Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Report target device issue to service with given error message
        /// </summary>
        public void ReportDeviceError(ITargetDevice Device, string ErrorMessage)
            DeviceDefinition Def = null;

            if (!ServiceDeviceInfo.TryGetValue(Device, out Def))

            ReportDeviceError(Def.Name, ErrorMessage);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool Check(DeviceDefinition DeviceDef)
            if (Platform != DeviceDef.Platform)

            if (IsIdentity())

            bool ModelMatch = Model == string.Empty ? true : Model.Equals(DeviceDef.Model, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            bool PerfMatch  = (PerfSpec == EPerfSpec.Unspecified) ? true : PerfSpec == DeviceDef.PerfSpec;

            return(ModelMatch && PerfMatch);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void AddLocalDevices(int Count)
            // todo - default per platform?

            UnrealTargetPlatform LocalPlat = UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64;

            int NumDevices = GetAvailableDeviceCount(new UnrealTargetConstraint(LocalPlat));

            // add local PCs (todo - some max number?)
            for (int i = NumDevices; i < Count + NumDevices; i++)
                DeviceDefinition Def = new DeviceDefinition();
                Def.Name     = string.Format("LocalDevice{0}", i);
                Def.Platform = BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Created and registered a device from the provided definition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Def"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected ITargetDevice CreateAndRegisterDeviceFromDefinition(DeviceDefinition Def)
            ITargetDevice NewDevice = null;

            IDeviceFactory Factory = Gauntlet.Utils.InterfaceHelpers.FindImplementations <IDeviceFactory>()
                                     .Where(F => F.CanSupportPlatform(Def.Platform))

            if (Factory == null)
                throw new AutomationException("No IDeviceFactory implementation that supports {0}", Def.Platform);

                bool IsDesktop = Def.Platform != null && UnrealBuildTool.Utils.GetPlatformsInClass(UnrealPlatformClass.Desktop).Contains(Def.Platform.Value);

                if (IsDesktop)
                    string ClientTempDir = Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, "DeviceCache", Def.Platform.ToString());
                    int    DeviceCount   = AvailableDevices.Union(ReservedDevices).Where(D => D.Platform == Def.Platform).Count();

                    NewDevice = Factory.CreateDevice(Def.Name, ClientTempDir);
                    NewDevice = Factory.CreateDevice(Def.Address, Def.DeviceData);

                lock (LockObject)
                    if (NewDevice != null)
                        RegisterDevice(NewDevice, new UnrealTargetConstraint(NewDevice.Platform, Def.PerfSpec, Def.Model));
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Log.Info("Failed to create device {0}. {1}", Def.ToString(), Ex.Message);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Created a list of device definitions from the passed in reference. Needs work....
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InputReference"></param>
        /// <param name="InLocalTempDir"></param>
        /// <param name="ObeyConstraints"></param>
        public void AddDevices(UnrealTargetPlatform DefaultPlatform, string InputReference, bool ObeyConstraints = true)
            lock (LockObject)
                List <ITargetDevice> NewDevices = new List <ITargetDevice>();

                int SlashIndex = InputReference.IndexOf("\\") >= 0 ? InputReference.IndexOf("\\") : InputReference.IndexOf("/");

                bool PossibleFileName = InputReference.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) < 0 &&
                                        (InputReference.IndexOf(":") == -1 || (InputReference.IndexOf(":") == SlashIndex - 1));
                // Did they specify a file?
                if (PossibleFileName && File.Exists(InputReference))
                    Gauntlet.Log.Info("Adding devices from {0}", InputReference);
                    List <DeviceDefinition> DeviceDefinitions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DeviceDefinition> >(File.ReadAllText(InputReference));

                    foreach (DeviceDefinition Def in DeviceDefinitions)
                        Gauntlet.Log.Info("Adding {0}", Def);

                        // use Legacy field if it exists
                        if (Def.Platform == null)
                            Def.Platform = Def.Type;

                        // check for an availability constraint
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Def.Available) == false && ObeyConstraints)
                            // check whether disabled
                            if (String.Compare(Def.Available, "disabled", true) == 0)
                                Gauntlet.Log.Info("Skipping {0} due to being disabled", Def.Name);

                            // availability is specified as a range, e.g 21:00-09:00.
                            Match M = Regex.Match(Def.Available, @"(\d{1,2}:\d\d)\s*-\s*(\d{1,2}:\d\d)");

