Ejemplo n.º 1
        void SetCompatibles(string key, LfgCompatibility compatibles)
            if (!CompatibleMapStore.ContainsKey(key))
                CompatibleMapStore[key] = new LfgCompatibilityData();

            CompatibleMapStore[key].compatibility = compatibles;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 void SetCompatibilityData(string key, LfgCompatibilityData data)
     CompatibleMapStore[key] = data;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        LfgCompatibility CheckCompatibility(List <ObjectGuid> check)
            string      strGuids = ConcatenateGuids(check);
            LfgProposal proposal = new LfgProposal();
            List <uint> proposalDungeons;
            Dictionary <ObjectGuid, ObjectGuid> proposalGroups = new Dictionary <ObjectGuid, ObjectGuid>();
            Dictionary <ObjectGuid, LfgRoles>   proposalRoles  = new Dictionary <ObjectGuid, LfgRoles>();

            // Check for correct size
            if (check.Count > MapConst.MaxGroupSize || check.Empty())
                Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Lfg, "CheckCompatibility: ({0}): Size wrong - Not compatibles", strGuids);

            // Check all-but-new compatiblitity
            if (check.Count > 2)
                ObjectGuid frontGuid = check.First();

                // Check all-but-new compatibilities (New, A, B, C, D) -. check(A, B, C, D)
                LfgCompatibility child_compatibles = CheckCompatibility(check);
                if (child_compatibles < LfgCompatibility.WithLessPlayers) // Group not compatible
                    Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Lfg, "CheckCompatibility: ({0}) child {1} not compatibles", strGuids, ConcatenateGuids(check));
                    SetCompatibles(strGuids, child_compatibles);
                check.Insert(0, frontGuid);

            // Check if more than one LFG group and number of players joining
            byte numPlayers   = 0;
            byte numLfgGroups = 0;

            foreach (var guid in check)
                if (!(numLfgGroups < 2) && !(numPlayers <= MapConst.MaxGroupSize))

                var itQueue = QueueDataStore.LookupByKey(guid);
                if (itQueue == null)
                    Log.outError(LogFilter.Lfg, "CheckCompatibility: [{0}] is not queued but listed as queued!", guid);

                // Store group so we don't need to call Mgr to get it later (if it's player group will be 0 otherwise would have joined as group)
                foreach (var it2 in itQueue.roles)
                    proposalGroups[it2.Key] = guid.IsPlayer() ? guid : ObjectGuid.Empty;

                numPlayers += (byte)itQueue.roles.Count;

                if (Global.LFGMgr.IsLfgGroup(guid))
                    if (numLfgGroups == 0)
                        proposal.group = guid;

            // Group with less that MAXGROUPSIZE members always compatible
            if (check.Count == 1 && numPlayers != MapConst.MaxGroupSize)
                Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Lfg, "CheckCompatibility: ({0}) sigle group. Compatibles", strGuids);
                var guid    = check.First();
                var itQueue = QueueDataStore.LookupByKey(guid);

                LfgCompatibilityData data = new LfgCompatibilityData(LfgCompatibility.WithLessPlayers);
                data.roles = itQueue.roles;

                UpdateBestCompatibleInQueue(guid, itQueue, strGuids, data.roles);
                SetCompatibilityData(strGuids, data);

            if (numLfgGroups > 1)
                Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Lfg, "CheckCompatibility: ({0}) More than one Lfggroup ({1})", strGuids, numLfgGroups);
                SetCompatibles(strGuids, LfgCompatibility.MultipleLfgGroups);

            if (numPlayers > MapConst.MaxGroupSize)
                Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Lfg, "CheckCompatibility: ({0}) Too much players ({1})", strGuids, numPlayers);
                SetCompatibles(strGuids, LfgCompatibility.TooMuchPlayers);

            // If it's single group no need to check for duplicate players, ignores, bad roles or bad dungeons as it's been checked before joining
            if (check.Count > 1)
                foreach (var it in check)
                    Dictionary <ObjectGuid, LfgRoles> roles = QueueDataStore[it].roles;
                    foreach (var rolePair in roles)
                        KeyValuePair <ObjectGuid, LfgRoles> itPlayer = new KeyValuePair <ObjectGuid, LfgRoles>();
                        foreach (var _player in proposalRoles)
                            itPlayer = _player;
                            if (rolePair.Key == itPlayer.Key)
                                Log.outError(LogFilter.Lfg, "CheckCompatibility: ERROR! Player multiple times in queue! [{0}]", rolePair.Key);
                            else if (Global.LFGMgr.HasIgnore(rolePair.Key, itPlayer.Key))
                        if (itPlayer.Key == proposalRoles.LastOrDefault().Key)
                            proposalRoles[rolePair.Key] = rolePair.Value;

