static void Main(string[] args)
            // Constants

            const double relerr = 1.0e-13;                                                                // Relative and absolute
            const double abserr = 1.0e-6;                                                                 // accuracy requirement

            const double a   = OrbitConsts.RadiusOfEarth + 650.0e3;                                       // Semi-major axis [m]
            const double e   = 0.001;                                                                     // Eccentricity
            const double inc = OrbitConsts.RadPerDeg * 51.0;                                              // Inclination [rad]

            double n = Math.Sqrt(OrbitConsts.GM_Earth / (a * a * a));                                     // Mean motion

            Matrix Scale = Matrix.CreateDiagonal(new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(1, 1, 1, 1 / n, 1 / n, 1 / n)); // Velocity
            Matrix scale = Matrix.CreateDiagonal(new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(1, 1, 1, n, n, n));             // normalization

            const double t_end = 86400.0;
            const double step  = 300.0;

            // Variables

            int       i, j;                                           // Loop counters
            double    Mjd0;                                           // Epoch (Modified Julian Date)
            double    t;                                              // Integration time [s]
            double    max, max_Kep;                                   // Matrix error norm
            AuxParam7 Aux1 = new AuxParam7(), Aux2 = new AuxParam7(); // Auxiliary parameter records

            // Model parameters for reference solution (full 10x10 gravity model) and
            // simplified variational equations

            // Epoch state and transition matrix

            Mjd0 = OrbitConsts.MJD_J2000;

            Aux1.Mjd_0 = Mjd0; // Reference epoch
            Aux1.n_a   = 10;   // Degree of gravity field for trajectory computation
            Aux1.m_a   = 10;   // Order of gravity field for trajectory computation
            Aux1.n_G   = 10;   // Degree of gravity field for variational equations
            Aux1.m_G   = 10;   // Order of gravity field for variational equations

            Aux2.Mjd_0 = Mjd0; // Reference epoch
            Aux2.n_a   = 2;    // Degree of gravity field for trajectory computation
            Aux2.m_a   = 0;    // Order of gravity field for trajectory computation
            Aux2.n_G   = 2;    // Degree of gravity field for variational equations
            Aux2.m_G   = 0;    // Order of gravity field for variational equations

            DeIntegrator Int1 = new DeIntegrator(VarEqn, 42, Aux1);                                          // Object for integrating the variat. eqns.
            DeIntegrator Int2 = new DeIntegrator(VarEqn, 42, Aux2);                                          //

            Geo.Algorithm.Vector y0 = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(6), y = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(6);          // State vector
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector yPhi1 = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(42), yPhi2 = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(42); // State and transition matrix vector
            Matrix Phi1 = new Matrix(6, 6), Phi2 = new Matrix(6, 6);                                         // State transition matrix
            Matrix Phi_Kep = new Matrix(6, 6);                                                               // State transition matrix (Keplerian)

            y0 = Kepler.State(OrbitConsts.GM_Earth, new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(a, e, inc, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

            for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                yPhi1[i] = y0[i];
                for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    yPhi1[6 * (j + 1) + i] = (i == j ? 1 : 0);

            yPhi2 = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(yPhi1);

            // Initialization

            t = 0.0;
            Int1.Init(t, relerr, abserr);
            Int2.Init(t, relerr, abserr);

            // Header
            var endl = "\r\n";
            var info = "Exercise 7-1: State transition matrix" + endl
                       + endl
                       + "  Time [s]  Error (J2)  Error(Kep)" + endl;

            // Steps

            while (t < t_end)
                // New output time

                t += step;

                // Integration

                Int1.Integ(t, ref yPhi1); // Reference
                Int2.Integ(t, ref yPhi2); // Simplified

                //info= setprecision(5) + setw(12)+yPhi1 + endl;
                //info= setprecision(5) + setw(12) + yPhi2 + endl;

                // Extract and normalize state transition matrices

                for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    Phi1.SetCol(j, yPhi1.Slice(6 * (j + 1), 6 * (j + 1) + 5));
                for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    Phi2.SetCol(j, yPhi2.Slice(6 * (j + 1), 6 * (j + 1) + 5));

