Ejemplo n.º 1
         * @desc This method will save or update an equipment booking in the EQUIPMENT_BOOKINGS table
         * @params [none] No input parameter.
         * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem saving/updating the equipment
        public bool SaveEquipmentBooking()
            string query;
            // Create mysql connection
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
            // Check whether there is a new id_eq_booking assigned to this booking,
            // if not then this a new equipment booking to save
            if (this.Id_eq_booking == -1)
                // Create the save query
                query = "insert into `gym`.`equipment_bookings` (`id_eq_booking`, `id_staff`, `id_member`, `id_class_instance`, `date_start`, `date_due`, `id_equipment`, `borrowedamount`,`isreturned`) values " +
                                     "(NULL, " + this.Id_staff + ", " + this.Id_member + ", " + this.Id_class_instance + ", '" + this.DateStart + "', '" + this.DateDue
                                     + "', " + this.Id_equipment + ", " + this.BorrowedAmount + ", NULL)";
                // Launch save query
                int id_eq_booking = conn.InsertToDB(query);
                // Check saving result
                if (id_eq_booking != -1)
                    this.Id_eq_booking = id_eq_booking;
                    MessageBox.Show("The new equipment booking has been added to the databse succesfully!");
                    return true;
                    MessageBox.Show("There was a problem adding the new equipment booking, please check your data!");
                    return false;
            // If an id_eq_booking already exists for this booking, then this is an existing booking to update
                // Create update query
                query = "UPDATE `gym`.`equipment_bookings` SET `borrowedamount` = " + this.BorrowedAmount + ", `isreturned`= " + this.IsReturned + " WHERE id_eq_booking = '" + this.Id_eq_booking + "'";
                // Launch update query
                int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(query);
                // Check update result
                if (result > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("The equipment booking data has been updated succesfully!");
                    return true;
                    MessageBox.Show("There was a problem updating the equipment booking information, please check your data!");
                    return false;

            //return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @desc This method will save or update a user in the USERS table
  * @params [none] No input parameter.
  * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem saving/updating the user
 public bool SaveUser()
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // If this is a new user
     if (this.Id_user == -1)
     // Create insert query
         string query = "insert into users (id_user, login, password, profile, active) " +
         "values (NULL, '" + this.Login + "', MD5('" + this.Password +
         "'), '" + this.Profile + "', '" + ((this.isActive) ? "1" : "0") + "')";
     // Launch insert query
         this.id_user = conn.InsertToDB(query);
     // Check result
         if (this.id_user > 0)
             return true;
     // This is an existing user
         // Create update query
         string query = "UPDATE users SET login = '******', active = '" + ((this.isActive) ? "1" : "0") + "' "+
                         "WHERE id_user = '******'";
     // Launch update query
         int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(query);
     // Check update result
         if (result > 0)
             return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
         * @desc This method will save or update a class in the CLASS table
         * @params [none] No input parameter.
         * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem saving/updating the class
        public bool SaveClass()
            string query;

            // Checking user input
            if (this.Name == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please Insert a name.");
                // Create mysql connection
                mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
                // Check whether there is a new id_class assigned to this class,
                // if not then this a new class to save
                if (this.Id_class == -1)
                    // Create the save query
                    query = "insert into `gym`.`classes` (`id_class`, `name`, `type`, `description`) values " +
                             "(NULL, '" + this.Name + "', '" + this.Type + "', '" + this.Description + "')";
                    // Launch save query
                    int id_class = conn.InsertToDB(query);
                    // Check saving result
                    if (id_class != -1)
                        this.Id_class = id_class;
                        MessageBox.Show("The new class has been added to the databse succesfully!");
                        return true;
                        MessageBox.Show("There was a problem adding the new class, please check your data!");
                        return false;
                // If an id_class already exists for this class instance, then this is an existing class to update
                    // Create update query
                    query = "UPDATE classes SET name = '" + this.Name + "', description = '" + this.Description + "' " +
                             " WHERE id_class = '" + this.Id_class + "'";

