Ejemplo n.º 1
        void DrawTabs(Pango.Layout la, Gdk.Window win, Gdk.GC gc, Cairo.Context cairo, int currentTab)
            int tx = ALeft + Xpad;
            int ty = ATop + Ypad;

            float left = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mTabs.Count(); i++)
                var t        = mTabs.ElementAt(i);
                int x1       = (int)(tx + left + 0.5f);
                var cliprect = new Gdk.Rectangle(x1, 0, (int)(t.CurrentWidth + 0.5f), Allocation.Height);
                gc.ClipRectangle = cliprect;

                Color color;
                if (i == ActiveIndex && t.DockItemTitleTab.Active)
                    color = Style.Background(StateType.Selected);
                else if (i == currentTab)
                    color = Style.Background(StateType.Normal);
                    color = Style.Mid(StateType.Normal);

                DrawRectangle(cairo, cliprect.X, cliprect.Y, cliprect.Width, cliprect.Height, color.ToCairo(), true);

                x1 += space;
                if (t.Image != null)
                    win.DrawPixbuf(gc, t.Image, 0, 0, x1, (Allocation.Height - t.Image.Height + Ypad) / 2, -1, -1, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
                    x1 += t.Image.Width;
                    x1 += space;

                DrawText(win, gc, x1, ty, System.Drawing.Color.Black.ToGdk(), la);
                left += t.CurrentWidth;

                gc.ClipRectangle = new Gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose args)
            Gdk.Window window = args.Window;
            var        alloc  = Allocation;
            int        width  = alloc.Width;
            int        height = alloc.Height;

            int lineWidth = width - margin * 2;
            int xpos      = margin + padding;
            int yPos      = margin;

            if (PreviewCompletionString)
                layout.SetText(string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompletionString) ? MonoDevelop.Core.GettextCatalog.GetString("Select template") : CompletionString);
                int wi, he;
                layout.GetPixelSize(out wi, out he);
                window.DrawRectangle(this.Style.BaseGC(StateType.Insensitive), true, margin, yPos, lineWidth, he + padding);
                window.DrawLayout(string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompletionString) ? this.Style.TextGC(StateType.Insensitive) : this.Style.TextGC(StateType.Normal), xpos, yPos, layout);
                yPos += rowHeight;

            //when there are no matches, display a message to indicate that the completion list is still handling input
            if (filteredItems.Count == 0)
                Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(window);
                gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0xff, 0xbc, 0xc1);
                window.DrawRectangle(gc, true, 0, yPos, width, height - yPos);
                layout.SetText(win.DataProvider.ItemCount == 0? NoSuggestionsMsg : NoMatchesMsg);
                int lWidth, lHeight;
                layout.GetPixelSize(out lWidth, out lHeight);
                window.DrawLayout(this.Style.TextGC(StateType.Normal), (width - lWidth) / 2, yPos + (height - lHeight - yPos) / 2, layout);

            var textGCInsensitive = this.Style.TextGC(StateType.Insensitive);
            var textGCNormal      = this.Style.TextGC(StateType.Normal);
            var fgGCNormal        = this.Style.ForegroundGC(StateType.Normal);

            Iterate(true, ref yPos, delegate(Category category, int ypos) {
                if (ypos >= height - margin)

                //	window.DrawRectangle (this.Style.BackgroundGC (StateType.Insensitive), true, 0, yPos, width, rowHeight);

                Gdk.Pixbuf icon = ImageService.GetPixbuf(category.CompletionCategory.Icon, IconSize.Menu);
                window.DrawPixbuf(fgGCNormal, icon, 0, 0, margin, ypos, icon.Width, icon.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);

