Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void CalcStoic_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                DateTime Recent = EndDate.SelectedDate.Value;
                DateTime Early  = StartDate.SelectedDate.Value;
                Stock    k      = AllStocks.Where(x => x.Ticker == StockList.Text).First();

                int P = Convert.ToInt32(MAPeriod.Text);


                int recent = k.GetIndexWeekly(Recent);
                int early  = k.GetIndexWeekly(Early);

                k.indicate = new Indicators();
                k.indicate.EmaIndicators = new Indicators.Ema(early, recent, k.WeeklyHistory.Select(x => x.ClosingPrice).ToArray(), P);

                SSTOGraph Peter = new SSTOGraph(k.indicate.GetIntoChartFormat(k.WeeklyHistory.GetRange(early, recent - early).Select(x => x.ClosingPrice).ToList()), k.indicate.GetIntoChartFormat(k.indicate.EmaIndicators.EmaHist));

                TestHolding Benj = new TestHolding();
                Benj.CashHeld = 2000;
                DateTime Start = new DateTime(2013, 01, 01);

                Benj = Strategies.TestThesis(AllStocks, Start, Benj);
                bool Continue = true;
                while (Continue)
                    if (Benj.TickHistSell.Last().SellDate < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10) && Benj.CashHeld > 50)
                        Start = Benj.TickHistSell.Last().SellDate;
                        Benj  = Strategies.TestThesis(AllStocks, Start, Benj);
                        Continue = false;

                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("ss", "ss", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static TestHolding TestThesis(List <Stock> StockMarket, DateTime startTime, TestHolding Holder)
            foreach (var p in StockMarket)

                p.CWP = p.GetIndexWeekly(startTime);
                p.CDP = p.GetIndexDaily(startTime);

                int recent = p.GetIndexWeekly(DateTime.Now);
                int early  = p.GetIndexWeekly(startTime - TimeSpan.FromDays(365 * 10));

                int RecDay  = p.GetIndexDaily(DateTime.Now);
                int earlDay = p.GetIndexDaily(startTime - TimeSpan.FromDays(365 * 10));

                p.indicate = new Indicators();
                p.indicate.EmaIndicators = new Indicators.Ema(early, recent, p.WeeklyHistory.Select(x => x.ClosingPrice).ToArray(), 75);
                p.indicate.RSIIndicators = new Indicators.RSI(earlDay, RecDay, p.DailyHistory.Select(x => (double)x.Volume).ToArray(), 14);


            List <Stock> ValidStocks        = new List <Stock>();
            List <Stock> InvestMECandidates = new List <Stock>();

            foreach (var r in StockMarket)
                if (r.TestEmaFormat.Count > r.CWP)

            Stock InvestMe = new Stock();

            while (InvestMECandidates.Count == 0)
                InvestMECandidates = new List <Stock>();
                        x =>
                        x.TestEmaFormat[x.CWP] / (x.WeeklyHistory[x.CWP].ClosingPrice) < 1 &&
                        x.TestEmaFormat[x.CWP] / (x.WeeklyHistory[x.CWP].ClosingPrice) > 0.8

                for (int l = InvestMECandidates.Count - 1; l >= 0; l--)
                    List <double> priorrange    = new List <double>();
                    bool          noZero        = true;
                    bool          NotEnoughData = false;
                    int           zerocount     = 0;
                    while (noZero)
                        if (InvestMECandidates[l].TestEmaFormat[zerocount] != 0)
                            noZero = false;
                            if (InvestMECandidates[l].TestEmaFormat.Count - 1 <= zerocount)
                                NotEnoughData = true;
                                noZero        = false;
                    if (!NotEnoughData)
                        priorrange.AddRange(InvestMECandidates[l].TestEmaFormat.GetRange(zerocount, InvestMECandidates[l].CWP));

                        double gradient = (priorrange.Last() - priorrange.First()) / priorrange.Count;
                        if (gradient < -0.05)

                if (InvestMECandidates.Count == 0)
                    for (int i = ValidStocks.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        ValidStocks[i].CWP = ValidStocks[i].CWP + 1;
                        if (ValidStocks[i].WeeklyHistory.Count - 1 < ValidStocks[i].CWP)
                if (ValidStocks.Count == 0)
                    Holder.Sell("No Opportunities", null, DateTime.Now);

            Random randd = new Random();
            int    qw    = randd.Next(0, InvestMECandidates.Count);

            InvestMe  = InvestMECandidates[qw];
            startTime = InvestMe.WeeklyHistory[InvestMe.CWP].TradeDate;
            Holder.Buy(InvestMe, startTime);
            int    periodCount = 0;
            double originalEMA = InvestMe.TestEmaFormat[InvestMe.CWP];

            double BuyPrice = InvestMe.DailyHistory[InvestMe.CDP].High;

            bool PriceAboveEMa = true;

            bool TakeReturns = true;

            bool StopLoss = true;

            bool c4 = true;

            bool SlowEarner = true;
            bool BigDiff    = true;

            startTime = startTime.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(7));

            while (PriceAboveEMa && TakeReturns && StopLoss && c4 && SlowEarner && BigDiff)
                startTime    = startTime.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(1));
                InvestMe.CDP = InvestMe.GetIndexDaily(startTime);
                InvestMe.CWP = InvestMe.GetIndexWeekly(startTime);