                    // Launch update query
                    int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(query);
                    // Check update result
                    if (result > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("The class data has been updated succesfully!");
                        return true;
                        MessageBox.Show("There was a problem updating the class information, please check your data!");
                        return false;
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
         * @desc This method will save or update an equipment in the EQUIPMENT table
         * @params [none] No input parameter.
         * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem saving/updating the equipment
        public bool SaveEquipment()
            string saveEquipmentQuery;
            // Checking user input
            if (this.Name == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please Insert a name.");
                // Create mysql connection
                mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
                // Check whether there is a new id_equipment assigned to this equipment,
                // if not then this a new equipment to save
                if (this.Id_equipment == -1)
                    // Create the save query
                    saveEquipmentQuery = "insert into `gym`.`equipment` (`id_equipment`, `type`, `id_vehicle`, `name`, `description`, `iteminset1`, `iteminset2`, `iteminset3`, `iteminset4`, `iteminset5`, `amountinset1`, `amountinset2`, `amountinset3`, `amountinset4`, `amountinset5`) values " +
                             "(NULL, '" + this.Type + "', '" + this.Id_vehicle + "', '" + this.Name + "', '" + this.Description
                             + "', '" + this.ItemInSet1 + "', '" + this.ItemInSet2 + "', '" + this.ItemInSet3 + "', '" + this.ItemInSet4 + "', '" + this.ItemInSet5
                             + "', '" + this.AmountInSet1 + "', '" + this.AmountInSet2 + "', '" + this.AmountInSet3 + "', '" + this.AmountInSet4 + "', '" + this.AmountInSet5 + "')";

                    // Launch save query
                    int id_equipment = conn.InsertToDB(saveEquipmentQuery);
                    // Check saving result
                    if (id_equipment != -1)
                        this.Id_equipment = id_equipment;
                        MessageBox.Show("The new equipment has been added to the databse succesfully!");
                        return true;
                        MessageBox.Show("There was a problem adding the new equipment, please check your data!");
                        return false;
                // If an id_equipment already exists for this equipment, then this is an existing equipment to update
                    // Create update query
                    string updateEquimentQuery = "UPDATE equipment SET type = '" + this.Type
                                       + "', id_vehicle = '" + this.Id_vehicle
                                             + "', name = '" + this.Name
                                      + "', description = '" + this.Description
                                       + "', iteminset1 = '" + this.ItemInSet1
                                       + "', iteminset2 = '" + this.ItemInSet2
                                       + "', iteminset3 = '" + this.ItemInSet3
                                       + "', iteminset4 = '" + this.ItemInSet4
                                       + "', iteminset5 = '" + this.ItemInSet5
                                     + "', amountinset1 = '" + this.AmountInSet1
                                     + "', amountinset2 = '" + this.AmountInSet2
                                     + "', amountinset3 = '" + this.AmountInSet3
                                     + "', amountinset4 = '" + this.AmountInSet4
                                     + "', amountinset5 = '" + this.AmountInSet5 + "' "
                                 + " WHERE id_equipment = '" + this.Id_equipment + "'";
                    // Launch update query
                    int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(updateEquimentQuery);
                    // Check update result
                    if (result > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("The equipment data has been updated succesfully!");
                        return true;
                        MessageBox.Show("There was a problem updating the equipment information, please check your data!");
                        return false;
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
         * @desc This method will save the object into the database
         * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was a problem
        public bool SaveMember()
            // Convert date into mysql format
            string mysqlDate = Utils.sGetMysqlDate(this.Birthdate);
            string query;

            // Check Birthdate format
            if (mysqlDate == "0000-00-00")
                MessageBox.Show("The Date of Birth is in incorrect format!");
            // Check e-mail format
            else if (Utils.bValidateEmail(this.Email) == false)
                MessageBox.Show("The E-Mail address is incorrect!");
                // First the user object is filled
                clUser.IsActive = (this.IsActive) ? true : false;
                clUser.Login = this.Email;
                clUser.Password = mysqlDate;
                clUser.Profile = "member";
                // Create mysql connection
                mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();

                // If the User details were correctly saved
                if (clUser.SaveUser())
                    // Check if there is a new picture to save
                    if ((this.FilePath != null) && (this.FilePath.Length > 1))
                        this.Id_file = conn.uploadFileToDB(this.FilePath, this.FileName);

