Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static Engine UltimateDeserializer(byte[] input, out int addedOffset, int offset)
            Engine output = Engine.New();
            int    i      = offset;

            //short - Version header
            short version = 0;

            version += input[i++];
            version *= 256;
            version += input[i++];

            if (version >= 0)
                //bool - Active
                output.Active = input[i++] == 1;

                //String + 2B length header - Name
                    int stringLength = 0;
                    if (version >= 3)
                        stringLength += input[i++];
                        stringLength += input[i++] * 256;
                        stringLength += input[i++] * 256;
                        stringLength += input[i++];

                    output.Name = "";
                    for (int c = 0; c < stringLength; ++c)
                        output.Name += Convert.ToChar(input[i++]);
                    output.Name = Regex.Replace(output.Name, "[<>,+*=_ ]", "-");

                //double - Mass
                output.Mass = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                i          += 8;

                //double - Thrust
                output.Thrust = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                i            += 8;

                //double - AtmIsp
                output.AtmIsp = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                i            += 8;

                //double - VacIsp
                output.VacIsp = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                i            += 8;

                //(2B + 8B) * count + 2B length header - PropellantRatio
                    int dataLength = 0;
                    if (version >= 3)
                        dataLength += input[i++];
                        dataLength += input[i++] * 256;
                        dataLength += input[i++] * 256;
                        dataLength += input[i++];

                    output.PropellantRatio.Clear();                      //Constructor gives one element to this list

                    FuelType fuelType = 0;
                    for (int c = 0; c < dataLength; ++c)
                        fuelType = 0;
                        if (version >= 3)
                            fuelType += input[i++];
                            fuelType += input[i++] * 256;
                            fuelType += input[i++] * 256;
                            fuelType += input[i++];

                        output.PropellantRatio.Add(new FuelRatioElement(fuelType, BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i)));
                        i += 8;

                //double - Width
                output.Width = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                i           += 8;

                //double - Height
                output.Height = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                i            += 8;

                //double - Gimbal
                output.Gimbal = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                i            += 8;

                //int - Cost
                output.Cost = BitConverter.ToInt32(input, i);
                i          += 4;

            if (version >= 1)
                //double - MinThrust
                output.MinThrust = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                i += 8;

                //int - Ignitions
                output.Ignitions = BitConverter.ToInt32(input, i);
                i += 4;

                //bool - PressureFed
                output.PressureFed = input[i++] == 1;

                //bool - NeedsUllage
                output.NeedsUllage = input[i++] == 1;

            if (version >= 2)
                //bool - FuelVolumeRatios
                output.FuelVolumeRatios = input[i++] == 1;

            if (version >= 3)
                //bool - TestFlightConfigNotDefault
                if (input[i++] == 1)
                    //bool - EnableTestFlight
                    output.EnableTestFlight = input[i++] == 1;

                    //int - RatedBurnTime
                    output.RatedBurnTime = BitConverter.ToInt32(input, i);
                    i += 4;

                    //double - StartReliability0
                    output.StartReliability0 = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                    i += 8;

                    //double - StartReliability10k
                    output.StartReliability10k = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                    i += 8;

                    //double - CycleReliability0
                    output.CycleReliability0 = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                    i += 8;

                    //double - CycleReliability10k
                    output.CycleReliability10k = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                    i += 8;

            if (version >= 4)
                //double - AlternatorPower
                output.AlternatorPower = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                i += 8;

            if (version >= 5)
                //bool - GimbalConfigNotDefault
                if (input[i++] == 1)
                    //bool - AdvancedGimbal
                    output.AdvancedGimbal = input[i++] == 1;

                    //double - GimbalNX
                    output.GimbalNX = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                    i += 8;

                    //double - GimbalPX
                    output.GimbalPX = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                    i += 8;

                    //double - GimbalNY
                    output.GimbalNY = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                    i += 8;

                    //double - GimbalPY
                    output.GimbalPY = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                    i += 8;

            if (version >= 6)
                //short - ModelID
                output.ModelID += input[i++];
                output.ModelID += input[i++] * 256;

                //short - PlumeID
                output.PlumeID += input[i++];
                output.PlumeID += input[i++] * 256;

            if (version >= 7)
                //short - TechUnlockNode
                output.TechUnlockNode += input[i++];
                output.TechUnlockNode += input[i++] * 256;

                //int - EntryCost
                output.EntryCost = BitConverter.ToInt32(input, i);
                i += 4;

                //1B * length + 2B length header - EngineName
                    int stringLength = 0;
                    stringLength += input[i++];
                    stringLength += input[i++] * 256;

                    output.EngineName = "";
                    for (int c = 0; c < stringLength; ++c)
                        output.EngineName += Convert.ToChar(input[i++]);