                            if (M.Success)
                                DateTime From, To;

                                if (DateTime.TryParse(M.Groups[1].Value, out From) && DateTime.TryParse(M.Groups[2].Value, out To))
                                    // these are just times so when parsed will have todays date. If the To time is less than
                                    // From (22:00-06:00) time it spans midnight so move it to the next day
                                    if (To < From)
                                        To = To.AddDays(1);

                                    // if From is in the future (e.g. it's 01:00 and range is 22:00-08:00) we may be in the previous days window,
                                    // so move them both back a day
                                    if (From > DateTime.Now)
                                        From = From.AddDays(-1);
                                        To   = To.AddDays(-1);

                                    if (DateTime.Now < From || DateTime.Now > To)
                                        Gauntlet.Log.Info("Skipping {0} due to availability constraint {1}", Def.Name, Def.Available);
                                    Gauntlet.Log.Warning("Failed to parse availability {0} for {1}", Def.Available, Def.Name);

                        Def.RemoveOnShutdown = true;

                        if (Def.Platform == null)
                            Def.Platform = DefaultPlatform;


                    // randomize devices so if there's a bad device st the start so we don't always hit it (or we do if its later)
                    UnprovisionedDevices = UnprovisionedDevices.OrderBy(D => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(InputReference) == false)
                        string[] DevicesList = InputReference.Split(',');

                        foreach (string DeviceRef in DevicesList)
                            // check for <platform>:<address>:<port>|<model>. We pass address:port to device constructor
                            Match M = Regex.Match(DeviceRef, @"(.+?):(.+)");

                            UnrealTargetPlatform DevicePlatform = DefaultPlatform;
                            string DeviceAddress = DeviceRef;
                            string Model         = string.Empty;

                            // when using device service, skip adding local non-desktop devices to pool
                            bool IsDesktop = UnrealBuildTool.Utils.GetPlatformsInClass(UnrealPlatformClass.Desktop).Contains(DevicePlatform);
                            if (!IsDesktop && DeviceRef.Equals("default", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeviceURL))

                            if (M.Success)
                                if (!UnrealTargetPlatform.TryParse(M.Groups[1].ToString(), out DevicePlatform))
                                    throw new AutomationException("platform {0} is not a recognized device type", M.Groups[1].ToString());

                                DeviceAddress = M.Groups[2].ToString();

                                // parse device model
                                if (DeviceAddress.Contains("|"))
                                    string[] Components = DeviceAddress.Split(new char[] { '|' });
                                    DeviceAddress = Components[0];
                                    Model         = Components[1];

                            Log.Info("Added device {0}:{1} to pool", DevicePlatform, DeviceAddress);
                            DeviceDefinition Def = new DeviceDefinition();
                            Def.Address  = DeviceAddress;
                            Def.Name     = DeviceAddress;
                            Def.Platform = DevicePlatform;
                            Def.Model    = Model;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Reserve devices from service
        /// </summary>
        public bool ReserveDevicesFromService(string DeviceURL, Dictionary <UnrealTargetConstraint, int> DeviceTypes)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeviceURL))

            Dictionary <UnrealTargetPlatform, string> DeviceMap = new Dictionary <UnrealTargetPlatform, string>();

            foreach (string Platform in UnrealTargetPlatform.GetValidPlatformNames())
                if (Platform == "PS4" || Platform == "XboxOne")
                    DeviceMap.Add(UnrealTargetPlatform.Parse(Platform), string.Format("{0}-DevKit", Platform));
                    DeviceMap.Add(UnrealTargetPlatform.Parse(Platform), Platform);

            List <string> Devices = new List <string>();

            // convert devices to request list
            foreach (KeyValuePair <UnrealTargetConstraint, int> Entry in DeviceTypes)
                if (Entry.Key.Platform == null)

                if (!DeviceMap.ContainsKey(Entry.Key.Platform.Value))
                    // if an unsupported device, we can't reserve it
                    Log.Info("Unable to reserve service device of type: {0}", Entry.Key);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Entry.Key.Model))
                    // if specific device model, we can't currently reserve it from (legacy) service
                    if (DeviceURL.ToLower().Contains("deviceservice.epicgames.net"))
                        Log.Info("Unable to reserve service device of model: {0} on legacy service", Entry.Key.Model);

                for (int i = 0; i < Entry.Value; i++)
                    // @todo: if any additional reservation requirements, encode constraint into json
                    string Constraint = Entry.Key.PerfSpec.ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Entry.Key.Model))
                        Constraint = Entry.Key.Model;
                    Devices.Add(DeviceMap[Entry.Key.Platform.Value] + ":" + Constraint);

