/// <summary> /// Create a new integer, importing it from an array of input values and setting the sign. /// The most significant byte is given first. /// This option is here for saving and loading the integer. /// The sign is specified seperately because GMP uses magnitude/sign format. /// </summary> public GmpInteger(byte[] initialValue, bool isNegative = false) { if (initialValue == null) throw new ArgumentException("initialValue"); Interop.mpz_import(ref _Storage, initialValue.Length, 1, 1, 0, 0, initialValue); if (isNegative) { mpz_t negStorage = new mpz_t(); Interop.mpz_neg(ref negStorage, ref _Storage); Interop.mpz_clear(ref _Storage); _Storage = negStorage; } DisposeContext.AddDisposeObject(this); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new integer, importing it from an array of input values and setting the sign. /// The most significant byte is given first. /// This option is here for saving and loading the integer. /// The sign is specified seperately because GMP uses magnitude/sign format. /// </summary> public GmpInteger(byte[] initialValue, bool isNegative = false) { if (initialValue == null) { throw new ArgumentException("initialValue"); } Interop.mpz_import(ref _Storage, initialValue.Length, 1, 1, 0, 0, initialValue); if (isNegative) { mpz_t negStorage = new mpz_t(); Interop.mpz_neg(ref negStorage, ref _Storage); Interop.mpz_clear(ref _Storage); _Storage = negStorage; } DisposeContext.AddDisposeObject(this); }
public static extern int mpz_sizeinbase(ref mpz_t op, int base_);
public static extern void mpz_mod(ref mpz_t rop, ref mpz_t op1, ref mpz_t op2);
public static extern void mpz_sub(ref mpz_t w, ref mpz_t u, ref mpz_t v);
public static extern void mpz_neg(ref mpz_t negV, ref mpz_t v);
public static extern bool mpz_init(ref mpz_t x);
public static extern bool mpz_clear(ref mpz_t x);
public static extern IntPtr mpz_export(byte[] rop, ref int countp, int order, int size, int endian, int nails, ref mpz_t op);
public static extern IntPtr mpz_get_str([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] StringBuilder str, int base_, ref mpz_t op);
public static extern int mpz_cmp(ref mpz_t op1, ref mpz_t op2);
public static extern void mpz_add(ref mpz_t w, ref mpz_t u, ref mpz_t v);
public static extern void mpz_abs(ref mpz_t absV, ref mpz_t v);
public static extern void mpz_tdiv_q(ref mpz_t q, ref mpz_t n, ref mpz_t d);
public static extern void mpz_import(ref mpz_t rop, int count, int order, int size, int endian, int nails, byte[] op);
public static extern int mpz_set_str(ref mpz_t rop, string str, int base_);
public static extern void mpz_mul(ref mpz_t rop, ref mpz_t op1, ref mpz_t op2);
public static extern void mpz_mul_2exp(ref mpz_t rop, ref mpz_t op1, uint op2);