//Making a new set basically just entails creating a new directory from a name provided from a dialog box
        //then add this new directory to the list of sets
        private void BTN_Add_Set_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //First off we need a dialog to know what to call the new set, and hence the directory to put it in
            InputDialog input = new InputDialog("New Set Name?");

            if (input.ShowDialog() == true)
                //Assuming they give a proper responce and didnt cancel we can use the value given as the
                //name of the new directory for the set
                //TODO make it so Set_Directory is available everywhere in the window
                const string Set_Directory     = @".\Sets";
                string       New_Set_Directory = Set_Directory + $@"\{input.Answer()}";
                //This new folder will be a subdirectory of the Set_Directory
                //We need to make sure we only make the directory if it does not already exist
                if (!Directory.Exists(New_Set_Directory))
                    //Now we have the directory path all setup, we can use that to
                    //make the combobox item that will hold all this information
                    //Show an error saying that a folder by that name already exists
                    MessageBox.Show("Error: A folder by that name already exists! No new folder has been created.", "Folder Already Exists!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);