Ejemplo n.º 1
         * public static Vector2D[] Next2(Vector2D seed)
         * {
         * Vector2D lineUnitVector = (seed - ProjectionPoint).UnitVector;
         * Vector2D linePoint = ProjectionPoint - lineUnitVector * lineUnitVector.Dot(ProjectionPoint);
         * Vector2D top = linePoint + lineUnitVector * Math.Sqrt(1 - linePoint.MagnitudeSquared);
         * Vector2D rotatedTop = new Vector2D(top.x / -2, top.y);
         * Vector2D target = ArcLeft * rotatedTop.Dot(ArcLeft) + ArcLeft.Rotate90 * (rotatedTop.Dot(ArcLeft.Rotate90) * ScaleOut);
         * Vector2D strikeThroughLineVector = (target - ScaledProjectionPoint).UnitVector;
         * Vector2D strikeThroughLinePoint = ScaledProjectionPoint - strikeThroughLineVector * strikeThroughLineVector.Dot(ScaledProjectionPoint);
         * Vector2D primaryScaled = strikeThroughLinePoint + strikeThroughLineVector * Math.Sqrt(1 - strikeThroughLinePoint.MagnitudeSquared);
         * double distanceToScaledCenterLine = MirrorPerpendicular.Dot(primaryScaled);
         * Vector2D secondaryScaled = primaryScaled - MirrorPerpendicular * (distanceToScaledCenterLine * 2);
         * Vector2D primary = ArcLeft * primaryScaled.Dot(ArcLeft) + ArcLeft.Rotate90 * (primaryScaled.Dot(ArcLeft.Rotate90) * ScaleIn);
         * Vector2D secondary = ArcLeft * secondaryScaled.Dot(ArcLeft) + ArcLeft.Rotate90 * (secondaryScaled.Dot(ArcLeft.Rotate90) * ScaleIn);
         * return new Vector2D[] { primary, secondary };
         * }
         * public static Vector2D[] Next3(Vector2D v0)
         * {
         * double v0x = v0.x;
         * double v0y = v0.y;
         * double v1x = ProjectionPoint.x;
         * double v1y = ProjectionPoint.y;
         * double v2x = ArcLeft.x;
         * double v2y = ArcLeft.y;
         * double v3x = ScaledProjectionPoint.x;
         * double v3y = ScaledProjectionPoint.y;
         * double v4x = MirrorPerpendicular.x;
         * double v4y = MirrorPerpendicular.y;
         * double v5 = ScaleOut;
         * double v6 = ScaleIn;
         * double t0x = v0x - v1x;
         * double t0y = v0y - v1y;
         * double t0m = Math.Sqrt(t0x * t0x + t0y * t0y);
         * double ax = t0x / t0m;
         * double ay = t0y / t0m;
         * double av1d = ax * v1x + ay * v1y;
         * double bx = v1x - ax * av1d;
         * double by = v1y - ay * av1d;
         * double binv = Math.Sqrt(1 - bx * bx - by * by);
         * double dx = (bx + ax * binv) / -2;
         * double dy = by + ay * binv;
         * double dv2d = dx * v2x + dy * v2y;
         * double dv2drot = dx * v2y - dy * v2x;
         * double ex = v2x * dv2d + v2y * dv2drot * v5;
         * double ey = v2y * dv2d - v2x * dv2drot * v5;
         * double t1x = ex - v3x;
         * double t1y = ey - v3y;
         * double t1m = Math.Sqrt(t1x * t1x + t1y * t1y);
         * double fx = t1x / t1m;
         * double fy = t1y / t1m;
         * double fv3d = fx * v3x + fy * v3y;
         * double gx = v3x - fx * fv3d;
         * double gy = v3y - fy * fv3d;
         * double ginv = Math.Sqrt(1 - gx * gx - gy * gy);
         * double hx = gx + fx * ginv;
         * double hy = gy + fy * ginv;
         * double i = v4x * hx + v4y * hy;
         * double jx = hx - v4x * i * 2;
         * double jy = hy - v4y * i * 2;
         * double hv2d = hx * v2x + hy * v2y;
         * double hv2drot = hx * v2y - hy * v2x;
         * double kx = v2x * hv2d + v2y * hv2drot * v6;
         * double ky = v2y * hv2d - v2x * hv2drot * v6;
         * double jv2d = jx * v2x + jy * v2y;
         * double jv2drot = jx * v2y - jy * v2x;
         * double lx = v2x * jv2d + v2y * jv2drot * v6;
         * double ly = v2y * jv2d - v2x * jv2drot * v6;
         * return new Vector2D[] { new Vector2D(kx,ky), new Vector2D(lx,ly) };
         * //Mark: We are mostly interested in i. This is the distance to the centerline.
         * }*/

