Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static string CreateNoteFile(string Id, string body, string syncProfile)
            string fileName = NotePropertiesUtils.GetFileName(Id, syncProfile);

            StreamWriter writer = null;

                FileStream filestream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
                writer = new StreamWriter(filestream);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception("Invalid path to create local note filename: " + fileName, e);
                if (writer != null)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public DeleteResolution ResolveDelete(Document googleNote, Synchronizer sync)
            _form.Text = "Outlook note deleted";
            _form.messageLabel.Text =
                "Outlook note \"" + googleNote.Title +
                "\" doesn't exist aynmore. Do you want to delete it also on Google side?";

            _form.OutlookItemTextBox.Text = string.Empty;
            _form.GoogleItemTextBox.Text  = NotePropertiesUtils.GetBody(sync, googleNote);

            _form.keepOutlook.Text = "Keep Google";
            _form.keepGoogle.Text  = "Delete Google";
            _form.skip.Enabled     = false;

        public static string CreateNoteFile(string Id, string body, string syncProfile)
            string fileName = NotePropertiesUtils.GetFileName(Id, syncProfile);

            StreamWriter writer = null;

                FileStream filestream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
                writer = new StreamWriter(filestream);
                if (writer != null)

Ejemplo n.º 4
        //private string GetPropertyInfos(object myObject)
        //    // get all public static properties of OutlookItem
        //    PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos;
        //    propertyInfos = myObject.GetType().GetProperties();
        //    // sort properties by name
        //    Array.Sort(propertyInfos,
        //            delegate(PropertyInfo propertyInfo1, PropertyInfo propertyInfo2)
        //            { return propertyInfo1.Name.CompareTo(propertyInfo2.Name); });

        //    string ret = String.Empty;
        //    // write property names
        //    foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
        //    {
        //        object value = propertyInfo.GetValue(myObject, null);

        //        if (value != null && !(value is string))
        //            ret += propertyInfo.Name + ": " + value + "\r\n";
        //    }

        //    return ret;

        public ConflictResolution Resolve(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.NoteItem outlookNote, Document googleNote, Synchronizer sync, bool isNewMatch)
            string name = string.Empty;

            _form.OutlookItemTextBox.Text = string.Empty;
            _form.GoogleItemTextBox.Text  = string.Empty;
            if (outlookNote != null)
                name = outlookNote.Subject;
                _form.OutlookItemTextBox.Text = outlookNote.Body;

            if (googleNote != null)
                name = googleNote.Title;
                _form.GoogleItemTextBox.Text = NotePropertiesUtils.GetBody(sync, googleNote);

            if (isNewMatch)
                _form.messageLabel.Text =
                    "This is the first time these Outlook and Google notes \"" + name +
                    "\" are synced. Choose which you would like to keep.";
                _form.skip.Text = "Keep both";
                _form.messageLabel.Text =
                    "Both the Outlook Note and the Google Note \"" + name +
                    "\" have been changed. Choose which you would like to keep.";

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void SyncNote(NoteMatch match, Syncronizer sync)
            Outlook.NoteItem outlookNoteItem = match.OutlookNote;

            if (match.GoogleNote == null && match.OutlookNote != null)
                //no google note
                string googleNotetId = NotePropertiesUtils.GetOutlookGoogleNoteId(sync, outlookNoteItem);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(googleNotetId))
                    //Redundant check if exist, but in case an error occurred in MatchNotes
                    Document matchingGoogleNote = sync.GetGoogleNoteById(googleNotetId);
                    if (matchingGoogleNote == null)
                        if (!sync.PromptDelete)
                            sync.DeleteOutlookResolution = DeleteResolution.DeleteOutlookAlways;
                        else if (sync.DeleteOutlookResolution != DeleteResolution.DeleteOutlookAlways &&
                                 sync.DeleteOutlookResolution != DeleteResolution.KeepOutlookAlways)
                            var r = new ConflictResolver();
                            sync.DeleteOutlookResolution = r.ResolveDelete(match.OutlookNote);
                    switch (sync.DeleteOutlookResolution)
                    case DeleteResolution.KeepOutlook:
                    case DeleteResolution.KeepOutlookAlways:
                        NotePropertiesUtils.ResetOutlookGoogleNoteId(sync, match.OutlookNote);

                    case DeleteResolution.DeleteOutlook:
                    case DeleteResolution.DeleteOutlookAlways:
                        //Avoid recreating a GoogleNote already existing
                        //==> Delete this outlookNote instead if previous match existed but no match exists anymore

