Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static EventReport Parse(double systemFrequency, string[] lines, ref int index)
            EventReport eventReport = new EventReport();
            int         firmwareIndex;

            // Parse the report header
            eventReport.Header = Header.Parse(lines, ref index);

            // Skip to the next nonblank line
            EventFile.SkipBlanks(lines, ref index);

            // Get the index of the line where
            // the firmware information is located
            firmwareIndex = index;

            // Parse the firmware and event number
            eventReport.Firmware    = Firmware.Parse(lines, ref firmwareIndex);
            eventReport.EventNumber = ParseEventNumber(lines, ref index);
            index = Math.Max(firmwareIndex, index);

            // Skip to the next nonblank line
            EventFile.SkipBlanks(lines, ref index);

            // Parse the analog section of the report
            eventReport.AnalogSection = AnalogSection.Parse(eventReport.Header.EventTime, systemFrequency, lines, ref index);

            if (lines.Length < index)
                // skip digitals for now
                while (!lines[index].ToLower().Contains("group settings") && index < lines.Length)
                // Parse Group settings
                eventReport.GroupSetting = Settings.Parse(lines, ref index);
                EventFile.SkipBlanks(lines, ref index);

                // Parse Logic control equations
                EventFile.SkipBlanks(lines, ref index);
                eventReport.ControlEquations = ControlEquation.Parse(lines, ref index);
                EventFile.SkipBlanks(lines, ref index);

                // Parse Global Settings
                eventReport.GlobalSetting = Settings.Parse(lines, ref index);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static AnalogSection ParseAnalogSection(DateTime eventTime, string[] lines, ref int index)
            const string CycleHeader = @"^\[\d+\]$";

            AnalogSection analogSection = new AnalogSection();

            int headerLineIndex;
            int firstDataLineIndex;
            int dataLineIndex;
            int triggerLineIndex;

            string[] headers        = null;
            string[] fields         = null;
            int      analogEndIndex = -1;

            double[] analogs;
            double   analog = 0.0;

            Cycle <DateTime>       currentTimeCycle = null;
            List <Cycle <double> > currentCycles    = null;

            string currentLine;
            int    sampleCount = 0;
            int    eventSample = -1;

            int  firstCycleCount;
            long timePerSample;

            // Scan forward to the first line of data
            firstDataLineIndex = index;

            while (firstDataLineIndex < lines.Length)
                fields = Regex.Split(lines[firstDataLineIndex], @"\s|>|\*").Where(s => s != string.Empty).ToArray();

                if (fields.Length > 0 && double.TryParse(fields[0], out analog))


            if (firstDataLineIndex >= lines.Length)

            // Scan backward to find the header line
            headerLineIndex = firstDataLineIndex - 1;

            while (headerLineIndex >= index)
                headers = lines[headerLineIndex].Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                if (headers.Length == fields.Length)


            if (headerLineIndex < index)

            // Scan forward to either the trigger or the
            // largest current, whichever comes first,
            // and use it to determine the analogEndIndex
            triggerLineIndex = firstDataLineIndex;

            while (firstDataLineIndex < lines.Length)
                currentLine = lines[triggerLineIndex++];

                // If the current line is empty or it matches the cycle header, skip it
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentLine) || Regex.IsMatch(currentLine, CycleHeader))

                // If the length of the current line is not within one character
                // of the length of the first data line, assume we have reached
                // the end of the section and stop scanning lines
                if (Math.Abs(currentLine.Length - lines[firstDataLineIndex].Length) > 1)

                // Check if this is the trigger row
                analogEndIndex = currentLine.IndexOf('>');

                if (analogEndIndex >= 0)

                // Check if this is the largest current row
                analogEndIndex = currentLine.IndexOf('*');

                if (analogEndIndex >= 0)

            // If analogEndIndex is valid, parse the header row again
            if (analogEndIndex >= 0 && analogEndIndex < lines[headerLineIndex].Length)
                headers = lines[headerLineIndex].Remove(analogEndIndex).Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // Generate analog channels from header row
            analogSection.AnalogChannels = headers
                                           .Select(header => new Channel <double>()
                Name = header

            // Scan through the lines of data
            dataLineIndex = firstDataLineIndex;

            while (dataLineIndex < lines.Length)
                currentLine = lines[dataLineIndex++];

                // Empty lines or cycle headers indicate start of next cycle
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentLine) || Regex.IsMatch(currentLine, CycleHeader))
                    // Two empty lines in a row indicates the end of the section
                    if ((object)currentCycles == null)

                    currentCycles = null;

                // If the line does not indicate the start of a cycle,
                // check the length to make sure we are still in the analog section
                if (Math.Abs(currentLine.Length - lines[firstDataLineIndex].Length) > 1)

                // Parse this line as a line of data
                if (analogEndIndex >= 0 && analogEndIndex < currentLine.Length)
                    currentLine = currentLine.Remove(analogEndIndex);

                analogs = currentLine
                          .Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                          .TakeWhile(field => double.TryParse(field, out analog))
                          .Select(field => analog)

                // Remove analog channels whose values cannot be parsed as doubles
                while (analogSection.AnalogChannels.Count > analogs.Length)
                    analogSection.AnalogChannels.RemoveAt(analogSection.AnalogChannels.Count - 1);

                // Ensure the existence of a list of cycles to hold the analog values
                if ((object)currentCycles == null)
                    currentCycles = analogSection.AnalogChannels.Select(channel => new Cycle <double>()).ToList();

                    for (int i = 0; i < currentCycles.Count; i++)

                // Add the analogs to their respective cycles
                for (int i = 0; i < analogs.Length && i < currentCycles.Count; i++)

