Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the spherical coordinates of the center point of an H3 index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="h3"> The H3 index.</param>
        /// <param name="g"> The spherical coordinates of the H3 cell center.</param>
        /// <!-- Based off 3.1.1 -->
        public static void h3ToGeo(H3Index h3, ref GeoCoord g)
            FaceIJK fijk = new FaceIJK();

            _h3ToFaceIjk(h3, ref fijk);
            FaceIJK._faceIjkToGeo(fijk, H3_GET_RESOLUTION(h3), ref g);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the center point in spherical coordinates of a cell given by
        /// a FaceIJK address at a specified resolution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="h">The FaceIJK address of the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="res">The H3 resolution of the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="g">The spherical coordinates of the cell center point.</param>
        /// <!-- Based off 3.1.1 -->
        public static void _faceIjkToGeo(FaceIJK h, int res, ref GeoCoord g)
            Vec2d v = new Vec2d();

            CoordIJK._ijkToHex2d(h.coord, ref v);
            _hex2dToGeo(ref v, h.face, res, 0, ref g);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes a coordinate on the sphere to the FaceIJK address of the containing
        /// cell at the specified resolution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">The spherical coordinates to encode.</param>
        /// <param name="res">The desired H3 resolution for the encoding.</param>
        /// <param name="h">The FaceIJK address of the containing cell at resolution res.</param>
        /// <!-- Based off 3.1.1 -->
        public static void _geoToFaceIjk(GeoCoord g, int res, ref FaceIJK h)
            // first convert to hex2d
            Vec2d v = new Vec2d();

            _geoToHex2d(g, res, ref h.face, ref v);

            // then convert to ijk+
            CoordIJK._hex2dToCoordIJK(ref v, ref h.coord);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the cell boundary in spherical coordinates for an H3 index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="h3"> The H3 index.</param>
        /// <param name="gb">The boundary of the H3 cell in spherical coordinates.</param>
        /// <!-- Based off 3.1.1 -->
        public static void h3ToGeoBoundary(H3Index h3, ref GeoBoundary gb)
            FaceIJK fijk = new FaceIJK();

            _h3ToFaceIjk(h3, ref fijk);
                ref fijk, H3_GET_RESOLUTION(h3),
                h3IsPentagon(h3), ref gb
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes a coordinate on the sphere to the H3 index of the containing cell at
        /// the specified resolution.
        /// Returns 0 on invalid input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">The spherical coordinates to encode.</param>
        /// <param name="res"> The desired H3 resolution for the encoding.</param>
        /// <returns>The encoded H3Index (or 0 on failure).</returns>
        /// <!-- Based off 3.1.1 -->
        public static H3Index geoToH3(ref GeoCoord g, int res)
            if (res < 0 || res > Constants.MAX_H3_RES)

            if (Double.IsInfinity(g.lat) || Double.IsNaN(g.lat) ||
                Double.IsInfinity(g.lon) || Double.IsNaN(g.lon))

            FaceIJK fijk = new FaceIJK();

            FaceIJK._geoToFaceIjk(g, res, ref fijk);
            return(_faceIjkToH3(ref fijk, res));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert an H3Index to the FaceIJK address on a specified icosahedral face.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="h"> The H3Index.</param>
        /// <param name="fijk">
        /// The FaceIJK address, initialized with the desired face
        /// and normalized base cell coordinates.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Returns 1 if the possibility of overage exists, otherwise 0.</returns>
        /// <!-- Based off 3.1.1 -->
        internal static int _h3ToFaceIjkWithInitializedFijk(H3Index h, ref FaceIJK fijk)
            CoordIJK ijk = new CoordIJK(fijk.coord.i, fijk.coord.j, fijk.coord.k);
            int      res = H3_GET_RESOLUTION(h);

            // center base cell hierarchy is entirely on this face
            int possibleOverage = 1;

            if (!BaseCells._isBaseCellPentagon(H3_GET_BASE_CELL(h)) &&
                (res == 0 ||
                 fijk.coord.i == 0 && fijk.coord.j == 0 && fijk.coord.k == 0))
                possibleOverage = 0;

            for (int r = 1; r <= res; r++)
                if (isResClassIII(r))
                    // Class III == rotate ccw
                    CoordIJK._downAp7(ref ijk);
                    // Class II == rotate cw
                    CoordIJK._downAp7r(ref ijk);