                //bool - ManufacturerNotDefault
                if (input[i++] == 1)
                    //(1B * length + 2B length header) if Manufacturer was changed - EngineManufacturer
                        int stringLength = 0;
                        stringLength += input[i++];
                        stringLength += input[i++] * 256;

                        output.EngineManufacturer = "";
                        for (int c = 0; c < stringLength; ++c)
                            output.EngineManufacturer += Convert.ToChar(input[i++]);

                //bool - DescriptionNotDefault
                if (input[i++] == 1)
                    //(1B * length + 2B length header) if description was changed - EngineDescription
                        int stringLength = 0;
                        stringLength += input[i++];
                        stringLength += input[i++] * 256;

                        output.EngineDescription = "";
                        for (int c = 0; c < stringLength; ++c)
                            output.EngineDescription += Convert.ToChar(input[i++]);

            if (version >= 8)
                //bool - UseBaseWidth
                output.UseBaseWidth = input[i++] == 1;
            else                 //version < 8
                                 //Default value before version 8 was false
                output.UseBaseWidth = false;
                //Now the default value is true

            if (version >= 9)
                //EngineType - EngineVariant
                output.EngineVariant = (EngineType)input[i++];

                //double - TanksVolume
                output.TanksVolume = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                i += 8;

                //(2B + 8B) * count + 2B length header - TanksContents
                    int dataLength = 0;
                    dataLength += input[i++];
                    dataLength += input[i++] * 256;

                    FuelType fuelType = 0;
                    for (int c = 0; c < dataLength; ++c)
                        fuelType  = 0;
                        fuelType += input[i++];
                        fuelType += input[i++] * 256;

                        output.TanksContents.Add(new FuelRatioElement(fuelType, BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i)));
                        i += 8;

                //(8B + 8B) * count + 2B length header - ThrustCurve
                    int dataLength = 0;
                    dataLength += input[i++];
                    dataLength += input[i++] * 256;

                    for (int c = 0; c < dataLength; ++c)
                        double tmp = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                        i += 8;

                        output.ThrustCurve.Add(new DoubleTuple(tmp, BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i)));
                        i += 8;

            if (version >= 10)
                //bool - UseTanks
                output.UseTanks = input[i++] == 1;

                //bool - LimitTanks
                output.LimitTanks = input[i++] == 1;

            if (version >= 11)
                //Polymorphism - PolyType
                output.PolyType = (Polymorphism)input[i++];

                //(1B * length + 2B length header) - MasterEngineName
                    int stringLength = 0;
                    stringLength += input[i++];
                    stringLength += input[i++] * 256;

                    output.MasterEngineName = "";
                    for (int c = 0; c < stringLength; ++c)
                        output.MasterEngineName += Convert.ToChar(input[i++]);

            if (version >= 12)
                //int - MasterEngineCost
                output.MasterEngineCost = BitConverter.ToInt32(input, i);
                i += 4;

                //double - MasterEngineMass
                output.MasterEngineMass = BitConverter.ToDouble(input, i);
                i += 8;

            addedOffset = i - offset;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert an Engine object into a byte array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">The Engine to be serialized</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static byte[] Serialize(Engine e)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static byte[] LatestSerializer(Engine e)
            short version = SerializerVersion;

            int i = 0;

