with this e-mail address already exists");
                    case MembershipCreateStatus.UserRejected:
                    case MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidProviderUserKey:
                    case MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateProviderUserKey:
                    case MembershipCreateStatus.ProviderError:
                        //don't add a field level error, just model level
                        ModelState.AddModelError("registerModel", "An error occurred creating the member: " + status);
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                return CurrentUmbracoPage();
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Create an error message with sufficient info to contact the user
                string additionalInfo = "Could not register user " + model.Username + ".";
                // Add the error message to the log4net output
                log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["additionalInfo"] = additionalInfo;
                return CurrentUmbracoPage();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult SendVerificationLink_GET(SendVerificationLinkModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid && Services.MemberService.GetByUsername(model.UserName) != null)
                // Get a handle on the member
                var member = Services.MemberService.GetByUsername(model.UserName);
                // Create a random Guid
                var key = Guid.NewGuid();
                // Update the user's Guid field
                member.SetValue("guid", key.ToString());
                // Save the updated information

                // Get ahold of the root/home node
                IPublishedContent root = Umbraco.ContentAtRoot().First();
                // Get the Verification Email Template ID
                var emailTemplateId = root.GetProperty("verificationEmailTemplate").Value;

                // Build a dictionary for all the dynamic text in the email template
                var dynamicText = new Dictionary<string, string>
                    {"<%FirstName%>", member.GetValue("firstName").ToString()},
                    {"<%PhoneNumber%>", root.GetProperty("phoneNumber").Value.ToString()},
                        root.GetProperty("HostUrl").Value.ToString() +
                        "/umbraco/Surface/MembersSurface/ActivateUser?id=" + member.Id + "&guid=" +

                // Try to send the message
                    SendEmail(member.Email, "Health Republic Insurance - Member Verification Link",
                                            BuildEmail((int)emailTemplateId, dynamicText));
                catch (SmtpException ex)
                    //don't add a field level error, just model level
                    ModelState.AddModelError("sendVerificationLinkModel", ex.Message + "\n" + ex.InnerException.Message + "\n");
                    return Redirect("/for-members/register");

                // Mark this method as successful for the next page
                TempData["IsSuccessful"] = true;

                // If there is a redirect url
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.RedirectUrl))
                    // Send the user to that page
                    return Redirect(model.RedirectUrl);
                // Otherwise send the user to the home page
                return Redirect("/");
            // Model was bad or user didnt exist
            // Mark the method as failed
            TempData["IsSuccessful"] = false;
            // Return the user to the home page
            return Redirect("/");