                Phi1 = Scale * Phi1 * scale;
                Phi2 = Scale * Phi2 * scale;

                // Keplerian state transition matrix (normalized)

                Kepler.TwoBody(OrbitConsts.GM_Earth, y0, t, ref y, ref Phi_Kep);
                Phi_Kep = Scale * Phi_Kep * scale;

                // Matrix error norms

                max     = Max(Matrix.CreateIdentity(6) - Phi1 * InvSymp(Phi2));
                max_Kep = Max(Matrix.CreateIdentity(6) - Phi1 * InvSymp(Phi_Kep));

                // Output
                //   info = String.Format( "{0, 10:F }{1, 10:F }{2, 10:F } ",  t,  max , max_Kep );
                info = String.Format("{0, 10:F2}{1, 10:F2}{2, 12:F2}", t, max, max_Kep);

            // Output

            info = endl
                   + "Time since epoch [s]" + endl
                   + endl
                   + String.Format("{0, 10:F}", t) + endl
                   + endl;
            info = "State transition matrix (reference)" + endl
                   + endl
                   + Phi1 + endl;
            info = "J2 State transition matrix" + endl
                   + endl
                   + Phi2 + endl;
            info = "Keplerian State transition matrix" + endl
                   + endl
                   + Phi_Kep + endl;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main0(string[] args)
            // Ground station
            const int    N_obs = 6;
            const double Step  = 1200.0;

            Vector Null3D = new Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            const double sigma_range = 10.0;                         // [m]
            const double sigma_angle = 0.01 * OrbitConsts.RadPerDeg; // [rad] (=36")

            string[] Label = { "x  [m]  ", "y  [m]  ", "z  [m]  ",
                               "vx [m/s]", "vy [m/s]", "vz [m/s]" };

            // Variables

            int          i, iterat;
            double       Mjd0, t, MjdUTC, Theta;
            double       Azim = 0, Elev = 0, Dist = 0;
            Vector       Y0_ref = new Vector(6), Y0_apr = new Vector(6), Y0 = new Vector(6), Y = new Vector(6), r = new Vector(3), R = new Vector(3), s = new Vector(3);
            Vector       dAds = new Vector(3), dEds = new Vector(3), dDds = new Vector(3);
            Vector       dAdY0 = new Vector(6), dEdY0 = new Vector(6), dDdY0 = new Vector(6);
            Matrix       dYdY0 = new Matrix(6, 6), U = new Matrix(3, 3), E = new Matrix(3, 3);
            LsqEstimater OrbEst = new LsqEstimater(6);
            Vector       dY0 = new Vector(6), SigY0 = new Vector(6);

            ObsType[] Obs = new ObsType[N_obs];

            // Ground station

            R = new Vector(+1344.0e3, +6069.0e3, 1429.0e3);    // [m]
            E = CoordTransformer.XyzToGeoCoord(new XYZ(R.OneDimArray)).ToLocalNez_Matrix();

            // Header
            var endl = "\r\n";
            var info = "Exercise 8-2: Least-squares orbit determination" + endl + endl;


            // Generation of artificial observations from given epoch state

            Mjd0 = DateUtil.DateToMjd(1995, 03, 30, 00, 00, 00.0);      // Epoch (UTC)

            Y0_ref = new Vector(-6345.000e3, -3723.000e3, -580.000e3,   // [m]
                                +2.169000e3, -9.266000e3, -1.079000e3); // [m/s]
            Y0 = Y0_ref;

            info = "Measurements" + endl + endl
                   + "     Date          UTC       Az[deg]   El[deg]   Range[km]" + endl;

            for (i = 0; i < N_obs; i++)
                // Time increment and propagation
                t      = (i + 1) * Step;                                           // Time since epoch [s]
                MjdUTC = Mjd0 + t / 86400.0;                                       // Modified Julian Date
                Kepler.TwoBody(OrbitConsts.GM_Earth, Y0_ref, t, ref Y, ref dYdY0); // State vector

                // Topocentric coordinates
                Theta = IERS.GetGmstRad(MjdUTC);                  // Earth rotation
                U     = Matrix.RotateZ3D(Theta);
                r     = Y.Slice(0, 2);
                s     = E * (U * r - R);                                   // Topocentric position [m]
                GeoCoord.LocalEnzToPolar(s, out Azim, out Elev, out Dist); // Azimuth, Elevation, Range

