Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void AddMap()
            GameObject locationManager = CreateGameObjectInScene("Location Manager");

            CenterOnScreen(locationManager, 0);
            GameObject newMap = CreateGameObjectInScene("Map");

            CenterOnScreen(newMap, 0);
            GOMap map = newMap.AddComponent <GOMap>();

            map.locationManager = locationManager.AddComponent <LocationManager>();

            Layer buildings = new Layer();

            buildings.name          = "Buildings";
            buildings.json          = "buildings";
            buildings.isPolygon     = true;
            buildings.defaultHeight = 2;

            Layer roads = new Layer();

            roads.name         = "Roads";
            roads.json         = "roads";
            roads.isPolygon    = false;
            roads.defaultWidth = 2;

            map.layers = new Layer[] { buildings, roads };

            Camera.main.transform.position    = new Vector3(0, 600, 100);
            Camera.main.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(70, 180, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void DestroyCurrentMap()
            GOMap map = GetComponent <GOMap> ();

            if (map == null)
                Debug.LogError("[GOMap Editor] GOMap script not found");

            while (map.transform.childCount > 0)
                foreach (Transform child in map.transform)

            GOEnvironment env = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GOEnvironment>();

            if (env == null)

            while (env.transform.childCount > 0)
                foreach (Transform child in env.transform)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestUnityWebRequestInEditor()
            GOMap map = GetComponent <GOMap> ();

            if (map == null)
                Debug.LogError("[GOMap Editor] GOMap script not found! GOMapEditor and GOMap have to be attached to the same GameObject");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void LoadInsideEditor()
            GOMap map = GetComponent <GOMap> ();

            if (map == null)
                Debug.LogError("[GOMap Editor] GOMap script not found");

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void AddMap()
            GameObject locationManager = CreateGameObjectInScene("Location Manager");

            CenterOnScreen(locationManager, 0);
            GameObject newMap = CreateGameObjectInScene("Map");

            CenterOnScreen(newMap, 0);
            GOMap map = newMap.AddComponent <GOMap> ();

            map.locationManager = locationManager.AddComponent <LocationManager>();

            GOLayer buildings = new GOLayer();

            buildings.layerType        = GOLayer.GOLayerType.Buildings;
            buildings.isPolygon        = true;
            buildings.defaultRendering = new GORenderingOptions();
            buildings.defaultRendering.polygonHeight = 2;
            buildings.defaultRendering.material      = CreateMaterialWithColor(Color.white);

            GOLayer water = new GOLayer();

            buildings.layerType    = GOLayer.GOLayerType.Water;
            water.isPolygon        = true;
            water.defaultRendering = new GORenderingOptions();
            water.defaultRendering.polygonHeight = 0;
            water.defaultRendering.material      = CreateMaterialWithColor(Color.blue);

            GOLayer landuse = new GOLayer();

            buildings.layerType      = GOLayer.GOLayerType.Landuse;
            landuse.isPolygon        = true;
            landuse.defaultRendering = new GORenderingOptions();
            landuse.defaultRendering.polygonHeight = 0;
            landuse.defaultRendering.material      = CreateMaterialWithColor(Color.green);

            GOLayer roads = new GOLayer();

            buildings.layerType              = GOLayer.GOLayerType.Landuse;
            roads.isPolygon                  = false;
            roads.defaultRendering           = new GORenderingOptions();
            roads.defaultRendering.lineWidth = 2;
            roads.defaultRendering.material  = CreateMaterialWithColor(Color.gray);

            map.layers = new GOLayer[] { buildings, water, landuse, roads };

            Camera.main.transform.position    = new Vector3(0, 600, 100);
            Camera.main.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(70, 180, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public IEnumerator SpawnPrefabsInMesh(GOFeature feature, GameObject parent, GOEnvironmentKind kind)
            if (feature.preloadedMeshData == null)
                yield break;

            float area = Area(feature.convertedGeometry);
            float rate = kind.density / 1000.0f;
            int   k    = Mathf.FloorToInt(area * rate / 100);