                    // The insert query is launched in case of existing members only, not new members
                    if (this.Id_member == -1)
                        // Create insert query
                        query = "insert into `gym`.`members` (`id_member`, `firstName`, `lastName`, `birthdate`, `address_1`, `city`, `county`, `postalcode`, `type`, `id_user`, `is_active`, `address_2`, `emerg_contact_name`, `emerg_contact_relation`, `emerg_contact_phone`, `emerg_contact_mobile`, `medical_allergies`, `medical_notes`, `id_file`, `medical_doctor_name`, `medical_phone`, `email`, `member_number`, `phone`,`mobile`,`gender`) values " +
                                 "(NULL, '" + this.FirstName + "', '" + this.LastName + "', '" + mysqlDate + "', '" + this.Address_1 + "', '" + this.City + "', '" + this.County + "', '" + this.PostalCode + "', '" + this.Type + "', '" + clUser.Id_user + "', '" + ((this.IsActive) ? "1" : "0") + "', '" + this.Address_2 + "', '" + this.EmergContactName + "', '" + this.EmergContactRelation + "', '" + this.EmergContactPhone + "', '" + this.EmergContactMobile + "', '" + this.MedicalAllergies + "', '" + this.MedicalNotes + "', '" + this.Id_file + "', '" + this.MedicalDoctorName + "', '" + this.MedicalPhone + "', '" + this.Email + "', '" + this.MemberNumber + "','" + this.Phone + "','" + this.Mobile + "','" + this.Gender + "')";

                        // Launch insert query
                        int id_member = conn.InsertToDB(query);
                        // Check if the insert was successful
                        if (id_member != -1)
                            this.Id_member = id_member;
                            MessageBox.Show("The new member has been added to the databse succesfully!");
                            return true;
                            MessageBox.Show("There was a problem adding the new user, please check your data!");
                            return false;
                    // This is a member update
                        // Create update query
                        query = "UPDATE members SET firstName = '" + this.FirstName + "', lastName = '" + this.LastName + "', birthdate = '" + mysqlDate + "', address_1 = '" + this.Address_1 + "', city = '" + this.City + "', county = '" + this.County + "', postalcode = '" + this.PostalCode + "', type = '" + this.Type + "', is_active = " + ((this.IsActive) ? "1" : "0") + ", address_2 = '" + this.Address_2 + "', emerg_contact_name = '" + this.EmergContactName + "', emerg_contact_relation = '" + this.EmergContactRelation + "', emerg_contact_phone = '" + this.EmergContactPhone + "', emerg_contact_mobile = '" + this.EmergContactMobile + "', medical_allergies = '" + this.MedicalAllergies + "', medical_notes = '" + this.MedicalNotes + "', id_file = '" + this.Id_file + "', medical_doctor_name = '" + this.MedicalDoctorName + "', medical_phone = '" + this.MedicalPhone + "', email = '" + this.Email + "', phone = '" + this.Phone + "', mobile = '" + this.Mobile +
                            "', gender = '" + this.Gender + "' " + " WHERE id_member = '"+this.Id_member+"'";
                        // Launch update query
                        int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(query);
                        // Check if the update was successful
                        if (result > 0)
                            MessageBox.Show("The member data has been updated succesfully!");
                            return true;
                            MessageBox.Show("There was a problem updating the user information, please check your data!");
                            return false;
                // If the user saving was false, then it was becuase of duplicate e-mail at this point
                    MessageBox.Show("The e-mail already exists in the database! Please choose another one.");
                    return false;