                CoordIJK._neighbor(ref ijk, H3_GET_INDEX_DIGIT(h, r));

            fijk.coord.i = ijk.i;
            fijk.coord.j = ijk.j;
            fijk.coord.k = ijk.k;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Produces ijk+ coordinates for an index anchored by an origin.
        /// The coordinate space used by this function may have deleted
        /// regions or warping due to pentagonal distortion.
        /// Coordinates are only comparable if they come from the same
        /// origin index.
        /// Failure may occur if the index is too far away from the origin
        /// or if the index is on the other side of a pentagon.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origin">An anchoring index for the ijk+ coordinate system</param>
        /// <param name="h3">Index to find the coordinates of</param>
        /// <param name="out_coord">ijk+ coordinates of the index will be placed here on success</param>
        /// <returns>0 on success, or another value on failure.</returns>
        /// <!-- Based off 3.2.0 -->
        static int h3ToLocalIjk(H3Index origin, H3Index h3, ref CoordIJK out_coord)
            int res = H3Index.H3_GET_RESOLUTION(origin);

            if (res != H3Index.H3_GET_RESOLUTION(h3))

            int originBaseCell = H3Index.H3_GET_BASE_CELL(origin);
            int baseCell       = H3Index.H3_GET_BASE_CELL(h3);

            // Direction from origin base cell to index base cell
            Direction dir    = 0;
            Direction revDir = 0;

            if (originBaseCell != baseCell)
                dir = BaseCells._getBaseCellDirection(originBaseCell, baseCell);
                if (dir == Direction.INVALID_DIGIT)
                    // Base cells are not neighbors, can't unfold.

                revDir = BaseCells._getBaseCellDirection(baseCell, originBaseCell);
                if (revDir == Direction.INVALID_DIGIT)
                    throw new Exception("assert(revDir != INVALID_DIGIT)");

            int originOnPent = (BaseCells._isBaseCellPentagon(originBaseCell)
                                    ? 1
                                    : 0);
            int indexOnPent = (BaseCells._isBaseCellPentagon(baseCell)
                                   ? 1
                                   : 0);

            FaceIJK indexFijk = new FaceIJK();

            if (dir != Direction.CENTER_DIGIT)
                // Rotate index into the orientation of the origin base cell.
                // cw because we are undoing the rotation into that base cell.
                int baseCellRotations = BaseCells.baseCellNeighbor60CCWRots[originBaseCell, (int)dir];
                if (indexOnPent != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < baseCellRotations; i++)
                        h3 = H3Index._h3RotatePent60cw(h3);

                        revDir = CoordIJK._rotate60cw(revDir);
                        if (revDir == Direction.K_AXES_DIGIT)
                            revDir = CoordIJK._rotate60cw(revDir);
                    for (int i = 0; i < baseCellRotations; i++)
                        h3 = H3Index._h3Rotate60cw(ref h3);

                        revDir = CoordIJK._rotate60cw(revDir);

            // Face is unused. This produces coordinates in base cell coordinate space.
            H3Index._h3ToFaceIjkWithInitializedFijk(h3, ref indexFijk);

            if (dir != Direction.CENTER_DIGIT)
                if (baseCell == originBaseCell)
                    throw new Exception("assert(baseCell != originBaseCell);");

                if ((originOnPent != 0) && (indexOnPent != 0))
                    throw new Exception("assert(!(originOnPent && indexOnPent));");

                int pentagonRotations  = 0;
                int directionRotations = 0;

                if (originOnPent != 0)
                    int originLeadingDigit = (int)H3Index._h3LeadingNonZeroDigit(origin);

                    if ((H3Index.isResClassIII(res) &&
                         FAILED_DIRECTIONS_III[originLeadingDigit, (int)dir]) ||
                        (!H3Index.isResClassIII(res) &&
                         FAILED_DIRECTIONS_II[originLeadingDigit, (int)dir]))
                        // TODO this part of the pentagon might not be unfolded
                        // correctly.

                    directionRotations = PENTAGON_ROTATIONS[originLeadingDigit, (int)dir];
                    pentagonRotations  = directionRotations;
                else if (indexOnPent != 0)
                    int indexLeadingDigit = (int)H3Index._h3LeadingNonZeroDigit(h3);

                    if ((H3Index.isResClassIII(res) &&
                         FAILED_DIRECTIONS_III[indexLeadingDigit, (int)revDir]) ||
                        (!H3Index.isResClassIII(res) &&
                         FAILED_DIRECTIONS_II[indexLeadingDigit, (int)revDir]))
                        // TODO this part of the pentagon might not be unfolded
                        // correctly.

                    pentagonRotations = PENTAGON_ROTATIONS[(int)revDir, indexLeadingDigit];

                if (pentagonRotations < 0)
                    throw new Exception("assert(pentagonRotations >= 0);");

                if (directionRotations < 0)
                    throw new Exception("assert(directionRotations >= 0);");

                for (int i = 0; i < pentagonRotations; i++)
                    CoordIJK._ijkRotate60cw(ref indexFijk.coord);