                PriceAboveEMa = InvestMe.WeeklyHistory[InvestMe.CWP].ClosingPrice >
                                (InvestMe.TestEmaFormat[InvestMe.CWP] * 0.9);

                TakeReturns = InvestMe.DailyHistory[InvestMe.CDP].ClosingPrice / BuyPrice < 2;

                //c3 = InvestMe.DailyHistory[BuyPeriod].ClosingPrice/
                //     InvestMe.DailyHistory[BuyPeriod + 1].ClosingPrice > 1.005;

                c4 = startTime < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5);

                //SlowEarner = (InvestMe.DailyHistory[InvestMe.CDP].ClosingPrice - BuyPrice) / periodCount < /*10*/ *(InvestMe.TestEmaFormat[InvestMe.CWP] -originalEMA)/periodCount ;

                BigDiff = InvestMe.DailyHistory[InvestMe.CDP].ClosingPrice / InvestMe.TestEmaFormat[InvestMe.CWP] < 1.3;

                StopLoss = InvestMe.DailyHistory[InvestMe.CDP].ClosingPrice / BuyPrice > 0.9;


            string reason = "";

            if (!PriceAboveEMa)
                reason += "Closing price was lower than 1 times EMA.  ";
            if (!TakeReturns)
                reason += "Closing price return exceeded 300%.  ";
            if (!StopLoss)
                reason += "Closing price was less than 95% of buy price.  ";
            if (!c4)
                reason += "End of investment period.  ";
            if (!SlowEarner)
                reason += " Return was too low over the investment period. ";
            if (!BigDiff)
                reason += " Ratio of close to ema was big";

            Holder.Sell(reason, InvestMe, InvestMe.WeeklyHistory[InvestMe.CWP].TradeDate);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public MainWindow()
            EndDate.SelectedDate   = DateTime.Now;
            StartDate.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-5);

            Startup NewProgram = new Startup();

            AllStocks = NewProgram.InitialiseStocks(false);
            //AllStocks = NewProgram.UpdatePrices(AllStocks);

            TestHolding Benj = new TestHolding();

            Benj.CashHeld = 2000;
            DateTime Start = new DateTime(2014, 01, 01);

            Benj = Strategies.TestThesis(AllStocks, Start, Benj);
            bool Continue = true;

            while (Continue)
                if (Benj.TickHistSell.Last().SellDate < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10) && Benj.CashHeld > 50)
                    Start = Benj.TickHistSell.Last().SellDate;
                    Benj  = Strategies.TestThesis(AllStocks, Start, Benj);
                    Continue = false;


            StockList.ItemsSource = AllStocks.Select(x => x.Ticker).Distinct();

            //DateTime Recent = new DateTime(2016, 5, 13);
            //DateTime Early = new DateTime(2016, 2, 1);
            //List<double> Results = new List<double>();
            //List<List<double>> ListResults = new List<List<double>>();

            //foreach (var p in AllStocks)
            //    int r1 = p.GetIndex(Recent);
            //    int e1 = p.GetIndex(Early);
            //    p.indicate.EmaIndicators = new Indicators.Ema(r1, e1,
            //    p.History.Select(x => x.ClosingPrice).ToArray(), 10);

            //List<KeyValuePair<int, double>> ff = AllStocks[0].indicate.GetIntoChartFormat(AllStocks[0].History.Where(x => x.TradeDate > DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1)).Select(x => (double)x.ClosingPrice).Reverse().ToList());
            //Chart Close = new Chart(ff);

            //int optinTimePeriod = 15;
            //int OptinFastPeriod = 5;
            //int OptinSlowPeriod = 20;
            //foreach(var c in AllStocks)
            //    int recent = c.GetIndex(DateTime.Now);
            //    int early = c.GetIndex(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-4));
            //    double[] OP = c.History.GetRange(recent, early - recent).Select(x => x.OpeningPrice).ToArray();
            //    double[] CP = c.History.GetRange(recent, early - recent).Select(x => x.ClosingPrice).ToArray();
            //    double[] HP = c.History.GetRange(recent, early - recent).Select(x => x.High).ToArray();
            //    double[] LP = c.History.GetRange(recent, early - recent).Select(x => x.Low).ToArray();
            //    double[] Vol = c.History.GetRange(recent, early - recent).Select(x => (double)x.Volume).ToArray();
            //    c.indicate.AcosIndicators = new Indicators.Acos(recent, early, OP);
            //    c.indicate.ADDIndicators = new Indicators.ADD(recent, early, OP, CP);
            //    c.indicate.ADIndicators = new Indicators.AD(recent, early, HP, LP, CP, Vol);
            //    c.indicate.AdOscIndicators = new Indicators.AdOsc(recent, early, HP, LP, CP, Vol,OptinFastPeriod, OptinSlowPeriod);
            //    c.indicate.AdxRIndicators = new Indicators.AdxR(recent, early, HP, LP, CP, optinTimePeriod);
            //    c.indicate.ApoIndicators = new Indicators.Apo(recent, early, CP, OptinFastPeriod, OptinSlowPeriod);