            //Debug.Log (area + " " + rate + " " + k);

            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                try {
//					int spawn = UnityEngine.Random.Range (0, rate);
//					if (spawn != 0)
//						continue;

                    int     n   = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, kind.prefabs.Length);
                    Vector3 pos = randomPointInShape(feature.convertedGeometry);

                    if (GOMap.IsPointAboveWater(pos))

                    pos.y += kind.prefabs [n].transform.position.y;

                    var rotation       = kind.prefabs [n].transform.eulerAngles;
                    var randomRotation = new Vector3(0, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 360), 0);

                    GameObject obj = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(kind.prefabs[n], pos, Quaternion.Euler(rotation + randomRotation));
                    obj.transform.parent = parent.transform;
                } catch {

                if (Application.isPlaying)
                    yield return(null);

            yield return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public IEnumerator LoadPlaces(string url)            //Request the API
            Debug.Log("GO4Square URL: " + url);

            var www = new WWW(url);

            yield return(www);

            ParseJob job = new ParseJob();

            job.InData = www.text;

            yield return(StartCoroutine(job.WaitFor()));

            IDictionary response = (IDictionary)((IDictionary)job.OutData)["response"];
            IList       results  = (IList)response ["venues"];

            foreach (Transform child in transform)

            foreach (IDictionary result in results)              //This example only takes GPS location and the name of the object. There's lot more, take a look at the Foursquare API documentation

                IDictionary location = ((IDictionary)result ["location"]);
                double      lat      = (double)location ["lat"];
                double      lng      = (double)location ["lng"];

                Coordinates coordinates = new Coordinates(lat, lng, 0);
                GameObject  go          = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab);
                Vector3     pos         = coordinates.convertCoordinateToVector(0);

                if (goMap.useElevation)
                    pos = GOMap.AltitudeToPoint(pos);

                go.transform.localPosition = pos;

                go.transform.parent = transform;
                go.name             = (string)result["name"];
Ejemplo n.º 8
        //Draws a line given a list of latitudes/longitudes
        public GameObject dropLine(List <Coordinates> polyline, float width, float height, Material material, GOUVMappingStyle uvMappingStyle)
            List <Vector3> converted = new List <Vector3> ();

            foreach (Coordinates coordinates in polyline)
                Vector3 v = coordinates.convertCoordinateToVector();
                if (useElevation)
                    v = GOMap.AltitudeToPoint(v);


            return(dropLine(converted, width, height, material, uvMappingStyle));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public IEnumerator SpawnPrefabsIn3DMesh(GOFeature feature, GameObject parent, GOEnvironmentKind kind)
            if (feature.preloadedMeshData == null)
                yield break;

            int rate = 100 / kind.density;

            foreach (Vector3 vertex in feature.preloadedMeshData.vertices)
                try {
                    int spawn = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, rate);
                    if (spawn != 0)

                    int     n   = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, kind.prefabs.Length);
                    Vector3 pos = vertex;

                    if (GOMap.IsPointAboveWater(pos))

                    pos.y += kind.prefabs [n].transform.position.y;

                    var rotation       = kind.prefabs [n].transform.eulerAngles;
                    var randomRotation = new Vector3(0, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 360), 0);

                    GameObject obj = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(kind.prefabs[n], pos, Quaternion.Euler(rotation + randomRotation));
                    obj.transform.parent = parent.transform;
                } catch {

                if (Application.isPlaying)
                    yield return(null);

            yield return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public IEnumerator LoadTileData(GOMap m, Coordinates tilecenter, int zoom, GOLayer[] layers, bool delayedLoad)
            map = m;

            tileCoordinates = tileCenter.tileCoordinates(map.zoomLevel);

            if (Application.isPlaying)
                yield return(StartCoroutine(DownloadData(m, tileCenter, zoom, layers, delayedLoad)));

