/// <summary>
        /// Generates the Field XML for a site column definition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldInfo">The field definition for which we want to print out the full XML schema</param>
        /// <returns>The XML schema of the field</returns>
        public XElement SchemaForField(BaseFieldInfo fieldInfo)
            var schema = new XElement(
                new XAttribute("Name", fieldInfo.InternalName),
                new XAttribute("Type", fieldInfo.FieldType),
                new XAttribute("ID", "{" + fieldInfo.Id + "}"),
                new XAttribute("StaticName", fieldInfo.InternalName),
                new XAttribute("DisplayName", this.resourceLocator.GetResourceString(fieldInfo.ResourceFileName, fieldInfo.DisplayNameResourceKey)),
                new XAttribute("Description", this.resourceLocator.GetResourceString(fieldInfo.ResourceFileName, fieldInfo.DescriptionResourceKey)),
                new XAttribute("Group", this.resourceLocator.GetResourceString(fieldInfo.ResourceFileName, fieldInfo.GroupResourceKey)));

            // Check the Required type
            if (fieldInfo.Required == RequiredType.Required)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("Required", "TRUE"));

            if (fieldInfo.Required == RequiredType.NotRequired)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("Required", "FALSE"));

            // Hidden state
            if (fieldInfo.IsHidden)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("Hidden", "TRUE"));

            // Show in Display Form
            if (fieldInfo.IsHiddenInDisplayForm)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("ShowInDisplayForm", "FALSE"));

            // Show in Edit Form
            if (fieldInfo.IsHiddenInEditForm)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("ShowInEditForm", "FALSE"));

            // Show in new Form
            if (fieldInfo.IsHiddenInNewForm)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("ShowInNewForm", "FALSE"));

            // Show in List settings
            if (fieldInfo.IsHiddenInListSettings)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("ShowInListSettings", "FALSE"));
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("ShowInListSettings", "TRUE"));

            // Extend the basic field scheme (everything listed above here) with the specific field type's extra attributes
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensure a field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldCollection">The field collection</param>
        /// <param name="fieldInfo">The field info configuration</param>
        /// <returns>The internal name of the field</returns>
        public SPField EnsureField(SPFieldCollection fieldCollection, BaseFieldInfo fieldInfo)
            SPList parentList = null;
            bool isListField = TryGetListFromFieldCollection(fieldCollection, out parentList);
            bool alreadyExistsAsSiteColumn = fieldCollection.Web.Site.RootWeb.Fields.TryGetFieldByStaticName(fieldInfo.InternalName) != null;

            if (fieldInfo.EnforceUniqueValues)
                bool isValidTypeForUniquenessConstraint =
                    fieldInfo is IntegerFieldInfo
                    || fieldInfo is NumberFieldInfo
                    || fieldInfo is CurrencyFieldInfo
                    || fieldInfo is DateTimeFieldInfo
                    || fieldInfo is TextFieldInfo
                    || fieldInfo is UserFieldInfo
                    || fieldInfo is LookupFieldInfo
                    || fieldInfo is TaxonomyFieldInfo;

                if (!isValidTypeForUniquenessConstraint)
                    string msg = "Can't set EnforceUniqueValues=TRUE on your field "
                        + fieldInfo.InternalName + " because only the following field types are support uniqueness constraints: "
                        + " Integer, Number, Currency, DateTime, Text (single line), User (not multi), Lookup (not multi) and Taxonomy (not multi).";
                    throw new NotSupportedException(msg);

            if (isListField && !alreadyExistsAsSiteColumn)
                // By convention, we enfore creation of site column before using that field on a list
                this.InnerEnsureField(fieldCollection.Web.Site.RootWeb.Fields, fieldInfo);

            return this.InnerEnsureField(fieldCollection, fieldInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensure a field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldCollection">The field collection</param>
        /// <param name="fieldInfo">The field info configuration</param>
        /// <returns>The internal name of the field</returns>
        public SPField EnsureField(SPFieldCollection fieldCollection, BaseFieldInfo fieldInfo)
            SPList parentList  = null;
            bool   isListField = TryGetListFromFieldCollection(fieldCollection, out parentList);
            bool   alreadyExistsAsSiteColumn = fieldCollection.Web.Site.RootWeb.Fields.TryGetFieldByStaticName(fieldInfo.InternalName) != null;