         * public static Vector2D[] Next(Vector2D v0)
         * {
         * //Mark: i is the most interesting number. This is the distance to the centerline.
         * //gather variables.
         * double v0x = v0.x;//the seed
         * double v0y = v0.y;
         * double v1x = ProjectionPoint.x;
         * double v1y = ProjectionPoint.y;
         * double v2x = ArcLeft.x;
         * double v2y = ArcLeft.y;
         * double v3x = ScaledProjectionPoint.x;
         * double v3y = ScaledProjectionPoint.y;
         * double v4x = MirrorPerpendicular.x;
         * double v4y = MirrorPerpendicular.y;
         * double v5 = ScaleOut;
         * double v6 = ScaleIn;
         * //starting calculation.
         * double ax = v0x - v1x;
         * double ay = v0y - v1y;
         * double a0 = Math.Sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay);
         * double bx = ax / a0;
         * double by = ay / a0;
         * double b0 = bx * v1x + by * v1y;
         * //c is the base-point of the line from projectionpoint to the seed.
         * double cx = v1x - bx * b0;
         * double cy = v1y - by * b0;
         * double c0 = Math.Sqrt(1 - cx * cx - cy * cy);
         * //d is the rotated new target point
         * double dx = (cx + bx * c0) / -2;
         * double dy = cy + by * c0;
         * double t1 = dx * v2x + dy * v2y;
         * double t2 = dx * v2y - dy * v2x;
         * //e is the scaled target
         * double ex = v2x * t1 + v2y * t2 * v5;
         * double ey = v2y * t1 - v2x * t2 * v5;
         * double t3x = ex - v3x;
         * double t3y = ey - v3y;
         * double t3 = Math.Sqrt(t3x * t3x + t3y * t3y);
         * double fx = t3x / t3;
         * double fy = t3y / t3;
         * double f0 = fx * v3x + fy * v3y;
         * double gx = v3x - fx * f0;
         * double gy = v3y - fy * f0;
         * double g0 = Math.Sqrt(1 - gx * gx - gy * gy);
         * //h is the scaled primary point
         * double hx = gx + fx * g0;
         * double hy = gy + fy * g0;
         * //i is the distance to the scaled centerline.
         * double i = v4x * hx + v4y * hy;
         * double i2 = i * 2;
         * //j is the scaled secondary point
         * double jx = hx - v4x * i2;
         * double jy = hy - v4y * i2;
         * double h0 = hx * v2x + hy * v2y;
         * double h1 = (hx * v2y - hy * v2x)*v6;
         * //k is the unscaled primary point
         * double kx = v2x * h0 + v2y * h1;
         * double ky = v2y * h0 - v2x * h1;
         * double j0 = jx * v2x + jy * v2y;
         * double j1 = (jx * v2y - jy * v2x)*v6;
         * //l the unscaled secondary point
         * double lx = v2x * j0 + v2y * j1;
         * double ly = v2y * j0 - v2x * j1;
         * return new Vector2D[] { new Vector2D(kx, ky), new Vector2D(lx, ly) };
         * }

        public static ScaledCenterlinePair NextBasic(Vector2D v0, long index)
            //gather variables.
            double v0x = v0.x;//the seed
            double v0y = v0.y;

            //starting calculation.
            double ax = v0x - v1x;
            double ay = v0y - v1y;
            double a0 = Math.Sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay);

            double bx = ax / a0;
            double by = ay / a0;
            double b0 = bx * v1x + by * v1y;

            //c is the base-point of the line from projectionpoint to the seed.
            double cx = v1x - bx * b0;
            double cy = v1y - by * b0;
            double c0 = Math.Sqrt(1 - cx * cx - cy * cy);

