Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static GTSLocationMessage getLastLocationMessageWithTrackerInfo(Trackers _tracker)
            GPSTrackerEntities1 context = new GPSTrackerEntities1();
            GTSLocationMessage  retVal  = null;
            LocationMessages    message;

                //try to get the Location Message that's listed as the last known
                if (_tracker.LastLocationId.HasValue)
                    message = context.LocationMessages.Where(m => m.Id == _tracker.LastLocationId.Value).First();
                    retVal  = CreateLocationMessage(message, _tracker);
                    message = context.LocationMessages.Where(m => m.TrackerId == _tracker.Id)
                              .OrderByDescending(x => x.ServerTime).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (message != null)
                        retVal = CreateLocationMessage(message, _tracker);
                        //Update the Tracker object so that we know the last Location Id
                        if (retVal != null)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        //public static GTSLocationMessage CreateLocationMessage(byte[] message, int bytesRead)
        //    GTSLocationMessage retVal = new GTSLocationMessage(message, bytesRead);

        //    return retVal;

        public static GTSLocationMessage CreateLocationMessage(LocationMessages message)
            GTSLocationMessage retVal = new GTSLocationMessage(message.Id, message.LatDegrees, message.LatMinutes,
                                                               message.LatSeconds, message.LngDegrees, message.LngMinutes, message.LngSeconds,
                                                               message.RawTextData, message.TrackerId, message.ServerTime,
                                                               message.LatitudeHeading[0], message.LongitudeHeading[0], message.Speed, message.IdleTime, message.MessageTime
                                                               , message.HDOP, message.Status, message.Altitude, message.Direction, message.VDOP, message.Status, message.Input1.HasValue ? message.Input1.Value : 0.0,
                                                               message.Input2.HasValue ? message.Input2.Value : 0.0,
                                                               message.DigiInput1, message.DigiInput2, message.DigiInput3, message.DigiInput4, message.DigiInput5, message.Mileage.HasValue? message.Mileage.Value: 0.0);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static GTSLocationMessage GetLocationMessageById(int messageId)
            GPSTrackerEntities1 context = new GPSTrackerEntities1();

            GTSLocationMessage retVal = null;

            LocationMessages message = context.LocationMessages.Where(t => t.Id == messageId).FirstOrDefault();
            TrackerInfo      info    = null;

            if (message != null)
                info = GetTrackerInfo(message.TrackerId);

            retVal = CreateLocationMessage(message);
            retVal.TrackerDetail = info;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Needs to be updated to update general tracking information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="?"></param>
        public static void UpdateTrackerInformation(GTSLocationMessage message)
            GPSTrackerEntities1 context = new GPSTrackerEntities1();

            Trackers _tracker =
                context.Trackers.Where(t => t.Id == message.TrackerID).FirstOrDefault();

            _tracker.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
            _tracker.LastLat    = message.Latitude.Decimal;
            _tracker.LastLon    = message.Longitude.Decimal;

            if (message.Id != 0)
                _tracker.LastLocationId = message.Id;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static GTSLocationMessage getLastLocationMessage(string trackerId)
            GPSTrackerEntities1 context = new GPSTrackerEntities1();

            GTSLocationMessage retVal = null;
            //get the Tracker (this is probably done elsewhere, so it's an extra hit, but it's less work than currently being done
            Trackers _tracker = context.Trackers.Where(t => t.Id == trackerId).FirstOrDefault();

            LocationMessages message;

                //try to get the Location Message that's listed as the last known
                if (_tracker.LastLocationId.HasValue && _tracker.LastLocationId != 0)
                    message = context.LocationMessages.Where(m => m.Id == _tracker.LastLocationId.Value).First();
                    retVal  = CreateLocationMessage(message);
                    message = context.LocationMessages.Where(m => m.TrackerId == trackerId)
                              .OrderByDescending(x => x.ServerTime).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (message != null)
                        retVal = CreateLocationMessage(message);
                        //Update the Tracker object so that we know the last Location Id
                        if (retVal != null)

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static List <GTSLocationMessage> CreateCurrentTrackersByUser(Guid userId)
            List <GTSLocationMessage> collection = new List <GTSLocationMessage>();

            GPSTrackerEntities1 dbContext = new GPSTrackerEntities1();

            IQueryable <TrackerUser> trackers = dbContext.TrackerUser.Where(m => m.UserId == userId);

                // this seemes like something can be optimized here.
                foreach (TrackerUser _tu in trackers)
                    // IQueryable<LocationMessages> _messages =
                    //  dbContext.LocationMessages.Where(p => p.TrackerId == _tu.TrackerId);// are we getting all location messages for a tracker just to get the first?

