Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override void CompTick()
     // ReSharper disable once InvertIf I LIKE MY NESTED IFS!
     if (ShouldVentNow)
         if (parent.IsHashIntervalTick(30))
             GenGas.AddGas(ventPos, parent.Map, Props.ventingGas, Props.gasConsumptionWhenUsed);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void DissipateAndSpread()
            var roofed = Position.Roofed(Map);

            // dissipate
            Density -= (float)GasProps.staticDissipation / GasProps.maxDensity;
            if (Density <= 0)

            // spread
            var room = Position.GetRoom(Map);

            if (roofed)
                foreach (var neighbour in GenAdjFast.AdjacentCellsCardinal(Position))
                    if (!neighbour.Impassable(Map) && neighbour.GetRoom(Map) == room)
                        var amountDissipated = GenGas.AddGas(neighbour, Map, def, GasProps.staticDissipation, false);
                        Density -= amountDissipated / GasProps.maxDensity;
                // not roofed, so lets assume wind influence.
                var wind = Map.windVector() * Density;

                // TODO: wind dissipation can probably use some balancing passes
                // have a look at fluid dynamics for a simplified but proper algorithm?
                var windNorth = Mathf.Clamp((Vector2.up * wind).y, .1f, float.MaxValue) * GasProps.windDissipation;
                var windEast  = Mathf.Clamp((Vector2.right * wind).x, .1f, float.MaxValue) * GasProps.windDissipation;
                var windSouth = Mathf.Clamp((Vector2.down * wind).y, .1f, float.MaxValue) * GasProps.windDissipation;
                var windWest  = Mathf.Clamp((Vector2.left * wind).x, .1f, float.MaxValue) * GasProps.windDissipation;

                // normalize dissipation so that no gas is created out of nothing
                var sum = windNorth + windEast + windSouth + windWest;
                if (sum > Density * GasProps.maxDensity)
                    var factor = Density * GasProps.maxDensity / sum;
                    windNorth *= factor;
                    windEast  *= factor;
                    windSouth *= factor;
                    windWest  *= factor;

                // north
                var neighbour = Position + IntVec3.North;
                if (!neighbour.Impassable(Map) && neighbour.GetRoom(Map) == room)
                    var amountDissipated = GenGas.AddGas(
                        neighbour, Map, def, windNorth, false, true);
                    Density -= amountDissipated / GasProps.maxDensity;

                // east
                neighbour = Position + IntVec3.East;
                if (!neighbour.Impassable(Map) && neighbour.GetRoom(Map) == room)
                    var amountDissipated = GenGas.AddGas(
                        neighbour, Map, def, windEast, false, true);
                    Density -= amountDissipated / GasProps.maxDensity;

                // south
                neighbour = Position + IntVec3.South;
                if (!neighbour.Impassable(Map) && neighbour.GetRoom(Map) == room)
                    var amountDissipated = GenGas.AddGas(
                        neighbour, Map, def, windSouth, false, true);
                    Density -= amountDissipated / GasProps.maxDensity;

                // west
                neighbour = Position + IntVec3.West;
                if (!neighbour.Impassable(Map) && neighbour.GetRoom(Map) == room)
                    var amountDissipated = GenGas.AddGas(
                        neighbour, Map, def, windWest, false, true);
                    Density -= amountDissipated / GasProps.maxDensity;