Ejemplo n.º 1
        //Add a skill to the control.
        private void AddSkill(Skill skill)
            //Check if skill button hasn't already been added.
            if (!this._skillButtons.ContainsKey(skill))
                //Create the button.
                ButtonSkill btn = new ButtonSkill(skill);
                btn.Padding      = new Padding(3);
                btn.Text         = skill.ToString();
                btn.BackColor    = SystemColors.ButtonFace;
                btn.Click       += SkillBtn_Click;
                btn.Padding      = new Padding(3);
                btn.AutoEllipsis = false;
                btn.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
                btn.AutoSize     = true;

                //Add the button to the control and dictionary.
                this._skillButtons.Add(skill, btn);

                //Print out to the chatlog to alert the player of a
                //newly acquired skill.
                this._chatlog.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} learns the skill: ",
                                                      this._player.Name), Color.Yellow);
                this._chatlog.WriteString(string.Format("{0}", skill.Name), Color.LimeGreen);
                this._chatlog.WriteString("!", Color.Yellow);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Trigger the skill against the enemy.
        private void SkillBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ButtonSkill btn = sender as ButtonSkill;
