Inheritance: IDisposable, IXPathNavigable
Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void TestMoveToId()
     using (GumboWrapper gumbo = new GumboWrapper(TestHtml))
         var nav = gumbo.CreateNavigator();
         Assert.AreEqual("p", nav.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void TestSelectSingleNodeForElement()
     using (GumboWrapper gumbo = new GumboWrapper(TestHtml))
         var nav = gumbo.CreateNavigator();
         var node = nav.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/span");
         Assert.AreEqual("Pillz here!", node.Value);
         Assert.AreEqual("span", node.Name);
         Assert.AreEqual("span", node.LocalName);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void TestSelectSingleNodeAttribute()
     using (GumboWrapper gumbo = new GumboWrapper(TestHtml))
         var nav = gumbo.CreateNavigator();
         var node = nav.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/@class");
         Assert.AreEqual("gumbo", node.Value);
         Assert.AreEqual("class", node.Name);
         Assert.AreEqual("class", node.LocalName);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void TestHeadBody()
     string testHtml = "<html><body class=\"gumbo\">привет!</body></html>";
     using (var gumbo = new GumboWrapper(testHtml))
         var list = gumbo.Document.Root.Children.OfType<ElementWrapper>().ToList();
         Assert.Equal(GumboTag.GUMBO_TAG_HEAD, list[0].Tag);
         Assert.Equal(null, list[0].OriginalTag);
         Assert.Equal(GumboTag.GUMBO_TAG_BODY, list[1].Tag);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TestAttributes()
            string testHtml = "<html><body class=\"gumbo\">привет!</body></html>";
            using (var gumbo = new GumboWrapper(testHtml))
                var list = gumbo.Document.Root.Children.OfType<ElementWrapper>().ToList();

                Assert.Equal("class", list[1].Attributes.First().Name);
                Assert.Equal("gumbo", list[1].Attributes.First().Value);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void TestFirstAndLastTagsInEnum()
     string testHtml = "<html><head><head><body><title></title><base></base><tt></tt><unknown123></unknown123></body></html>";
     using (var gumbo = new GumboWrapper(testHtml))
         var list = gumbo.Document.Root.Children.OfType<ElementWrapper>().ToList();
         Assert.Equal(GumboTag.GUMBO_TAG_HEAD, list[0].Tag);
         Assert.Equal("<head>", list[0].OriginalTag);
         var body = list[1].Children.OfType<ElementWrapper>().ToList();
         Assert.Equal(GumboTag.GUMBO_TAG_TITLE, body[0].Tag);
         Assert.Equal(GumboTag.GUMBO_TAG_BASE, body[1].Tag);
         Assert.Equal(GumboTag.GUMBO_TAG_TT, body[2].Tag);
         Assert.Equal(GumboTag.GUMBO_TAG_UNKNOWN, body[3].Tag);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public bool IsValidHtmlResponseString(List<RequestValidationParam> taintfulParams, string responseText, out RequestValidationParam dangerousParam)
            dangerousParam = null;

            // HACK: Deny null-byte injection techniques. Perhaps, there are a better place and method to implement it.
            if (responseText.IndexOf('\0') != -1)
                dangerousParam = new RequestValidationParam("null-byte", "Undefined", "...\\0");
                return false;

            var parsedResponse = new GumboWrapper(responseText);

            if (!parsedResponse.Document.Children.Any()) return true;

            // Get boundaries for all occurences of request params in response text
            var insertionsMap =

            if (insertionsMap.Count == 0) return true;

            // In case of parse errors, needed a check that positions of errors isn't included to insertions map
            if (parsedResponse.Errors != null && parsedResponse.Errors.Any())
                foreach (var error in parsedResponse.Errors)
                    foreach (var insertionArea in insertionsMap)
                        if (!insertionArea.Includes((int) error.position.offset)) continue;

                        // Inclusion found (integrity of response has been violated by request parameter at error position)
                        dangerousParam = insertionArea.Param;
                        return false;

            // Deny obviously dangerous insertions
            foreach (var insertionArea in from insertionArea in insertionsMap
                let paramValue = insertionArea.Param.Value
                    // paramValue ⊃ "<[A-Za-z%!/?]?"
                        (t, i) =>
                            t == '<' && i < paramValue.Length - 1 &&
                                    (paramValue[i + 1] >= 'a' && paramValue[i + 1] <= 'z')
                                 || (paramValue[i + 1] >= 'A' && paramValue[i + 1] <= 'Z')
                             || paramValue[i + 1] == '%'
                             || paramValue[i + 1] == '!'
                             || paramValue[i + 1] == '/'
                             || paramValue[i + 1] == '?'
                select insertionArea)
                dangerousParam = insertionArea.Param;
                return false;

            var result = true;

            foreach (var node in parsedResponse.Document.Children.OfType<ElementWrapper>())
                result &= ValidateNode(node, insertionsMap, ref dangerousParam);

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public GumboNavigator(GumboWrapper gumbo, AttributeWrapper attribute)
     _Gumbo = gumbo;
     _State = new NavigatorState(attribute);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public GumboNavigator(GumboWrapper gumbo, NodeWrapper node)
     _Gumbo = gumbo;
     _State = new NavigatorState(node);