Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an instance of <see cref="WebConfigEntity"/> that contains commonly referenced settings from web.config. The 
        /// entity can be updated with new values and then passed to the <see cref="Save"/> method for persisting back to the file system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns an instance of <see cref="WebConfigEntity"/> that contains commonly referenced settings from web.config.</returns>
        public static WebConfigEntity GetWebConfigEntity()
            WebConfigEntity wce = new WebConfigEntity();

            XmlDocument webConfig = GetWebConfigXmlDoc();
            XPathNavigator xpathNav = webConfig.CreateNavigator();

            wce.SQLiteConnectionStringValue = GetSQLiteConnectionString(xpathNav);

            wce.SqlCeConnectionStringValue = GetSqlCeConnectionString(xpathNav);

            wce.SqlCeConnectionStringProviderName = GetSqlCeConnectionProviderName(xpathNav);

            wce.SqlServerConnectionStringValue = GetSqlServerConnectionString(xpathNav);

            wce.GalleryServerProConfigSection = GetGalleryServerProConfigSection(xpathNav);

            wce.MembershipConfigSection = GetMembershipConfigSection(xpathNav);

            wce.RoleConfigSection = GetRoleConfigSection(xpathNav);

            wce.DbProviderFactoriesConfigSection = GetDbProviderFactoriesConfigSection(xpathNav);

            wce.MembershipDefaultProvider = GetMembershipProvider(xpathNav);

            wce.RoleDefaultProvider = GetRoleProvider(xpathNav);

            wce.GalleryDataDefaultProvider = GetGalleryDataProvider(xpathNav);

            wce.DataProvider = GetDataProvider(wce);

            wce.IsWritable = IsWebConfigUpdateable();

            return wce;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets an instance of <see cref="WebConfigEntity"/> that contains commonly referenced settings from web.config. The 
		/// entity can be updated with new values and then passed to the <see cref="Save"/> method for persisting back to the file system.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Returns an instance of <see cref="WebConfigEntity"/> that contains commonly referenced settings from web.config.</returns>
		public static WebConfigEntity GetWebConfigEntity()
			WebConfigEntity wce = new WebConfigEntity();

			using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/web.config"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
				using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
					XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(sr);
					while (r.Read())
						if (r.Name == "connectionStrings")
							XmlReader cnStrings = r.ReadSubtree();
							while (cnStrings.Read())
								if ((cnStrings.Name == "add") && cnStrings.MoveToAttribute("name"))
									if ((cnStrings.Value == Constants.SQLITE_CN_STRING_NAME) && cnStrings.MoveToAttribute("connectionString"))
										wce.SQLiteConnectionStringValue = cnStrings.Value;

									if ((cnStrings.Value == Constants.SQL_SERVER_CN_STRING_NAME) && cnStrings.MoveToAttribute("connectionString"))
										wce.SqlServerConnectionStringValue = cnStrings.Value;

						if ((r.Name == "membership") && r.MoveToAttribute("defaultProvider"))
							wce.MembershipDefaultProvider = r.Value;

						if ((r.Name == "roleManager") && r.MoveToAttribute("defaultProvider"))
							wce.RoleDefaultProvider = r.Value;

						if ((r.Name == "profile") && r.MoveToAttribute("defaultProvider"))
							wce.ProfileDefaultProvider = r.Value;

			return wce;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static ProviderDataStore GetDataProvider(WebConfigEntity wce)
     // Update the data provider. Each provider (membership, roles, and gallery data) could theoretically use a different
     // database technology, but we are most interested in where the gallery data is stored, so use that one.
     ProviderDataStore dataProvider = ProviderDataStore.Unknown;
     switch (wce.GalleryDataDefaultProvider)
         case GalleryDataProvider.SQLiteGalleryServerProProvider:
             dataProvider = ProviderDataStore.SQLite;
         case GalleryDataProvider.SqlCeGalleryServerProProvider:
             dataProvider = ProviderDataStore.SqlCe;
         case GalleryDataProvider.SqlServerGalleryServerProProvider:
             dataProvider = ProviderDataStore.SqlServer;
     return dataProvider;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Persist the configuration data to web.config.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="webConfigEntity">An instance of <see cref="WebConfigEntity"/> that contains data to save to web.config.</param>
        /// <exception cref="UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when the IIS application pool identity does not have
        /// write access to web.config.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="webConfigEntity" /> is null.</exception>
        public static void Save(WebConfigEntity webConfigEntity)
            if (webConfigEntity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("webConfigEntity");

            string ns; // Holds the xmlns attribute (will be empty in most cases)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = GetWebConfigXmlDoc(out ns);