                        throw new ApplicationException("Cancelled");

                if (sync.SyncOption == SyncOption.GoogleToOutlookOnly)
                    Logger.Log(string.Format("Outlook Note not added to Google, because of SyncOption " + sync.SyncOption.ToString() + ": {0}", match.OutlookNote.Subject), EventType.Information);

                //create a Google note from Outlook note
                match.GoogleNote      = new Document();
                match.GoogleNote.Type = Document.DocumentType.Document;
                //match.GoogleNote.Categories.Add(new AtomCategory("http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#document"));
                //match.GoogleNote.Categories.Add(new AtomCategory("document"));

                sync.UpdateNote(outlookNoteItem, match.GoogleNote);
            else if (match.OutlookNote == null && match.GoogleNote != null)
                // no outlook note
                if (NotePropertiesUtils.NoteFileExists(match.GoogleNote.Id, sync.SyncProfile))
                    if (!sync.PromptDelete)
                        sync.DeleteGoogleResolution = DeleteResolution.DeleteGoogleAlways;
                    else if (sync.DeleteGoogleResolution != DeleteResolution.DeleteGoogleAlways &&
                             sync.DeleteGoogleResolution != DeleteResolution.KeepGoogleAlways)
                        var r = new ConflictResolver();
                        sync.DeleteGoogleResolution = r.ResolveDelete(match.GoogleNote, sync);
                    switch (sync.DeleteGoogleResolution)
                    case DeleteResolution.KeepGoogle:
                    case DeleteResolution.KeepGoogleAlways:
                        System.IO.File.Delete(NotePropertiesUtils.GetFileName(match.GoogleNote.Id, sync.SyncProfile));

                    case DeleteResolution.DeleteGoogle:
                    case DeleteResolution.DeleteGoogleAlways:
                        //Avoid recreating a OutlookNote already existing
                        //==> Delete this googleNote instead if previous match existed but no match exists anymore

                        throw new ApplicationException("Cancelled");

                if (sync.SyncOption == SyncOption.OutlookToGoogleOnly)
                    Logger.Log(string.Format("Google Note not added to Outlook, because of SyncOption " + sync.SyncOption.ToString() + ": {0}", match.GoogleNote.Title), EventType.Information);

                //create a Outlook note from Google note
                outlookNoteItem = Syncronizer.CreateOutlookNoteItem(Syncronizer.SyncNotesFolder);

                sync.UpdateNote(match.GoogleNote, outlookNoteItem);
                match.OutlookNote = outlookNoteItem;
            else if (match.OutlookNote != null && match.GoogleNote != null)
                //merge note details

                //determine if this note pair were syncronized
                //DateTime? lastUpdated = GetOutlookPropertyValueDateTime(match.OutlookNote, sync.OutlookPropertyNameUpdated);
                DateTime?lastSynced = NotePropertiesUtils.GetOutlookLastSync(sync, outlookNoteItem);
                if (lastSynced.HasValue)
                    //note pair was syncronysed before.

