public void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildReport report)
            //For reading EditorLog, we can extract the contents
            Debug.LogFormat(LogType.Log, LogOption.NoStacktrace, null, SVL.buildProcessIDTitleEnd + SVL.buildProcessID);

            //Because of the new incremental build changes, Development build won't trigger OnShaderProcess - 1338940
            if (SVL.shaderlist.Count == 0)
                Debug.LogError("No shader or variant are logged. Please turn ON Delete PlayerCache Before Build checkbox in Window > ShaderVariantTool.");

            //Calculate shader count by type
            SVL.normalShaderCount = SVL.shaderlist.Count - SVL.computeShaderCount;
            SVL.variantFromShader = SVL.variantTotalCount - SVL.variantFromCompute;

            //Reading EditorLog

            //Calculate build time
            SVL.buildTime       = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - SVL.buildTime;
            SVL.buildTimeString = Helper.TimeFormatString(SVL.buildTime);

            //Sort the results and make row data

            //Prepare CSV string
            List <string[]> outputRows = new List <string[]>();

            //Get Unity & branch version
            string version_changeset = Convert.ToString(InternalEditorUtility.GetUnityRevision(), 16);
            string version_branch    = InternalEditorUtility.GetUnityBuildBranch();
            string unity_version     = Application.unityVersion + " " + version_branch + " (" + version_changeset + ")";

            //Get Graphics API list
            var    gfxAPIsList = PlayerSettings.GetGraphicsAPIs(report.summary.platform);
            string gfxAPIs     = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < gfxAPIsList.Length; i++)
                gfxAPIs += gfxAPIsList[i].ToString() + " ";

            //Build size
            var buildSize = report.summary.totalSize / 1024;

            //Write Overview Result
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Unity", unity_version });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Platform", report.summary.platform.ToString() });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Graphics API", gfxAPIs });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Build Path", report.summary.outputPath });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Build Size (Kb)", buildSize.ToString() });
            //outputRows.Add( new string[] { "Build Time (seconds)" , ""+report.summary.totalTime } );
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Build Time", SVL.buildTimeString });

            //Write Overview - Shader
            //outputRows.Add( new string[] { "Shaders ----------------------------------" } );
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Shader Count", SVL.normalShaderCount.ToString() });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Shader Variant Count before Stripping", SVL.variantBeforeStrippingCount.ToString() });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Shader Variant Count in Build", SVL.variantFromShader +
                                          " (cached:" + SVL.variantInCache + " compiled:" + SVL.variantCompiledCount + ")" });

            //Write Overview - Compute
            //outputRows.Add( new string[] { "ComputeShaders ----------------------------------" } );
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "ComputeShader Count", SVL.computeShaderCount.ToString() });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "ComputeShader Variant Count in Build", SVL.variantFromCompute.ToString() });

            //outputRows.Add( new string[] { "Total Data Count" , ""+SVL.compiledTotalCount } );
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "" });

            //Write Shader Result
            outputRows.Add(new string[]
                "Variant Count before Stripping",
                "Variant in Cache",
                "Compiled Variant Count",
                "Variant Count in Build",
                "Stripping+Compilation Time"
            for (int i = 0; i < SVL.shaderlist.Count; i++)
                outputRows.Add(new string[]
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "" });

            //Write Each variant Result
            for (int i = 0; i < SVL.rowData.Count; i++)

            //Prepare CSV string
            int           length    = outputRows.Count;
            string        delimiter = ",";
            StringBuilder sb        = new StringBuilder();

            for (int index = 0; index < length; index++)
                sb.AppendLine(string.Join(delimiter, outputRows[index]));

            //Write to CSV file
            ShaderVariantTool.folderPath = Application.dataPath.Replace("/Assets", "/");
            ShaderVariantTool.savedFile  = ShaderVariantTool.folderPath + "ShaderVariants_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_hh-mm-ss") + ".csv";
            StreamWriter outStream = System.IO.File.CreateText(ShaderVariantTool.savedFile);



            SVL.buildProcessStarted = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildReport report)
            //For reading EditorLog, we can extract the contents
            Debug.LogFormat(LogType.Log, LogOption.NoStacktrace, null, SVL.buildProcessIDTitleEnd + SVL.buildProcessID);

            //Because of the new incremental build changes, Development build won't trigger OnShaderProcess - 1338940
            if (SVL.shaderlist.Count == 0)
                Debug.LogError("No shader or variant are logged. Please go to Window > ShaderVariantTool > turn ON Delete PlayerCache Before Build checkbox.");

            //Calculate shader count by type
            SVL.normalShaderCount = SVL.shaderlist.Count - SVL.computeShaderCount;
            SVL.variantFromShader = SVL.variantTotalCount - SVL.variantFromCompute;

            //Reading EditorLog
            string editorLogPath = Helper.GetEditorLogPath();

            ReadShaderCompileInfo(SVL.buildProcessIDTitleStart + SVL.buildProcessID, editorLogPath, false);

            //Calculate build time
            SVL.buildTime       = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - SVL.buildTime;
            SVL.buildTimeString = Helper.TimeFormatString(SVL.buildTime);

            //Sort the results and make row data

            //Prepare CSV string
            List <string[]> outputRows = new List <string[]>();

            //Get Unity & branch version
            string version_changeset = Convert.ToString(InternalEditorUtility.GetUnityRevision(), 16);
            string version_branch    = InternalEditorUtility.GetUnityBuildBranch();
            string unity_version     = Application.unityVersion + " " + version_branch + " (" + version_changeset + ")";

            //Get Graphics API list
            var    gfxAPIsList = PlayerSettings.GetGraphicsAPIs(report.summary.platform);
            string gfxAPIs     = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < gfxAPIsList.Length; i++)
                gfxAPIs += gfxAPIsList[i].ToString() + " ";

            //Build size
            var buildSize = report.summary.totalSize / 1024;

            //Write Overview Result
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Unity", unity_version });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Platform", report.summary.platform.ToString() });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Graphics API", gfxAPIs });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Build Path", report.summary.outputPath });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Build Size (Kb)", buildSize.ToString() });
            //outputRows.Add( new string[] { "Build Time (seconds)" , ""+report.summary.totalTime } );
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Build Time", SVL.buildTimeString });

            //Write Overview - Shader
            //outputRows.Add( new string[] { "Shaders ----------------------------------" } );
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Shader Count", SVL.normalShaderCount.ToString() });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Shader Variant Count before Stripping", SVL.variantBeforeStrippingCount.ToString() });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "Shader Variant Count in Build", SVL.variantFromShader +
                                          " (cached:" + SVL.variantInCache + " compiled:" + SVL.variantCompiledCount + ")" });

            //Write Overview - Compute
            //outputRows.Add( new string[] { "ComputeShaders ----------------------------------" } );
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "ComputeShader Count", SVL.computeShaderCount.ToString() });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "ComputeShader Variant Count in Build", SVL.variantFromCompute.ToString() });
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "" });

            //Write Shader Result from Editor Log
            outputRows = AddEditorLogShaderInfo(outputRows, SVL.shaderlist);
            outputRows.Add(new string[] { "" });

            //Write Each variant Result
            for (int i = 0; i < SVL.rowData.Count; i++)

            //Save File
            string fileName = "ShaderVariants_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_hh-mm-ss");

            ShaderVariantTool.savedFile = SaveCSVFile(outputRows, fileName);


            //Let user know the tool has successfully done it's job
            Debug.Log("Build is done and ShaderVariantTool has done gathering data. Find the details on Windows > ShaderVariantTool, or look at the generated CSV report at: " + ShaderVariantTool.savedFile);

            SVL.buildProcessStarted = false;