            if (fieldInfo.EnforceUniqueValues)
                bool isValidTypeForUniquenessConstraint =
                    fieldInfo is IntegerFieldInfo ||
                    fieldInfo is NumberFieldInfo ||
                    fieldInfo is CurrencyFieldInfo ||
                    fieldInfo is DateTimeFieldInfo ||
                    fieldInfo is TextFieldInfo ||
                    fieldInfo is UserFieldInfo ||
                    fieldInfo is LookupFieldInfo ||
                    fieldInfo is TaxonomyFieldInfo;

                if (!isValidTypeForUniquenessConstraint)
                    string msg = "Can't set EnforceUniqueValues=TRUE on your field "
                                 + fieldInfo.InternalName + " because only the following field types are support uniqueness constraints: "
                                 + " Integer, Number, Currency, DateTime, Text (single line), User (not multi), Lookup (not multi) and Taxonomy (not multi).";
                    throw new NotSupportedException(msg);

            if (isListField && !alreadyExistsAsSiteColumn)
                // By convention, we enfore creation of site column before using that field on a list
                this.InnerEnsureField(fieldCollection.Web.Site.RootWeb.Fields, fieldInfo);

            return(this.InnerEnsureField(fieldCollection, fieldInfo));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static void ClearTermStoreMapping(SPFieldCollection fieldCollection, BaseFieldInfo taxonomyFieldInfo)
            var taxoField = (TaxonomyField)fieldCollection[taxonomyFieldInfo.Id];

            taxoField.AnchorId  = Guid.Empty;
            taxoField.TermSetId = Guid.Empty;
            taxoField.SspId     = Guid.Empty;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void UpdateFieldVisibility(SPField field, BaseFieldInfo fieldInfo)
            field.ShowInListSettings = !fieldInfo.IsHiddenInListSettings;
            field.ShowInDisplayForm  = !fieldInfo.IsHiddenInDisplayForm;
            field.ShowInEditForm     = !fieldInfo.IsHiddenInEditForm;
            field.ShowInNewForm      = !fieldInfo.IsHiddenInNewForm;

            // Apply Hidden here again (even through it's already set through the schema XML),
            // because otherwise updates to Hidden will not work.
            if (!field.CanToggleHidden)
                bool before = field.Hidden;

                // Use reflection to get around the CanToggleHidden constraint. Keep in mind that
                // there may be some unintended consequenced from hiding/showing and previously
                // shown/hidden field (hence the logged warning).
                Type       type = field.GetType();
                MethodInfo mi   = type.GetMethod("SetFieldBoolValue", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                mi.Invoke(field, new object[] { "CanToggleHidden", true });
                field.Hidden = fieldInfo.IsHidden;
                mi.Invoke(field, new object[] { "CanToggleHidden", false });

                        "FieldHelper.EnsureField - Forced field (id={0}, name={1}) from Hidden={2} to Hidden={3} even though it should've been impossible because CanToggleHidden=false.",
                // No need to use reflection before being able to set the Hidden property
                field.Hidden = fieldInfo.IsHidden;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void UpdateFieldVisibility(SPField field, BaseFieldInfo fieldInfo)
            field.ShowInListSettings = !fieldInfo.IsHiddenInListSettings;
            field.ShowInDisplayForm = !fieldInfo.IsHiddenInDisplayForm;
            field.ShowInEditForm = !fieldInfo.IsHiddenInEditForm;
            field.ShowInNewForm = !fieldInfo.IsHiddenInNewForm;

            // Apply Hidden here again (even through it's already set through the schema XML),
            // because otherwise updates to Hidden will not work.
            if (!field.CanToggleHidden)
                bool before = field.Hidden;

                // Use reflection to get around the CanToggleHidden constraint. Keep in mind that
                // there may be some unintended consequenced from hiding/showing and previously
                // shown/hidden field (hence the logged warning).
                Type type = field.GetType();
                MethodInfo mi = type.GetMethod("SetFieldBoolValue", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                mi.Invoke(field, new object[] { "CanToggleHidden", true });
                field.Hidden = fieldInfo.IsHidden;
                mi.Invoke(field, new object[] { "CanToggleHidden", false });