                CoordIJK offset = new CoordIJK();
                CoordIJK._neighbor(ref offset, dir);
                // Scale offset based on resolution
                for (int r = res - 1; r >= 0; r--)
                    if (H3Index.isResClassIII(r + 1))
                        // rotate ccw
                        CoordIJK._downAp7(ref offset);
                        // rotate cw
                        CoordIJK._downAp7r(ref offset);

                for (int i = 0; i < directionRotations; i++)
                    CoordIJK._ijkRotate60cw(ref offset);

                // Perform necessary translation
                CoordIJK._ijkAdd(indexFijk.coord, offset, ref indexFijk.coord);
                CoordIJK._ijkNormalize(ref indexFijk.coord);
            else if (originOnPent != 0 && indexOnPent != 0)
                // If the origin and index are on pentagon, and we checked that the base
                // cells are the same or neighboring, then they must be the same base
                // cell.
                if (baseCell != originBaseCell)
                    throw new Exception("assert(baseCell == originBaseCell);");

                int originLeadingDigit = (int)H3Index._h3LeadingNonZeroDigit(origin);
                int indexLeadingDigit  = (int)H3Index._h3LeadingNonZeroDigit(h3);

                if (FAILED_DIRECTIONS_III[originLeadingDigit, indexLeadingDigit] ||
                    FAILED_DIRECTIONS_II[originLeadingDigit, indexLeadingDigit])
                    // TODO this part of the pentagon might not be unfolded
                    // correctly.

                int withinPentagonRotations =
                    PENTAGON_ROTATIONS[originLeadingDigit, indexLeadingDigit];

                for (int i = 0; i < withinPentagonRotations; i++)
                    CoordIJK._ijkRotate60cw(ref indexFijk.coord);

            out_coord = indexFijk.coord;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the cell boundary in spherical coordinates for a cell given by a
        /// FaceIJK address at a specified resolution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="h">The FaceIJK address of the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="res">The H3 resolution of the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="isPentagon">Whether or not the cell is a pentagon.</param>
        /// <param name="g">The spherical coordinates of the cell boundary.</param>
        /// <!-- Based off 3.1.1 -->
        public static void _faceIjkToGeoBoundary(ref FaceIJK h, int res, int isPentagon, ref GeoBoundary g)
            if (isPentagon > 0)
                _faceIjkPentToGeoBoundary(ref h, res, ref g);

            // the vertexes of an origin-centered cell in a Class II resolution on a
            // substrate grid with aperture sequence 33r. The aperture 3 gets us the
            // vertices, and the 3r gets us back to Class II.
            // vertices listed ccw from the i-axes
            CoordIJK[] vertsCII =
                new CoordIJK {
                    i = 2, j = 1, k = 0
                },                                  // 0
                new CoordIJK {
                    i = 1, j = 2, k = 0
                },                                  // 1
                new CoordIJK {
                    i = 0, j = 2, k = 1
                },                                  // 2
                new CoordIJK {
                    i = 0, j = 1, k = 2
                },                                  // 3
                new CoordIJK {
                    i = 1, j = 0, k = 2
                },                                  // 4
                new CoordIJK {
                    i = 2, j = 0, k = 1
                }                                  // 5

            // the vertexes of an origin-centered cell in a Class III resolution on a
            // substrate grid with aperture sequence 33r7r. The aperture 3 gets us the
            // vertices, and the 3r7r gets us to Class II.
            // vertices listed ccw from the i-axes
            CoordIJK[] vertsCIII =
                new CoordIJK {
                    i = 5, j = 4, k = 0
                },                                  // 0
                new CoordIJK {
                    i = 1, j = 5, k = 0
                },                                  // 1
                new CoordIJK {
                    i = 0, j = 5, k = 4
                },                                  // 2
                new CoordIJK {
                    i = 0, j = 1, k = 5
                },                                  // 3
                new CoordIJK {
                    i = 4, j = 0, k = 5
                },                                  // 4
                new CoordIJK {
                    i = 5, j = 0, k = 1
                }                                  // 5

            // get the correct set of substrate vertices for this resolution
            CoordIJK[] verts;
            if (H3Index.isResClassIII(res))
                verts = vertsCIII;
                verts = vertsCII;

            // adjust the center point to be in an aperture 33r substrate grid
            // these should be composed for speed
            FaceIJK centerIJK = new FaceIJK(h.face, new CoordIJK(h.coord.i, h.coord.j, h.coord.k));

            CoordIJK._downAp3(ref centerIJK.coord);
            CoordIJK._downAp3r(ref centerIJK.coord);

            // if res is Class III we need to add a cw aperture 7 to get to
            // icosahedral Class II
            int adjRes = res;

            if (H3Index.isResClassIII(res))
                CoordIJK._downAp7r(ref centerIJK.coord);