                    //determine if google note was updated since last sync

                    //lastSynced is stored without seconds. take that into account.
                    DateTime lastUpdatedOutlook = match.OutlookNote.LastModificationTime.AddSeconds(-match.OutlookNote.LastModificationTime.Second);
                    DateTime lastUpdatedGoogle  = match.GoogleNote.Updated.AddSeconds(-match.GoogleNote.Updated.Second);

                    //check if both outlok and google notes where updated sync last sync
                    if (lastUpdatedOutlook.Subtract(lastSynced.Value).TotalSeconds > TimeTolerance &&
                        lastUpdatedGoogle.Subtract(lastSynced.Value).TotalSeconds > TimeTolerance)
                        //both notes were updated.
                        //options: 1) ignore 2) loose one based on SyncOption
                        //throw new Exception("Both notes were updated!");

                        switch (sync.SyncOption)
                        case SyncOption.MergeOutlookWins:
                        case SyncOption.OutlookToGoogleOnly:
                            //overwrite google note
                            Logger.Log("Outlook and Google note have been updated, Outlook note is overwriting Google because of SyncOption " + sync.SyncOption + ": " + match.OutlookNote.Subject + ".", EventType.Information);
                            sync.UpdateNote(outlookNoteItem, match.GoogleNote);

                        case SyncOption.MergeGoogleWins:
                        case SyncOption.GoogleToOutlookOnly:
                            //overwrite outlook note
                            Logger.Log("Outlook and Google note have been updated, Google note is overwriting Outlook because of SyncOption " + sync.SyncOption + ": " + match.OutlookNote.Subject + ".", EventType.Information);
                            sync.UpdateNote(match.GoogleNote, outlookNoteItem);

                        case SyncOption.MergePrompt:
                            //promp for sync option
                            if (sync.ConflictResolution != ConflictResolution.GoogleWinsAlways &&
                                sync.ConflictResolution != ConflictResolution.OutlookWinsAlways &&
                                sync.ConflictResolution != ConflictResolution.SkipAlways)
                                var r = new ConflictResolver();
                                sync.ConflictResolution = r.Resolve(outlookNoteItem, match.GoogleNote, sync, false);
                            switch (sync.ConflictResolution)
                            case ConflictResolution.Skip:
                            case ConflictResolution.SkipAlways:
                                Logger.Log(string.Format("User skipped note ({0}).", match.ToString()), EventType.Information);

                            case ConflictResolution.OutlookWins:
                            case ConflictResolution.OutlookWinsAlways:
                                sync.UpdateNote(outlookNoteItem, match.GoogleNote);

                            case ConflictResolution.GoogleWins:
                            case ConflictResolution.GoogleWinsAlways:
                                sync.UpdateNote(match.GoogleNote, outlookNoteItem);

                                throw new ApplicationException("Canceled");

                    //check if outlook note was updated (with X second tolerance)
                    if (sync.SyncOption != SyncOption.GoogleToOutlookOnly &&
                        (lastUpdatedOutlook.Subtract(lastSynced.Value).TotalSeconds > TimeTolerance ||
                         lastUpdatedGoogle.Subtract(lastSynced.Value).TotalSeconds > TimeTolerance &&
                         sync.SyncOption == SyncOption.OutlookToGoogleOnly
                        //outlook note was changed or changed Google note will be overwritten

                        if (lastUpdatedGoogle.Subtract(lastSynced.Value).TotalSeconds > TimeTolerance &&
                            sync.SyncOption == SyncOption.OutlookToGoogleOnly)
                            Logger.Log("Google note has been updated since last sync, but Outlook note is overwriting Google because of SyncOption " + sync.SyncOption + ": " + match.OutlookNote.Subject + ".", EventType.Information);

                        sync.UpdateNote(outlookNoteItem, match.GoogleNote);

                        //at the moment use outlook as "master" source of notes - in the event of a conflict google note will be overwritten.
                        //TODO: control conflict resolution by SyncOption

                    //check if google note was updated (with X second tolerance)
                    if (sync.SyncOption != SyncOption.OutlookToGoogleOnly &&
                        (lastUpdatedGoogle.Subtract(lastSynced.Value).TotalSeconds > TimeTolerance ||
                         lastUpdatedOutlook.Subtract(lastSynced.Value).TotalSeconds > TimeTolerance &&
                         sync.SyncOption == SyncOption.GoogleToOutlookOnly
                        //google note was changed or changed Outlook note will be overwritten

