Ejemplo n.º 1
        private List <Representative> getRepRecords(string query)
            List <Representative> repList = new List <Representative>();

            //formulate connection string, sql query, data adapter/table
            //SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=localhost\CGBPCD; Database=Assignment2; Integrated Security=True");
            SqlConnection  conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=CGBPCD;Initial Catalog=Assignment2;Integrated Security=True");
            SqlCommand     cmd  = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
            SqlDataAdapter da   = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
            DataTable      dt   = new DataTable();


            //iterate through each record to create list of reps within passed in zipcode
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                //create our new rep object, and push into list
                Representative rep = new Representative();

                //Set rep properties
                rep.Prefix        = ""; //Do not have this data
                rep.FirstName     = dr["person__firstname"].ToString();
                rep.MiddleName    = dr["person__middlename"].ToString();
                rep.LastName      = dr["person__lastname"].ToString();
                rep.Suffix        = dr["person__namemod"].ToString();
                rep.Address       = "";                         //Do not have this data
                rep.City          = "";                         //Do not have this data
                rep.AddrState     = "";                         //Do not have this data
                rep.Zip4          = dr["ZCTA5CE10"].ToString(); //Do not have this data, using generic zip instead
                rep.StateDistrict = dr["state"].ToString() + dr["district"].ToString();
                rep.BioguideID    = dr["person__bioguideid"].ToString();
                rep.Party         = dr["party"].ToString();
                rep.State         = dr["state"].ToString();
                rep.District      = dr["district"].ToString();


        private List<Representative> getRepRecords(string query)
            List<Representative> repList = new List<Representative>();

            //formulate connection string, sql query, data adapter/table
            //SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=localhost\CGBPCD; Database=Assignment2; Integrated Security=True");
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=CGBPCD;Initial Catalog=Assignment2;Integrated Security=True");
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            //iterate through each record to create list of reps within passed in zipcode
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                //create our new rep object, and push into list
                Representative rep = new Representative();

                //Set rep properties
                rep.Prefix = ""; //Do not have this data
                rep.FirstName = dr["person__firstname"].ToString();
                rep.MiddleName = dr["person__middlename"].ToString();
                rep.LastName = dr["person__lastname"].ToString();
                rep.Suffix = dr["person__namemod"].ToString();
                rep.Address = ""; //Do not have this data
                rep.City = ""; //Do not have this data
                rep.AddrState = ""; //Do not have this data
                rep.Zip4 = dr["ZCTA5CE10"].ToString(); //Do not have this data, using generic zip instead
                rep.StateDistrict = dr["state"].ToString() + dr["district"].ToString();
                rep.BioguideID = dr["person__bioguideid"].ToString();
                rep.Party = dr["party"].ToString();
                rep.State = dr["state"].ToString();
                rep.District = dr["district"].ToString();


            return repList;