Ejemplo n.º 1
        public BgControlRegister(GameboyAdvance gba, LcdController lcd, int bgNumber, UInt32 address)
            this.lcd      = lcd;
            this.bgNumber = bgNumber;

            MemoryRegister8WithSetHook r0 = new MemoryRegister8WithSetHook(gba.Memory, address, true, true);
            MemoryRegister8WithSetHook r1 = new MemoryRegister8WithSetHook(gba.Memory, address + 1, true, true);

            register = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, address, true, true, r0, r1);

            r0.OnSet = (oldValue, newValue) =>

            r1.OnSet = (oldValue, newValue) =>
                // This *should* be 0x1F but it breaks bg on mario kart track 1. Hopefully we can just get rid of tilemap reset and be done with this
                //if ((oldValue & 0x1F) != (newValue & 0x1F))
                    // THIS HAS GOT TO GO! Mario Kart canes it!

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public BgAffineMatrix(GameboyAdvance gba, UInt32 address)
     pa = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, address, false, true);
     pb = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, address + 2, false, true);
     pc = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, address + 4, false, true);
     pd = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, address + 6, false, true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public DisplayStatusRegister(GameboyAdvance gba, LcdController lcd)
            this.lcd = lcd;
            DispStatRegister r0 = new DispStatRegister(lcd, this, gba.Memory, 0x4000004);
            MemoryRegister8  r1 = new MemoryRegister8(gba.Memory, 0x4000005, true, true);

            register = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, 0x4000004, true, true, r0, r1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public Joypad(GameboyAdvance gba)
            this.gba = gba;

            JoypadRegister r0 = new JoypadRegister(this, gba.Memory, 0x4000130);
            JoypadRegister r1 = new JoypadRegister(this, gba.Memory, 0x4000131);

            register = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, 0x4000130, true, false, r0, r1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public DmaChannel(GameboyAdvance gba, int channelNumber)
            this.gba           = gba;
            this.channelNumber = channelNumber;

            DmaCnt = new DmaControlRegister(gba, this, (UInt32)(0x40000BA + (channelNumber * 0xC)));

            // TODO: These are all write only!
            // Should: reads open bus if the whole 32-bit word is unused and zero otherwise.
            SourceAddress = new MemoryRegister32(gba.Memory, (UInt32)(0x40000B0 + (channelNumber * 0xC)), true, true);
            DestAddress   = new MemoryRegister32(gba.Memory, (UInt32)(0x40000B4 + (channelNumber * 0xC)), true, true);
            WordCount     = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, (UInt32)(0x40000B8 + (channelNumber * 0xC)), true, true);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public Interrupts(GameboyAdvance gba)
            this.gba = gba;

            InterruptMasterEnable = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, 0x4000208, true, true);

            InterruptEnableRegister = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, 0x4000200, true, true);

            IntFlagsRegister r0 = new IntFlagsRegister(this, gba.Memory, 0x4000202);
            IntFlagsRegister r1 = new IntFlagsRegister(this, gba.Memory, 0x4000203);

            InterruptRequestFlagsRegister = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, 0x4000202, true, true, r0, r1);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public LcdController(GameboyAdvance gba)
            this.gba = gba;

            frameBuffer0 = new DirectBitmap(Screen_X_Resolution, Screen_Y_Resolution);
            frameBuffer1 = new DirectBitmap(Screen_X_Resolution, Screen_Y_Resolution);
            FrameBuffer = frameBuffer0;
            drawBuffer = frameBuffer1;

            this.Palettes = new Palettes();

            DisplayControlRegister = new DisplayControlRegister(gba, this);
            DispStatRegister = new DisplayStatusRegister(gba, this);
            Bg = new Background[4];
            UInt32 scrollBaseAddress = 0x4000010;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                BgControlRegister cntReg = new BgControlRegister(gba, this, i, (UInt32) (0x4000008 + (i * 2)));
                MemoryRegister16 scrollXReg = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, scrollBaseAddress, false, true, 0x01);
                MemoryRegister16 scrollYReg = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, scrollBaseAddress + 2, false, true, 0x01);
                Bg[i] = new Background(gba, i, cntReg, scrollXReg, scrollYReg);

                scrollBaseAddress += 4;

            VCount = new MemoryRegister8(gba.Memory, 0x04000006, true, false);

            this.ObjController = new ObjController(gba);