                        if (lastUpdatedOutlook.Subtract(lastSynced.Value).TotalSeconds > TimeTolerance &&
                            sync.SyncOption == SyncOption.GoogleToOutlookOnly)
                            Logger.Log("Outlook note has been updated since last sync, but Google note is overwriting Outlook because of SyncOption " + sync.SyncOption + ": " + match.OutlookNote.Subject + ".", EventType.Information);

                        sync.UpdateNote(match.GoogleNote, outlookNoteItem);
                    //notes were never synced.
                    //merge notes.
                    switch (sync.SyncOption)
                    case SyncOption.MergeOutlookWins:
                    case SyncOption.OutlookToGoogleOnly:
                        //overwrite google note
                        sync.UpdateNote(outlookNoteItem, match.GoogleNote);

                    case SyncOption.MergeGoogleWins:
                    case SyncOption.GoogleToOutlookOnly:
                        //overwrite outlook note
                        sync.UpdateNote(match.GoogleNote, outlookNoteItem);

                    case SyncOption.MergePrompt:
                        //promp for sync option
                        if (sync.ConflictResolution != ConflictResolution.GoogleWinsAlways &&
                            sync.ConflictResolution != ConflictResolution.OutlookWinsAlways &&
                            sync.ConflictResolution != ConflictResolution.SkipAlways)
                            var r = new ConflictResolver();
                            sync.ConflictResolution = r.Resolve(outlookNoteItem, match.GoogleNote, sync, true);
                        switch (sync.ConflictResolution)
                        case ConflictResolution.Skip:
                        case ConflictResolution.SkipAlways:             //Keep both, Google AND Outlook
                            sync.Notes.Add(new NoteMatch(match.OutlookNote, null));
                            sync.Notes.Add(new NoteMatch(null, match.GoogleNote));

                        case ConflictResolution.OutlookWins:
                        case ConflictResolution.OutlookWinsAlways:
                            sync.UpdateNote(outlookNoteItem, match.GoogleNote);

                        case ConflictResolution.GoogleWins:
                        case ConflictResolution.GoogleWinsAlways:
                            sync.UpdateNote(match.GoogleNote, outlookNoteItem);

                            throw new ApplicationException("Canceled");
                throw new ArgumentNullException("NotetMatch has all peers null.");
            //if (outlookNoteItem != null &&
            //    match.OutlookNote != null)
            //    match.OutlookNote.Update(outlookNoteItem, sync);
            //    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(outlookNoteItem);
            //    outlookNoteItem = null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Matches outlook and google note by a) google id b) properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sync">Syncronizer instance</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a list of match pairs (outlook note + google note) for all note. Those that weren't matche will have it's peer set to null</returns>
        public static List <NoteMatch> MatchNotes(Syncronizer sync)
            Logger.Log("Matching Outlook and Google notes...", EventType.Information);
            var result = new List <NoteMatch>();

            //string duplicateGoogleMatches = "";
            //string duplicateOutlookNotes = "";
            //sync.GoogleNoteDuplicates = new Collection<NoteMatch>();
            //sync.OutlookNoteDuplicates = new Collection<NoteMatch>();

            //for each outlook note try to get google note id from user properties
            //if no match - try to match by properties
            //if no match - create a new match pair without google note.
            //foreach (Outlook._NoteItem olc in outlookNotes)
            var outlookNotesWithoutOutlookGoogleId = new Collection <Outlook.NoteItem>();

            #region Match first all outlookNotes by sync id
            for (int i = 1; i <= sync.OutlookNotes.Count; i++)
                Outlook.NoteItem oln;
                    oln = sync.OutlookNotes[i] as Outlook.NoteItem;
                    if (oln == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(oln.Subject))
                        Logger.Log("Empty Outlook note found. Skipping", EventType.Warning);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //this is needed because some notes throw exceptions
                    Logger.Log("Accessing Outlook note threw and exception. Skipping: " + ex.Message, EventType.Warning);


                if (NotificationReceived != null)
                    NotificationReceived(String.Format("Matching note {0} of {1} by id: {2} ...", i, sync.OutlookNotes.Count, oln.Subject));