                List <string> layerNames = map.layerNames();
                yield return(StartCoroutine(ParseTileData(map, tileCenter, zoom, layers, delayedLoad, layerNames)));
                GORoutine.start(DownloadData(m, tileCenter, zoom, layers, delayedLoad), this);
        //In the update we detect taps of mouse or touch to trigger a raycast on the ground
        void Update()
            bool drag = false;

            if (Application.isMobilePlatform)
                drag = Input.touchCount == 1 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began;
                drag = Input.GetMouseButton(0);

            if (drag)
                RaycastHit hit;
                Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, GOMap.GetActiveMasks()))
                    //From the raycast data it's easy to get the vector3 of the hit point
                    Vector3 worldVector = hit.point;
                    //And it's just as easy to get the gps coordinate of the hit point.
                    Coordinates gpsCoordinates = Coordinates.convertVectorToCoordinates(hit.point);

                    if (debugLog)
                        //There's a little debug string
                        Debug.Log(string.Format("[GOMap] Tap world vector: {0}, GPS Coordinates: {1}", worldVector, gpsCoordinates.toLatLongString()));

                    if (currentProjector != null && atomic)

                    //Add a simple projector to the tapped point
                    currentProjector = GameObject.Instantiate(projectorPrefab);
                    worldVector.y   += 5.5f;
                    currentProjector.transform.position = worldVector;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        //Draws a polygon given a list of latitudes/longitudes that is a closed shape
        public GameObject dropPolygon(List <Coordinates> shape, float height, Material material, GOUVMappingStyle uvMappingStyle)
            List <Vector3> converted = new List <Vector3> ();

            foreach (Coordinates coordinates in shape)
                Vector3 v = coordinates.convertCoordinateToVector();
                if (useElevation)
                    v = GOMap.AltitudeToPoint(v);


            if (!GOFeature.IsClockwise(converted))

            return(dropPolygon(converted, height, material, uvMappingStyle));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public IEnumerator SpawnPrefabsInTile(GOTile tile, GameObject parent, GOEnvironmentKind kind)
            if (tile == null)
                yield break;

            float rate = Mathf.FloorToInt(tile.goTile.diagonalLenght * (kind.density / 100));

            for (int i = 0; i <= rate; i++)
                float randomX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(tile.goTile.getXRange().x, tile.goTile.getXRange().y);
                float randomZ = UnityEngine.Random.Range(tile.goTile.getZRange().x, tile.goTile.getZRange().y);
                float randomY = UnityEngine.Random.Range(200, 320);

                int     n   = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, kind.prefabs.Length);
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(randomX, randomY, randomZ);

                pos.y += kind.prefabs [n].transform.position.y;

                pos.y += GOMap.AltitudeForPoint(pos);

                var rotation       = kind.prefabs [n].transform.eulerAngles;
                var randomRotation = new Vector3(0, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 360), 0);

                GameObject obj = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(kind.prefabs[n], pos, Quaternion.Euler(rotation + randomRotation));
                obj.transform.parent   = parent.transform;
                obj.transform.position = pos;
                if (Application.isPlaying)
                    yield return(null);

            yield return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        IEnumerator NearbySearch(GOTile tile)
            //Center of the map tile
            Coordinates tileCenter = tile.goTile.tileCenter;

            //radius of the request, equals the tile diagonal /2
            float radius = tile.goTile.diagonalLenght / 2;

            //The complete nearby search url, api key is added at the end
            string url = nearbySearchUrl + "location=" + tile.goTile.tileCenter.latitude + "," + tile.goTile.tileCenter.longitude + "&radius=" + radius + "&type=" + type + "&key=" + googleAPIkey;

            //Perform the request
            var www = UnityWebRequest.Get(url);

            yield return(www.SendWebRequest());

            //Check for errors
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error))
                string response = www.downloadHandler.text;
                //Deserialize the json response
                IDictionary deserializedResponse = (IDictionary)Json.Deserialize(response);