                byte playersize = (byte)(numPlayers - proposalRoles.Count);
                if (playersize != 0)
                    Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Lfg, "CheckCompatibility: ({0}) not compatible, {1} players are ignoring each other", strGuids, playersize);
                    SetCompatibles(strGuids, LfgCompatibility.HasIgnores);
                StringBuilder o;
                Dictionary <ObjectGuid, LfgRoles> debugRoles = proposalRoles;
                if (!Global.LFGMgr.CheckGroupRoles(proposalRoles))
                    o = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var it in debugRoles)
                        o.AppendFormat(", {0}: {1}", it.Key, GetRolesString(it.Value));

                    Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Lfg, "CheckCompatibility: ({0}) Roles not compatible{1}", strGuids, o.ToString());
                    SetCompatibles(strGuids, LfgCompatibility.NoRoles);

                var itguid = check.First();
                proposalDungeons = QueueDataStore[itguid].dungeons;
                o = new StringBuilder();
                o.AppendFormat(", {0}: ({1})", itguid, Global.LFGMgr.ConcatenateDungeons(proposalDungeons));
                foreach (var guid in check)
                    if (guid == itguid)

                    List <uint> temporal;
                    List <uint> dungeons = QueueDataStore[itguid].dungeons;
                    o.AppendFormat(", {0}: ({1})", guid, Global.LFGMgr.ConcatenateDungeons(dungeons));
                    temporal         = proposalDungeons.Intersect(dungeons).ToList();
                    proposalDungeons = temporal;

                if (proposalDungeons.Empty())
                    Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Lfg, "CheckCompatibility: ({0}) No compatible dungeons{1}", strGuids, o.ToString());
                    SetCompatibles(strGuids, LfgCompatibility.NoDungeons);
                ObjectGuid   gguid = check.First();
                LfgQueueData queue = QueueDataStore[gguid];
                proposalDungeons = queue.dungeons;
                proposalRoles    = queue.roles;
                Global.LFGMgr.CheckGroupRoles(proposalRoles);          // assing new roles

            // Enough players?
            if (numPlayers != MapConst.MaxGroupSize)
                Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Lfg, "CheckCompatibility: ({0}) Compatibles but not enough players({1})", strGuids, numPlayers);
                LfgCompatibilityData data = new LfgCompatibilityData(LfgCompatibility.WithLessPlayers);
                data.roles = proposalRoles;

                foreach (var guid in check)
                    var queueData = QueueDataStore.LookupByKey(guid);
                    UpdateBestCompatibleInQueue(guid, queueData, strGuids, data.roles);

                SetCompatibilityData(strGuids, data);

            ObjectGuid _guid = check.First();

            proposal.queues = check;
            proposal.isNew  = numLfgGroups != 1 || Global.LFGMgr.GetOldState(_guid) != LfgState.Dungeon;

            if (!Global.LFGMgr.AllQueued(check))
                Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Lfg, "CheckCompatibility: ({0}) Group MATCH but can't create proposal!", strGuids);
                SetCompatibles(strGuids, LfgCompatibility.BadStates);

            // Create a new proposal
            proposal.cancelTime = Time.UnixTime + SharedConst.LFGTimeProposal;
            proposal.state      = LfgProposalState.Initiating;
            proposal.leader     = ObjectGuid.Empty;
            proposal.dungeonId  = proposalDungeons.SelectRandom();

            bool leader = false;

            foreach (var rolePair in proposalRoles)
                // Assing new leader
                if (rolePair.Value.HasAnyFlag(LfgRoles.Leader))
                    if (!leader || proposal.leader.IsEmpty() || Convert.ToBoolean(RandomHelper.IRand(0, 1)))
                        proposal.leader = rolePair.Key;
                    leader = true;
                else if (!leader && (proposal.leader.IsEmpty() || Convert.ToBoolean(RandomHelper.IRand(0, 1))))
                    proposal.leader = rolePair.Key;

                // Assing player data and roles
                LfgProposalPlayer data = new LfgProposalPlayer();
                data.role  = rolePair.Value;
                data.group = proposalGroups.LookupByKey(rolePair.Key);
                if (!proposal.isNew && !data.group.IsEmpty() && data.group == proposal.group) // Player from existing group, autoaccept
                    data.accept = LfgAnswer.Agree;

                proposal.players[rolePair.Key] = data;

            // Mark proposal members as not queued (but not remove queue data)
            foreach (var guid in proposal.queues)


            Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Lfg, "CheckCompatibility: ({0}) MATCH! Group formed", strGuids);
            SetCompatibles(strGuids, LfgCompatibility.Match);