            // reserve devices
            Uri ReservationServerUri;

            if (Uri.TryCreate(DeviceURL, UriKind.Absolute, out ReservationServerUri))
                DeviceReservationAutoRenew DeviceReservation = null;

                string PoolID = Globals.WorkerPoolID != -1 ? Globals.WorkerPoolID.ToString() : "";

                    DeviceReservation = new DeviceReservationAutoRenew(DeviceURL, 0, PoolID, Devices.ToArray());
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    Log.Info("Unable to make device registration: {0}", Ex.Message);

                if (DeviceReservation == null || DeviceReservation.Devices.Count != Devices.Count())

                // Add target devices from reservation
                List <ITargetDevice> ReservedDevices = new List <ITargetDevice>();
                foreach (var Device in DeviceReservation.Devices)
                    DeviceDefinition Def = new DeviceDefinition();
                    Def.Address    = Device.IPOrHostName;
                    Def.Name       = Device.Name;
                    Def.Platform   = DeviceMap.FirstOrDefault(Entry => Entry.Value == Device.Type).Key;
                    Def.DeviceData = Device.DeviceData;
                    Def.Model      = string.Empty;

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Device.PerfSpec) && !Enum.TryParse <EPerfSpec>(Device.PerfSpec, true, out Def.PerfSpec))
                        throw new AutomationException("Unable to convert perfspec '{0}' into an EPerfSpec", Device.PerfSpec);

                    ITargetDevice TargetDevice = CreateAndRegisterDeviceFromDefinition(Def);

                    // If a device from service can't be added, fail reservation and cleanup devices
                    // @todo: device problem reporting, requesting additional devices
                    if (TargetDevice == null)
                        ReportDeviceError(Device.Name, "CreateDeviceError");

                        // If some devices from reservation have been created, release them which will also dispose of reservation
                        if (ReservedDevices.Count > 0)
                            // otherwise, no devices have been creation so just cancel this reservation

                        Log.Info("Unable to make device registration: device registration failed for {0}:{1}", Def.Platform, Def.Name);

                    ServiceDeviceInfo[TargetDevice]   = Def;
                    ServiceReservations[TargetDevice] = DeviceReservation;

                Log.Info("Successfully reserved service devices");
                Devices.ForEach(Device => Log.Verbose("    Device: {0}", Device));


            Log.Info("Unable to reserve service devices:");
            Devices.ForEach(Device => Log.Info("    Device: {0}", Device));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void EnumerateDevices(UnrealTargetConstraint Constraint, Func <ITargetDevice, bool> Predicate)
            lock (LockObject)
                List <ITargetDevice> Selection = new List <ITargetDevice>();

                // randomize the order of all devices that are of this platform
                var MatchingProvisionedDevices   = AvailableDevices.Where(D => Constraint.Check(D)).ToList();
                var MatchingUnprovisionedDevices = UnprovisionedDevices.Where(D => Constraint.Check(D)).ToList();

                bool OutOfDevices      = false;
                bool ContinuePredicate = true;

                    // Go through all our provisioned devices to see if these fulfill the predicates
                    // requirements

                    ITargetDevice NextDevice = MatchingProvisionedDevices.FirstOrDefault();

                    while (NextDevice != null && ContinuePredicate)
                        Log.Verbose("Checking {0} against predicate", NextDevice.Name);
                        ContinuePredicate = Predicate(NextDevice);

                        NextDevice = MatchingProvisionedDevices.FirstOrDefault();

                    if (ContinuePredicate)
                        // add more devices if possible
                        OutOfDevices = MatchingUnprovisionedDevices.Count() == 0;

                        DeviceDefinition NextDeviceDef = MatchingUnprovisionedDevices.FirstOrDefault();

                        if (NextDeviceDef != null)
                            Log.Verbose("Provisioning device {0} for the pool", NextDeviceDef.Name);

                            // try to create a device. This can fail, but if so we'll just end up back here
                            // on the next iteration
                            ITargetDevice NewDevice = CreateAndRegisterDeviceFromDefinition(NextDeviceDef);