            Windows = new Window[4];
            Windows[0] = new Window(gba, 0x4000040, 0x4000048);
            Windows[1] = new Window(gba, 0x4000042, 0x4000049);
            Windows[2] = new Window(gba, 0, 0x400004A);
            Windows[3] = new Window(gba, 0, 0x400004B);

            this.BlendControlRegister = new BlendControlRegister(this, gba);
            BlendingCoefficientRegister = new PixelCoefficientRegister(this, gba, 0x4000052);
            BrightnessCoefficientRegister = new PixelCoefficientRegister(this, gba, 0x4000054);

            //Interlocked.Exchange(ref drawScanline, 0);
            drawScanline = 0;
            exitThread = false;
            scanlineThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ScanlineThread));
            scanlineThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public MemoryRegister32(Memory memory, UInt32 address, bool readable, bool writeable)
            LoWord = new MemoryRegister16(memory, address, readable, writeable);
            HiWord = new MemoryRegister16(memory, address + 2, readable, writeable);

            if (readable)
                memory.IoRegisters32Read.Add(address, this);

            if (writeable)
                memory.IoRegisters32Write.Add(address, this);
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: Cpu.cs Proyecto: Y2JB/Y2Gba
        public Cpu(GameboyAdvance gba)
            this.Gba            = gba;
            Memory              = gba.Memory;
            InstructionPipeline = new UInt32[Pipeline_Size];

            MemoryRegister8WithSetHook r0 = new MemoryRegister8WithSetHook(gba.Memory, 0x4000204, true, true);
            MemoryRegister8WithSetHook r1 = new MemoryRegister8WithSetHook(gba.Memory, 0x4000205, true, true);

            waitStateControlRegister = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, 0x4000204, true, true, r0, r1);

            Action <byte, byte> waitStateSet = (oldValue, newValue) =>
                //Always make sure Bit 15 is 0 and Read-Only in GBA mode
                //memory_map[WAITCNT + 1] &= ~0x80;

                ushort waitControl = (ushort)(waitStateControlRegister.Value & ~0x80);

                //Determine first access cycles (Non-Sequential)
                switch ((waitControl >> 2) & 0x3)
                case 0x0: nonSequentialAccessTime = 4; break;

                case 0x1: nonSequentialAccessTime = 3; break;

                case 0x2: nonSequentialAccessTime = 2; break;

                case 0x3: nonSequentialAccessTime = 8; break;

                //Determine second access cycles (Sequential)
                switch ((waitControl >> 4) & 0x1)
                case 0x0: sequentialAccessTime = 2; break;

                case 0x1: sequentialAccessTime = 1; break;

            r0.OnSet = waitStateSet;
            r1.OnSet = waitStateSet;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public DisplayControlRegister(GameboyAdvance gba, LcdController lcd)
            this.lcd = lcd;

            MemoryRegister8WithSetHook r0 = new MemoryRegister8WithSetHook(gba.Memory, 0x4000000, true, true);
            MemoryRegister8            r1 = new MemoryRegister8(gba.Memory, 0x4000001, true, true);

            register = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, 0x4000000, true, true, r0, r1);

            r0.OnSet = (oldValue, newValue) =>
                // BgMode changed?
                if ((oldValue & 0x07) != (newValue & 0x07))
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public GbaTimer(Timers timers, GameboyAdvance gba, int timerNumber)
            this.timers      = timers;
            this.gba         = gba;
            this.timerNumber = timerNumber;

            FiresOnCycle = 0xFFFFFFFF;

            UInt32 baseAddr = (UInt32)(0x4000100 + (timerNumber * 4));

            TimerValueRegister r0 = new TimerValueRegister(gba, this, gba.Memory, baseAddr);
            TimerValueRegister r1 = new TimerValueRegister(gba, this, gba.Memory, baseAddr + 1);

            TimerValueRegister = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, baseAddr, true, false, r0, r1);

            ReloadValue = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, baseAddr, false, true);

            baseAddr = (UInt32)(0x4000102 + (timerNumber * 4));
            MemoryRegister8WithSetHook reg    = new MemoryRegister8WithSetHook(gba.Memory, baseAddr, true, true);
            MemoryRegister8            unused = new MemoryRegister8(gba.Memory, baseAddr + 1, true, true);

