Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static void ManageTrackbars(FrameGUI GUI)
     // enable or disable trackbars
     if (GUI.connection_selected.n_controlled_states == 1)
         GUI.trackBarReference1.Enabled = true;
         GUI.numUpDownRef1.Enabled      = true;
         GUI.trackBarReference1.Value   = Convert.ToInt16(GUI.connection_selected.references["r1"].GetLastValue());
         GUI.numUpDownRef1.Value        = Convert.ToInt16(GUI.connection_selected.references["r1"].GetLastValue());
     else if (GUI.connection_selected.n_controlled_states == 2)
         GUI.trackBarReference1.Enabled = true;
         GUI.trackBarReference2.Visible = true;
         GUI.numUpDownRef1.Enabled      = true;
         GUI.numUpDownRef2.Visible      = true;
         GUI.trackBarReference2.Value   = Convert.ToInt16(GUI.connection_selected.references["r2"].GetLastValue());
         GUI.numUpDownRef2.Value        = Convert.ToInt16(GUI.connection_selected.references["r2"].GetLastValue());
         GUI.trackBarReference1.Enabled = false;
         GUI.trackBarReference2.Visible = false;
         GUI.numUpDownRef1.Enabled      = false;
         GUI.numUpDownRef2.Visible      = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static void UpdateTree(FrameGUI GUI, CommunicationManager controller)
     // update tree
     GUI.treeViewControllers.Nodes[controller.name].Text = controller.name + " (" + controller.GetConnectionStatus() + ")";
     GUI.treeViewControllers.Nodes[controller.name].Nodes["Controller"].Nodes["Kp"].Text = "Kp: " + GUI.connection_selected.ControllerParameters.Kp.ToString();
     GUI.treeViewControllers.Nodes[controller.name].Nodes["Controller"].Nodes["Ki"].Text = "Ki: " + GUI.connection_selected.ControllerParameters.Ki.ToString();
     GUI.treeViewControllers.Nodes[controller.name].Nodes["Controller"].Nodes["Kd"].Text = "Kd: " + GUI.connection_selected.ControllerParameters.Kd.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static void UpdateGuiControls(FrameGUI GUI, CommunicationManager connection_selected)
     GUI.numUpDownKp.Value               = Convert.ToDecimal(connection_selected.ControllerParameters.Kp);
     GUI.numUpDownKi.Value               = Convert.ToDecimal(connection_selected.ControllerParameters.Ki);
     GUI.numUpDownKd.Value               = Convert.ToDecimal(connection_selected.ControllerParameters.Kd);
     GUI.textBox_ip_send.Text            = connection_selected.Controller_EP.IP;
     GUI.numericUpDown_port_send.Text    = connection_selected.Controller_EP.Port.ToString();
     GUI.numericUpDown_port_receive.Text = connection_selected.Controller_EP.PortThis.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static void ManageReferenceSeries(FrameGUI Main)
     for (int i = 0; i < Main.connection_selected.n_controlled_states; i++)
         if (Main.dataChart.Series.IndexOf("r" + (i + 1).ToString()) == -1)
             AddChartSeries(Main, "r" + (i + 1).ToString(), Main.dataChart);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static void ManageChartSize(FrameGUI Main)
         int y_start      = Main.residualChart.Location.Y;
         int height_total = Main.tabControl1.Height - y_start;
         Main.residualChart.Height   = height_total / 2 - y_start;
         Main.securityChart.Location = new Point(6, +y_start + height_total / 2);
         Main.securityChart.Height   = height_total / 2 - y_start;
     catch { }
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static void UpdateTimeLabels(FrameGUI GUI, CommunicationManager connection, string FMT)
         DateTime time_sent = DateTime.ParseExact(connection.received_packets["u1"].GetLastTime(), FMT, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal);
         TimeSpan timeDiff  = connection.time_last_received_packet - time_sent;
         GUI.label_time.Text = "Time now:                     " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt") + "\n" +
                               "Last received packet:   " + connection.time_last_received_packet.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt") + "\n" +
                               "Last packet sent:          " + time_sent.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt") + "\n" +
                               "Transmission time [ms]: " + timeDiff.TotalMilliseconds;
         GUI.label_time.Text = "Time now:                  \n" +
                               "Last received packet::           \n" +
                               "Last packet sent:        \n" +
                               "Transmission time [ms]: ";
        static int T_Controller = 100;  // [ms]

        public CommunicationManager(FrameGUI Main, string name, PIDparameters ControllerParameters, AddressEndPoint Channel_EP, ConnectionParameters Controller_EP)
            // main form access
            this.Main = Main;