                        "FieldHelper.EnsureField - Forced field (id={0}, name={1}) from Hidden={2} to Hidden={3} even though it should've been impossible because CanToggleHidden=false.",
                // No need to use reflection before being able to set the Hidden property
                field.Hidden = fieldInfo.IsHidden;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void UpdateFieldTypeSpecificProperties(SPFieldCollection parentFieldCollection, SPField field, BaseFieldInfo fieldInfo)
            // Set field properties
            var asTaxonomyFieldInfo = fieldInfo as TaxonomyFieldInfo;
            var asTaxonomyMultiFieldInfo = fieldInfo as TaxonomyMultiFieldInfo;
            var asCurrencyFieldInfo = fieldInfo as CurrencyFieldInfo;

            // Enforce unique values (should work only on list fields)
            if (fieldInfo.EnforceUniqueValues)
                if (parentFieldCollection.List != null)
                    field.Indexed = true;

                field.EnforceUniqueValues = true;
                field.EnforceUniqueValues = false;

            if (asTaxonomyFieldInfo != null)
                var taxonomyField = field as TaxonomyField;
                if (taxonomyField != null)
                    taxonomyField.CreateValuesInEditForm = asTaxonomyFieldInfo.CreateValuesInEditForm;
                    taxonomyField.Open = asTaxonomyFieldInfo.CreateValuesInEditForm;
                    taxonomyField.IsPathRendered = asTaxonomyFieldInfo.IsPathRendered;

                    field = taxonomyField;

                    // this call will take care of calling Update() on field
                    this.ApplyTaxonomyTermStoreMapping(parentFieldCollection, field, asTaxonomyFieldInfo);
            else if (asTaxonomyMultiFieldInfo != null)
                var taxonomyField = field as TaxonomyField;
                if (taxonomyField != null)
                    taxonomyField.CreateValuesInEditForm = asTaxonomyMultiFieldInfo.CreateValuesInEditForm;
                    taxonomyField.Open = asTaxonomyMultiFieldInfo.CreateValuesInEditForm;
                    taxonomyField.IsPathRendered = asTaxonomyMultiFieldInfo.IsPathRendered;

                    field = taxonomyField;

                    // this call will take care of calling Update() on field
                    this.ApplyTaxonomyMultiTermStoreMapping(parentFieldCollection, field, asTaxonomyMultiFieldInfo);
            else if (asCurrencyFieldInfo != null)
                // gotta set locale here because it doesn't get persisted through schema XML
                ((SPFieldCurrency)field).CurrencyLocaleId = asCurrencyFieldInfo.LocaleId;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private SPField InnerEnsureField(SPFieldCollection fieldCollection, BaseFieldInfo fieldInfo)
            SPField field = null;

            if (fieldInfo.GetType().Name.StartsWith("MinimalFieldInfo", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // Ensuring a MinimalFieldInfo from its SchemaXML is impossible since the MinimalFieldInfo object
                // doesn't hold enough information to completely describe the field metadata.
                // Instead, we have to re-use the site column and apply it to the list.
                var existingSiteColumn = fieldCollection.Web.Site.RootWeb.Fields.TryGetFieldByStaticName(fieldInfo.InternalName);

                if (existingSiteColumn == null)
                    throw new NotSupportedException(
                            "Failed to ensure MinimalFieldInfo for field {0} because the pre-requisite Site Column doesn't exist.",

                SPList parentList = null;
                if (!TryGetListFromFieldCollection(fieldCollection, out parentList))
                    throw new NotSupportedException(
                            "Failed to ensure MinimalFieldInfo for field {0}. A MinimalFieldInfo can only be used to ensure a Field on a List's SPFieldCollection, not to re-define an OOTB site column definition.",


                field = fieldCollection[existingSiteColumn.Id];
                // We have a fully-functional/fully-detailed IFieldInfo which should support a conversion to SchemaXML: go ahead and try to add the field.
                XElement xmlSchemaForField = this.fieldSchemaHelper.SchemaForField(fieldInfo);
                field = this.fieldSchemaHelper.EnsureFieldFromSchema(fieldCollection, xmlSchemaForField);