             return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @desc This method will save or update a room in the ROOMS table
  * @params [none] No input parameter.
  * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem saving/updating the class
 public bool SaveRoom()
     string query;
     // Checking user input
     if (this.Name == "")
         MessageBox.Show("Please Insert a name.");
         // Create mysql connection
         mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
         // Check whether there is a new id_room assigned to this room,
         // if not then this a new room to save
         if (this.Id_room == -1)
             // Create insert query
             query = "insert into `gym`.`rooms` (`id_room`, `name`, `size`, `description`) values " +
                      "(NULL, '" + this.Name + "', '" + this.Size + "', '" + this.Description + "')";
             // Launch insert query
             int id_room = conn.InsertToDB(query);
             // Check saving result
             if (id_room != -1)
                 this.Id_room = id_room;
                 MessageBox.Show("The new room has been added to the databse succesfully!");
                 return true;
                 MessageBox.Show("There was a problem adding the new room, please check your data!");
                 return false;
         // If an id_room already exists for this room instance, then this is an existing room to update
             // Create update query
             query = "UPDATE rooms SET name = '" + this.Name + "', size = '" + this.Size + "', description = '" + this.Description + "' " +
                      " WHERE id_room = '" + this.Id_room + "'";
             // Launch update query
             int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(query);
             // Check update reults
             if (result > -1)
                 MessageBox.Show("The room data has been updated succesfully!");
                 return true;
                 MessageBox.Show("There was a problem updating the room information, please check your data!");
                 return false;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * @desc This method will save the object into the database
  * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was a problem
 public bool SavePayment()
     // If this is an existing member's payment
     if (this.ClMember.Id_member != -1)
         // Create insert query
         string query = "insert into `gym`.`payments` (`id_payment`, `id_member`, `date`, `amount`, `details`,`receiptnumber`,`paymentmethod`,`receivedby`) values (NULL, '" + this.ClMember.Id_member + "', '" + this.Date + "', '" + this.Amount + "', '" + this.Details + "', '" + this.ReceiptNumber + "', '" + this.PaymentMethod + "', '" + this.ReceivedBy + "');";
         // Create mysql connection
         mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
         // Launch insert query
         int payment = conn.InsertToDB(query);
         // Check if the insert was succesful
         if (payment != -1)
             return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
         * @desc This method will save or update a class instance in the CLASS_INSTANCE table
         * @params [none] No input parameter.
         * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem saving/updating the class
        public bool SaveClassInstance()
            // Create mysql connection
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
            // Check whether there is a new id_class_instance assigned to this class instance,
            // if not then this a new class to save
            if (this.Id_class_instance == -1)
                // Create the save query
                string saveClInstanceQuery = "insert into `gym`.`class_instance` (`id_class_instance`, `id_class`, `id_staff`, `date`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `frequency`, `id_room`) values " +
                                "(NULL, '" + this.ClClass.Id_class + "', '" + this.Id_staff + "', '" + Utils.sGetMysqlDate(this.DateStart) + "', '" + this.StartTime + "', '" + this.EndTime + "', '" + this.Frequency + "', '" + this.ClRoom.Id_room + "');";
                // Launch save query
                int id_class_instance = conn.InsertToDB(saveClInstanceQuery);
                // Check saving result
                if (id_class_instance != -1)
                    this.Id_class_instance = id_class_instance;
                    MessageBox.Show("The class has been saved!");
                    return true;
                    MessageBox.Show("There has been an error creating the class instance! Contact with your administrator.");
            // If an id_class_instance already exists for this class instance, then this is an existing class instance to update
                string updateClInstanceQuery = "UPDATE class_instance SET id_staff= '" + this.Id_staff + "', date = '" + Utils.sGetMysqlDate(this.DateStart) + "', start_time = '" + this.StartTime + "', end_time = '" + this.EndTime + "', frequency = '" + this.Frequency + "', id_room = '" + this.ClRoom.Id_room + "' " +
                                "WHERE id_class_instance = '" + this.Id_class_instance + "'";
                // Launch update query
                int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(updateClInstanceQuery);
                // Check update result
                if (result > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("The class booking data has been updated succesfully!");
                    MessageBox.Show("There was a problem updating the class booking information, please check your data!");
                    return false;
                // If there are any attendants save them into the CLASS_BOOKINGS table
                if (this.lclAttendants.Count > 0)

                    StringBuilder sbQueryClassBooking = new StringBuilder();
                    // Create the first half of the insert query containing so far only the fields
                    sbQueryClassBooking.Append("insert into `gym`.`class_bookings` (`id_class_booking`, `id_member`, `id_class_instance`, `booking_date`) values ");
                    int i = 0;
                    // Create a string array storing each second half of the queries, that is the values of each booking
                    string[] aQueryClassBookingValues = new string[this.lclAttendants.Count];
                    // Copy all values of each booking into each string in the array
                    foreach (Member clMember in this.lclAttendants)
                        aQueryClassBookingValues[i] = "(NULL, '" + clMember.Id_member + "', '" + this.Id_class_instance + "', NOW())";
                    // It is possible to add more than one class booking into the CLASS_BOOKINGS table in the same query at the same time
                    // so append each set of booking values one after the other at the end of the query, separated by comma
                    sbQueryClassBooking.Append(string.Join(", ", aQueryClassBookingValues));
                    sbQueryClassBooking.Append(" ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE booking_date = booking_date");
                    int lastMemberId = conn.InsertToDB(sbQueryClassBooking.ToString());
                    if (lastMemberId != -1)
                        MessageBox.Show("The attendant has been enrolled!");
            return true;