                Debug.Log(string.Format("[GO Places] Tile center: {0} - Request Url {1} - response {2}", tileCenter.toLatLongString(), url, response));

                //That's our list of Places
                IList results = (IList)deserializedResponse ["results"];

                //Create a container for the places and set it as a tile child. In this way when the tile is destroyed it will take also the places with it.
                GameObject placesContainer = new GameObject("Places");

                foreach (IDictionary result in results)
                    string placeID = (string)result["place_id"];
                    string name    = (string)result["name"];

                    IDictionary location = (IDictionary)((IDictionary)result ["geometry"])["location"];
                    double      lat      = (double)location ["lat"];
                    double      lng      = (double)location ["lng"];

                    //Create a new coordinate object, with the desired lat lon
                    Coordinates coordinates = new Coordinates(lat, lng, 0);

                    if (!TileFilter(tile, coordinates))

                    //Instantiate your game object
                    GameObject place = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab);
                    //Convert coordinates to position
                    Vector3 position = coordinates.convertCoordinateToVector(place.transform.position.y);

                    if (goMap.useElevation)
                        position = GOMap.AltitudeToPoint(position);

                    //Set the position to object
                    place.transform.localPosition = position;
                    //the parent
                    //and the name
                    place.name = (name != null && name.Length > 0)? name:placeID;

                    if (addGOPlaceComponent)
                        GOPlacesPrefab component = place.AddComponent <GOPlacesPrefab> ();
                        component.placeInfo = result;
                        component.goPlaces  = this;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public GameObject BuildLine(GOLayer layer, GORenderingOptions renderingOptions, GOMap map, GameObject parent)
            if (feature.convertedGeometry.Count == 2 && feature.convertedGeometry[0].Equals(feature.convertedGeometry[1]))

            GameObject line = GameObject.Instantiate(feature.goTile.featurePrototype, parent.transform);

            if (renderingOptions.tag.Length > 0)
                line.tag = renderingOptions.tag;

            if (renderingOptions.material)
                renderingOptions.material.renderQueue = -(int)feature.sort;
            if (renderingOptions.outlineMaterial)
                renderingOptions.outlineMaterial.renderQueue = -(int)feature.sort;

            GOLineMesh lineMesh = new GOLineMesh(feature.convertedGeometry);

            lineMesh.width = renderingOptions.lineWidth;
            mesh = lineMesh.mesh;
            line.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = renderingOptions.material;

            Vector3 position = line.transform.position;

            position.y = feature.y;

            line.transform.position = position;

            if (renderingOptions.outlineMaterial != null)
                GameObject outline = CreateRoadOutline(line, renderingOptions.outlineMaterial, renderingOptions.lineWidth + layer.defaultRendering.outlineWidth);
                if (layer.useColliders)
                    MeshCollider mc = outline.GetComponent <MeshCollider> ();
                    mc.enabled    = true;
                    mc.sharedMesh = outline.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh;

                outline.layer = line.layer;
                outline.tag   = line.tag;
            else if (layer.useColliders)
                line.GetComponent <MeshCollider> ().enabled = true;

        public void BuildLineFromPreloaded(GameObject line, GOFeature feature, GOMap map)
            if (feature.preloadedMeshData == null)

            GORenderingOptions renderingOptions = feature.renderingOptions;

            if (renderingOptions.tag.Length > 0)
                line.tag = renderingOptions.tag;

            if (renderingOptions.material)
                renderingOptions.material.renderQueue = -(int)feature.sort;
            if (renderingOptions.outlineMaterial)
                renderingOptions.outlineMaterial.renderQueue = -(int)feature.sort;

            MeshFilter filter = line.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ();

            if (filter == null)
                filter = (MeshFilter)line.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter));

            MeshRenderer renderer = line.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ();

            if (renderer == null)
                renderer = (MeshRenderer)line.AddComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer));

            filter.sharedMesh = feature.preloadedMeshData.ToMesh();
            line.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = renderingOptions.material;

