Ejemplo n.º 1
        public bool GetNearestPoint_HullToHull(out Point3D?contactPointThis, out Point3D?contactPointOther, out Vector3D?normal, CollisionHull otherHull, int threadIndex, Transform3D thisTransform, Transform3D otherTransform)
            float[] finalOffsetThis  = thisTransform == null ? new NewtonMatrix(Matrix3D.Identity).Matrix : new NewtonMatrix(thisTransform.Value).Matrix;               // not including the member's offset, because newton is already accounting for it.
            float[] finalOffsetOther = thisTransform == null ? new NewtonMatrix(Matrix3D.Identity).Matrix : new NewtonMatrix(otherTransform.Value).Matrix;

            NewtonVector3 contactANewt = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 contactBNewt = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 normalNewt   = new NewtonVector3();

            int retVal = Newton.NewtonCollisionClosestPoint(_world.Handle, _handle, finalOffsetThis, otherHull.Handle, finalOffsetOther, contactANewt.Vector, contactBNewt.Vector, normalNewt.Vector, threadIndex);

            // Exit Function
            if (retVal == 1)
                contactPointThis  = contactANewt.ToPointWPF();
                contactPointOther = contactBNewt.ToPointWPF();
                normal            = normalNewt.ToVectorWPF();
                contactPointThis  = null;
                contactPointOther = null;
                normal            = null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Vector is in world coords
        /// </summary>
        public Vector3D GetContactForceWorld(Body body)
            NewtonVector3 retVal = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonMaterialGetContactForce(_handle, body.Handle, retVal.Vector);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Tells you how much force to apply to get the desired velocity (doesn't consider rotation)
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// From newton.cpp:
        /// Calculate the next force that needs to be applied to the body to archive the desired velocity in the current time step.
        /// Parameters:
        /// *const NewtonBody* *bodyPtr - pointer to the body.
        /// *dFloat* timestep - time step that the force will be applyed.
        /// *const dFloat* *desiredVeloc - pointer to an array of 3 floats containing the desired velocity.
        /// *dFloat* *forceOut - pointer to an array of 3 floats to hold the calculated net force.
        /// Remark: this function can be useful when creating object for game play.
        /// remark: this treat the body as a point mass and is uses the solver to calculates the net force that need to be applied to the body
        /// such that is reach the desired velocity in the next time step.
        /// In general the force should be calculated by the expression f = M * (dsiredVeloc - bodyVeloc) / timestep
        /// however due to algorithmic optimization and limitations if such equation is used then the solver will generate a different desired velocity.
        /// </remarks>
        public Vector3D GetForceForDesiredVelocity(Vector3D desiredVelocity, double timestep)
            NewtonVector3 retVal = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonBodyCalculateInverseDynamicsForce(_handle, Convert.ToSingle(timestep), new NewtonVector3(desiredVelocity).Vector, retVal.Vector);

Ejemplo n.º 4
		public void GetBodyAABB(out Point3D minPoint, out Point3D maxPoint, int bodyIndex)
			float[] p0 = new float[3];
			float[] p1 = new float[3];
			Newton.NewtonIslandGetBodyAABB(_handle, bodyIndex, p0, p1);

			minPoint = new NewtonVector3(p0).ToPointWPF();
			maxPoint = new NewtonVector3(p1).ToPointWPF();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void GetBodyAABB(out Point3D minPoint, out Point3D maxPoint, int bodyIndex)
            float[] p0 = new float[3];
            float[] p1 = new float[3];
            Newton.NewtonIslandGetBodyAABB(_handle, bodyIndex, p0, p1);

            minPoint = new NewtonVector3(p0).ToPointWPF();
            maxPoint = new NewtonVector3(p1).ToPointWPF();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the axis aligned box in world coords
        /// </summary>
        public void GetAABB(out Point3D minPoint, out Point3D maxPoint)
            NewtonVector3 newtMin = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 newtMax = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonBodyGetAABB(_handle, newtMin.Vector, newtMax.Vector);

            minPoint = newtMin.ToPointWPF();
            maxPoint = newtMax.ToPointWPF();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public Point3D GetFarthestVertex(Vector3D direction)
            // Look this up on the web page, it explains it pretty well (this method is useful for calculating custom bounding surfaces)