                layout.SetMarkup("<span weight='bold'>" + category.CompletionCategory.DisplayText + "</span>");
                window.DrawLayout(textGCInsensitive, icon.Width + 4, ypos, layout);
            }, delegate(Category curCategory, int item, int ypos) {
                if (ypos >= height - margin)
                int itemIndex = filteredItems[item];
                if (InCategoryMode && curCategory != null && curCategory.CompletionCategory != null)
                    xpos = margin + padding + 8;
                    xpos = margin + padding;
                string markup      = win.DataProvider.HasMarkup(itemIndex) ? (win.DataProvider.GetMarkup(itemIndex) ?? "&lt;null&gt;") : GLib.Markup.EscapeText(win.DataProvider.GetText(itemIndex) ?? "<null>");
                string description = win.DataProvider.GetDescription(itemIndex);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                    if (item == selection)
                        layout.SetMarkup(markup + " " + description);
                        layout.SetMarkup(markup + " <span foreground=\"darkgray\">" + description + "</span>");
                int mw, mh;
                layout.GetPixelSize(out mw, out mh);
                if (mw > listWidth)
                    WidthRequest     = listWidth = mw;
                    win.WidthRequest = win.Allocation.Width + mw - width;

                string text = win.DataProvider.GetText(itemIndex);

                if ((!SelectionEnabled || item != selection) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                    int[] matchIndices = Match(CompletionString, text);
                    if (matchIndices != null)
                        Pango.AttrList attrList = layout.Attributes ?? new Pango.AttrList();
                        for (int newSelection = 0; newSelection < matchIndices.Length; newSelection++)
                            int idx = matchIndices[newSelection];
                            Pango.AttrForeground fg = new Pango.AttrForeground(0, 0, ushort.MaxValue);
                            fg.StartIndex           = (uint)idx;
                            fg.EndIndex             = (uint)(idx + 1);
                        layout.Attributes = attrList;

                Gdk.Pixbuf icon = win.DataProvider.GetIcon(itemIndex);
                int iconHeight, iconWidth;
                if (icon != null)
                    iconWidth  = icon.Width;
                    iconHeight = icon.Height;
                else if (!Gtk.Icon.SizeLookup(Gtk.IconSize.Menu, out iconWidth, out iconHeight))
                    iconHeight = iconWidth = 24;

                int wi, he, typos, iypos;
                layout.GetPixelSize(out wi, out he);
                typos = he < rowHeight ? ypos + (rowHeight - he) / 2 : ypos;
                iypos = iconHeight < rowHeight ? ypos + (rowHeight - iconHeight) / 2 : ypos;
                if (item == selection)
                    if (SelectionEnabled)
                        window.DrawRectangle(this.Style.BaseGC(StateType.Selected), true, margin, ypos, lineWidth, he + padding);
                        window.DrawLayout(this.Style.TextGC(StateType.Selected), xpos + iconWidth + 2, typos, layout);
                        window.DrawRectangle(this.Style.DarkGC(StateType.Prelight), false, margin, ypos, lineWidth - 1, he + padding - 1);
                        window.DrawLayout(textGCNormal, xpos + iconWidth + 2, typos, layout);
                    window.DrawLayout(textGCNormal, xpos + iconWidth + 2, typos, layout);
                if (icon != null)
                    window.DrawPixbuf(fgGCNormal, icon, 0, 0, xpos, iypos, iconWidth, iconHeight, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);

                if (layout.Attributes != null)
                    layout.Attributes = null;