                    // need to get object representing the tracker information
                    Trackers _trackerInfo = dbContext.Trackers.Where(p => p.Id == _tu.TrackerId).FirstOrDefault();// need some exception handling!!!

                    // if (_messages.Count() > 0)
                    // {
                    // DateTime _maxTime = _messages.Max(p => p.ServerTime);
                    //LocationMessages _message = _messages.Where(p => p.ServerTime == _maxTime).First();

                    //Commented out below: VS 6/11/2014
                    //LocationMessages _message =
                    //    (from m in dbContext.LocationMessages
                    //    where m.TrackerId == _tu.TrackerId
                    //    orderby m.ServerTime descending
                    //    select m).FirstOrDefault();
                    //if (_message != null && _trackerInfo != null)
                    //    collection.Add(CreateLocationMessage(_message, _trackerInfo));
                    if (_trackerInfo != null)
                        if (!_trackerInfo.LastUpdate.HasValue)
                        GTSLocationMessage gtsLM = getLastLocationMessageWithTrackerInfo(_trackerInfo);
                        if (gtsLM != null)
                    // }
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                int x = 1;

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void SaveTrackerInformation(GTSLocationMessage message)
            GTSLocationMessage  prevMessage = getLastLocationMessage(message.TrackerID);
            GPSTrackerEntities1 context     = new GPSTrackerEntities1();
            LocationMessages    msg;
            double mileage;

            // Update total milage TODO: we need to add in the engine on check here!!!! After we put engine on as a standard on all vehicles
            if (message.Speed != 0)
                //Calculate what the mileage on the tracker should be

                    //get the Tracker (this is probably done elsewhere, so it's an extra hit)
                    Trackers _tracker = context.Trackers.Where(t => t.Id == message.TrackerID).FirstOrDefault();

                    //if we didnt have a mileage reading before, get it from Tracker if it exists, else assume it's 0 and start counting from there.

                    double mileageChange;

                    if (_tracker.Mileage.HasValue && _tracker.Mileage.Value > 0.0)
                        mileageChange = Utilities.CalculateDistanceBetween(_tracker.LastLat.Value, _tracker.LastLon.Value, message.Latitude.Decimal, message.Longitude.Decimal);

                        mileage = _tracker.Mileage.Value + mileageChange;
                        //update tracker mileage value too
                        mileage = 0;
                    _tracker.Mileage = mileage;

                    //saving here to make sure we don't throw off anything else later down by doing a batch save
                    // this is a wasted DB hit though.
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    //swallow for now
                    mileage = 0.0;
                mileage = prevMessage != null?prevMessage.Mileage.GetValueOrDefault() : 0;

            if (prevMessage == null || prevMessage.Speed != 0 || message.Speed != 0 ||
                Math.Abs(prevMessage.Latitude.Decimal - message.Latitude.Decimal) > 0.001 ||
                Math.Abs(prevMessage.Longitude.Decimal - message.Longitude.Decimal) > 0.001 ||
                prevMessage.Status != message.Status)
                // add new message into messages
                msg = LocationMessages.CreateLocationMessages(1, message.RawLocationMessageData, message.Latitude.Degrees
                                                              , message.Latitude.Minutes, message.Latitude.Seconds, message.Longitude.Degrees, message.Longitude.Minutes
                                                              , message.Longitude.Seconds, message.ServerRecordedDateTime, message.TrackerID,
                                                              message.Latitude.Heading.ToString(), message.Longitude.Heading.ToString(), message.Speed, message.IdleTime,
                                                              message.Direction, message.Status, message.ClientRecordedDateTime, message.HDOP, message.VDOP,
                                                              message.Altitude, message.Status, message.Input1, message.Input2,
                                                              message.DInput1, message.DInput2, message.DInput3, message.DInput4, message.DInput5, mileage);

                int affectedRows = context.SaveChanges();
                message.Id = msg.Id;
                // update time on previous message
                //weird..... must be some better way of architechting this...... as well should be exception handeled!!!

                //vs: If it's in the same spot, we don't need to do anything with mileage

                TimeSpan span = message.ServerRecordedDateTime.Subtract(prevMessage.ServerRecordedDateTime);
                prevMessage.IdleTime = span.Ticks;

                msg = context.LocationMessages.Where(m => m.Id == prevMessage.Id).First();
                message.IdleTime = msg.IdleTime = prevMessage.IdleTime;

            if (msg != null)

            // Events pulled from information in the Location Messages
            // All Hooks so far for events are here - lets keep it so until needed
            List <Events.Event> events = new Events.Management().GetVT310eEvents(message, prevMessage);

            new Events.Management().SaveEvents(events);
            Utilities.writeLine("Debug 30: Message Saved!");