            NewtonVector3 retVal = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonCollisionSupportVertex(_handle, new NewtonVector3(direction).Vector, retVal.Vector);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public InertialMatrix CalculateInertialMatrix()
            //NOTE:  The generated inertia values should be multiplied by the object mass before calling NewtonBodySetMassMatrix

            NewtonVector3 inertia = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 origin  = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix(_handle, inertia.Vector, origin.Vector);

            return(new InertialMatrix(inertia.ToVectorWPF(), origin.ToVectorWPF()));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void CalculateAproximateAABB(out Point3D minPoint, out Point3D maxPoint, Transform3D transform)
            float[] finalOffset = transform == null ? new NewtonMatrix(Matrix3D.Identity).Matrix : new NewtonMatrix(transform.Value).Matrix;            // not including _offsetMatrix, because newton is already accounting for it.

            NewtonVector3 minNewt = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 maxNewt = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonCollisionCalculateAABB(_handle, finalOffset, minNewt.Vector, maxNewt.Vector);

            minPoint = minNewt.ToPointWPF();
            maxPoint = maxNewt.ToPointWPF();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Vectors are in world coords
        /// </summary>
        public void GetContactPositionAndNormalWorld(out Point3D position, out Vector3D normal, out double normalSpeed, Body body)
            NewtonVector3 newtPos    = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 newtNormal = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonMaterialGetContactPositionAndNormal(_handle, body.Handle, newtPos.Vector, newtNormal.Vector);

            position = newtPos.ToPointWPF();

            normal = newtNormal.ToVectorWPF();
            normalSpeed = this.ContactNormalSpeed;
            normal     *= normalSpeed;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// The vectors are sized according to their speed (returning the speeds explicitely so the caller doesn't have to go to the expense of
        /// calling .Length)
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Not sure if the vectors are local or world coords.  Documentation is nearly non existent for this one.  I'm guessing it's world if
        /// the contact normal is in world coords
        /// The contact normal is perpendicular to the face (the particular triangle of the collision hull that is currently colliding)
        /// The primary and secondary tangents are parallel to that face?  I know the primary and secondary are perpendicular to each other,
        /// but not sure what drives which is which - is it just the order of the verticies when the triangle was created?  Maybe they should just
        /// be considered arbitraray until you call this.RotateTangentDirections (which you would probably only do if you were then going to
        /// overide accel/friction)
        /// </remarks>
        public void GetContactTangentDirections(out Vector3D primaryTangent, out double primaryTangentSpeed, out Vector3D secondaryTangent, out double secondaryTangentSpeed, Body body)
            NewtonVector3 newtPrim = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 newtSec  = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonMaterialGetContactTangentDirections(_handle, body.Handle, newtPrim.Vector, newtSec.Vector);

            primaryTangent = newtPrim.ToVectorWPF();
            primaryTangentSpeed = Newton.NewtonMaterialGetContactTangentSpeed(_handle, 0);
            primaryTangent     *= primaryTangentSpeed;

            secondaryTangent = newtSec.ToVectorWPF();
            secondaryTangentSpeed = Newton.NewtonMaterialGetContactTangentSpeed(_handle, 1);
            secondaryTangent     *= secondaryTangentSpeed;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public bool RayCast(out double percentAlongLine, out Point3D?contactPoint, out Vector3D?contactNormal, out int faceID, Point3D startPoint, Point3D endPoint)
            NewtonVector3 normalNewt = new NewtonVector3();
            int           faceIDNewt = -1;

            percentAlongLine = Newton.NewtonCollisionRayCast(_handle, new NewtonVector3(startPoint).Vector, new NewtonVector3(endPoint).Vector, normalNewt.Vector, ref faceIDNewt);