                // Observation record
                Obs[i].Mjd_UTC = MjdUTC;
                Obs[i].Azim    = Azim;
                Obs[i].Elev    = Elev;
                Obs[i].Dist    = Dist;

                // Output
                info = "  " + DateUtil.MjdToDateTimeString(MjdUTC) + String.Format("{0, 10:F3}{1, 10:F3}{2, 12:F3}", +OrbitConsts.DegPerRad * Azim, OrbitConsts.DegPerRad * Elev, Dist / 1000.0) + endl;

            // Orbit determination

            Mjd0 = DateUtil.DateToMjd(1995, 03, 30, 00, 00, 00.0);       // Epoch (UTC)

            Y0_apr = Y0_ref + new Vector(+10.0e3, -5.0e3, +1.0e3, -1.0, +3.0, -0.5);
            Y0     = Y0_apr;

            // Iteration

            for (iterat = 1; iterat <= 3; iterat++)

                info = "Iteration Nr. " + iterat + endl + endl
                       + "  Residuals:" + endl + endl
                       + "     Date          UTC       Az[deg]   El[deg]  Range[m]" + endl;
                for (i = 0; i < N_obs; i++)
                    // Time increment and propagation
                    MjdUTC = Obs[i].Mjd_UTC;                                       // Modified Julian Date
                    t      = (MjdUTC - Mjd0) * 86400.0;                            // Time since epoch [s]
                    Kepler.TwoBody(OrbitConsts.GM_Earth, Y0, t, ref Y, ref dYdY0); // State vector

                    // Topocentric coordinates
                    Theta = IERS.GetGmstRad(MjdUTC);                  // Earth rotation
                    U     = Matrix.RotateZ3D(Theta);
                    r     = Y.Slice(0, 2);
                    s     = E * (U * r - R);                      // Topocentric position [m]

                    // Observations and partials
                    GeoCoord.LocalEnzToPolar(s, out Azim, out Elev, out dAds, out dEds); // Azimuth, Elevation
                    Dist = s.Norm(); dDds = s / Dist;                                    // Range

                    dAdY0 = (dAds * E * U).Stack(Null3D) * dYdY0;
                    dEdY0 = (dEds * E * U).Stack(Null3D) * dYdY0;
                    dDdY0 = (dDds * E * U).Stack(Null3D) * dYdY0;

                    // Accumulate least-squares system

                    OrbEst.Accumulate(dAdY0, (Obs[i].Azim - Azim), sigma_angle / Math.Cos(Elev));
                    OrbEst.Accumulate(dEdY0, (Obs[i].Elev - Elev), sigma_angle);
                    OrbEst.Accumulate(dDdY0, (Obs[i].Dist - Dist), sigma_range);

                    // Output
                    info = "  " + DateUtil.MjdToDateTimeString(MjdUTC) + String.Format("{0, 10:F3}{1, 10:F3}{2, 10:F3}", OrbitConsts.DegPerRad * (Obs[i].Azim - Azim), OrbitConsts.DegPerRad * (Obs[i].Elev - Elev)
                                                                                       , Obs[i].Dist - Dist) + endl;

                // Solve least-squares system

                SigY0 = OrbEst.StdDev();

                info = endl + "  Correction:" + endl + endl
                       + "  Pos" + dY0.Slice(0, 2)
                       + "  m  " + endl
                       + "  Vel" + dY0.Slice(3, 5)
                       + "  m/s" + endl + endl;
                // Correct epoch state

                Y0 = Y0 + dY0;

            // Summary

            info = "Summary:" + endl
                   + "             a priori   correction      final        sigma"
                   + endl;
            for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                info = "  " + String.Format("{0, 10:S}", Label[i])
                       + String.Format("{0, 12:F3}{1, 11:F3}{2, 14:F3}{3, 11:F3}", Y0_apr[i], Y0[i] - Y0_apr[i], Y0[i], SigY0[i])
                       + endl;

        static void Main0(string[] args)
            // Ground station

            const int    N_obs = 6;
            const double Step  = 1200.0;