            // The center point is now in the same substrate grid as the origin
            // cell vertices. Add the center point substate coordinates
            // to each vertex to translate the vertices to that cell.
            FaceIJK[] fijkVerts = new FaceIJK[Constants.NUM_HEX_VERTS];
            for (int v = 0; v < Constants.NUM_HEX_VERTS; v++)
                fijkVerts[v]      = new FaceIJK();
                fijkVerts[v].face = centerIJK.face;
                CoordIJK._ijkAdd(centerIJK.coord, verts[v], ref fijkVerts[v].coord);
                CoordIJK._ijkNormalize(ref fijkVerts[v].coord);

            // convert each vertex to lat/lon
            // adjust the face of each vertex as appropriate and introduce
            // edge-crossing vertices as needed
            g.numVerts = 0;
            int lastFace    = -1;
            int lastOverage = 0; // 0: none; 1: edge; 2: overage

            for (int vert = 0; vert < Constants.NUM_HEX_VERTS + 1; vert++)
                int v = vert % Constants.NUM_HEX_VERTS;

                FaceIJK fijk = new FaceIJK
                    new CoordIJK(fijkVerts[v].coord.i, fijkVerts[v].coord.j, fijkVerts[v].coord.k)

                int pentLeading4 = 0;
                int overage      = _adjustOverageClassII(ref fijk, adjRes, pentLeading4, 1);

                 * Check for edge-crossing. Each face of the underlying icosahedron is a
                 * different projection plane. So if an edge of the hexagon crosses an
                 * icosahedron edge, an additional vertex must be introduced at that
                 * intersection point. Then each half of the cell edge can be projected
                 * to geographic coordinates using the appropriate icosahedron face
                 * projection. Note that Class II cell edges have vertices on the face
                 * edge, with no edge line intersections.
                if (H3Index.isResClassIII(res) && vert > 0 && fijk.face != lastFace &&
                    lastOverage != 1)
                    // find hex2d of the two vertexes on original face
                    int   lastV   = (v + 5) % Constants.NUM_HEX_VERTS;
                    Vec2d orig2d0 = new Vec2d();
                    CoordIJK._ijkToHex2d(fijkVerts[lastV].coord, ref orig2d0);

                    Vec2d orig2d1 = new Vec2d();
                    CoordIJK._ijkToHex2d(fijkVerts[v].coord, ref orig2d1);

                    // find the appropriate icosa face edge vertexes
                    int   maxDim = maxDimByCIIres[adjRes];
                    Vec2d v0     = new Vec2d(3.0 * maxDim, 0.0);
                    Vec2d v1     = new Vec2d(-1.5 * maxDim, 3.0 * Constants.M_SQRT3_2 * maxDim);
                    Vec2d v2     = new Vec2d(-1.5 * maxDim, -3.0 * Constants.M_SQRT3_2 * maxDim);

                    int   face2 = lastFace == centerIJK.face ? fijk.face : lastFace;
                    Vec2d edge0 = new Vec2d();
                    Vec2d edge1 = new Vec2d();
                    switch (adjacentFaceDir[centerIJK.face, face2])
                    case IJ:
                        edge0 = v0;
                        edge1 = v1;

                    case JK:
                        edge0 = v1;
                        edge1 = v2;

                    case KI:
                        if (adjacentFaceDir[centerIJK.face, face2] != KI)
                            throw new Exception("Default failure in _faceIjkToGeoBoundary");

                        edge0 = v2;
                        edge1 = v0;

                    // find the intersection and add the lat/lon point to the result
                    Vec2d inter = new Vec2d();
                    Vec2d._v2dIntersect(orig2d0, orig2d1, edge0, edge1, ref inter);

                     * If a point of intersection occurs at a hexagon vertex, then each
                     * adjacent hexagon edge will lie completely on a single icosahedron
                     * face, and no additional vertex is required.
                    bool isIntersectionAtVertex =
                        Vec2d._v2dEquals(orig2d0, inter) || Vec2d._v2dEquals(orig2d1, inter);
                    if (!isIntersectionAtVertex)
                        var temp_verts = g.verts[g.numVerts];
                        _hex2dToGeo(ref inter, centerIJK.face, adjRes, 1, ref temp_verts);
                        g.verts[g.numVerts] = temp_verts;
                        Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("!IsIntersection {0}", g.numVerts));

