Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void SendDHCPMessage(DHCPMessageType messageType, DHCPTransaction transaction)
            //mac announced itself, established IP etc....
            //send the offer to the mac

            byte[] subnet;
            byte[] hostId;
            byte[] dataToSend;

            //we shall leave everything as is structure wise
            //shall CHANGE the type to OFFER
            //shall set the client's IP-Address
                //change message type to reply
                transaction.Message.D_op = 2;

                subnet = transaction.Data.SubMask.GetAddressBytes();

                //create your ip address
                transaction.Message.D_yiaddr = transaction.Data.IPAddr.GetAddressBytes();

                //Host ID
                hostId = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(transaction.Data.ServerName);
                CreateOptionStruct(ref transaction, messageType);

                //send the data to the unit
                dataToSend = BuildDataStructure(transaction.Message);
            catch (Exception)
                // TODO: handle exception
                // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
                subnet = null;
                //LeaseTime= null;
                hostId = null;

                dataToSend = null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void DHCPRequest(DHCPTransaction transaction, string macId)
     //announced so then send the offer
     transaction.Data.IPAddr = GetIpForDevice(macId);
     transaction.Data.SubMask = IPAddress.Parse("");
     transaction.Data.LeaseTime = 2000;
     transaction.Data.ServerName = "HASystem";
     transaction.Data.MyIP = adapterIp;
     transaction.Data.RouterIP = IPAddress.None;
     transaction.Data.LogServerIP = "";
     transaction.Data.DomainIP = IPAddress.None;
     dhcpServer.SendDHCPMessage(DHCPMessageType.DHCPACK, transaction);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void DHCPAnnounced(DHCPTransaction transaction, string macId)
     //options should be filled with valid data
     transaction.Data.IPAddr = GetIpForDevice(macId);
     transaction.Data.SubMask = IPAddress.Parse("");
     transaction.Data.LeaseTime = 2000;
     transaction.Data.ServerName = "HASystem";
     transaction.Data.MyIP = adapterIp;
     transaction.Data.RouterIP = IPAddress.None;
     transaction.Data.LogServerIP = "";
     transaction.Data.DomainIP = IPAddress.None;
     dhcpServer.SendDHCPMessage(DHCPMessageType.DHCPOFFER, transaction);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void UDPDataReceived(byte[] data, IPEndPoint endPoint)
            DHCPTransaction transaction;
            DHCPMessageType messageType;
            string macId;

                transaction = new DHCPTransaction(data);

                //data is now in the structure, get the msg type
                messageType = GetMessageType(transaction);
                macId = ByteToString(transaction.Message.D_chaddr, transaction.Message.D_hlen);

                switch (messageType)
                    case DHCPMessageType.DHCPDISCOVER:
                        // a Mac has requested an IP
                        // discover Msg Has been sent
                        Announced(transaction, macId);

                    case DHCPMessageType.DHCPREQUEST:
                        Request(transaction, macId);
            catch (Exception)
                // TODO: handle exception
                // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private byte[] GetOptionData(DHCPOption type, DHCPTransaction transaction)
            // Pass the option type that you require
            // Parse the option data
            // Return the data in a byte of what we need

            int id = 0;
            byte dataId = 0;
            byte dataLength = 0;
            byte[] dataDump;

                id = (int)type;
                //loop through look for the bit that states that the identifier is there
                for (int i = 0; i < transaction.Message.D_options.Length; i++)
                    //at the start we have the code + length
                    //i has the code, i+1 = length of data, i+1+n = data skip
                    dataId = transaction.Message.D_options[i];
                    if (dataId == id)
                        dataLength = transaction.Message.D_options[i + 1];
                        dataDump = new byte[dataLength];
                        Array.Copy(transaction.Message.D_options, i + 2, dataDump, 0, dataLength);
                        return dataDump;
                        // Length of code
                        dataLength = transaction.Message.D_options[i + 1];
                        i += 1 + dataLength;
            catch (Exception)
                // TODO: handle exception
                // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
                dataDump = null;
            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private DHCPMessageType GetMessageType(DHCPTransaction transaction)
            // Get the Message type, located in the options stream

            byte[] data;

                data = GetOptionData(DHCPOption.DHCPMessageTYPE, transaction);
                if (data != null)
                    return (DHCPMessageType)data[0];
            catch (Exception)
                // TODO: handle exception
                // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void CreateOptionStruct(ref DHCPTransaction transaction, DHCPMessageType optionReplayMessage)
            byte[] parameterRequestList;
            byte[] ipAddress;
            byte[] leaseTime;
            byte[] serverIp;

                //we look for the parameter request list
                parameterRequestList = GetOptionData(DHCPOption.ParameterRequestList, transaction);
                //erase the options array, and set the message type to ack
                transaction.Message.D_options = null;
                CreateOptionElement(DHCPOption.DHCPMessageTYPE, new byte[] { (byte)optionReplayMessage }, ref transaction.Message.D_options);
                //server identifier, my IP
                serverIp = transaction.Data.MyIP.GetAddressBytes();
                CreateOptionElement(DHCPOption.ServerIdentifier, serverIp, ref transaction.Message.D_options);

                // parameterRequestList contains the option data in a byte that is requested by the unit
                foreach (byte i in parameterRequestList)
                    ipAddress = null;
                    switch ((DHCPOption)i)
                        case DHCPOption.SubnetMask:
                            ipAddress = transaction.Data.SubMask.GetAddressBytes();

                        case DHCPOption.Router:
                            ipAddress = transaction.Data.RouterIP.GetAddressBytes();

                        case DHCPOption.DomainNameServer:
                            ipAddress = transaction.Data.DomainIP.GetAddressBytes();

                        case DHCPOption.DomainName:
                            ipAddress = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(transaction.Data.ServerName);

                        case DHCPOption.ServerIdentifier:
                            ipAddress = transaction.Data.MyIP.GetAddressBytes();

                        case DHCPOption.LogServer:
                            ipAddress = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(transaction.Data.LogServerIP);

                        case DHCPOption.NetBIOSoverTCPIPNameServer:

                    if (ipAddress != null)
                        CreateOptionElement((DHCPOption)i, ipAddress, ref transaction.Message.D_options);

                //lease time
                leaseTime = new byte[4];
                leaseTime[3] = (byte)(transaction.Data.LeaseTime);
                leaseTime[2] = (byte)(transaction.Data.LeaseTime >> 8);
                leaseTime[1] = (byte)(transaction.Data.LeaseTime >> 16);
                leaseTime[0] = (byte)(transaction.Data.LeaseTime >> 24);

                CreateOptionElement(DHCPOption.IPAddressLeaseTime, leaseTime, ref transaction.Message.D_options);
                CreateOptionElement(DHCPOption.RenewalTimeValue_T1, leaseTime, ref transaction.Message.D_options);
                CreateOptionElement(DHCPOption.RebindingTimeValue_T2, leaseTime, ref transaction.Message.D_options);

                //create the end option
                Array.Resize(ref transaction.Message.D_options, transaction.Message.D_options.Length + 1);
                Array.Copy(new byte[] { 255 }, 0, transaction.Message.D_options, transaction.Message.D_options.Length - 1, 1);
            catch (Exception)
                // TODO: handle exception
                // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
                leaseTime = null;
                parameterRequestList = null;
                ipAddress = null;