             * int n = 0;
             * while (ypos < winHeight - margin && (page + n) < filteredItems.Count) {
             *      bool hasMarkup = win.DataProvider.HasMarkup (filteredItems[page + n]);
             *      if (hasMarkup) {
             *              layout.SetMarkup (win.DataProvider.GetMarkup (filteredItems[page + n]) ?? "&lt;null&gt;");
             *      } else {
             *              layout.SetText (win.DataProvider.GetText (filteredItems[page + n]) ?? "<null>");
             *      }
             *      string text = win.DataProvider.GetText (filteredItems[page + n]);
             *      if ((!SelectionEnabled || page + n != selection) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (text)) {
             *              int[] matchIndices = Match (CompletionString, text);
             *              if (matchIndices != null) {
             *                      Pango.AttrList attrList = layout.Attributes ?? new Pango.AttrList ();
             *                      for (int newSelection = 0; newSelection < matchIndices.Length; newSelection++) {
             *                              int idx = matchIndices[newSelection];
             *                              Pango.AttrForeground fg = new Pango.AttrForeground (0, 0, ushort.MaxValue);
             *                              fg.StartIndex = (uint)idx;
             *                              fg.EndIndex = (uint)(idx + 1);
             *                              attrList.Insert (fg);
             *                      }
             *                      layout.Attributes = attrList;
             *              }
             *      }
             *      Gdk.Pixbuf icon = win.DataProvider.GetIcon (filteredItems[page + n]);
             *      int iconHeight, iconWidth;
             *      if (icon != null) {
             *              iconWidth = icon.Width;
             *              iconHeight = icon.Height;
             *      } else if (!Gtk.Icon.SizeLookup (Gtk.IconSize.Menu, out iconWidth, out iconHeight)) {
             *              iconHeight = iconWidth = 24;
             *      }
             *      int wi, he, typos, iypos;
             *      layout.GetPixelSize (out wi, out he);
             *      typos = he < rowHeight ? ypos + (rowHeight - he) / 2 : ypos;
             *      iypos = iconHeight < rowHeight ? ypos + (rowHeight - iconHeight) / 2 : ypos;
             *      if (page + n == selection) {
             *              if (SelectionEnabled) {
             *                      window.DrawRectangle (this.Style.BaseGC (StateType.Selected), true, margin, ypos, lineWidth, he + padding);
             *                      window.DrawLayout (this.Style.TextGC (StateType.Selected), xpos + iconWidth + 2, typos, layout);
             *              } else {
             *                      window.DrawRectangle (this.Style.DarkGC (StateType.Prelight), false, margin, ypos, lineWidth - 1, he + padding - 1);
             *                      window.DrawLayout (this.Style.TextGC (StateType.Normal), xpos + iconWidth + 2, typos, layout);
             *              }
             *      } else
             *              window.DrawLayout (this.Style.TextGC (StateType.Normal), xpos + iconWidth + 2, typos, layout);
             *      if (icon != null)
             *              window.DrawPixbuf (this.Style.ForegroundGC (StateType.Normal), icon, 0, 0, xpos, iypos, iconWidth, iconHeight, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
             *      ypos += rowHeight;
             *      n++;
             *      if (hasMarkup)
             *              layout.SetMarkup (string.Empty);
             *      if (layout.Attributes != null) {
             *              layout.Attributes.Dispose ();
             *              layout.Attributes = null;
             *      }
             * }
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose args)
            using (var context = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(args.Window)) {
                context.LineWidth = 1;
                Gdk.Window window = args.Window;
                var        alloc  = Allocation;
                int        width  = alloc.Width;
                int        height = alloc.Height;
                context.Rectangle(args.Area.X, args.Area.Y, args.Area.Width, args.Area.Height);
                context.Color = this.backgroundColor;

                int xpos = iconTextSpacing;
                int yPos = (int)-vadj.Value;

                //when there are no matches, display a message to indicate that the completion list is still handling input
                if (filteredItems.Count == 0)
                    Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(window);
                    gc.RgbFgColor = backgroundColor.ToGdkColor();
                    window.DrawRectangle(gc, true, 0, yPos, width, height - yPos);
                    noMatchLayout.SetText(win.DataProvider.ItemCount == 0 ? NoSuggestionsMsg : NoMatchesMsg);
                    int lWidth, lHeight;
                    noMatchLayout.GetPixelSize(out lWidth, out lHeight);
                    gc.RgbFgColor = (Mono.TextEditor.HslColor)textColor;
                    window.DrawLayout(gc, (width - lWidth) / 2, yPos + (height - lHeight - yPos) / 2 - lHeight, noMatchLayout);


                var textGCNormal = new Gdk.GC(window);
                textGCNormal.RgbFgColor = (Mono.TextEditor.HslColor)textColor;
                var fgGCNormal = this.Style.ForegroundGC(StateType.Normal);
                var matcher    = CompletionMatcher.CreateCompletionMatcher(CompletionString);
                Iterate(true, ref yPos, delegate(Category category, int ypos) {
                    if (ypos >= height)
                    if (ypos < -rowHeight)

                    //	window.DrawRectangle (this.Style.BackgroundGC (StateType.Insensitive), true, 0, yPos, width, rowHeight);
                    int x = 2;
                    if (category.CompletionCategory != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.CompletionCategory.Icon))
                        var icon = ImageService.GetPixbuf(category.CompletionCategory.Icon, IconSize.Menu);
                        window.DrawPixbuf(fgGCNormal, icon, 0, 0, 0, ypos, icon.Width, icon.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
                        x = icon.Width + 4;
                    context.Rectangle(0, ypos, Allocation.Width, rowHeight);
                    context.Color = backgroundColor;