                // convert vertex to lat/lon and add to the result
                // vert == NUM_HEX_VERTS is only used to test for possible intersection
                // on last edge
                if (vert < Constants.NUM_HEX_VERTS)
                    Vec2d vec = new Vec2d();
                    CoordIJK._ijkToHex2d(fijk.coord, ref vec);
                    var temp_verts = g.verts[g.numVerts];
                    _hex2dToGeo(ref vec, fijk.face, adjRes, 1, ref temp_verts);
                    g.verts[g.numVerts] = temp_verts;

                lastFace    = fijk.face;
                lastOverage = overage;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the cell boundary in spherical coordinates for a pentagonal cell
        /// given by a FaceIJK address at a specified resolution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="h">The FaceIJK address of the pentagonal cell.</param>
        /// <param name="res">The H3 resolution of the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="g">The spherical coordinates of the cell boundary.</param>
        /// <!-- Based off 3.1.1 -->
        public static void _faceIjkPentToGeoBoundary(ref FaceIJK h, int res, ref GeoBoundary g)
            // the vertexes of an origin-centered pentagon in a Class II resolution on a
            // substrate grid with aperture sequence 33r. The aperture 3 gets us the
            // vertices, and the 3r gets us back to Class II.
            // vertices listed ccw from the i-axes
            CoordIJK[] vertsCII =
                new CoordIJK(2, 1, 0), // 0
                new CoordIJK(1, 2, 0), // 1
                new CoordIJK(0, 2, 1), // 2
                new CoordIJK(0, 1, 2), // 3
                new CoordIJK(1, 0, 2)  // 4

            // the vertexes of an origin-centered pentagon in a Class III resolution on
            // a substrate grid with aperture sequence 33r7r. The aperture 3 gets us the
            // vertices, and the 3r7r gets us to Class II. vertices listed ccw from the
            // i-axes
            CoordIJK[] vertsCIII =
                new CoordIJK(5, 4, 0), // 0
                new CoordIJK(1, 5, 0), // 1
                new CoordIJK(0, 5, 4), // 2
                new CoordIJK(0, 1, 5), // 3
                new CoordIJK(4, 0, 5)  // 4

            // get the correct set of substrate vertices for this resolution
            List <CoordIJK> verts = new List <CoordIJK>();

            verts = H3Index.isResClassIII(res)
                ? vertsCIII.ToList()
                : vertsCII.ToList();

            // adjust the center point to be in an aperture 33r substrate grid
            // these should be composed for speed
            FaceIJK centerIJK = new FaceIJK();

            centerIJK.face  = h.face;
            centerIJK.coord = new CoordIJK(h.coord.i, h.coord.j, h.coord.k);
            CoordIJK._downAp3(ref centerIJK.coord);
            CoordIJK._downAp3r(ref centerIJK.coord);

            // if res is Class III we need to add a cw aperture 7 to get to
            // icosahedral Class II
            int adjRes = res;

            if (H3Index.isResClassIII(res))
                CoordIJK._downAp7r(ref centerIJK.coord);

            // The center point is now in the same substrate grid as the origin
            // cell vertices. Add the center point substate coordinates
            // to each vertex to translate the vertices to that cell.
            FaceIJK[] fijkVerts = new FaceIJK[Constants.NUM_PENT_VERTS];
            for (int v = 0; v < Constants.NUM_PENT_VERTS; v++)
                fijkVerts[v]      = new FaceIJK();
                fijkVerts[v].face = centerIJK.face;
                CoordIJK._ijkAdd(centerIJK.coord, verts[v], ref fijkVerts[v].coord);
                CoordIJK._ijkNormalize(ref fijkVerts[v].coord);

            // convert each vertex to lat/lon
            // adjust the face of each vertex as appropriate and introduce
            // edge-crossing vertices as needed
            g.numVerts = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < g.verts.Count; i++)
                g.verts[i] = new GeoCoord();
            FaceIJK lastFijk = new FaceIJK();

            for (int vert = 0; vert < Constants.NUM_PENT_VERTS + 1; vert++)
                int v = vert % Constants.NUM_PENT_VERTS;

                FaceIJK fijk = fijkVerts[v];

                int pentLeading4 = 0;
                int overage      = _adjustOverageClassII(ref fijk, adjRes, pentLeading4, 1);
                if (overage == 2) // in a different triangle
                    while (true)
                        overage = _adjustOverageClassII(ref fijk, adjRes, pentLeading4, 1);
                        if (overage != 2) // not in a different triangle

                // all Class III pentagon edges cross icosa edges
                // note that Class II pentagons have vertices on the edge,
                // not edge intersections
                if (H3Index.isResClassIII(res) && vert > 0)
                    // find hex2d of the two vertexes on the last face

                    FaceIJK tmpFijk = new FaceIJK(fijk.face, new CoordIJK(fijk.coord.i, fijk.coord.j, fijk.coord.k));

                    Vec2d orig2d0 = new Vec2d();
                    CoordIJK._ijkToHex2d(lastFijk.coord, ref orig2d0);

                    int currentToLastDir = adjacentFaceDir[tmpFijk.face, lastFijk.face];