                // Create our own info object to go into collections/lists, so we can free the Outlook objects and not run out of resources / exceed policy limits.
                //OutlookNoteInfo olci = new OutlookNoteInfo(oln, sync);

                //try to match this note to one of google notes
                Outlook.ItemProperties userProperties = oln.ItemProperties;
                Outlook.ItemProperty   idProp         = userProperties[sync.OutlookPropertyNameId];
                    if (idProp != null)
                        string   googleNoteId = string.Copy((string)idProp.Value);
                        Document foundNote    = sync.GetGoogleNoteById(googleNoteId);
                        var      match        = new NoteMatch(oln, null);

                        //Check first, that this is not a duplicate
                        //e.g. by copying an existing Outlook note
                        //or by Outlook checked this as duplicate, but the user selected "Add new"
                        //    Collection<OutlookNoteInfo> duplicates = sync.OutlookNoteByProperty(sync.OutlookPropertyNameId, googleNoteId);
                        //    if (duplicates.Count > 1)
                        //    {
                        //        foreach (OutlookNoteInfo duplicate in duplicates)
                        //        {
                        //            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(googleNoteId))
                        //            {
                        //                Logger.Log("Duplicate Outlook note found, resetting match and try to match again: " + duplicate.FileAs, EventType.Warning);
                        //                idProp.Value = "";
                        //            }
                        //        }

                        //        if (foundNote != null && !foundNote.Deleted)
                        //        {
                        //            NotePropertiesUtils.ResetGoogleOutlookNoteId(sync.SyncProfile, foundNote);
                        //        }

                        //        outlookNotesWithoutOutlookGoogleId.Add(olci);
                        //    }
                        //    else
                        //    {

                        if (foundNote != null)
                            //we found a match by google id, that is not deleted yet
                            //Remove the note from the list to not sync it twice
                            ////If no match found, is the note either deleted on Google side or was a copy on Outlook side
                            ////If it is a copy on Outlook side, the idProp.Value must be emptied to assure, the note is created on Google side and not deleted on Outlook side
                            ////bool matchIsDuplicate = false;
                            //foreach (NoteMatch existingMatch in result)
                            //    if (existingMatch.OutlookNote.UserProperties[sync.OutlookPropertyNameId].Value.Equals(idProp.Value))
                            //    {
                            //        //matchIsDuplicate = true;
                            //        idProp.Value = "";
                            //        break;
                            //    }


                            //if (!matchIsDuplicate)
                            //    result.Add(match);
                        //    }
                    if (idProp != null)

                //    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oln);
                //    oln = null;
            #region Match the remaining notes by properties

            for (int i = 0; i < outlookNotesWithoutOutlookGoogleId.Count; i++)
                Outlook.NoteItem oln = outlookNotesWithoutOutlookGoogleId[i];

                if (NotificationReceived != null)
                    NotificationReceived(String.Format("Matching note {0} of {1} by unique properties: {2} ...", i + 1, outlookNotesWithoutOutlookGoogleId.Count, oln.Subject));

                //no match found by id => match by subject/title
                //create a default match pair with just outlook note.
                var match = new NoteMatch(oln, null);

                //foreach google contact try to match and create a match pair if found some match(es)
                for (int j = sync.GoogleNotes.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    Document entry = sync.GoogleNotes[j];

                    string body = NotePropertiesUtils.GetBody(sync, entry);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(body))
                        body = body.Replace("\r\n", string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace("�", string.Empty);

                    string outlookBody = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oln.Body))
                        outlookBody = oln.Body.Replace("\t", "        ").Replace("\r\n", string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace("�", string.Empty);

                    // only match if there is a note body, else
                    // a matching google note will be created at each sync
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outlookBody) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(body) && outlookBody.Equals(body, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)