//					layout.SetMarkup ("<span weight='bold' foreground='#AAAAAA'>" + (category.CompletionCategory != null ? category.CompletionCategory.DisplayText : "Uncategorized") + "</span>");
//					window.DrawLayout (textGCInsensitive, x - 1, ypos + 1 + (rowHeight - py) / 2, layout);
//					layout.SetMarkup ("<span weight='bold'>" + (category.CompletionCategory != null ? category.CompletionCategory.DisplayText : "Uncategorized") + "</span>");
                    categoryLayout.SetMarkup((category.CompletionCategory != null ? category.CompletionCategory.DisplayText : "Uncategorized"));
                    int px, py;
                    categoryLayout.GetPixelSize(out px, out py);
                    window.DrawLayout(textGCNormal, x, ypos + (rowHeight - py) / 2, categoryLayout);
                }, delegate(Category curCategory, int item, int itemidx, int ypos) {
                    if (ypos >= height)
                    if (ypos < -rowHeight)
                    const int categoryModeItemIndenting = 0;
                    if (InCategoryMode && curCategory != null && curCategory.CompletionCategory != null)
                        xpos = iconTextSpacing + categoryModeItemIndenting;
                        xpos = iconTextSpacing;
                    string markup      = win.DataProvider.HasMarkup(item) ? (win.DataProvider.GetMarkup(item) ?? "&lt;null&gt;") : GLib.Markup.EscapeText(win.DataProvider.GetText(item) ?? "<null>");
                    string description = win.DataProvider.GetDescription(item);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                        if (item == SelectedItem)
                            layout.SetMarkup(markup + " " + description);
                            layout.SetMarkup(markup + " <span foreground=\"darkgray\">" + description + "</span>");

                    string text = win.DataProvider.GetText(item);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                        int[] matchIndices = matcher.GetMatch(text);
                        if (matchIndices != null)
                            Pango.AttrList attrList = layout.Attributes ?? new Pango.AttrList();
                            for (int newSelection = 0; newSelection < matchIndices.Length; newSelection++)
                                int idx       = matchIndices [newSelection];
                                var fg        = new AttrForeground((ushort)(highlightColor.R * ushort.MaxValue), (ushort)(highlightColor.G * ushort.MaxValue), (ushort)(highlightColor.B * ushort.MaxValue));
                                fg.StartIndex = (uint)idx;
                                fg.EndIndex   = (uint)(idx + 1);
                            layout.Attributes = attrList;

                    Gdk.Pixbuf icon = win.DataProvider.GetIcon(item);
                    int iconHeight, iconWidth;
                    if (icon != null)
                        iconWidth  = icon.Width;
                        iconHeight = icon.Height;
                    else if (!Gtk.Icon.SizeLookup(Gtk.IconSize.Menu, out iconWidth, out iconHeight))
                        iconHeight = iconWidth = 24;

                    int wi, he, typos, iypos;
                    layout.GetPixelSize(out wi, out he);

                    typos = he < rowHeight ? ypos + (rowHeight - he) / 2 : ypos;
                    iypos = iconHeight < rowHeight ? ypos + (rowHeight - iconHeight) / 2 : ypos;
                    if (item == SelectedItem)
                        context.Rectangle(0, ypos, Allocation.Width, rowHeight / 2);
                        context.Color = SelectionEnabled ? selectedItemColor.Foreground : selectedItemInactiveColor.Background;
                        context.Rectangle(0, ypos + rowHeight / 2, Allocation.Width, rowHeight / 2);
                        context.Color = SelectionEnabled ? selectedItemColor.Background : selectedItemInactiveColor.Background;