                    FaceOrientIJK fijkOrient =
                        new FaceOrientIJK(
                            faceNeighbors[tmpFijk.face, currentToLastDir].face,
                            faceNeighbors[tmpFijk.face, currentToLastDir].translate.i,
                            faceNeighbors[tmpFijk.face, currentToLastDir].translate.j,
                            faceNeighbors[tmpFijk.face, currentToLastDir].translate.k,
                            faceNeighbors[tmpFijk.face, currentToLastDir].ccwRot60

//                        faceNeighbors[tmpFijk.face,currentToLastDir];

                    tmpFijk.face = fijkOrient.face;
                    //CoordIJK ijk = tmpFijk.coord;
                    CoordIJK ijk = new CoordIJK(tmpFijk.coord.i, tmpFijk.coord.j, tmpFijk.coord.k);

                    // rotate and translate for adjacent face
                    for (int i = 0; i < fijkOrient.ccwRot60; i++)
                        CoordIJK._ijkRotate60ccw(ref ijk);

                    CoordIJK transVec = fijkOrient.translate;
                    CoordIJK._ijkScale(ref transVec, unitScaleByCIIres[adjRes] * 3);
                    CoordIJK._ijkAdd(ijk, transVec, ref ijk);
                    CoordIJK._ijkNormalize(ref ijk);

                    Vec2d orig2d1 = new Vec2d();
                    CoordIJK._ijkToHex2d(ijk, ref orig2d1);

                    // find the appropriate icosa face edge vertexes
                    int   maxDim = maxDimByCIIres[adjRes];
                    Vec2d v0     = new Vec2d(3.0 * maxDim, 0.0);
                    Vec2d v1     = new Vec2d(-1.5 * maxDim, 3.0 * Constants.M_SQRT3_2 * maxDim);
                    Vec2d v2     = new Vec2d(-1.5 * maxDim, -3.0 * Constants.M_SQRT3_2 * maxDim);

                    Vec2d edge0 = new Vec2d();
                    Vec2d edge1 = new Vec2d();
                    switch (adjacentFaceDir[tmpFijk.face, fijk.face])
                    case IJ:
                        edge0 = v0;
                        edge1 = v1;

                    case JK:
                        edge0 = v1;
                        edge1 = v2;

                    case KI:
                        if (adjacentFaceDir[tmpFijk.face, fijk.face] != KI)
                            throw new Exception("assert(adjacentFaceDir[tmpFijk.face][fijk.face] == KI);");
                        edge0 = v2;
                        edge1 = v0;

                    // find the intersection and add the lat/lon point to the result
                    Vec2d inter = new Vec2d();
                    Vec2d._v2dIntersect(orig2d0, orig2d1, edge0, edge1, ref inter);
                    var gnv = g.verts[g.numVerts];
                    _hex2dToGeo(ref inter, tmpFijk.face, adjRes, 1, ref gnv);
                    g.verts[g.numVerts] = gnv;

                // convert vertex to lat/lon and add to the result
                // vert == NUM_PENT_VERTS is only used to test for possible intersection
                // on last edge
                if (vert < Constants.NUM_PENT_VERTS)
                    Vec2d vec = new Vec2d();
                    CoordIJK._ijkToHex2d(fijk.coord, ref vec);
                    var gnv = g.verts[g.numVerts];
                    _hex2dToGeo(ref vec, fijk.face, adjRes, 1, ref gnv);
                    g.verts[g.numVerts] = gnv;
                lastFijk = fijk;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjusts a FaceIJK address in place so that the resulting cell address is
        /// relative to the correct icosahedral face.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fijk">The FaceIJK address of the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="res">The H3 resolution of the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="pentLeading4">Whether or not the cell is a pentagon with a leading digit 4</param>
        /// <param name="substrate">Whether or not the cell is in a substrate grid.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// 0 if on original face (no overage); 1 if on face edge (only occurs
        /// on substrate grids); 2 if overage on new face interior
        /// </returns>
        /// <!-- Based off 3.1.1 -->
        public static int _adjustOverageClassII(ref FaceIJK fijk, int res, int pentLeading4, int substrate)
            int overage = 0;

            CoordIJK ijk = new CoordIJK(fijk.coord.i, fijk.coord.j, fijk.coord.k);

            // get the maximum dimension value; scale if a substrate grid
            int maxDim = maxDimByCIIres[res];

            if (substrate != 0)
                maxDim *= 3;

            // check for overage
            if ((substrate != 0) && ijk.i + ijk.j + ijk.k == maxDim) // on edge
                overage = 1;
            else if (ijk.i + ijk.j + ijk.k > maxDim)  // overage
                overage = 2;