            #region Update connection strings

            // Update SQL CE and SQL Server connection strings.
            WriteConnectionStringToWebConfig(xmlDoc, WebConfigEntity.SQLiteConnectionStringName, webConfigEntity.SQLiteConnectionStringValue, String.Empty);
            WriteConnectionStringToWebConfig(xmlDoc, WebConfigEntity.SqlCeConnectionStringName, webConfigEntity.SqlCeConnectionStringValue, webConfigEntity.SqlCeConnectionStringProviderName);
            WriteConnectionStringToWebConfig(xmlDoc, WebConfigEntity.SqlServerConnectionStringName, webConfigEntity.SqlServerConnectionStringValue, String.Empty);


            #region Gallery Server Pro config section

            if (webConfigEntity.GalleryServerProConfigSectionHasChanges)
                XmlNode galleryServerProNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"/configuration/system.web/galleryServerPro");

                if (galleryServerProNode == null)
                    throw new WebException("Could not find the galleryServerPro section in web.config.");

                if (galleryServerProNode.ParentNode == null)
                    throw new WebException("The galleryServerPro section in web.config does not have a parent.");

                // Get a fragment and slide the changed data into it.
                XmlDocumentFragment frag = xmlDoc.CreateDocumentFragment();
                frag.InnerXml = webConfigEntity.GalleryServerProConfigSection;

                galleryServerProNode.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(frag, galleryServerProNode);


            #region Membership config section

            if (webConfigEntity.MembershipConfigSectionHasChanges)
                XmlNode membershipNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"/configuration/system.web/membership");

                if (membershipNode == null)
                    throw new WebException("Could not find the membership section in web.config.");

                if (membershipNode.ParentNode == null)
                    throw new WebException("The membership section in web.config does not have a parent.");

                // Get a fragment and slide the changed data into it.
                XmlDocumentFragment frag = xmlDoc.CreateDocumentFragment();
                frag.InnerXml = webConfigEntity.MembershipConfigSection;

                membershipNode.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(frag, membershipNode);


            #region Role config section

            if (webConfigEntity.RoleConfigSectionHasChanges)
                XmlNode roleNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"/configuration/system.web/roleManager");

                if (roleNode == null)
                    throw new WebException("Could not find the roleManager section in web.config.");

                if (roleNode.ParentNode == null)
                    throw new WebException("The roleManager section in web.config does not have a parent.");

                // Get a fragment and slide the changed data into it.
                XmlDocumentFragment frag = xmlDoc.CreateDocumentFragment();
                frag.InnerXml = webConfigEntity.RoleConfigSection;

                roleNode.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(frag, roleNode);


            #region DbProviderFactories config section

            if (webConfigEntity.DbProviderFactoriesConfigSectionHasChanges)
                XmlNode systemDataNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"/configuration/system.data");
                XmlNode parentNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"/configuration");

                if (parentNode == null)
                    throw new WebException("Could not find the configuration section in web.config.");

                // Get a fragment and slide the changed data into it.
                XmlDocumentFragment frag = xmlDoc.CreateDocumentFragment();
                frag.InnerXml = webConfigEntity.DbProviderFactoriesConfigSection;

                if (systemDataNode != null)
                    parentNode.ReplaceChild(frag, systemDataNode);


            #region cachingConfiguration section

            if (webConfigEntity.MarkCachingConfigSectionAsDeleted)
                // Delete the caching configuration section
                XmlNode cachingNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"/configuration/cachingConfiguration");

                if ((cachingNode != null) && (cachingNode.ParentNode != null))

                XmlNode cachingDefNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/configSections/section[@name=\"cachingConfiguration\"]");

                if ((cachingDefNode != null) && (cachingDefNode.ParentNode != null))