                        context.Rectangle(0.5, ypos + 0.5, Allocation.Width - 1, rowHeight - 1);
                        if (!SelectionEnabled)
                            context.SetDash(new double[] { 4, 4 }, 0);
                        context.Color = SelectionEnabled ? selectionBorderColor : selectionBorderInactiveColor;

                    if (icon != null)
                        window.DrawPixbuf(fgGCNormal, icon, 0, 0, xpos, iypos, iconWidth, iconHeight, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
                        xpos += iconTextSpacing;
                    window.DrawLayout(textGCNormal, xpos + iconWidth + 2, typos, layout);

                    if (wi + xpos + iconWidth + 2 > listWidth)
                        WidthRequest = listWidth = wi + xpos + iconWidth + 2 + iconTextSpacing;
                        //workaround for the vscrollbar display - the calculated width needs to be the width ofthe render region.
                        if (Allocation.Width < listWidth)
                            if (listWidth - Allocation.Width < 30)
                                WidthRequest = listWidth + listWidth - Allocation.Width;

                    if (layout.Attributes != null)
                        layout.Attributes = null;

                 * int n = 0;
                 * while (ypos < winHeight - margin && (page + n) < filteredItems.Count) {
                 *      bool hasMarkup = win.DataProvider.HasMarkup (filteredItems[page + n]);
                 *      if (hasMarkup) {
                 *              layout.SetMarkup (win.DataProvider.GetMarkup (filteredItems[page + n]) ?? "&lt;null&gt;");
                 *      } else {
                 *              layout.SetText (win.DataProvider.GetText (filteredItems[page + n]) ?? "<null>");
                 *      }
                 *      string text = win.DataProvider.GetText (filteredItems[page + n]);
                 *      if ((!SelectionEnabled || page + n != selection) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (text)) {
                 *              int[] matchIndices = Match (CompletionString, text);
                 *              if (matchIndices != null) {
                 *                      Pango.AttrList attrList = layout.Attributes ?? new Pango.AttrList ();
                 *                      for (int newSelection = 0; newSelection < matchIndices.Length; newSelection++) {
                 *                              int idx = matchIndices[newSelection];
                 *                              Pango.AttrForeground fg = new Pango.AttrForeground (0, 0, ushort.MaxValue);
                 *                              fg.StartIndex = (uint)idx;
                 *                              fg.EndIndex = (uint)(idx + 1);
                 *                              attrList.Insert (fg);
                 *                      }
                 *                      layout.Attributes = attrList;
                 *              }
                 *      }
                 *      Gdk.Pixbuf icon = win.DataProvider.GetIcon (filteredItems[page + n]);
                 *      int iconHeight, iconWidth;
                 *      if (icon != null) {
                 *              iconWidth = icon.Width;
                 *              iconHeight = icon.Height;
                 *      } else if (!Gtk.Icon.SizeLookup (Gtk.IconSize.Menu, out iconWidth, out iconHeight)) {
                 *              iconHeight = iconWidth = 24;
                 *      }
                 *      int wi, he, typos, iypos;
                 *      layout.GetPixelSize (out wi, out he);
                 *      typos = he < rowHeight ? ypos + (rowHeight - he) / 2 : ypos;
                 *      iypos = iconHeight < rowHeight ? ypos + (rowHeight - iconHeight) / 2 : ypos;
                 *      if (page + n == selection) {
                 *              if (SelectionEnabled) {
                 *                      window.DrawRectangle (this.Style.BaseGC (StateType.Selected), true, margin, ypos, lineWidth, he + padding);
                 *                      window.DrawLayout (this.Style.TextGC (StateType.Selected), xpos + iconWidth + 2, typos, layout);
                 *              } else {
                 *                      window.DrawRectangle (this.Style.DarkGC (StateType.Prelight), false, margin, ypos, lineWidth - 1, he + padding - 1);
                 *                      window.DrawLayout (this.Style.TextGC (StateType.Normal), xpos + iconWidth + 2, typos, layout);
                 *              }
                 *      } else
                 *              window.DrawLayout (this.Style.TextGC (StateType.Normal), xpos + iconWidth + 2, typos, layout);
                 *      if (icon != null)
                 *              window.DrawPixbuf (this.Style.ForegroundGC (StateType.Normal), icon, 0, 0, xpos, iypos, iconWidth, iconHeight, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
                 *      ypos += rowHeight;
                 *      n++;
                 *      if (hasMarkup)
                 *              layout.SetMarkup (string.Empty);
                 *      if (layout.Attributes != null) {
                 *              layout.Attributes.Dispose ();
                 *              layout.Attributes = null;
                 *      }
                 * }
        private void DrawImage(Window window, Gdk.GC gc)
            if (m_app == null) return;
            if (m_app.Image == null) return;