            if (percentAlongLine < 0d || percentAlongLine > 1d)
                contactPoint  = null;
                contactNormal = null;
                faceID        = -1;
                contactPoint  = startPoint + ((endPoint - startPoint) * percentAlongLine);
                contactNormal = normalNewt.ToVectorWPF();
                faceID        = faceIDNewt;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public bool GetNearestPoint_PointToHull(out Point3D?contactPoint, Vector3D?normal, Vector3D point, int threadIndex, Transform3D transform)
            float[] finalOffset = transform == null ? new NewtonMatrix(Matrix3D.Identity).Matrix : new NewtonMatrix(transform.Value).Matrix;            // not including _offsetMatrix, because newton is already accounting for it.

            NewtonVector3 contactNewt = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 normalNewt  = new NewtonVector3();

            int retVal = Newton.NewtonCollisionPointDistance(_world.Handle, new NewtonVector3(point).Vector, _handle, finalOffset, contactNewt.Vector, normalNewt.Vector, threadIndex);

            // Exit Function
            if (retVal == 1)
                contactPoint = contactNewt.ToPointWPF();
                normal       = normalNewt.ToVectorWPF();
                contactPoint = null;
                normal       = null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public Point3D GetFarthestVertex(Vector3D direction)
            // Look this up on the web page, it explains it pretty well (this method is useful for calculating custom bounding surfaces)

            NewtonVector3 retVal = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonCollisionSupportVertex(_handle, new NewtonVector3(direction).Vector, retVal.Vector);

            return retVal.ToPointWPF();
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public InertialMatrix CalculateInertialMatrix()
            //NOTE:  The generated inertia values should be multiplied by the object mass before calling NewtonBodySetMassMatrix

            NewtonVector3 inertia = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 origin = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix(_handle, inertia.Vector, origin.Vector);

            return new InertialMatrix(inertia.ToVectorWPF(), origin.ToVectorWPF());
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public bool GetNearestPoint_PointToHull(out Point3D? contactPoint, Vector3D? normal, Vector3D point, int threadIndex, Transform3D transform)
            float[] finalOffset = transform == null ? new NewtonMatrix(Matrix3D.Identity).Matrix : new NewtonMatrix(transform.Value).Matrix;		// not including _offsetMatrix, because newton is already accounting for it.

            NewtonVector3 contactNewt = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 normalNewt = new NewtonVector3();

            int retVal = Newton.NewtonCollisionPointDistance(_world.Handle, new NewtonVector3(point).Vector, _handle, finalOffset, contactNewt.Vector, normalNewt.Vector, threadIndex);

            // Exit Function
            if (retVal == 1)
                contactPoint = contactNewt.ToPointWPF();
                normal = normalNewt.ToVectorWPF();
                return true;
                contactPoint = null;
                normal = null;
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// The vectors are sized according to their speed (returning the speeds explicitely so the caller doesn't have to go to the expense of
        /// calling .Length)
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Not sure if the vectors are local or world coords.  Documentation is nearly non existent for this one.  I'm guessing it's world if
        /// the contact normal is in world coords
        /// The contact normal is perpendicular to the face (the particular triangle of the collision hull that is currently colliding)
        /// The primary and secondary tangents are parallel to that face?  I know the primary and secondary are perpendicular to each other,
        /// but not sure what drives which is which - is it just the order of the verticies when the triangle was created?  Maybe they should just
        /// be considered arbitraray until you call this.RotateTangentDirections (which you would probably only do if you were then going to
        /// overide accel/friction)
        /// </remarks>
        public void GetContactTangentDirections(out Vector3D primaryTangent, out double primaryTangentSpeed, out Vector3D secondaryTangent, out double secondaryTangentSpeed, Body body)
            NewtonVector3 newtPrim = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 newtSec = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonMaterialGetContactTangentDirections(_handle, body.Handle, newtPrim.Vector, newtSec.Vector);