                FaceOrientIJK fijkOrient = new FaceOrientIJK();
                if (ijk.k > 0)
                    if (ijk.j > 0) // jk "quadrant"
                        //fijkOrient = faceNeighbors[fijk.face,JK];
                        fijkOrient = new FaceOrientIJK(
                            faceNeighbors[fijk.face, JK].face,
                            faceNeighbors[fijk.face, JK].translate.i,
                            faceNeighbors[fijk.face, JK].translate.j,
                            faceNeighbors[fijk.face, JK].translate.k,
                            faceNeighbors[fijk.face, JK].ccwRot60);
                    else  // ik "quadrant"
                        //fijkOrient = faceNeighbors[fijk.face,KI];
                        fijkOrient = new FaceOrientIJK(
                            faceNeighbors[fijk.face, KI].face,
                            faceNeighbors[fijk.face, KI].translate.i,
                            faceNeighbors[fijk.face, KI].translate.j,
                            faceNeighbors[fijk.face, KI].translate.k,
                            faceNeighbors[fijk.face, KI].ccwRot60);

                        // adjust for the pentagonal missing sequence
                        if (pentLeading4 != 0)
                            // translate origin to center of pentagon
                            CoordIJK origin = new CoordIJK();
                            CoordIJK._setIJK(ref origin, maxDim, 0, 0);
                            CoordIJK tmp = new CoordIJK();
                            CoordIJK._ijkSub(ref ijk, ref origin, ref tmp);
                            // rotate to adjust for the missing sequence
                            CoordIJK._ijkRotate60cw(ref tmp);
                            // translate the origin back to the center of the triangle
                            CoordIJK._ijkAdd(tmp, origin, ref ijk);
                else // ij "quadrant"
//                    fijkOrient = faceNeighbors[fijk.face,IJ];
                    fijkOrient = new FaceOrientIJK(
                        faceNeighbors[fijk.face, IJ].face,
                        faceNeighbors[fijk.face, IJ].translate.i,
                        faceNeighbors[fijk.face, IJ].translate.j,
                        faceNeighbors[fijk.face, IJ].translate.k,
                        faceNeighbors[fijk.face, IJ].ccwRot60);

                fijk.face = fijkOrient.face;

                // rotate and translate for adjacent face
                for (int i = 0; i < fijkOrient.ccwRot60; i++)
                    CoordIJK._ijkRotate60ccw(ref ijk);

//                CoordIJK transVec = fijkOrient.translate;
                CoordIJK transVec = new CoordIJK
                int unitScale = unitScaleByCIIres[res];
                if (substrate != 0)
                    unitScale *= 3;
                CoordIJK._ijkScale(ref transVec, unitScale);
                CoordIJK._ijkAdd(ijk, transVec, ref ijk);
                CoordIJK._ijkNormalize(ref ijk);

                // overage points on pentagon boundaries can end up on edges
                if ((substrate != 0) && ijk.i + ijk.j + ijk.k == maxDim) // on edge
                    overage = 1;

            fijk.coord = ijk;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert an FaceIJK address to the corresponding H3Index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fijk"> The FaceIJK address.</param>
        /// <param name="res">The cell resolution.</param>
        /// <returns>The encoded H3Index (or 0 on failure).</returns>
        /// <!-- Based off 3.1.1 -->
        public static H3Index _faceIjkToH3(ref FaceIJK fijk, int res)
            // initialize the index
            H3Index h = H3_INIT;

            H3_SET_MODE(ref h, Constants.H3_HEXAGON_MODE);
            H3_SET_RESOLUTION(ref h, res);

            // check for res 0/base cell
            if (res == 0)
                if (fijk.coord.i > BaseCells.MAX_FACE_COORD ||
                    fijk.coord.j > BaseCells.MAX_FACE_COORD ||
                    fijk.coord.k > BaseCells.MAX_FACE_COORD)
                    // out of range input

                H3_SET_BASE_CELL(ref h, BaseCells._faceIjkToBaseCell(fijk));

            // we need to find the correct base cell FaceIJK for this H3 index;
            // start with the passed in face and resolution res ijk coordinates
            // in that face's coordinate system
            //FaceIJK fijkBC = new FaceIJK(fijk.face, fijk.coord);
            FaceIJK fijkBC = new FaceIJK(fijk.face, new CoordIJK(fijk.coord.i, fijk.coord.j, fijk.coord.k));