            // channel endpoint
            this.Channel_EP = Channel_EP;

            // identity parameters
            this.name          = name;
            this.Controller_EP = Controller_EP;

            // specify the endpoint (either channel or directly the controller)
            AddressEndPoint EP = new AddressEndPoint();

            if (Main.using_channel == true)
                EP = new AddressEndPoint(Channel_EP.IP, Channel_EP.Port);
                EP = new AddressEndPoint(Controller_EP.IP, Controller_EP.Port);

            // controller parameters
            this.ControllerParameters = ControllerParameters;

            // create a new thread for the sender
            Thread thread_sender = new Thread(() => Sender(EP.IP, EP.Port));


            // create a new thread for the listener
            Thread thread_listener = new Thread(() => Listener(EP.IP, Controller_EP.PortThis));


            // load kalman settings
            kalman_filter.updateKalmanFilter(Main.config.kalmanDoubleWatertankModel.A1, Main.config.kalmanDoubleWatertankModel.a1, Main.config.kalmanDoubleWatertankModel.A2, Main.config.kalmanDoubleWatertankModel.a2, Main.config.kalmanDoubleWatertankModel.k);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void DrawTanks(FrameGUI GUI, CommunicationManager connection)
            g = Graphics.FromImage(bm);

            // map tank height in cm to pixels
            double max_height_p     = GUI.pictureBox1.Height / 2.5; // max height [pixels]
            double max_inflow_width = 10;
            double max_height_r     = 20;                           // real max height [cm]
            double cm2pix           = max_height_p / max_height_r;

            // if there are no estimates, there is nothing to animate
            if (connection.estimates.ContainsKey("yo1_hat") == false || connection.estimates.ContainsKey("yc1_hat") == false)
                GUI.pictureBox1.Image = bm;

            // extract signals
            int u  = Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToDouble(connection.received_packets["u1"].GetLastValue()));
            int y1 = Convert.ToInt16(cm2pix * Convert.ToDouble(connection.estimates["yo1_hat"].GetLastValue()));
            int y2 = Convert.ToInt16(cm2pix * Convert.ToDouble(connection.estimates["yc1_hat"].GetLastValue()));

            int reference = 0;

            try { reference = Convert.ToInt16(cm2pix * Convert.ToDouble(connection.references["r1"].GetLastValue())); }
            catch { }

            // dimensions
            double A1 = GUI.config.kalmanDoubleWatertankModel.A1;
            double a1 = GUI.config.kalmanDoubleWatertankModel.a1;
            double A2 = GUI.config.kalmanDoubleWatertankModel.A2;
            double a2 = GUI.config.kalmanDoubleWatertankModel.a2;

            // TANK 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------
            Point T1 = new Point(GUI.pictureBox1.Width / 2, Convert.ToInt16(GUI.pictureBox1.Height / 2));
            Point T2 = new Point(T1.X, Convert.ToInt16(GUI.pictureBox1.Height - 20));

            // tank dimensions
            double R1_ = Math.Sqrt(A1 / Math.PI); int R1 = Convert.ToInt16(R1_ * cm2pix);
            double r1_ = Math.Sqrt(a1 / Math.PI); int r1 = Convert.ToInt16(r1_ * cm2pix);
            double h1_ = 20; int h1 = Convert.ToInt16(h1_ * cm2pix);

            // inlet
            if (u > 0)
                Rectangle water_in = new Rectangle(T1.X - R1 + 5, T1.Y - h1 - 50, Convert.ToInt16(max_inflow_width * (u / 7.5)), h1 + 50);
                g.FillRectangle(brush_b, water_in);

            // water
            Rectangle water1 = new Rectangle(T1.X - R1, T1.Y - y1, 2 * R1, y1);

            g.FillRectangle(brush_b, water1);

            if (y1 > 5)
                Rectangle water_fall = new Rectangle(T1.X - r1, T1.Y, 2 * r1, T2.Y - T1.Y);
                g.FillRectangle(brush_b, water_fall);

            // walls
            Point w1_top = new Point(T1.X - R1, T1.Y - h1); Point w1_bot = new Point(T1.X - R1, T1.Y);
            Point w2_top = new Point(T1.X + R1, T1.Y - h1); Point w2_bot = new Point(T1.X + R1, T1.Y);
            Point wb1_l = new Point(T1.X - R1, T1.Y); Point wb1_r = new Point(T1.X - r1, T1.Y);
            Point wb2_l = new Point(T1.X + r1, T1.Y); Point wb2_r = new Point(T1.X + R1, T1.Y);

            g.DrawLine(pen_b, w1_top, w1_bot);
            g.DrawLine(pen_b, w2_top, w2_bot);
            g.DrawLine(pen_b, wb1_l, wb1_r);
            g.DrawLine(pen_b, wb2_l, wb2_r);

