Specifies the drawing style for all polygons, including polygon extrusions (which look like the walls of buildings) and line extrusions (which look like solid fences).
Inheritance: geColorStyle
        private static geStyle ConvertToPolyStyle(FillSymbol fillSym)
            gePolyStyle polyStyle;
              geLineStyle border;
              geStyle style;
              string hashId;

              hashId = fillSym.GetHashCode().ToString();
              style = new geStyle(hashId);

              polyStyle = new gePolyStyle();
              geColor color = new geColor();
              color.SysColor = ((SolidColorBrush)fillSym.Fill).Color;
              polyStyle.Color = color;

              border = new geLineStyle();
              geColor borderColor = new geColor();
              borderColor.SysColor = ((SolidColorBrush)fillSym.BorderBrush).Color;
              border.Color = borderColor;

              style.LineStyle = border;
              style.PolyStyle = polyStyle;
              return style;