            byte[] output = new byte[                                                    //This is getting out of hand. Still, I think it's readable
                2 +                                                                      //short - Version (BIG ENDIAN - BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY)
                1 +                                                                      //bool - Active
                (e.Name.Length + 2) +                                                    //1B * length + 2B length header - Name
                8 +                                                                      //double - Mass
                8 +                                                                      //double - Thrust
                8 +                                                                      //double - AtmIsp
                8 +                                                                      //double - VacIsp
                e.PropellantRatio.Count * 10 + 2 +                                       //(2B + 8B) * count + 2B length header - PropellantRatio
                8 +                                                                      //double - Width
                8 +                                                                      //double - Height
                8 +                                                                      //double - Gimbal
                4 +                                                                      //int - Cost
                8 +                                                                      //double - MinThrust
                4 +                                                                      //int - Ignitions
                1 +                                                                      //bool - PressureFed
                1 +                                                                      //bool - NeedsUllage
                1 +                                                                      //bool - FuelVolumeRatios
                1 +                                                                      //bool - TestFlightConfigNotDefault
                (e.TestFlightConfigNotDefault ? 1 : 0) * (                               //Include all properties inside brackets only if any Test Flight properties were changed
                    1 +                                                                  //bool - EnableTestFlight
                    4 +                                                                  //int - RatedBurnTime
                    8 +                                                                  //double - StartReliability0
                    8 +                                                                  //double - StartReliability10k
                    8 +                                                                  //double - CycleReliability0
                    8) +                                                                 //double - CycleReliability10k
                8 +                                                                      //double - AlternatorPower
                1 +                                                                      //bool - GimbalConfigNotDefault
                (e.GimbalConfigNotDefault ? 1 : 0) * (                                   //Include all properties inside brackets only if any Gimbal properties were changed
                    1 +                                                                  //bool - AdvancedGimbal
                    8 +                                                                  //double - GimbalNX
                    8 +                                                                  //double - GimbalPX
                    8 +                                                                  //double - GimbalNY
                    8) +                                                                 //double - GimbalPY
                2 +                                                                      //short - ModelID
                2 +                                                                      //short - PlumeID
                2 +                                                                      //short - TechUnlockNode
                4 +                                                                      //int - EntryCost
                (e.EngineName.Length + 2) +                                              //1B * length + 2B length header - EngineName
                1 +                                                                      //bool - ManufacturerNotDefault
                (e.ManufacturerNotDefault ? 1 : 0) * (e.EngineManufacturer.Length + 2) + //(1B * length + 2B length header) if manufacturer was changed - EngineManufacturer
                1 +                                                                      //bool - DescriptionNotDefault
                (e.DescriptionNotDefault ? 1 : 0) * (e.EngineDescription.Length + 2) +   //(1B * length + 2B length header) if description was changed - EngineDescription
                1 +                                                                      //bool - UseBaseWidth
                1 +                                                                      //EngineType - EngineVariant
                8 +                                                                      //double - TanksVolume
                e.TanksContents.Count * 10 + 2 +                                         //(2B + 8B) * count + 2B length header - TanksContents
                e.ThrustCurve.Count * 16 + 2 +                                           //(8B + 8B) * count + 2B length header - ThrustCurve
                1 +                                                                      //bool - UseTanks
                1 +                                                                      //bool - LimitTanks
                1 +                                                                      //Polymorphism - PolyType
                e.MasterEngineName.Length + 2 +                                          //1B * length + 2B length header - MasterEngineName
                4 +                                                                      //int - MasterEngineCost
                8                                                                        //double - MasterEngineMass

            //short - Version (BIG ENDIAN - BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY)
            output[i++] = (byte)(version / 256);
            output[i++] = (byte)(version % 256);

            //bool - Active
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.Active ? 1 : 0);

            //String + 2B length header - Name
            //String length header
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.Name.Length % 256);
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.Name.Length / 256);
            //String data
            foreach (char c in e.Name)
                output[i++] = Convert.ToByte(c);

            //double - Mass
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.Mass))
                output[i++] = b;

            //double - Thrust
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.Thrust))
                output[i++] = b;

            //double - AtmIsp
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.AtmIsp))
                output[i++] = b;

            //double - VacIsp
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.VacIsp))
                output[i++] = b;

            //(2B + 8B) * count + 2B length header - PropellantRatio
            //Length header
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.PropellantRatio.Count % 256);
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.PropellantRatio.Count / 256);
            foreach (FuelRatioElement f in e.PropellantRatio)
                output[i++] = (byte)((int)f.Propellant % 256);
                output[i++] = (byte)((int)f.Propellant / 256);
                foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(f.Ratio))
                    output[i++] = b;

            //double - Width
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.Width))
                output[i++] = b;

            //double - Height
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.Height))
                output[i++] = b;

            //double - Gimbal
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.Gimbal))
                output[i++] = b;

            //int - Cost
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.Cost))
                output[i++] = b;

            //double - MinThrust
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.MinThrust))
                output[i++] = b;

            //int - Ignitions
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.Ignitions))
                output[i++] = b;

            //bool - PressureFed
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.PressureFed ? 1 : 0);

            //bool - NeedsUllage
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.NeedsUllage ? 1 : 0);

            //bool - FuelVolumeRatios
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.FuelVolumeRatios ? 1 : 0);

            //bool - TestFlightConfigNotDefault
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.TestFlightConfigNotDefault ? 1 : 0);

            //Include all properties inside brackets only if any Test Flight properties were changed
            if (e.TestFlightConfigNotDefault)
                //bool - EnableTestFlight
                output[i++] = (byte)(e.EnableTestFlight ? 1 : 0);

                //int - RatedBurnTime
                foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.RatedBurnTime))
                    output[i++] = b;

                //double - StartReliability0
                foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.StartReliability0))
                    output[i++] = b;