            #region Update membership, role and gallery data

            if (webConfigEntity.MembershipDefaultProvider != MembershipDataProvider.Unknown)
                // Update membership
                XmlNode membershipNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"/configuration/system.web/membership");

                if (membershipNode == null)
                    throw new WebException("Could not find the membership section in web.config.");

                membershipNode.Attributes["defaultProvider"].Value = webConfigEntity.MembershipDefaultProvider.ToString();

            if (webConfigEntity.RoleDefaultProvider != RoleDataProvider.Unknown)
                // Update roles provider
                XmlNode roleNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"/configuration/system.web/roleManager");

                if (roleNode == null)
                    throw new WebException("Could not find the roleManager section in web.config.");

                roleNode.Attributes["defaultProvider"].Value = webConfigEntity.RoleDefaultProvider.ToString();

            // Update gallery data provider
            if (webConfigEntity.GalleryDataDefaultProvider != GalleryDataProvider.Unknown)
                XmlNode galleryDataNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"/configuration/system.web/galleryServerPro/dataProvider");

                if (galleryDataNode == null)
                    throw new WebException("Could not find the galleryServerPro/dataProvider section in web.config.");

                galleryDataNode.Attributes["defaultProvider"].Value = webConfigEntity.GalleryDataDefaultProvider.ToString();


            #region Save to disk

            // If the config file had a root namespace, restore it now.
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ns))
                xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Attributes["xmlns"].Value = ns;

            // Persist changes to disk.
            XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings();
            xws.Indent = true;
            xws.Encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false);

            using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(_webConfigPath, xws))

Ejemplo n.º 5
            /// <summary>
            /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WebConfigUpdater"/> class.
            /// </summary>
            public WebConfigUpdater()
                _webConfig = WebConfigController.GetWebConfigEntity();

                this._upgradeRequired = IsUpgradeRequired();
Ejemplo n.º 6
		/// <summary>
		/// Persist the configuration data to web.config.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="webConfigEntity">An instance of <see cref="WebConfigEntity"/> that contains data to save to web.config.</param>
		/// <exception cref="UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when the IIS application pool identity does not have
		/// write access to web.config.</exception>
		public static void Save(WebConfigEntity webConfigEntity)
			#region Load web.config and configure namespace

			XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

			if (xmlDoc == null)
				throw new WebException(string.Format("Could not load {0}.", _webConfigPath));

			if (xmlDoc.DocumentElement == null)
				throw new WebException(string.Format("Could not find the root element of {0}.", _webConfigPath));

			// If the root element has a namespace, save it to a temporary variable and then set it to an empty string. 
			// This will allow us to locate nodes without having to specify a namespace in the xpath. Normally there shouldn't 
			// be a namespace on the <configuration> element of web.config, but versions of the ASP.NET Configuration Tool 
			// before VS 2008 incorrectly added the following: xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0"
			// We'll add it back before saving it so there isn't any change to the file as stored on disk.
			string ns = String.Empty;
			if (xmlDoc.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("xmlns"))
				ns = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Attributes["xmlns"].Value;
				xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Attributes["xmlns"].Value = "";


			#region Update connection strings

			// Update SQLite and SQL Server connection strings.
			WriteConnectionStringToWebConfig(xmlDoc, WebConfigEntity.SQLiteConnectionStringName, webConfigEntity.SQLiteConnectionStringValue);
			WriteConnectionStringToWebConfig(xmlDoc, WebConfigEntity.SqlServerConnectionStringName, webConfigEntity.SqlServerConnectionStringValue);


			#region Update membership, role and profile

			// Update membership
			XmlNode membershipNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"/configuration/system.web/membership");

			if (membershipNode == null)
				throw new WebException("Could not find the membership section in web.config.");

			membershipNode.Attributes["defaultProvider"].Value = webConfigEntity.MembershipDefaultProvider;

			// Update roles
			XmlNode roleNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"/configuration/system.web/roleManager");

			if (roleNode == null)
				throw new WebException("Could not find the roleManager section in web.config.");

			roleNode.Attributes["defaultProvider"].Value = webConfigEntity.RoleDefaultProvider;

			// Update profile
			XmlNode profileNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"/configuration/system.web/profile");

			if (profileNode == null)
				throw new WebException("Could not find the profile section in web.config.");

			profileNode.Attributes["defaultProvider"].Value = webConfigEntity.ProfileDefaultProvider;


			#region Save to disk

			// If the config file had a root namespace, restore it now.
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ns))
				xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Attributes["xmlns"].Value = ns;

			// Persist changes to disk.
			XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings();
			xws.Indent = true;
			xws.Encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false);

			XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(_webConfigPath, xws);