            //d is the rotated new target point
            double dx = (cx + bx * c0) / -2;
            double dy = cy + by * c0;

            double t1 = dx * v2x + dy * v2y;
            double t2 = dx * v2y - dy * v2x;

            //e is the scaled target
            double ex = v2x * t1 + v2y * t2 * v5;
            double ey = v2y * t1 - v2x * t2 * v5;

            double t3x = ex - v3x;
            double t3y = ey - v3y;
            double t3  = Math.Sqrt(t3x * t3x + t3y * t3y);

            double fx = t3x / t3;
            double fy = t3y / t3;
            double f0 = fx * v3x + fy * v3y;

            double gx = v3x - fx * f0;
            double gy = v3y - fy * f0;
            double g0 = Math.Sqrt(1 - gx * gx - gy * gy);

            //h is the scaled primary point
            double hx = gx + fx * g0;
            double hy = gy + fy * g0;

            //i is the distance to the scaled centerline.
            double i  = v4x * hx + v4y * hy;
            double i2 = i * 2;

            //j is the scaled secondary point
            double jx = hx - v4x * i2;
            double jy = hy - v4y * i2;

            double h0 = hx * v2x + hy * v2y;
            double h1 = (hx * v2y - hy * v2x) * v6;

            //k is the unscaled primary point
            double kx = v2x * h0 + v2y * h1;
            double ky = v2y * h0 - v2x * h1;

            double j0 = jx * v2x + jy * v2y;
            double j1 = (jx * v2y - jy * v2x) * v6;

            //l the unscaled secondary point
            double lx = v2x * j0 + v2y * j1;
            double ly = v2y * j0 - v2x * j1;

            ScaledCenterlinePair result = new ScaledCenterlinePair()
                distanceToScaledCenterLine = i,
                primary            = new Vector2D(kx, ky),
                secondary          = new Vector2D(lx, ly),
                primaryIndex       = index << 1,
                    secondaryIndex = index << 1 | 1

Ejemplo n.º 2
         * private void TestMinimal2Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * {
         * MinimalEquation.Initialize();
         * Vector3D[] first = MinimalEquation.NextEquational(MinimalEquation.FirstSeedE);
         * }*/

        private void GeodesicAnalysisButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog()
                Filter = "*.csv|*.csv"
                if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

                List <ScaledCenterlinePair> current = new List <ScaledCenterlinePair>();
                List <ScaledCenterlinePair> next    = new List <ScaledCenterlinePair>();

                Vector2D seed = MinimalEquation.FirstSeed;

                ScaledCenterlinePair basicSet = new ScaledCenterlinePair();
                basicSet.primary = seed;
                basicSet.distanceToScaledCenterLine = 0;
                basicSet.primaryIndex = 1;


                List <string> lines  = new List <string>();
                string        header = "Count;Index;IndexBin;Distance;X;Y;";
                long i           = 1;
                long generations = Convert.ToInt32(GenerationBox.Text);

                for (int g = -1; g < generations; g++)
                    foreach (ScaledCenterlinePair set in current)
                        string line = i.ToString() + ";";
                        line += set.primaryIndex.ToString() + ";";
                        line += Convert.ToString(set.primaryIndex, 2) + ";";
                        line += (-set.distanceToScaledCenterLine).ToString() + ";";
                        line += set.primary.x.ToString() + ";";
                        line += set.primary.y.ToString() + ";";
                        line = "";

                        if (set.secondary != null)
                            line += i.ToString() + ";";
                            line += set.secondaryIndex.ToString() + ";";
                            line += Convert.ToString(set.secondaryIndex, 2) + ";";
                            line += set.distanceToScaledCenterLine.ToString() + ";";
                            line += set.secondary.x.ToString() + ";";
                            line += set.secondary.y.ToString() + ";";

                        if (g < generations - 1)
                            next.Add(MinimalEquation.NextBasic(set.primary, set.primaryIndex));
                            if (set.secondary != null)
                                next.Add(MinimalEquation.NextBasic(set.secondary, set.secondaryIndex));
                    current = next;
                    next    = new List <ScaledCenterlinePair>();
                File.WriteAllLines(sfd.FileName, lines);