                //double - StartReliability10k
                foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.StartReliability10k))
                    output[i++] = b;

                //double - CycleReliability0
                foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.CycleReliability0))
                    output[i++] = b;

                //double - CycleReliability10k
                foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.CycleReliability10k))
                    output[i++] = b;

            //double - AlternatorPower
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.AlternatorPower))
                output[i++] = b;

            //bool - GimbalConfigNotDefault
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.GimbalConfigNotDefault ? 1 : 0);

            //Include all properties inside brackets only if any Gimbal properties were changed
            if (e.GimbalConfigNotDefault)
                //bool - AdvancedGimbal
                output[i++] = (byte)(e.AdvancedGimbal ? 1 : 0);

                //double - GimbalNX
                foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.GimbalNX))
                    output[i++] = b;

                //double - GimbalPX
                foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.GimbalPX))
                    output[i++] = b;

                //double - GimbalNY
                foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.GimbalNY))
                    output[i++] = b;

                //double - GimbalPY
                foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.GimbalPY))
                    output[i++] = b;

            //short - ModelID
            output[i++] = (byte)(((short)e.ModelID) % 256);
            output[i++] = (byte)(((short)e.ModelID) / 256);

            //short - PlumeID
            output[i++] = (byte)(((short)e.PlumeID) % 256);
            output[i++] = (byte)(((short)e.PlumeID) / 256);

            //short - TechUnlockNode
            output[i++] = (byte)(((short)e.TechUnlockNode) % 256);
            output[i++] = (byte)(((short)e.TechUnlockNode) / 256);

            //int - EntryCost
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.EntryCost))
                output[i++] = b;

            //1B * length + 2B length header - EngineName
            //String header
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.EngineName.Length % 256);
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.EngineName.Length / 256);
            //String data
            foreach (char c in e.EngineName)
                output[i++] = Convert.ToByte(c);

            //bool - ManufacturerNotDefault
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.ManufacturerNotDefault ? 1 : 0);

            //Write Manufacturer to file if it was changed
            if (e.ManufacturerNotDefault)
                //(1B * length + 2B length header) - EngineManufacturer
                //String header
                output[i++] = (byte)(e.EngineManufacturer.Length % 256);
                output[i++] = (byte)(e.EngineManufacturer.Length / 256);
                //String data
                foreach (char c in e.EngineManufacturer)
                    output[i++] = Convert.ToByte(c);

            //bool - DescriptionNotDefault
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.DescriptionNotDefault ? 1 : 0);

            //Write description to file if it was changed
            if (e.DescriptionNotDefault)
                //(1B * length + 2B length header) - EngineDescription
                //String header
                output[i++] = (byte)(e.EngineDescription.Length % 256);
                output[i++] = (byte)(e.EngineDescription.Length / 256);
                //String data
                foreach (char c in e.EngineDescription)
                    output[i++] = Convert.ToByte(c);

            //bool - UseBaseWidth
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.UseBaseWidth ? 1 : 0);

            //EngineType - EngineVariant
            output[i++] = (byte)e.EngineVariant;

            //double - TanksVolume
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.TanksVolume))
                output[i++] = b;

            //(2B + 8B) * count + 2B length header - TanksContents
            //Length header
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.TanksContents.Count % 256);
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.TanksContents.Count / 256);
            foreach (FuelRatioElement f in e.TanksContents)
                output[i++] = (byte)((int)f.Propellant % 256);
                output[i++] = (byte)((int)f.Propellant / 256);
                foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(f.Ratio))
                    output[i++] = b;

            //(8B + 8B) * count + 2B length header - ThrustCurve
            //Length header
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.ThrustCurve.Count % 256);
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.ThrustCurve.Count / 256);
            foreach (DoubleTuple t in e.ThrustCurve)
                foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(t.Item1))
                    output[i++] = b;

                foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(t.Item2))
                    output[i++] = b;

            //bool - UseTanks
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.UseTanks ? 1 : 0);

            //bool - LimitTanks
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.LimitTanks ? 1 : 0);

            //Polymorphism - PolyType
            output[i++] = (byte)e.PolyType;

            //String + 2B length header - MasterEngineName
            //String length header
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.MasterEngineName.Length % 256);
            output[i++] = (byte)(e.MasterEngineName.Length / 256);
            //String data
            foreach (char c in e.MasterEngineName)
                output[i++] = Convert.ToByte(c);

            //int - MasterEngineCost
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.MasterEngineCost))
                output[i++] = b;

            //double - MasterEngineMass
            foreach (byte b in BitConverter.GetBytes(e.MasterEngineMass))
                output[i++] = b;