                #region find duplicates not needed now
                //if (match.GoogleNote == null && match.OutlookNote != null)
                //{//If GoogleNote, we have to expect a conflict because of Google insert of duplicates
                //    foreach (Note entry in sync.GoogleNotes)
                //    {
                //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olc.FullName) && olc.FullName.Equals(entry.Title, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                //         !string.IsNullOrEmpty(olc.FileAs) && olc.FileAs.Equals(entry.Title, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                //         !string.IsNullOrEmpty(olc.Email1Address) && FindEmail(olc.Email1Address, entry.Emails) != null ||
                //         !string.IsNullOrEmpty(olc.Email2Address) && FindEmail(olc.Email1Address, entry.Emails) != null ||
                //         !string.IsNullOrEmpty(olc.Email3Address) && FindEmail(olc.Email1Address, entry.Emails) != null ||
                //         olc.MobileTelephoneNumber != null && FindPhone(olc.MobileTelephoneNumber, entry.Phonenumbers) != null
                //         )
                //    }
                //// check for each email 1,2 and 3 if a duplicate exists with same email, because Google doesn't like inserting new notes with same email
                //Collection<Outlook.NoteItem> duplicates1 = new Collection<Outlook.NoteItem>();
                //Collection<Outlook.NoteItem> duplicates2 = new Collection<Outlook.NoteItem>();
                //Collection<Outlook.NoteItem> duplicates3 = new Collection<Outlook.NoteItem>();
                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olc.Email1Address))
                //    duplicates1 = sync.OutlookNoteByEmail(olc.Email1Address);

                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olc.Email2Address))
                //    duplicates2 = sync.OutlookNoteByEmail(olc.Email2Address);

                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olc.Email3Address))
                //    duplicates3 = sync.OutlookNoteByEmail(olc.Email3Address);

                //if (duplicates1.Count > 1 || duplicates2.Count > 1 || duplicates3.Count > 1)
                //    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicatesEmailList))
                //        duplicatesEmailList = "Outlook notes with the same email have been found and cannot be synchronized. Please delete duplicates of:";

                //    if (duplicates1.Count > 1)
                //        foreach (Outlook.NoteItem duplicate in duplicates1)
                //        {
                //            string str = olc.FileAs + " (" + olc.Email1Address + ")";
                //            if (!duplicatesEmailList.Contains(str))
                //                duplicatesEmailList += Environment.NewLine + str;
                //        }
                //    if (duplicates2.Count > 1)
                //        foreach (Outlook.NoteItem duplicate in duplicates2)
                //        {
                //            string str = olc.FileAs + " (" + olc.Email2Address + ")";
                //            if (!duplicatesEmailList.Contains(str))
                //                duplicatesEmailList += Environment.NewLine + str;
                //        }
                //    if (duplicates3.Count > 1)
                //        foreach (Outlook.NoteItem duplicate in duplicates3)
                //        {
                //            string str = olc.FileAs + " (" + olc.Email3Address + ")";
                //            if (!duplicatesEmailList.Contains(str))
                //                duplicatesEmailList += Environment.NewLine + str;
                //        }
                //    continue;
                //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olc.Email1Address))
                //    NoteMatch dup = result.Find(delegate(NoteMatch match)
                //    {
                //        return match.OutlookNote != null && match.OutlookNote.Email1Address == olc.Email1Address;
                //    });
                //    if (dup != null)
                //    {
                //        Logger.Log(string.Format("Duplicate note found by Email1Address ({0}). Skipping", olc.FileAs), EventType.Information);
                //        continue;
                //    }

                //// check for unique mobile phone, because this sync tool uses the also the mobile phone to identify matches between Google and Outlook
                //Collection<Outlook.NoteItem> duplicatesMobile = new Collection<Outlook.NoteItem>();
                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olc.MobileTelephoneNumber))
                //    duplicatesMobile = sync.OutlookNoteByProperty("MobileTelephoneNumber", olc.MobileTelephoneNumber);