                // Determine whether this line represents the sample that triggered the event
                if (currentLine.Contains('>') || (eventSample == -1 && currentLine.Contains('*')))
                    eventSample = sampleCount;

                index = dataLineIndex;

            // If we did not find any samples marked with the
            // event time, assume it is the first sample
            if (eventSample < 0)
                eventSample = 0;

            // Determine the time per sample, in ticks
            firstCycleCount = analogSection.AnalogChannels.First().Cycles.First().Samples.Count;
            timePerSample   = TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / (60L * firstCycleCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                if ((i % firstCycleCount) == 0)
                    currentTimeCycle = new Cycle <DateTime>();

                // Null reference not possible since 0 % firstCycleCount is 0
                currentTimeCycle.Samples.Add(eventTime + TimeSpan.FromTicks(timePerSample * (i - eventSample)));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static AnalogSection ParseAnalogSection(DateTime eventTime, string[] lines, ref int index)
            const string CycleHeader = @"^\[\d+\]$";

            AnalogSection analogSection = new AnalogSection();

            int headerLineIndex;
            int firstDataLineIndex;
            int dataLineIndex;
            int triggerLineIndex;

            string[] headers = null;
            string[] fields = null;
            int analogEndIndex = -1;

            double[] analogs;
            double analog = 0.0;

            Cycle<DateTime> currentTimeCycle = null;
            List<Cycle<double>> currentCycles = null;

            string currentLine;
            int sampleCount = 0;
            int eventSample = -1;

            int firstCycleCount;
            long timePerSample;

            // Scan forward to the first line of data
            firstDataLineIndex = index;

            while (firstDataLineIndex < lines.Length)
                fields = Regex.Split(lines[firstDataLineIndex], @"\s|>|\*").Where(s => s != string.Empty).ToArray();

                if (fields.Length > 0 && double.TryParse(fields[0], out analog))


            if (firstDataLineIndex >= lines.Length)
                return analogSection;

            // Scan backward to find the header line
            headerLineIndex = firstDataLineIndex - 1;

            while (headerLineIndex >= index)
                headers = lines[headerLineIndex].Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                if (headers.Length == fields.Length)


            if (headerLineIndex < index)
                return analogSection;
            // Scan forward to either the trigger or the
            // largest current, whichever comes first,
            // and use it to determine the analogEndIndex
            triggerLineIndex = firstDataLineIndex;

            while (firstDataLineIndex < lines.Length)
                currentLine = lines[triggerLineIndex++];

                // If the current line is empty or it matches the cycle header, skip it
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentLine) || Regex.IsMatch(currentLine, CycleHeader))

                // If the length of the current line is not within one character
                // of the length of the first data line, assume we have reached
                // the end of the section and stop scanning lines
                if (Math.Abs(currentLine.Length - lines[firstDataLineIndex].Length) > 1)

                // Check if this is the trigger row
                analogEndIndex = currentLine.IndexOf('>');

                if (analogEndIndex >= 0)

                // Check if this is the largest current row
                analogEndIndex = currentLine.IndexOf('*');

                if (analogEndIndex >= 0)

            // If analogEndIndex is valid, parse the header row again
            if (analogEndIndex >= 0 && analogEndIndex < lines[headerLineIndex].Length)
                headers = lines[headerLineIndex].Remove(analogEndIndex).Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // Generate analog channels from header row
            analogSection.AnalogChannels = headers
                .Select(header => new Channel<double>() { Name = header })

            // Scan through the lines of data
            dataLineIndex = firstDataLineIndex;

            while (dataLineIndex < lines.Length)
                currentLine = lines[dataLineIndex++];

                // Empty lines or cycle headers indicate start of next cycle
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentLine) || Regex.IsMatch(currentLine, CycleHeader))
                    // Two empty lines in a row indicates the end of the section
                    if ((object)currentCycles == null)

                    currentCycles = null;

                // If the line does not indicate the start of a cycle,
                // check the length to make sure we are still in the analog section
                if (Math.Abs(currentLine.Length - lines[firstDataLineIndex].Length) > 1)

                // Parse this line as a line of data
                if (analogEndIndex >= 0 && analogEndIndex < currentLine.Length)
                    currentLine = currentLine.Remove(analogEndIndex);

                analogs = currentLine
                    .Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                    .TakeWhile(field => double.TryParse(field, out analog))
                    .Select(field => analog)

                // Remove analog channels whose values cannot be parsed as doubles
                while (analogSection.AnalogChannels.Count > analogs.Length)
                    analogSection.AnalogChannels.RemoveAt(analogSection.AnalogChannels.Count - 1);

                // Ensure the existence of a list of cycles to hold the analog values
                if ((object)currentCycles == null)
                    currentCycles = analogSection.AnalogChannels.Select(channel => new Cycle<double>()).ToList();

                    for (int i = 0; i < currentCycles.Count; i++)

                // Add the analogs to their respective cycles
                for (int i = 0; i < analogs.Length && i < currentCycles.Count; i++)

                // Determine whether this line represents the sample that triggered the event
                if (currentLine.Contains('>') || (eventSample == -1 && currentLine.Contains('*')))
                    eventSample = sampleCount;

                index = dataLineIndex;

            // If we did not find any samples marked with the
            // event time, assume it is the first sample
            if (eventSample < 0)
                eventSample = 0;

            // Determine the time per sample, in ticks
            firstCycleCount = analogSection.AnalogChannels.First().Cycles.First().Samples.Count;
            timePerSample = TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / (60L * firstCycleCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                if ((i % firstCycleCount) == 0)
                    currentTimeCycle = new Cycle<DateTime>();

                // Null reference not possible since 0 % firstCycleCount is 0
                currentTimeCycle.Samples.Add(eventTime + TimeSpan.FromTicks(timePerSample * (i - eventSample)));

            return analogSection;