            var img = m_app.Image;
            int width = img.Width;
            int height = img.Height;
            window.DrawPixbuf(gc, img, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height, RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose ev)
            Gdk.Window    win  = ev.Window;
            Gdk.Rectangle rect = ev.Area;
            Gdk.GC        gc   = this.Style.BaseGC(StateType.Normal);
            lock (this.drawLock){
                if (this.toDraw != null)
                    //Raise events for the symbols...
                    bool gotSymbol = false;
                    //See if there's a new symbol
                    if (this.symbols != null)
                        foreach (Symbol s in this.symbols)
                            if (s.Count > 0 && this.data != s.ToString())
                                this.data = s.ToString();
                                //Don't raise it inside the expose event :)
                                GLib.IdleHandler raiser = delegate(){
                                    if (this.BarScanned != null)
                                        this.BarScanned(this, new BarScannedArgs(s));
                                gotSymbol = true;
                    //Avoid beeping more than once..
                    if (gotSymbol)
                        if (!this.Mute)
                        if (this.overlayingFrames == 0)
                            GLib.TimeoutHandler hdl = delegate(){
                                this.overlayingFrames -= 1;
                                return(this.overlayingFrames > 0);
                            GLib.Timeout.Add(35, hdl);
                        //Start drawing an overlay
                        this.overlayingFrames = overlayFrameCount;
                    this.symbols = null;                     //Symbols have been handled

                    //See if we want to request a resize
                    if (this.reqHeight != this.toDrawHeight ||
                        this.reqWidth != this.toDrawWidth)
                        this.reqHeight = this.toDrawHeight;
                        this.reqWidth  = this.toDrawWidth;

                    //Draw the gray image
                    int w = Math.Min(rect.Size.Width, this.toDrawWidth);
                    int h = Math.Min(rect.Size.Height, this.toDrawHeight);

                    //Draw the image
                    win.DrawGrayImage(gc, 0, 0, w, h, Gdk.RgbDither.Normal, this.toDraw, this.toDrawWidth);

                    if (this.overlayingFrames > 0)
                        Pixbuf overlay_tmp = overlay;
                        if (this.overlay.Width > w * 0.8 || this.overlay.Height > h * 0.8)
                            int overlayMaxSize = Math.Min(h * 80 / 100, w * 80 / 100);
                            overlay_tmp = overlay.ScaleSimple(overlayMaxSize, overlayMaxSize, InterpType.Bilinear);

                        w = Math.Min(this.toDrawWidth, (int)overlay_tmp.Width);
                        h = Math.Min(this.toDrawHeight, (int)overlay_tmp.Height);
                        using (Gdk.Pixbuf pix = new Pixbuf(Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, w, h)){
                            pix.Fill(0x00000000);                             //Fill with invisibility :)
                            overlay_tmp.Composite(pix, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, 1, 1, InterpType.Bilinear, 255 / 35 * this.overlayingFrames);
                            win.DrawPixbuf(gc, pix, 0, 0,
                                           (this.toDrawWidth - w) / 2,
                                           (this.toDrawHeight - h) / 2, w, h, RgbDither.Normal, 0, 0);
                    win.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rect);

                    int w = Math.Min(this.toDrawWidth, (int)this.sourceMissing.Width);
                    int h = Math.Min(this.toDrawHeight, (int)this.sourceMissing.Height);

                    Rectangle img = new Rectangle((this.toDrawWidth - w) / 2,
                                                  (this.toDrawHeight - h) / 2,
                                                  w, h);
                    Rectangle target = Rectangle.Intersect(img, rect);
                    if (target != Rectangle.Zero)
                        win.DrawPixbuf(gc, this.sourceMissing,
                                       Math.Max(target.X - img.X, 0),
                                       Math.Max(target.Y - img.Y, 0),
                                       RgbDither.Normal, 0, 0);