                            if (NewDevice != null)
                                Log.Verbose("Added device {0} to pool", NewDevice.Name);
                                Log.Info("Failed to provision {0}", NextDeviceDef.Name);
                                // track this
                                if (FailedProvisions.Contains(NextDeviceDef) == false)
                            Log.Info("Pool ran out of devices of type {0}!", Constraint);
                            OutOfDevices = true;
                } while (OutOfDevices == false && ContinuePredicate);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Reserve devices from service
        /// </summary>
        public bool ReserveDevicesFromService(string DeviceURL, Dictionary <UnrealTargetConstraint, int> DeviceTypes)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeviceURL))

            Dictionary <UnrealTargetPlatform, string> DeviceMap = new Dictionary <UnrealTargetPlatform, string>()
                // todo: add other platforms and externalize this mapping
                { UnrealTargetPlatform.PS4, "PS4-DevKit" },
                { UnrealTargetPlatform.XboxOne, "XboxOne-DevKit" },
                { UnrealTargetPlatform.Android, "Android" },
                { UnrealTargetPlatform.Switch, "Switch" }

            List <string> Devices = new List <string>();

            // convert devices to request list
            foreach (KeyValuePair <UnrealTargetConstraint, int> Entry in DeviceTypes)
                if (!DeviceMap.ContainsKey(Entry.Key.Platform))
                    // if an unsupported device, we can't reserve it
                    Log.Error("Unable to reserve service device of type: {0}", Entry.Key);

                for (int i = 0; i < Entry.Value; i++)
                    // @todo: if any additional reservation requirements, encode constraint into json
                    Devices.Add(DeviceMap[Entry.Key.Platform] + ":" + Entry.Key.PerfSpec);

            // reserve devices
            Uri ReservationServerUri;

            if (Uri.TryCreate(DeviceURL, UriKind.Absolute, out ReservationServerUri))
                DeviceReservationAutoRenew DeviceReservation = null;

                    DeviceReservation = new DeviceReservationAutoRenew(DeviceURL, 0, Devices.ToArray());
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    Log.Info("Unable to make device registration: {0}", Ex.Message);

                if (DeviceReservation == null || DeviceReservation.Devices.Count != Devices.Count())

                // Add target devices from reservation
                List <ITargetDevice> ReservedDevices = new List <ITargetDevice>();
                foreach (var Device in DeviceReservation.Devices)
                    DeviceDefinition Def = new DeviceDefinition();
                    Def.Address    = Device.IPOrHostName;
                    Def.Name       = Device.Name;
                    Def.Platform   = DeviceMap.FirstOrDefault(Entry => Entry.Value == Device.Type).Key;
                    Def.DeviceData = Device.DeviceData;

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Device.PerfSpec) && !Enum.TryParse <EPerfSpec>(Device.PerfSpec, true, out Def.PerfSpec))
                        throw new AutomationException("Unable to convert perfspec '{0}' into an EPerfSpec", Device.PerfSpec);

                    ITargetDevice TargetDevice = CreateAndRegisterDeviceFromDefinition(Def);

                    // If a device from service can't be added, fail reservation and cleanup devices
                    // @todo: device problem reporting, requesting additional devices
                    if (TargetDevice == null)
                        ReportDeviceError(Device.Name, "CreateDeviceError");

                        // If some devices from reservation have been created, release them which will also dispose of reservation
                        if (ReservedDevices.Count > 0)
                            // otherwise, no devices have been creation so just cancel this reservation

                        Log.Info("Unable to make device registration: device registration failed for {0}:{1}", Def.Platform, Def.Name);

                    ServiceDeviceInfo[TargetDevice]   = Def;
                    ServiceReservations[TargetDevice] = DeviceReservation;

                Log.Info("Successfully reserved service devices");
                Devices.ForEach(Device => Log.Verbose("    Device: {0}", Device));


            Log.Error("Unable to reserve service devices:");
            Devices.ForEach(Device => Log.Error("    Device: {0}", Device));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public bool Check(DeviceDefinition DeviceDef)
            bool Match = (PerfSpec == EPerfSpec.Unspecified) ? DeviceDef.Model == Model : PerfSpec == DeviceDef.PerfSpec;

            return(Platform == DeviceDef.Platform && (IsIdentity() || Match));