static void Main()
     string[] model = { "5S", "Galaxy", "Lumia 1080" };//necesery fields
     string[] manufactory = { "IPhone", "Samsung", "Nokia" };//necesery fields
     List<GSMCoreInfo> GSMs = new List<GSMCoreInfo>();
     //Loop for fill all fields
     for (int i = 0; i < model.Length; i++)
         GSMCoreInfo GSM = new GSMCoreInfo(model[i], manufactory[i]);
     //Test the Call class
     List<Call> callPerPhone = new List<Call>();
     string[] callTime = { "2000.12.3;23:11", "2000.12.4;25:23", "2000.12.24;23:59", "2001.1.1;00:01" };
     string[] dialedNumber = { "0877123456", "0877123456", "0877123456", "0877123456" };
     ulong[] durationInSec = { 180, 240, 450, 360 };
     decimal sum = new decimal();
     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
         Call currentCall = new Call();
         currentCall.CallTime = callTime[i];
         currentCall.DialedNumber = dialedNumber[i];
         currentCall.DurationSec = durationInSec[i];
     //Idont have much time and i write it in Main to compile its prity good timing and fast rewriting
     TotalMoney total = new TotalMoney();
     Console.WriteLine("{0} \n Money spend: "+total.SumAllCalls(callPerPhone),GSMs[2]);
     ulong deffduration = callPerPhone[0].DurationSec;
     for (int i = 0; i <callPerPhone.Count; i++)
         if (deffduration < callPerPhone[i].DurationSec)
             deffduration = callPerPhone[i].DurationSec;
     for (int i = 0; i < callPerPhone.Count; i++)
         if (deffduration == callPerPhone[i].DurationSec)
             callPerPhone[i].DurationSec = 0;
     Console.WriteLine("{0} \n Money spend: " + total.SumAllCalls(callPerPhone), GSMs[2]);
     Console.WriteLine("This Info is Cleared");
     Console.WriteLine("Have a nice Day");
 public static void Test()
     string[] models = { "xperia", "edge", "galaxy", "One", "Mother" };
     string[] manufactory = { "Sony", "HTC", "Samsung", "China","IPhone"};
     GSMCoreInfo[] batman = new GSMCoreInfo[5];
         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
             batman[i] = new GSMCoreInfo(models[i], manufactory[i]);
     for (int i = 0; i < batman.Length; i++)
         Console.Write(batman[i].Manufactorer + " ");
     Console.WriteLine(GSMCoreInfo.IPhone.Manufactorer+" "+GSMCoreInfo.IPhone.Model);