C# (CSharp) GameStateManagement LoadingScreen - 19 ejemplos encontrados. Estos son los ejemplos en C# (CSharp) del mundo real mejor valorados de GameStateManagement.LoadingScreen extraídos de proyectos de código abierto. Puedes valorar ejemplos para ayudarnos a mejorar la calidad de los ejemplos.
The loading screen coordinates transitions between the menu system and the game itself. Normally one screen will transition off at the same time as the next screen is transitioning on, but for larger transitions that can take a longer time to load their data, we want the menu system to be entirely gone before we start loading the game. This is done as follows: - Tell all the existing screens to transition off. - Activate a loading screen, which will transition on at the same time. - The loading screen watches the state of the previous screens. - When it sees they have finished transitioning off, it activates the real next screen, which may take a long time to load its data. The loading screen will be the only thing displayed while this load is taking place.