            TimerControlRegister = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, baseAddr, true, true, reg, unused);
            reg.OnSet            = (oldValue, newValue) =>

                // When a timer is enabled, it reloads it's starting value. When it is disabled it just maintains its current values
                bool wasEnabled = ((oldValue & 0x80) != 0);
                bool enabled    = ((newValue & 0x80) != 0);
                if (wasEnabled == false && enabled)
                    startCycle = gba.Cpu.Cycles;

                    TimerValue = ReloadValue.Value;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public AffineScrollRegister(Memory memory, UInt32 address, bool readable, bool writeable) :
            MemoryRegister8WithSetHook r0 = new MemoryRegister8WithSetHook(memory, address, false, true);
            MemoryRegister8WithSetHook r1 = new MemoryRegister8WithSetHook(memory, address + 1, false, true);
            MemoryRegister8WithSetHook r2 = new MemoryRegister8WithSetHook(memory, address + 2, false, true);
            AffineNegRegister          r3 = new AffineNegRegister(memory, address + 3, false, true);

            MemoryRegister16 loWord = new MemoryRegister16(memory, address, false, true, r0, r1);
            MemoryRegister16 hiWord = new MemoryRegister16(memory, address + 2, false, true, r2, r3);

            // Whenever a byte of this register is changed, we update the cached value
            // TODO: I don't understand the performance cost of 'capturing' the Value call here....
            Action <byte, byte> updateAction = (oldValue, newValue) => { CachedValue = (int)Value; };

            r0.OnSet = updateAction;
            r1.OnSet = updateAction;
            r2.OnSet = updateAction;
            r3.OnSet = updateAction;

            LoWord = loWord;
            HiWord = hiWord;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public DmaControlRegister(GameboyAdvance gba, DmaChannel channel, UInt32 address)
            this.channel = channel;

            MemoryRegister8            r0 = new MemoryRegister8(gba.Memory, address, true, true);
            MemoryRegister8WithSetHook r1 = new MemoryRegister8WithSetHook(gba.Memory, address + 1, true, true);

            register = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, address, true, true, r0, r1);

            r1.OnSet = (oldValue, newValue) =>
                bool oldEnable = ((oldValue & 0x80) != 0);
                bool newEnable = ((newValue & 0x80) != 0);
                if (oldEnable == false && newEnable == true)
                    // Dma transfers take 2 cycles to start
                    channel.DelayTransfer          = 2;
                    channel.ScheduledUpdateOnCycle = gba.Cpu.Cycles + 2;

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public Background(GameboyAdvance gba, int bgNumber, BgControlRegister cntRegister, MemoryRegister16 scrollXReg, MemoryRegister16 scrollYReg)
            this.gba      = gba;
            this.BgNumber = bgNumber;
            CntRegister   = cntRegister;
            AffineMode    = false;
            TileMap       = new TileMap(gba.Memory.VRam, cntRegister, bgNumber);

            BGXHOFS = scrollXReg;
            BGXVOFS = scrollYReg;

            // Only bg 2 & 3 can rotate and scale
            if (bgNumber == 2)
                AffineMatrix     = new BgAffineMatrix(gba, 0x4000020);
                AffineScrollXReg = new AffineScrollRegister(gba.Memory, 0x4000028, false, true);
                AffineScrollYReg = new AffineScrollRegister(gba.Memory, 0x400002C, false, true);
            else if (bgNumber == 3)
                AffineMatrix     = new BgAffineMatrix(gba, 0x4000030);
                AffineScrollXReg = new AffineScrollRegister(gba.Memory, 0x4000038, false, true);
                AffineScrollYReg = new AffineScrollRegister(gba.Memory, 0x400003C, false, true);

            ScanlineData = new int[LcdController.Screen_X_Resolution];

            Interlocked.Exchange(ref cacheScanline, 0);
            exitThread     = false;
            scanlineThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ScanlineThread));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public PixelCoefficientRegister(LcdController lcd, GameboyAdvance gba, UInt32 address)
     this.lcd = lcd;
     register = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, address, true, true);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public BlendControlRegister(LcdController lcd, GameboyAdvance gba)
     this.lcd = lcd;
     register = new MemoryRegister16(gba.Memory, 0x4000050, true, true);