            Vector Null3D = new Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            const double sigma_range = 10.0;                         // [m]
            const double sigma_angle = 0.01 * OrbitConsts.RadPerDeg; // [rad] (0.01 deg = 36")

            string[] Label = { "x  [m]  ", "y  [m]  ", "z  [m]  ",
                               "vx [m/s]", "vy [m/s]", "vz [m/s]" };

            // Variables

            int    i;
            double Mjd0, t, t_old, MjdUTC, Theta;
            double Azim = 0, Elev = 0, Dist = 0;
            Vector Y0_true = new Vector(6), Y_true = new Vector(6), Y = new Vector(6), Y_old = new Vector(6);
            Vector ErrY = new Vector(6), SigY = new Vector(6);
            Vector r = new Vector(3), R = new Vector(3), s = new Vector(3);
            Vector dAds = new Vector(3), dEds = new Vector(3), dDds = new Vector(3);
            Vector dAdY = new Vector(6), dEdY = new Vector(6), dDdY = new Vector(6);
            Matrix U = new Matrix(3, 3), E = new Matrix(3, 3);
            Matrix Phi = new Matrix(6, 6), Phi_true = new Matrix(6, 6), P = new Matrix(6, 6);
            ExtendedKalmanFilter Filter = new ExtendedKalmanFilter(6);

            ObsType[] Obs = new ObsType[N_obs];

            // Ground station

            R = new Vector(+1344.0e3, +6069.0e3, 1429.0e3);    // [m] Bangalore
            E = CoordTransformer.XyzToGeoCoord(new XYZ(R.OneDimArray)).ToLocalNez_Matrix();

            // Header
            var endl = "\r\n";
            var info = "Exercise 8-3: Sequential orbit determination" + endl + endl;


            // Generation of artificial observations from given epoch state

            Mjd0 = DateUtil.DateToMjd(1995, 03, 30, 00, 00, 00.0);       // Epoch (UTC)

            Y0_true = new Vector(-6345.000e3, -3723.000e3, -580.000e3,   // [m]
                                 +2.169000e3, -9.266000e3, -1.079000e3); // [m/s]

            info = "Measurements" + endl + endl
                   + "     Date          UTC       Az[deg]   El[deg]   Range[km]" + endl;
            for (i = 0; i < N_obs; i++)
                // Time increment and propagation
                t      = (i + 1) * Step;                                          // Time since epoch [s]
                MjdUTC = Mjd0 + t / 86400.0;                                      // Modified Julian Date
                Kepler.TwoBody(OrbitConsts.GM_Earth, Y0_true, t, ref Y, ref Phi); // State vector

                // Topocentric coordinates
                Theta = IERS.GetGmstRad(MjdUTC);                  // Earth rotation
                U     = Matrix.RotateZ3D(Theta);
                r     = Y.Slice(0, 2);
                s     = E * (U * r - R);                                   // Topocentric position [m]
                GeoCoord.LocalEnzToPolar(s, out Azim, out Elev, out Dist); // Azimuth, Elevation, Range

                // Observation record
                Obs[i].Mjd_UTC = MjdUTC;
                Obs[i].Azim    = Azim;
                Obs[i].Elev    = Elev;
                Obs[i].Dist    = Dist;

                // Output
                info = "  " + DateUtil.MjdToDateTimeString(MjdUTC) + String.Format(" {0, 10:F3}{1, 10:F3}{2, 10:F3}", +OrbitConsts.DegPerRad * Azim, OrbitConsts.DegPerRad * Elev, Dist / 1000.0) + endl;

            // Orbit determination

            info = "State errors" + endl + endl
                   + "                                     Pos[m]             Vel[m/s]    "
                   + endl
                   + "     Date          UTC    Upd.   Error     Sigma     Error     Sigma"
                   + endl;

            // Initialization

            Mjd0 = DateUtil.DateToMjd(1995, 03, 30, 00, 00, 00.0);        // Epoch (UTC)

            t = 0.0;

            Y = Y0_true + new Vector(+10.0e3, -5.0e3, +1.0e3, -1.0, +3.0, -0.5);