            // build the H3Index from finest res up
            // adjust r for the fact that the res 0 base cell offsets the indexing digits
            CoordIJK ijk = fijkBC.coord;

            for (int r = res - 1; r >= 0; r--)
                //CoordIJK lastIJK = ijk;
                CoordIJK lastIJK    = new CoordIJK(ijk.i, ijk.j, ijk.k);
                CoordIJK lastCenter = new CoordIJK();
                if (isResClassIII(r + 1))
                    // rotate ccw
                    CoordIJK._upAp7(ref ijk);
                    lastCenter.i = ijk.i;
                    lastCenter.j = ijk.j;
                    lastCenter.k = ijk.k;
                    CoordIJK._downAp7(ref lastCenter);
                    // rotate cw
                    CoordIJK._upAp7r(ref ijk);
                    lastCenter.i = ijk.i;
                    lastCenter.j = ijk.j;
                    lastCenter.k = ijk.k;
                    CoordIJK._downAp7r(ref lastCenter);

                CoordIJK diff = new CoordIJK();
                CoordIJK._ijkSub(ref lastIJK, ref lastCenter, ref diff);
                CoordIJK._ijkNormalize(ref diff);

                H3_SET_INDEX_DIGIT(ref h, r + 1,
                                   (ulong)CoordIJK._unitIjkToDigit(ref diff));

            // fijkBC should now hold the IJK of the base cell in the
            // coordinate system of the current face
            if (fijkBC.coord.i > BaseCells.MAX_FACE_COORD ||
                fijkBC.coord.j > BaseCells.MAX_FACE_COORD ||
                fijkBC.coord.k > BaseCells.MAX_FACE_COORD)
                // out of range input

            // lookup the correct base cell
            int baseCell = BaseCells._faceIjkToBaseCell(fijkBC);

            H3_SET_BASE_CELL(ref h, baseCell);

            // rotate if necessary to get canonical base cell orientation
            // for this base cell
            int numRots = BaseCells._faceIjkToBaseCellCCWrot60(fijkBC);

            if (BaseCells._isBaseCellPentagon(baseCell))
                // force rotation out of missing k-axes sub-sequence
                if (_h3LeadingNonZeroDigit(h) == Direction.K_AXES_DIGIT)
                    // check for a cw/ccw offset face; default is ccw
                    if (BaseCells._baseCellIsCwOffset(baseCell, fijkBC.face))
                        h = _h3Rotate60cw(ref h);
                        h = _h3Rotate60ccw(ref h);

                for (int i = 0; i < numRots; i++)
                    h = _h3RotatePent60ccw(ref h);
                for (int i = 0; i < numRots; i++)
                    h = _h3Rotate60ccw(ref h);

Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert an H3Index to a FaceIJK address.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="h"> The H3Index.</param>
        /// <param name="fijk"> The corresponding FaceIJK address.</param>
        /// <!-- Based off 3.1.1 -->
        public static void _h3ToFaceIjk(H3Index h, ref FaceIJK fijk)
            int baseCell = H3_GET_BASE_CELL(h);

            // adjust for the pentagonal missing sequence; all of sub-sequence 5 needs
            // to be adjusted (and some of sub-sequence 4 below)
            if (BaseCells._isBaseCellPentagon(baseCell) && _h3LeadingNonZeroDigit(h) == Direction.IK_AXES_DIGIT)
                h = _h3Rotate60cw(ref h);

            // start with the "home" face and ijk+ coordinates for the base cell of c
            fijk = new FaceIJK(
                new CoordIJK(
            //fijk = BaseCells.baseCellData[baseCell].homeFijk;
            if (_h3ToFaceIjkWithInitializedFijk(h, ref fijk) == 0)
                return; // no overage is possible; h lies on this face

            // if we're here we have the potential for an "overage"; i.e., it is
            // possible that c lies on an adjacent face
            CoordIJK origIJK = new CoordIJK(fijk.coord.i, fijk.coord.j, fijk.coord.k);

            // if we're in Class III, drop into the next finer Class II grid
            int res = H3_GET_RESOLUTION(h);

            if (isResClassIII(res))
                // Class III
                CoordIJK._downAp7r(ref fijk.coord);

            // adjust for overage if needed
            // a pentagon base cell with a leading 4 digit requires special handling
            bool pentLeading4 =
                (BaseCells._isBaseCellPentagon(baseCell) && _h3LeadingNonZeroDigit(h) == Direction.I_AXES_DIGIT);

            if (FaceIJK._adjustOverageClassII(ref fijk, res, pentLeading4 ? 1 : 0, 0) > 0)
                // if the base cell is a pentagon we have the potential for secondary
                // overages
                if (BaseCells._isBaseCellPentagon(baseCell))
                    while (true)
                        if (FaceIJK._adjustOverageClassII(ref fijk, res, 0, 0) == 0)

                if (res != H3_GET_RESOLUTION(h))
                    CoordIJK._upAp7r(ref fijk.coord);
            else if (res != H3_GET_RESOLUTION(h))
                fijk.coord = new CoordIJK(origIJK.i, origIJK.j, origIJK.k);