            Vector3 position = line.transform.position;

            position.y = feature.y;

            position.y += Noise();

            if (GOMap.GOLink && renderingOptions.polygonHeight > 0)
                position.y -= GOFeature.BuildingElevationOffset;

            line.transform.position = position;

            if (renderingOptions.outlineMaterial != null && feature.preloadedMeshData != null && feature.preloadedMeshData.secondaryMesh != null)
                GameObject outline = RoadOutlineFromPreloaded(line, feature, renderingOptions.outlineMaterial);
                if (feature.layer.useColliders)
                    outline.AddComponent <MeshCollider> ().sharedMesh = outline.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh;

                outline.layer = line.layer;
                outline.tag   = line.tag;
            else if (feature.layer.useColliders)
                line.AddComponent <MeshCollider> ();
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public IEnumerator LoadTileData(object m, Coordinates tilecenter, int zoom, Layer[] layers, bool delayedLoad)
            map = (GOMap)m;

            Vector2 realPos = tileCenter.tileCoordinates(zoom);

            var tileurl = realPos.x + "/" + realPos.y;

            var baseUrl = "https://tile.mapzen.com/mapzen/vector/v1/";
            //			var baseUrl = "https://vector.mapzen.com/osm/"; oldapi
            List <string> layerNames = new List <string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < layers.ToList().Count; i++)
                if (layers[i].disabled == false)
            layerNames.RemoveAll(str => String.IsNullOrEmpty(str));
            //			var url = baseUrl + string.Join(",",layerNames.ToArray())+"/"+zoom+"/";
            var url = baseUrl + "all/" + zoom + "/";

            var completeurl = url + tileurl + ".json";

            if (map.mapzen_api_key != null && map.mapzen_api_key != "")
                completeurl = completeurl + "?api_key=" + map.mapzen_api_key;

            if (Application.isPlaying)               //Runtime build

                if (map.useCache && FileHandler.Exist(gameObject.name))
                    yield return(StartCoroutine(ParseJson(FileHandler.LoadText(gameObject.name))));
                    var www = new WWW(completeurl);
                    yield return(www);

                    if (www.error == null && www.text.Length > 0)
                        FileHandler.SaveText(gameObject.name, www.text);
                    else if (www.error != null && (www.error.Contains("429") || www.error.Contains("timed out")))
                        Debug.LogWarning("Tile data reload " + www.error);
                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1));

                        yield return(StartCoroutine(LoadTileData(map, tilecenter, zoom, layers, delayedLoad)));

                        yield break;
                        Debug.LogWarning("Tile data missing " + www.error);
                        yield break;
                    yield return(StartCoroutine(ParseJson(www.text)));

                mapData = job.OutData;

                yield return(StartCoroutine(ParseTileData(map, tileCenter, zoom, layers, delayedLoad, layerNames)));
            else               //Editor build

                if (map.useCache && FileHandler.Exist(gameObject.name))
                    mapData = Json.Deserialize(FileHandler.LoadText(gameObject.name));
                    GORoutine.start(ParseTileData(map, tileCenter, zoom, layers, delayedLoad, layerNames), this);
                    WWW www = new WWW(completeurl);
                    ContinuationManager.Add(() => www.isDone, () => {
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error))
                            Debug.LogWarning("Tile data missing " + www.error);
                            GORoutine.start(LoadTileData(map, tilecenter, zoom, layers, delayedLoad), this);
                        else if (this != null)
                            FileHandler.SaveText(gameObject.name, www.text);
                            mapData = Json.Deserialize(FileHandler.LoadText(gameObject.name));
                            GORoutine.start(ParseTileData(map, tileCenter, zoom, layers, delayedLoad, layerNames), this);
                    yield break;
            yield return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public GameObject BuildLineFromPreloaded(GOFeature feature, GOMap map, GameObject parent)
            if (feature.preloadedMeshData == null)