                //if (duplicatesMobile.Count > 1)
                //    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicatesMobileList))
                //        duplicatesMobileList = "Outlook notes with the same mobile phone have been found and cannot be synchronized. Please delete duplicates of:";

                //    foreach (Outlook.NoteItem duplicate in duplicatesMobile)
                //    {
                //        sync.OutlookNoteDuplicates.Add(olc);
                //        string str = olc.FileAs + " (" + olc.MobileTelephoneNumber + ")";
                //        if (!duplicatesMobileList.Contains(str))
                //            duplicatesMobileList += Environment.NewLine + str;
                //    }
                //    continue;
                //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olc.MobileTelephoneNumber))
                //    NoteMatch dup = result.Find(delegate(NoteMatch match)
                //    {
                //        return match.OutlookNote != null && match.OutlookNote.MobileTelephoneNumber == olc.MobileTelephoneNumber;
                //    });
                //    if (dup != null)
                //    {
                //        Logger.Log(string.Format("Duplicate note found by MobileTelephoneNumber ({0}). Skipping", olc.FileAs), EventType.Information);
                //        continue;
                //    }


                //    if (match.AllGoogleNoteMatches == null || match.AllGoogleNoteMatches.Count == 0)
                //    {
                //        //Check, if this Outlook note has a match in the google duplicates
                //        bool duplicateFound = false;
                //        foreach (NoteMatch duplicate in sync.GoogleNoteDuplicates)
                //        {
                //            if (duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches.Count > 0 &&
                //                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olci.FileAs) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Title) && olci.FileAs.Equals(duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Title.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\n", "\r\n"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||  //Replace twice to not replace a \r\n by \r\r\n. This is necessary because \r\n are saved as \n only to google
                //                 !string.IsNullOrEmpty(olci.FileAs) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Name.FullName) && olci.FileAs.Equals(duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Name.FullName.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\n", "\r\n"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                //                 !string.IsNullOrEmpty(olci.FullName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Name.FullName) && olci.FullName.Equals(duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Name.FullName.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\n", "\r\n"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                //                 !string.IsNullOrEmpty(olci.Email1Address) && duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Emails.Count > 0 && olci.Email1Address.Equals(duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Emails[0].Address, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                //                //!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olci.Email2Address) && FindEmail(olci.Email2Address, duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Emails) != null ||
                //                //!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olci.Email3Address) && FindEmail(olci.Email3Address, duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Emails) != null ||
                //                 olci.MobileTelephoneNumber != null && FindPhone(olci.MobileTelephoneNumber, duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Phonenumbers) != null ||
                //                 !string.IsNullOrEmpty(olci.FileAs) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Title) && duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Organizations.Count > 0 && olci.FileAs.Equals(duplicate.AllGoogleNoteMatches[0].Organizations[0].Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                //                ) ||
                //                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(olci.FileAs) && olci.FileAs.Equals(duplicate.OutlookNote.Subject, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                //                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(olci.FullName) && olci.FullName.Equals(duplicate.OutlookNote.FullName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                //                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(olci.Email1Address) && olci.Email1Address.Equals(duplicate.OutlookNote.Email1Address, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                //                //                                              olci.Email1Address.Equals(duplicate.OutlookNote.Email2Address, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                //                //                                              olci.Email1Address.Equals(duplicate.OutlookNote.Email3Address, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                //                //                                              ) ||
                //                //!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olci.Email2Address) && (olci.Email2Address.Equals(duplicate.OutlookNote.Email1Address, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                //                //                                              olci.Email2Address.Equals(duplicate.OutlookNote.Email2Address, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                //                //                                              olci.Email2Address.Equals(duplicate.OutlookNote.Email3Address, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                //                //                                              ) ||
                //                //!string.IsNullOrEmpty(olci.Email3Address) && (olci.Email3Address.Equals(duplicate.OutlookNote.Email1Address, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                //                //                                              olci.Email3Address.Equals(duplicate.OutlookNote.Email2Address, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                //                //                                              olci.Email3Address.Equals(duplicate.OutlookNote.Email3Address, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                //                //                                              ) ||
                //                olci.MobileTelephoneNumber != null && olci.MobileTelephoneNumber.Equals(duplicate.OutlookNote.MobileTelephoneNumber) ||
                //                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(olci.FileAs) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicate.GoogleNote.Title) && duplicate.GoogleNote.Organizations.Count > 0 && olci.FileAs.Equals(duplicate.GoogleNote.Organizations[0].Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                //               )
                //            {
                //                duplicateFound = true;
                //                sync.OutlookNoteDuplicates.Add(match);
                //                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicateOutlookNotes))
                //                    duplicateOutlookNotes = "Outlook note found that has been already identified as duplicate Google note (either same email, Mobile or FullName) and cannot be synchronized. Please delete or resolve duplicates of:";