            // In some cases, the returned field will not match the one we meant to create or ensure. For example,
            // we may have defined a fieldInfo with an InternalName that clashes with an already existing field.
            // In such a case, EnsureFieldFromSchema will return us the conflicting/already existing field (not
            // the one we mean to ensure).
            if (field.Id == fieldInfo.Id && field.InternalName == fieldInfo.InternalName)
                    var refetchedField = fieldCollection[field.Id];
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    // in a sneaky edge case, we're dealing with a sub-web's fieldCollection,
                    // and we actually ensured the column on the root web (instead of on the sub-web).
                    fieldCollection = fieldCollection.Web.Site.RootWeb.Fields;

                // Set the field visibility
                this.UpdateFieldVisibility(field, fieldInfo);

                // Set miscellaneous properties
                this.UpdateFieldTypeSpecificProperties(fieldCollection, field, fieldInfo);

                // Tiny bit of ugly reflection here: we assume that all implementations of IFieldInfo will
                // derive from FieldInfo<T>, which in turn lets us assume a DefaultValue property will always
                // be there for us to create our FieldValueInfo (which simply needs an untyped object as value).
                FieldValueInfo defaultValueFieldInfo = new FieldValueInfo(fieldInfo, fieldInfo.GetType().GetProperty("DefaultValue").GetValue(fieldInfo));
                this.fieldValueWriter.WriteValueToFieldDefault(fieldCollection, defaultValueFieldInfo);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldInfo.DefaultFormula))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.DefaultValue))
                        // A default value was already specified, so setting a Formula makes no sense.
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to ensure field " + fieldInfo.InternalName + " in its entirety because both DefaultFormula and DefaultValue properties were specified. Please only set Formula OR DefaultValue, not both. Also don't forget to clean up the partially created field " + fieldInfo.InternalName + ".");

                    // Setting the DefaultFormula through the SchemaXML doesn't work,
                    // so let's force it here.
                    field.DefaultFormula = fieldInfo.DefaultFormula;


            return field;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private static void ClearTermStoreMapping(SPFieldCollection fieldCollection, BaseFieldInfo taxonomyFieldInfo)
     var taxoField = (TaxonomyField)fieldCollection[taxonomyFieldInfo.Id];
     taxoField.AnchorId = Guid.Empty;
     taxoField.TermSetId = Guid.Empty;
     taxoField.SspId = Guid.Empty;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private void ValidateFieldBasicValues(BaseFieldInfo fieldInfo, SPField field)
     Assert.AreEqual(fieldInfo.Id, field.Id);
     Assert.AreEqual(fieldInfo.InternalName, field.InternalName);
     Assert.AreEqual(fieldInfo.DisplayNameResourceKey, field.TitleResource.Value);
     Assert.AreEqual(fieldInfo.DescriptionResourceKey, field.DescriptionResource.Value);
     Assert.AreEqual(fieldInfo.GroupResourceKey, field.Group);
     Assert.AreEqual(fieldInfo.EnforceUniqueValues, field.EnforceUniqueValues);
     Assert.AreEqual(fieldInfo.IsHidden, field.Hidden);
     Assert.AreEqual(!fieldInfo.IsHiddenInDisplayForm, field.ShowInDisplayForm);
     Assert.AreEqual(!fieldInfo.IsHiddenInNewForm, field.ShowInNewForm);
     Assert.AreEqual(!fieldInfo.IsHiddenInEditForm, field.ShowInEditForm);
     Assert.AreEqual(!fieldInfo.IsHiddenInListSettings, field.ShowInListSettings);
     Assert.AreEqual(fieldInfo.Required == RequiredType.Required, field.Required);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void UpdateFieldTypeSpecificProperties(SPFieldCollection parentFieldCollection, SPField field, BaseFieldInfo fieldInfo)
            // Set field properties
            var asTaxonomyFieldInfo      = fieldInfo as TaxonomyFieldInfo;
            var asTaxonomyMultiFieldInfo = fieldInfo as TaxonomyMultiFieldInfo;
            var asCurrencyFieldInfo      = fieldInfo as CurrencyFieldInfo;