            GameObject line = GameObject.Instantiate(feature.goTile.featurePrototype, parent.transform);

            GORenderingOptions renderingOptions = feature.renderingOptions;

            if (renderingOptions.tag.Length > 0)
                line.tag = renderingOptions.tag;

            if (renderingOptions.material)
                renderingOptions.material.renderQueue = -(int)feature.sort;
            if (renderingOptions.outlineMaterial)
                renderingOptions.outlineMaterial.renderQueue = -(int)feature.sort;

            MeshFilter   filter   = line.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ();
            MeshRenderer renderer = line.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ();

            renderer.shadowCastingMode = feature.layer.castShadows;

            filter.sharedMesh = feature.preloadedMeshData.ToMesh();
            renderer.material = renderingOptions.material;

//			filter.sharedMesh = feature.preloadedMeshData.ToRoadMesh();
//			renderer.materials = new Material[] {renderingOptions.material,renderingOptions.outlineMaterial};

            Vector3 position = line.transform.position;

            position.y  = feature.y;
            position.y += Noise();
            position.y *= feature.goTile.worldScale;

            if (feature.goTile.useElevation)
                position.y -= GOFeature.BuildingElevationOffset;

            line.transform.position = position;

            if (renderingOptions.outlineMaterial != null && feature.preloadedMeshData != null && feature.preloadedMeshData.secondaryMesh != null)
                GameObject outline = RoadOutlineFromPreloaded(line, feature, renderingOptions.outlineMaterial);
                if (feature.layer.useColliders)
                    MeshCollider mc = outline.GetComponent <MeshCollider> ();
                    mc.enabled    = true;
                    mc.sharedMesh = outline.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh;

                outline.layer = line.layer;
                outline.tag   = line.tag;
            else if (feature.layer.useColliders)
                MeshCollider collider = line.GetComponent <MeshCollider> ();
                collider.enabled    = true;
                collider.sharedMesh = filter.sharedMesh;

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void BuildMapPortionInsideEditor()
            GOMap map = GetComponent <GOMap>();

            map.BuildMapPortionInsideEditor(location, null);
        public void BuildLine(GameObject line, GOLayer layer, GORenderingOptions renderingOptions, GOMap map)
            if (feature.convertedGeometry.Count == 2 && feature.convertedGeometry[0].Equals(feature.convertedGeometry[1]))

                        #if GOLINK
            feature.convertedGeometry = GOFeatureMeshBuilder.BreakLine(feature.convertedGeometry, map.goTerrain);

            if (renderingOptions.tag.Length > 0)
                line.tag = renderingOptions.tag;

            if (renderingOptions.material)
                renderingOptions.material.renderQueue = -(int)feature.sort;
            if (renderingOptions.outlineMaterial)
                renderingOptions.outlineMaterial.renderQueue = -(int)feature.sort;

            GOLineMesh lineMesh = new GOLineMesh(feature.convertedGeometry);
            lineMesh.width = renderingOptions.lineWidth;
            mesh = lineMesh.mesh;
            line.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = renderingOptions.material;

            Vector3 position = line.transform.position;
            position.y = feature.y;

                        #if GOLINK
            if (renderingOptions.polygonHeight > 0)
                int offset = GOFeature.BuildingElevationOffset;
                line.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh = SimpleExtruder.Extrude(line.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh, line, renderingOptions.polygonHeight + offset);
                position.y -= offset;

            line.transform.position = position;

            if (renderingOptions.outlineMaterial != null)
                GameObject outline = CreateRoadOutline(line, renderingOptions.outlineMaterial, renderingOptions.lineWidth + layer.defaultRendering.outlineWidth);
                if (layer.useColliders)
                    outline.AddComponent <MeshCollider> ().sharedMesh = outline.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh;

                outline.layer = line.layer;
                outline.tag   = line.tag;
            else if (layer.useColliders)
//				Mesh m = gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh;
                line.AddComponent <MeshCollider> ();