public static void ReverseGeocodeAddress(Dispatcher uiDispatcher, CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider, Location location, Action<GeocodeResult> completed = null, Action<GeocodeError> error = null)
            completed = completed ?? (r => { });
            error = error ?? (e => { });

            // Get credentials and only then place an async call on the geocode service.
            credentialsProvider.GetCredentials(credentials =>
                var request = new ReverseGeocodeRequest()
                    // Pass in credentials for web services call.
                    Credentials = credentials,

                    Culture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name,
                    Location = location,

                    // Don't raise exceptions.
                    ExecutionOptions = new UsingBingMaps.Bing.Geocode.ExecutionOptions
                        SuppressFaults = true


                EventHandler<ReverseGeocodeCompletedEventArgs> reverseGeocodeCompleted = (s, e) =>
                        if (e.Result.ResponseSummary.StatusCode != UsingBingMaps.Bing.Geocode.ResponseStatusCode.Success ||
                            e.Result.Results.Count == 0)
                            // Report geocode error.
                            uiDispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => error(new GeocodeError(e)));
                            // Only report on first result.
                            var firstResult = e.Result.Results.First();
                            uiDispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => completed(firstResult));
                            Debug.WriteLine("street=" + firstResult.Address.AddressLine.ToString());
                            Debug.WriteLine("admin district=" + firstResult.Address.AdminDistrict.ToString());
                            Debug.WriteLine("country region=" + firstResult.Address.CountryRegion.ToString());
                            Debug.WriteLine("district=" + firstResult.Address.District.ToString());
                            Debug.WriteLine("formatted addres=" + firstResult.Address.FormattedAddress.ToString());
                            Debug.WriteLine("locality=" + firstResult.Address.Locality.ToString());
                            Debug.WriteLine("postal code=" + firstResult.Address.PostalCode.ToString());
                            Debug.WriteLine("postal town=" + firstResult.Address.PostalTown.ToString());
                            CurrentAddress = firstResult.Address.FormattedAddress.ToString();
                            CurrentAddress_AdminDistrict = firstResult.Address.AdminDistrict.ToString();
                            CurrentAddress_CountryRegion = firstResult.Address.CountryRegion.ToString();
                            CurrentAddress_Locality = firstResult.Address.Locality.ToString();
                            CurrentAddress_PostalCode = firstResult.Address.PostalCode.ToString();
                            CurrentAddress_AddressLine = firstResult.Address.AddressLine.ToString();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        uiDispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => error(new GeocodeError(ex.Message, ex)));

                var geocodeClient = new GeocodeServiceClient();
                geocodeClient.ReverseGeocodeCompleted += reverseGeocodeCompleted;
        private void CalculateRouteByLocation(Location from, Location to)
                var routeCalculator = new RouteCalculator(
                    to, from,
                    result =>
                        // Clear the route collection to have only one route at a time.

                        // Clear previous route related itineraries.
                        Settings.Itinerary= new ObservableCollection<ItineraryItem>();

                        // Create a new route based on route calculator result,
                        // and add the new route to the route collection.
                        var routeModel = new RouteModel(result.Result.RoutePath.Points);

                        // Add new route itineraries to the itineraries collection.
                        foreach (var itineraryItem in result.Result.Legs[0].Itinerary)

                        // Set the map to center on the new route.
                        var viewRect = LocationRect.CreateLocationRect(routeModel.Locations);

                // Display an error message in case of fault.
                routeCalculator.Error += r => MessageBox.Show(r.Reason);

                // Start the route calculation asynchronously.
        private void findMyCar()
                bool exist = false;
                Location g_from = new Location();
                g_from.Latitude = MyLocation.Y;
                g_from.Longitude = MyLocation.X;
                Location g_to = new Location();

                for (int i = 0; i < Table.Count(); i++)
                    if (Table[i].Type == "Car Locator")
                        g_to.Longitude = Table[i].longitude;
                        g_to.Latitude = Table[i].latitude;
                        exist = true;
                if (exist == true)
                    show_route = true;
                    CalculateRouteByLocation(g_from, g_to);
                    MessageBox.Show("Please set the location of your car.");