            // Enforce unique values (should work only on list fields)
            if (fieldInfo.EnforceUniqueValues)
                if (parentFieldCollection.List != null)
                    field.Indexed = true;

                field.EnforceUniqueValues = true;
                field.EnforceUniqueValues = false;

            if (asTaxonomyFieldInfo != null)
                var taxonomyField = field as TaxonomyField;
                if (taxonomyField != null)
                    taxonomyField.CreateValuesInEditForm = asTaxonomyFieldInfo.CreateValuesInEditForm;
                    taxonomyField.Open           = asTaxonomyFieldInfo.CreateValuesInEditForm;
                    taxonomyField.IsPathRendered = asTaxonomyFieldInfo.IsPathRendered;

                    field = taxonomyField;

                    // this call will take care of calling Update() on field
                    this.ApplyTaxonomyTermStoreMapping(parentFieldCollection, field, asTaxonomyFieldInfo);
            else if (asTaxonomyMultiFieldInfo != null)
                var taxonomyField = field as TaxonomyField;
                if (taxonomyField != null)
                    taxonomyField.CreateValuesInEditForm = asTaxonomyMultiFieldInfo.CreateValuesInEditForm;
                    taxonomyField.Open           = asTaxonomyMultiFieldInfo.CreateValuesInEditForm;
                    taxonomyField.IsPathRendered = asTaxonomyMultiFieldInfo.IsPathRendered;

                    field = taxonomyField;

                    // this call will take care of calling Update() on field
                    this.ApplyTaxonomyMultiTermStoreMapping(parentFieldCollection, field, asTaxonomyMultiFieldInfo);
            else if (asCurrencyFieldInfo != null)
                // gotta set locale here because it doesn't get persisted through schema XML
                ((SPFieldCurrency)field).CurrencyLocaleId = asCurrencyFieldInfo.LocaleId;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private SPField InnerEnsureField(SPFieldCollection fieldCollection, BaseFieldInfo fieldInfo)
            SPField field = null;

            if (fieldInfo.GetType().Name.StartsWith("MinimalFieldInfo", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // Ensuring a MinimalFieldInfo from its SchemaXML is impossible since the MinimalFieldInfo object
                // doesn't hold enough information to completely describe the field metadata.
                // Instead, we have to re-use the site column and apply it to the list.
                var existingSiteColumn = fieldCollection.Web.Site.RootWeb.Fields.TryGetFieldByStaticName(fieldInfo.InternalName);

                if (existingSiteColumn == null)
                    throw new NotSupportedException(
                                  "Failed to ensure MinimalFieldInfo for field {0} because the pre-requisite Site Column doesn't exist.",

                SPList parentList = null;
                if (!TryGetListFromFieldCollection(fieldCollection, out parentList))
                    throw new NotSupportedException(
                                  "Failed to ensure MinimalFieldInfo for field {0}. A MinimalFieldInfo can only be used to ensure a Field on a List's SPFieldCollection, not to re-define an OOTB site column definition.",


                field = fieldCollection[existingSiteColumn.Id];
                // We have a fully-functional/fully-detailed IFieldInfo which should support a conversion to SchemaXML: go ahead and try to add the field.
                XElement xmlSchemaForField = this.fieldSchemaHelper.SchemaForField(fieldInfo);
                field = this.fieldSchemaHelper.EnsureFieldFromSchema(fieldCollection, xmlSchemaForField);

            // In some cases, the returned field will not match the one we meant to create or ensure. For example,
            // we may have defined a fieldInfo with an InternalName that clashes with an already existing field.
            // In such a case, EnsureFieldFromSchema will return us the conflicting/already existing field (not
            // the one we mean to ensure).
            if (field.Id == fieldInfo.Id && field.InternalName == fieldInfo.InternalName)
                    var refetchedField = fieldCollection[field.Id];
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    // in a sneaky edge case, we're dealing with a sub-web's fieldCollection,
                    // and we actually ensured the column on the root web (instead of on the sub-web).
                    fieldCollection = fieldCollection.Web.Site.RootWeb.Fields;

