Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Smooth(List <SteerPoint> steerPoints)
            // todo: Could add a pass to merge points within 25 meters or so.
            // Take (linear) middle between points, average speed, set 'maximum' runway ops on merged point
            // Maybe after smoothing works best

            for (int i = 1; i < steerPoints.Count() - 1; i++)
                if (steerPoints[i] is PushbackPoint)

                SteerPoint previous = steerPoints[i - 1];
                SteerPoint current  = steerPoints[i];
                SteerPoint next     = steerPoints[i + 1];

                double incomingBearing = VortexMath.BearingRadians(previous, current);
                double outgoingBearing = VortexMath.BearingRadians(current, next);
                double turnAngle       = VortexMath.AbsTurnAngle(incomingBearing, outgoingBearing);

                if (!current.Protected && turnAngle < 2.5 * VortexMath.Deg2Rad && !(current is RunwayPoint))
                    if (previous.Name == next.Name && previous.Speed == next.Speed)
                if (!current.Protected && turnAngle > VortexMath.PI025)             // 45 degrees
                    double smoothingDistance = 0.050 * (turnAngle / VortexMath.PI); // 90 degrees = 0.5 PI / PI = 0.5 * 0.05 km = 25 meters
                    double currentLatitude   = current.Latitude;
                    double currentLongitude  = current.Longitude;
                    if (VortexMath.DistanceKM(previous.Latitude, previous.Longitude, currentLatitude, currentLongitude) > smoothingDistance)
                        // Shift the current point a bit back
                        VortexMath.PointFrom(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, incomingBearing + VortexMath.PI, smoothingDistance, ref current.Latitude, ref current.Longitude);
                        if (current.Speed > 14)
                            current.Speed /= 2;
                        // skip the current

                    double distanceToNext = VortexMath.DistanceKM(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, next.Latitude, next.Longitude);
                    if (distanceToNext > smoothingDistance)
                        // Insert an extra point
                        SteerPoint newPoint = next.Duplicate();
                        VortexMath.PointFrom(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, outgoingBearing, smoothingDistance, ref newPoint.Latitude, ref newPoint.Longitude);

                        // If room for additional speed up point, reduce acceleration on this point
                        if (distanceToNext > 2.5 * smoothingDistance)
                            newPoint.Speed = (newPoint.Speed * 2) / 3;

                        steerPoints.Insert(i + 1, newPoint);

                    if (distanceToNext > 2.5 * smoothingDistance)
                        // Insert an extra point
                        SteerPoint newPoint = next.Duplicate();
                        VortexMath.PointFrom(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, outgoingBearing, 2.5 * smoothingDistance, ref newPoint.Latitude, ref newPoint.Longitude);
                        steerPoints.Insert(i + 1, newPoint);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private IEnumerable <SteerPoint> BuildSteerPoints(ResultRoute route, TaxiNode runwayExitNode)
            List <SteerPoint> steerPoints = new List <SteerPoint>();

            // Route should start at the (displaced) threshold
            RunwayPoint threshold = new RunwayPoint(route.Runway.DisplacedNode, 55, $"{route.Runway.Designator} Threshold", route.RouteStart.Edge.ActiveForRunway(route.Runway.Designator))
                OnRunway  = true,
                IsExiting = true


            foreach (TaxiNode node in route.Runway.RunwayNodes)
                int speed = (node == runwayExitNode) ? 35 : 55;
                steerPoints.Add(new RunwayPoint(node.Latitude, node.Longitude, speed, $"{route.Runway.Designator}", route.RouteStart.Edge.ActiveForRunway(route.Runway.Designator)));

                if (node == runwayExitNode) // Key of the dictionary is the last node on the runway centerline for this route

            // This is the first node off the runway centerline
            steerPoints.Add(new RunwayPoint(route.StartNode, 30, route.RouteStart.Edge.LinkName, route.RouteStart.Edge.ActiveForRunway(route.Runway.Designator)));

            LinkedNode link = route.RouteStart;

            while (link.Node != null)
                bool   activeZone = false;
                string activeFor  = "";

                if (link.Edge.ActiveZone)
                    activeZone = true;
                    activeFor  = link.Edge.ActiveForRunway("");
                else if (link.Next.Edge != null && link.Next.Edge.ActiveZone)
                    activeZone = true;
                    activeFor  = link.Next.Edge.ActiveForRunway("");

                if (activeZone)
                    steerPoints.Add(new RunwayPoint(link.Node.Latitude, link.Node.Longitude, 15, $"{link.Edge.LinkName}", activeFor));
                    steerPoints.Add(new SteerPoint(link.Node.Latitude, link.Node.Longitude, 15, $"{link.Edge.LinkName}"));

                link = link.Next;

            // remove last point if it takes us past the 'pushback point'
            if (steerPoints.Count > 1)
                SteerPoint oneButLast    = steerPoints.ElementAt(steerPoints.Count - 2);
                SteerPoint last          = steerPoints.ElementAt(steerPoints.Count - 1);
                double     lastBearing   = VortexMath.BearingRadians(oneButLast, last);
                double     bearingToPush = VortexMath.BearingRadians(last.Latitude, last.Longitude, Parking.PushBackLatitude, Parking.PushBackLongitude);
                double     turnToPush    = VortexMath.AbsTurnAngle(lastBearing, bearingToPush);
                if (turnToPush > VortexMath.Deg100Rad)
                    steerPoints.RemoveAt(steerPoints.Count - 1);

            // todo: how does this all work with freaky pushback points?
            // todo: tie downs

            steerPoints.Add(new SteerPoint(Parking.PushBackLatitude, Parking.PushBackLongitude, 5, Parking.Name));
            steerPoints.Add(new ParkingPoint(Parking.Latitude, Parking.Longitude, 5, Parking.Name, Parking.Bearing, true));


            if (MaxInPoints < steerPoints.Count)
                MaxInPoints = steerPoints.Count;
