Ejemplo n.º 1
         * "Main" function of the program.  It runs for the entire generation count, generating children,
         * culling the population, and outputting the stats.
        public void run()
            string parent1;
            string parent2;
            string child;
            Money coinList = new Money();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariables; i++) //Get the input
            initialize(); //Initialize the population
            for (int genCount = 0; genCount < generations; genCount++)
                newPopValues(); //update the population values.
                survivorCount = 0;
                for (int childrenCount = 0; childrenCount < numOfChildren; childrenCount++)
                    // Select 2 Random Parents, perform crossover
                    parent1 = population[rand.Next() % popSize];
                    parent2 = population[rand.Next() % popSize];
                    child = crossover(parent1, parent2); //random position, front half of a goes to child, back half of b goes to child
                    if ((rand.Next() % 100) < mutationRate) //percentage of chance for mutation
                        child = mutate(child); //pick random spot, replace value with new random value
                    // evaluate child
                    values[popSize + childrenCount] = coinList.getValue(child);
                    fitness[popSize + childrenCount] = evaluateFitness(values[popSize + childrenCount]);
                    // add child to population
                    population[popSize + childrenCount] = child;
                //sort population by fitness
                sort(0, fitness.Count - 1);
                //elitism - copies certain number of top choices to survivors
                //survivor selection - tournament (do until survivor is filled)
                while (survivorCount < popSize)
                    survivors[survivorCount] = population[tournamentSelection()];
                //population = survivors
                for (int i = 0; i < survivorCount; i++)
                    population[i] = survivors[i];
                //report stats - best individual, average fitness level
            //Memory Management
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * This function is called to compute the values and the fitness of the
  * population size.
 void newPopValues()
     Money coinList = new Money();
     for (int index = 0; index < popSize; index++)
         values[index] = coinList.getValue(population[index]);
         fitness[index] = evaluateFitness(values[index]);