                // Set the field visibility
                this.UpdateFieldVisibility(field, fieldInfo);

                // Set miscellaneous properties
                this.UpdateFieldTypeSpecificProperties(fieldCollection, field, fieldInfo);

                // Tiny bit of ugly reflection here: we assume that all implementations of IFieldInfo will
                // derive from FieldInfo<T>, which in turn lets us assume a DefaultValue property will always
                // be there for us to create our FieldValueInfo (which simply needs an untyped object as value).
                FieldValueInfo defaultValueFieldInfo = new FieldValueInfo(fieldInfo, fieldInfo.GetType().GetProperty("DefaultValue").GetValue(fieldInfo));
                this.fieldValueWriter.WriteValueToFieldDefault(fieldCollection, defaultValueFieldInfo);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldInfo.DefaultFormula))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.DefaultValue))
                        // A default value was already specified, so setting a Formula makes no sense.
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to ensure field " + fieldInfo.InternalName + " in its entirety because both DefaultFormula and DefaultValue properties were specified. Please only set Formula OR DefaultValue, not both. Also don't forget to clean up the partially created field " + fieldInfo.InternalName + ".");

                    // Setting the DefaultFormula through the SchemaXML doesn't work,
                    // so let's force it here.
                    field.DefaultFormula = fieldInfo.DefaultFormula;

                // Set the JavaScript custom rendering file URL
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldInfo.JsLink))
                    field.JSLink = fieldInfo.JsLink;


Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the Field XML for a site column definition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldInfo">The field definition for which we want to print out the full XML schema</param>
        /// <returns>The XML schema of the field</returns>
        public XElement SchemaForField(BaseFieldInfo fieldInfo)
            var schema = new XElement(
                new XAttribute("Name", fieldInfo.InternalName),
                new XAttribute("Type", fieldInfo.FieldType),
                new XAttribute("ID", "{" + fieldInfo.Id + "}"),
                new XAttribute("StaticName", fieldInfo.InternalName),
                new XAttribute("DisplayName", this.resourceLocator.GetResourceString(fieldInfo.ResourceFileName, fieldInfo.DisplayNameResourceKey)),
                new XAttribute("Description", this.resourceLocator.GetResourceString(fieldInfo.ResourceFileName, fieldInfo.DescriptionResourceKey)),
                new XAttribute("Group", this.resourceLocator.GetResourceString(fieldInfo.ResourceFileName, fieldInfo.GroupResourceKey)));

            // Check the Required type
            if (fieldInfo.Required == RequiredType.Required)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("Required", "TRUE"));

            if (fieldInfo.Required == RequiredType.NotRequired)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("Required", "FALSE"));

            // Hidden state
            if (fieldInfo.IsHidden)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("Hidden", "TRUE"));

            // Show in Display Form
            if (fieldInfo.IsHiddenInDisplayForm)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("ShowInDisplayForm", "FALSE"));

            // Show in Edit Form
            if (fieldInfo.IsHiddenInEditForm)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("ShowInEditForm", "FALSE"));

            // Show in new Form
            if (fieldInfo.IsHiddenInNewForm)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("ShowInNewForm", "FALSE"));

            // Show in List settings
            if (fieldInfo.IsHiddenInListSettings)
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("ShowInListSettings", "FALSE"));
                schema.Add(new XAttribute("ShowInListSettings", "TRUE"));

            // Extend the basic field scheme (everything listed above here) with the specific field type's extra attributes
            return fieldInfo.Schema(schema);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FieldValueInfo"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fieldInfo">The field information for which the value will be set to.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value to set to the field. The type of the object must be the same as the FieldInfo AssociatedValueType.</param>
 public FieldValueInfo(BaseFieldInfo fieldInfo, object value)
     this.FieldInfo = fieldInfo;
     this.Value = value;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FieldValueInfo"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fieldInfo">The field information for which the value will be set to.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value to set to the field. The type of the object must be the same as the FieldInfo AssociatedValueType.</param>
 public FieldValueInfo(BaseFieldInfo fieldInfo, object value)
     this.FieldInfo = fieldInfo;
     this.Value     = value;