            //P = 0.0;
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                P[i, i] = 1.0e8;
            for (i = 3; i < 6; i++)
                P[i, i] = 1.0e2;

            Filter.Init(t, Y, P);

            // Measurement loop

            for (i = 0; i < N_obs; i++)
                // Previous step
                t_old = Filter.Time();
                Y_old = Filter.State();

                // Propagation to measurement epoch
                MjdUTC = Obs[i].Mjd_UTC;                 // Modified Julian Date
                t      = (MjdUTC - Mjd0) * 86400.0;      // Time since epoch [s]

                Kepler.TwoBody(OrbitConsts.GM_Earth, Y_old, t - t_old, ref Y, ref Phi); // State vector
                Theta = IERS.GetGmstRad(MjdUTC);                                        // Earth rotation
                U     = Matrix.RotateZ3D(Theta);

                // Time update
                Filter.TimeUpdate(t, Y, Phi);

                // Truth orbit
                Kepler.TwoBody(OrbitConsts.GM_Earth, Y0_true, t, ref Y_true, ref Phi_true);

                // State error and standard deviation
                ErrY = Filter.State() - Y_true;
                SigY = Filter.StdDev();
                info = DateUtil.MjdToDateTimeString(MjdUTC) + "  t  "
                       + String.Format("{0, 10:F3}{1, 10:F3}{2, 10:F3}{3, 10:F3}", ErrY.Slice(0, 2).Norm(), SigY.Slice(0, 2).Norm(), ErrY.Slice(3, 5).Norm(), SigY.Slice(3, 5).Norm()) + endl;

                // Azimuth and partials
                r = Filter.State().Slice(0, 2);
                s = E * (U * r - R);                                                 // Topocentric position [m]
                GeoCoord.LocalEnzToPolar(s, out Azim, out Elev, out dAds, out dEds); // Azimuth, Elevation
                dAdY = (dAds * E * U).Stack(Null3D);

                // Measurement update
                Filter.MeasUpdate(Obs[i].Azim, Azim, sigma_angle / Math.Cos(Elev), dAdY);
                ErrY = Filter.State() - Y_true;
                SigY = Filter.StdDev();
                info = "                         Az "
                       + String.Format("{0, 10:F3}{1, 10:F3}{2, 10:F3}{3, 10:F3}", ErrY.Slice(0, 2).Norm(), SigY.Slice(0, 2).Norm(), ErrY.Slice(3, 5).Norm(), SigY.Slice(3, 5).Norm()) + endl;

                // Elevation and partials
                r = Filter.State().Slice(0, 2);
                s = E * (U * r - R);                                                 // Topocentric position [m]
                GeoCoord.LocalEnzToPolar(s, out Azim, out Elev, out dAds, out dEds); // Azimuth, Elevation
                dEdY = (dEds * E * U).Stack(Null3D);

                // Measurement update
                Filter.MeasUpdate(Obs[i].Elev, Elev, sigma_angle, dEdY);
                ErrY = Filter.State() - Y_true;
                SigY = Filter.StdDev();
                info = "                         El "
                       + String.Format("{0, 10:F3}{1, 10:F3}{2, 10:F3}{3, 10:F3}", ErrY.Slice(0, 2).Norm(), SigY.Slice(0, 2).Norm(), ErrY.Slice(3, 5).Norm(), SigY.Slice(3, 5).Norm()) + endl;

                // Range and partials
                r    = Filter.State().Slice(0, 2);
                s    = E * (U * r - R);                         // Topocentric position [m]
                Dist = s.Norm(); dDds = s / Dist;               // Range
                dDdY = (dDds * E * U).Stack(Null3D);

                // Measurement update
                Filter.MeasUpdate(Obs[i].Dist, Dist, sigma_range, dDdY);
                ErrY = Filter.State() - Y_true;
                SigY = Filter.StdDev();
                info = "                         rho"
                       + String.Format("{0, 10:F3}{1, 10:F3}{2, 10:F3}{3, 10:F3}", ErrY.Slice(0, 2).Norm(), SigY.Slice(0, 2).Norm(), ErrY.Slice(3, 5).Norm(), SigY.Slice(3, 5).Norm()) + endl;