                //                string str = olci.FileAs + " (" + olci.Email1Address + ", " + olci.MobileTelephoneNumber + ")";
                //                if (!duplicateOutlookNotes.Contains(str))
                //                    duplicateOutlookNotes += Environment.NewLine + str;
                //            }
                //        }

                //        if (!duplicateFound)
                if (match.GoogleNote == null)
                    Logger.Log(string.Format("No match found for outlook note ({0}) => {1}", match.OutlookNote.Subject, (NotePropertiesUtils.GetOutlookGoogleNoteId(sync, match.OutlookNote) != null ? "Delete from Outlook" : "Add to Google")), EventType.Information);

                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        //Remember Google duplicates to later react to it when resetting matches or syncing
                //        //ResetMatches: Also reset the duplicates
                //        //Sync: Skip duplicates (don't sync duplicates to be fail safe)
                //        if (match.AllGoogleNoteMatches.Count > 1)
                //        {
                //            sync.GoogleNoteDuplicates.Add(match);
                //            foreach (Note entry in match.AllGoogleNoteMatches)
                //            {
                //                //Create message for duplicatesFound exception
                //                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicateGoogleMatches))
                //                    duplicateGoogleMatches = "Outlook notes matching with multiple Google notes have been found (either same email, Mobile, FullName or company) and cannot be synchronized. Please delete or resolve duplicates of:";

                //                string str = olci.FileAs + " (" + olci.Email1Address + ", " + olci.MobileTelephoneNumber + ")";
                //                if (!duplicateGoogleMatches.Contains(str))
                //                    duplicateGoogleMatches += Environment.NewLine + str;
                //            }
                //        }

                //    }


            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicateGoogleMatches) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicateOutlookNotes))
            //    duplicatesFound = new DuplicateDataException(duplicateGoogleMatches + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + duplicateOutlookNotes);
            //    duplicatesFound = null;

            //return result;

            //for each google note that's left (they will be nonmatched) create a new match pair without outlook note.
            for (int i = 0; i < sync.GoogleNotes.Count; i++)
                Document entry = sync.GoogleNotes[i];
                if (NotificationReceived != null)
                    NotificationReceived(String.Format("Adding new Google note {0} of {1} by unique properties: {2} ...", i + 1, sync.GoogleNotes.Count, entry.Title));

                //string googleOutlookId = NotePropertiesUtils.GetGoogleOutlookNoteId(sync.SyncProfile, entry);
                //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(googleOutlookId) && skippedOutlookIds.Contains(googleOutlookId))
                //    Logger.Log("Skipped GoogleNote because Outlook note couldn't be matched beacause of previous problem (see log): " + entry.Title, EventType.Warning);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Title) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Content))
                    // no title or content
                    Logger.Log("Skipped GoogleNote because no unique property found (Title or Content):" + entry.Title, EventType.Warning);
                    Logger.Log(string.Format("No match found for google note ({0}) => {1}", entry.Title, (NotePropertiesUtils.NoteFileExists(entry.Id, sync.SyncProfile) ? "Delete from Google" : "Add to Outlook")), EventType.Information);
                    var match = new NoteMatch(null, entry);