            primaryTangent = newtPrim.ToVectorWPF();
            primaryTangentSpeed = Newton.NewtonMaterialGetContactTangentSpeed(_handle, 0);
            primaryTangent *= primaryTangentSpeed;

            secondaryTangent = newtSec.ToVectorWPF();
            secondaryTangentSpeed = Newton.NewtonMaterialGetContactTangentSpeed(_handle, 1);
            secondaryTangent *= secondaryTangentSpeed;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Vectors are in world coords
        /// </summary>
        public void GetContactPositionAndNormalWorld(out Point3D position, out Vector3D normal, out double normalSpeed, Body body)
            NewtonVector3 newtPos = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 newtNormal = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonMaterialGetContactPositionAndNormal(_handle, body.Handle, newtPos.Vector, newtNormal.Vector);

            position = newtPos.ToPointWPF();

            normal = newtNormal.ToVectorWPF();
            normalSpeed = this.ContactNormalSpeed;
            normal *= normalSpeed;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Vector is in world coords
        /// </summary>
        public Vector3D GetContactForceWorld(Body body)
            NewtonVector3 retVal = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonMaterialGetContactForce(_handle, body.Handle, retVal.Vector);

            return retVal.ToVectorWPF();
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public bool GetNearestPoint_HullToHull(out Point3D? contactPointThis, out Point3D? contactPointOther, out Vector3D? normal, CollisionHull otherHull, int threadIndex, Transform3D thisTransform, Transform3D otherTransform)
            float[] finalOffsetThis = thisTransform == null ? new NewtonMatrix(Matrix3D.Identity).Matrix : new NewtonMatrix(thisTransform.Value).Matrix;		// not including the member's offset, because newton is already accounting for it.
            float[] finalOffsetOther = thisTransform == null ? new NewtonMatrix(Matrix3D.Identity).Matrix : new NewtonMatrix(otherTransform.Value).Matrix;

            NewtonVector3 contactANewt = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 contactBNewt = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 normalNewt = new NewtonVector3();

            int retVal = Newton.NewtonCollisionClosestPoint(_world.Handle, _handle, finalOffsetThis, otherHull.Handle, finalOffsetOther, contactANewt.Vector, contactBNewt.Vector, normalNewt.Vector, threadIndex);

            // Exit Function
            if (retVal == 1)
                contactPointThis = contactANewt.ToPointWPF();
                contactPointOther = contactBNewt.ToPointWPF();
                normal = normalNewt.ToVectorWPF();
                return true;
                contactPointThis = null;
                contactPointOther = null;
                normal = null;
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void CalculateAproximateAABB(out Point3D minPoint, out Point3D maxPoint, Transform3D transform)
            float[] finalOffset = transform == null ? new NewtonMatrix(Matrix3D.Identity).Matrix : new NewtonMatrix(transform.Value).Matrix;		// not including _offsetMatrix, because newton is already accounting for it.

            NewtonVector3 minNewt = new NewtonVector3();
            NewtonVector3 maxNewt = new NewtonVector3();

            Newton.NewtonCollisionCalculateAABB(_handle, finalOffset, minNewt.Vector, maxNewt.Vector);

            minPoint = minNewt.ToPointWPF();
            maxPoint = maxNewt.ToPointWPF();
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public bool RayCast(out double percentAlongLine, out Point3D? contactPoint, out Vector3D? contactNormal, out int faceID, Point3D startPoint, Point3D endPoint)
            NewtonVector3 normalNewt = new NewtonVector3();
            int faceIDNewt = -1;

            percentAlongLine = Newton.NewtonCollisionRayCast(_handle, new NewtonVector3(startPoint).Vector, new NewtonVector3(endPoint).Vector, normalNewt.Vector, ref faceIDNewt);

            if (percentAlongLine < 0d || percentAlongLine > 1d)
                contactPoint = null;
                contactNormal = null;
                faceID = -1;
                return false;
                contactPoint = startPoint + ((endPoint - startPoint) * percentAlongLine);
                contactNormal = normalNewt.ToVectorWPF();
                faceID = faceIDNewt;
                return true;