            // TANK 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------

            // tank dimensions
            double R2_ = Math.Sqrt(A2 / Math.PI); int R2 = Convert.ToInt16(R2_ * cm2pix);
            double r2_ = Math.Sqrt(a2 / Math.PI); int r2 = Convert.ToInt16(r2_ * cm2pix);
            double h2_ = 20; int h2 = Convert.ToInt16(h2_ * cm2pix);

            // water
            Rectangle water2 = new Rectangle(T2.X - R2, T2.Y - y2, 2 * R2, y2);

            g.FillRectangle(brush_b, water2);

            if (y2 > 5)
                Rectangle water_fall = new Rectangle(T2.X - r2, T2.Y, 2 * r2, 200);
                g.FillRectangle(brush_b, water_fall);

            // walls
            w1_top = new Point(T2.X - R2, T2.Y - h2); w1_bot = new Point(T2.X - R2, T2.Y);
            w2_top = new Point(T2.X + R2, T2.Y - h2); w2_bot = new Point(T2.X + R2, T2.Y);
            wb1_l  = new Point(T2.X - R2, T2.Y); wb1_r = new Point(T2.X - r2, T2.Y);
            wb2_l  = new Point(T2.X + r2, T2.Y); wb2_r = new Point(T2.X + R2, T2.Y);

            g.DrawLine(pen_b, w1_top, w1_bot);
            g.DrawLine(pen_b, w2_top, w2_bot);
            g.DrawLine(pen_b, wb1_l, wb1_r);
            g.DrawLine(pen_b, wb2_l, wb2_r);

            // draw reference
            Point reference_l = new Point(T2.X - R2 - 15, T2.Y - reference); Point reference_r = new Point(T2.X - R2 - 3, T2.Y - reference);

            g.DrawLine(pen_r, reference_l, reference_r);

            GUI.pictureBox1.Image = bm;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static void AddChartSeries(FrameGUI Main, string key, object chart)
            //string[] unchecked_keys = new string[] { "yo1", "yo2" };
            string[] unchecked_keys = new string[] { "" };

            Chart chart_ = (Chart)chart;

            // add a new time series
            if (chart_.Series.IndexOf(key) == -1)
                // add to the checked list box
                if (chart_.Name == "dataChart")

                    if (unchecked_keys.Contains(key) == false)
                        Main.clbSeries.SetItemChecked(Main.clbSeries.Items.Count - 1, true);
                        Main.clbSeries.SetItemChecked(Main.clbSeries.Items.Count - 1, false);

                // add the to the chart
                chart_.Series[key].ChartType   = SeriesChartType.Line;
                chart_.Series[key].BorderWidth = 1;

                switch (key)
                case "r1":
                    chart_.Series[key].Color       = Color.Red;
                    chart_.Series[key].BorderWidth = 1;

                case "r2":
                    chart_.Series[key].Color       = Color.OrangeRed;
                    chart_.Series[key].BorderWidth = 1;

                case "u1":
                    chart_.Series[key].Color       = Color.Orange;
                    chart_.Series[key].BorderWidth = 1;

                case "u2":
                    chart_.Series[key].Color       = Color.Magenta;
                    chart_.Series[key].BorderWidth = 1;

                case "yo1":
                    chart_.Series[key].Color       = Color.Gray;
                    chart_.Series[key].BorderWidth = 2;

                case "yo1_hat":
                    chart_.Series[key].Color       = Color.Black;
                    chart_.Series[key].BorderWidth = 2;

                case "yo2":
                    chart_.Series[key].Color       = Color.Gray;
                    chart_.Series[key].BorderWidth = 2;

                case "yc1":
                    chart_.Series[key].Color       = Color.Blue;
                    chart_.Series[key].BorderWidth = 2;

                case "yc1_hat":
                    chart_.Series[key].Color       = Color.Magenta;
                    chart_.Series[key].BorderWidth = 2;

                case "yc2":
                    chart_.Series[key].Color       = Color.Green;
                    chart_.Series[key].BorderWidth = 2;

                case "Res_yc1":
                    chart_.Series[key].Color       = Color.Blue;
                    chart_.Series[key].BorderWidth = 2;

                case "Sec_yc1":
                    chart_.Series[key].Color       = Color.Blue;
                    chart_.Series[key].BorderWidth = 2;


                // set the x-axis type to DateTime
                chart_.Series[key].XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;